
iTunes U

iTunes U是一種免費的網絡公開課,諸多學校如:哈佛、MIT、牛津等都把自己的課堂的音頻、視頻、文檔,放在網上,可以通過itunes這款軟件來下載。
iTunes U
別    名
iTunes U網絡公開課
l    想
資    費
公共課 專業課等

iTunes U精華課程

l 第二部分:專業課人文社科、工科、理科、醫學)
l 第三部分:就業指導
l 第四部分:應試備考(四六級、BEC託福雅思、GRE)
Educational, Career and Personal Development (大學新生教育、職業及個人發展) 『New』
Single Variable Calculus (單變量微積分)【字幕】
Multivariable Calculus (多變量微積分)【字幕】
Highlights of Calculus (微積分重點) 【字幕】
Linear Algebra (線性代數
Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? (公正:怎樣做才對呢?)【字幕】
Positive Psychology (幸福課)【字幕】
Social Psychology: Self and Society (社會心理學:個人與社會)【字幕】
Inner Core (人性)【字幕】
Death (死亡) 【字幕】
Philosophy of Love in the Western World (西方世界的愛情哲學) 【字幕】
Listening to Music (聆聽音樂) 【字幕】
Roman Architecture (羅馬建築) 【字幕】
Powers of Governments (政府的權利)
Introduction to American Politics (美國政治簡介)
European Civilization, 1648-1945 (歐洲文明)【字幕】
Introduction to Ancient Greek History (古希臘歷史介紹)【字幕】
Game Theory (博弈論) 【字幕】
Profiles in Leadership (領導力內涵) 【字幕】
Business Plan and Idea Evaluation(商業計劃及評估)
Funding a Start-up (初創企業的融資)
Powerpoint 2007 (微軟Powerpoint2007入門教程)
Excel 2007 (微軟Excel入門教程)
Access 2007 (微軟Access2007入門教程)
Basic Composition (初級寫作)
Writing Capstone (寫作課程)
Written Business Communication (商業寫作溝通)
Leadership (領導力)
Profiles in Leadership (領導力內涵)【字幕】
Leadership in a Technology World (科技領導力)【字幕】
Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs (商業領袖和企業家)【字幕】
Innovation (創新)
Strategy (戰略)
The Marketing Mix (營銷組合)
Strategic Marketing Management(市場策略
Organizational Behavior (組織行為
Legal and Ethical Issues (公司治理的法律和道德問題)
Human Resource Management (人力資源管理
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (企業資源計劃
Emerging Topics in Operations and Technology (運營及高科技的最新動向)
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods (6西格瑪入門)
Supply Chain Management (供應鏈管理
Industry Trends and Opportunities (行業趨勢及創業機會
Entrepreneurial Thought Leader Highlights (訪談亮點-硅谷思想領導者)
Principles of Marketing(營銷原理)『New』
Enterprise and e-Business Integration(企業及電子商務集成)『New』
New Venture Management(創業及創業公司管理)『New』
Introduction to Business(商業入門)『New』
Financial Markets (金融市場)【字幕】
Value Investing (價值投資)
Corporate Finance(公司金融財務)
Wharton Foresee(沃頓對未來金融發展的預測)【字幕】
Finance - Concepts and Applications (金融學基本概念及應用)
Banking and Money (銀行及貨幣)
Mathematics of Finance (金融數學
Real Estate Finance I (房地產金融 I)
Real Estate Finance II(房地產金融 II)
Dubai Debt Crisis(迪拜債務危機
Micro-Economic Analysis (微觀經濟分析
Macroeconomic Analysis (宏觀經濟分析)
Game Theory (博弈論)【字幕】
Understanding the financial crisis and what it means to you (金融經濟危機及對個體的影響)【字幕】
Taxation of Trans-Pacific Transactions(跨太平洋交易的税務)『New』
Financial Accounting (財務會計)
Cost Accounting(成本會計)『New』
Managerial Accounting(管理會計)『New』
Financial Theory(金融理論)【字幕】『New』
Financial Management(財務管理)『New』
The Poetry of John Milton (彌爾頓詩歌) 【字幕】
Introduction to Theory of Literature (文學理論導論)【字幕】
Dante in Translation (解讀但丁) 【字幕】
Modern Poetry (現代詩歌) 【字幕】
The American Novel Since 1945 (1945年以後的美國小説)【字幕】
Knights and Maidens (騎士與少女)
Survey of American Literature (美國文學
Cervantes' Don Quixote (塞萬提斯堂吉訶德) 『New』
The American Languages (美國語言學)
Christian Counseling for Children (基督徒對孩子教育的觀點)
Curriculum Development (Elem./Sec.) (中小學課程開發
Principles of Education (教育原理)
Principles of Human Development (人的成長軌跡)
TESOL and Applied Linguistics (對外英語教學應用語言學
Use and Abuse of International Data and Assessments (國際評估數據的使用和濫用)
Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences I (教育及社會科學的定量/定性分析 I)
Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences II (教育及社會科學的定量/定性分析 II)
Education Technology (高科技在教育中的應用)
Educational Psychology (教育心理學
Social Psychology: Self and Society (社會心理學:個人與社會)
Social Problems (社會問題)
Introduction to Psychology (心理學導論)【字幕】
General Psychology (普通心理學
Social Cognition (社會認知心理學
Social Psychology (社交心理學
Educational Psychology (教育心理學)
Communication and Conflict in Couples and Families (家庭與夫婦心理學)【字幕】
Positive Psychology (幸福課)【字幕】
Neuroscience Lab (行為精神學試驗)
The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food (食品的心理學、生物學及政治學)【字幕】
Human Sexuality (人類性行為
Research and Data Analysis in Psychology(心理學的研究及數據分析
Introduction to Sociology(社會學入門)『New』
Foundations of Modern Social Theory (近代社會理論基礎)【字幕】『New』
Christian Ethics(基督徒的道德觀)『New』
Getting Connected: Social Science in the Age of Networks (網絡時代的社會學)『New』
Sociology of Christianity(基督教的社會學)『New』
Roman Architecture (羅馬建築) 【字幕】
Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts(斯坦福創意與藝術協會講座)
City Visions: Past and Future(城市面貌——過去和未來)【字幕】
Landscape Architecture – Design as Activism (園林建築)
Interior Design Experiences Virtual Tour - Lakeshore (虛擬遊覽與室內設計)
Introduction to Visual Thinking (視覺思維導論)
Masterpieces of Western Arts (西方藝術傑作)
Introduction to Drawing (繪畫入門)
Art History: Ancient to Medieval Art (藝術史:古代到中世紀藝術
Sensing place: Photography as Inquiry (用攝影來探索)
Introduction to Art History (藝術史入門)
Design Lecture Series (藝術產品設計系列課程)
European Civilization, 1648-1945 (歐洲文明)【字幕】
France Since 1871 (1871年後的法國) 【字幕】
Introduction to Ancient Greek History (古希臘歷史介紹) 【字幕】
The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877 (美國內戰與重建,1845-1877)【字幕】
Nonviolence: From Gandhi to Martin Luther King (非暴力運動:從甘地到馬丁路德金)
European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present (文藝復興至今的歐洲文明)
Jerusalem: The Holy City (耶路撒冷:聖城)
Modern Civilization from 1750 - Present (1750年後的現代文明)
Vietnam Now (越戰資料)
African-American History (美國黑人歷史)
Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts(英國近代史)【字幕】『New』
The American Revolution (美國獨立戰爭) 『New』
History of the World to 1500 CE(史前至15世紀的世界史)『New』
The History and Practice of Human Rights(人權的歷史及實踐)『New』
Introduction to Religion (宗教綜述)
Introduction to Bible (聖經簡介)
Bible Study Methods (聖經的學習方法
Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) (舊約(希伯來聖經)介紹)
New Testament History and Literature (新約歷史與文學導論)
History of Doctrine (聖經教義歷史)
Introduction to Christian Thought (基督教思想介紹)
Introduction to Church Ministry (教會事工介紹)
Christian Counseling for Women (基督教的婦女心理諮詢)
Theology I(神學 I)『New』
Jews and Christians throughout History(猶太教與基督教)『New』
Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? (公正:怎樣做才對呢?)【字幕】
Inner Core (人性) 【字幕】
Death (死亡) 【字幕】
Philosophy of Love in the Western World (西方世界的愛情哲學) 【字幕】
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (古代及中世紀哲學
Environmental Philosophy (環境哲學)
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love (古代智慧與現代愛情)
Contemporary World View (現代世界觀)
The Nature of Mind (思維的本質)『New』
Current Issues in International and Area Studies (國際和地區問題研究)
International forum with May Cheng (國際座談會)【字幕】
Politics, Strategy, and Game Theory (政治、策略及博弈論)
African American Studies (非洲裔美國人研究)
Introduction to Political Philosophy (政治哲學導論)【字幕】
Faith and Globalization 2010 (信仰與全球化 2010)
Presidential Politics in the Election (總統選舉的政治學)
Geography of United States Elections (美國選舉的地理學)
Political Theory Project (政治學理論項目)
American Democracy and Citizenship (美國民主及公民權益)
A Tale of Three Superpowers (三個超級大國的故事)
Contemporary Intergovernmental Relations (美國政府結構及功能)
American Politics and the Mass Media (美國的政治與大眾傳媒)
Public Policy Analysis (公共政策分析)
Introduction to American Politics(美國政治簡介)『New』
The Moral Foundations of Politics(政治的道德基礎)『New』
New Directions in Humanities Research(人權研究的新方向)【字幕】
Seminar on domestic and international issues (國內外的法律熱點問題探討)
International Environmental Law (國際環境法
Introduction to Copyright Law (版權法簡介)
Renewable Energy & Alternative Fuels (可再生能源替代燃料
Climate Change: Law and Policy (氣候變化:法律與政策)
Sport Law (體育相關的法規)
Patent Law (專利法
Property Law (財產法)
Environmental Politics and Law(環境政治與法律)『New』
Foundations of American Cyber-Cultures (美國互聯網文化)
Journalistic Ethics: Communications Studies (傳媒職業道德)
Media, Education and the Marketplace (傳媒、教育及市場) 【字幕】
Communication Theory and Research (溝通理論及研究)
Technical Writing (文檔寫作)
Professional and Technical Editing (專業及技術編輯
Documentary Study (紀實性研究)
Journalism on the Go (新時期的新聞學
Introduction to Communication (溝通學導論)
Religion, Culture and Media(宗教、文化及媒體)『New』
Advanced Studies in Gender Communication(性別溝通)『New』
Intensive Introduction to Computer Science Using C, PHP, and JavaScript (計算機科學導論)【字幕】
Understanding Computers and the Internet 2006(計算機及互聯網 2006)
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (計算機程序的結構與説明)
Operating Systems and System Programming (操作系統及系統編程
Data structure (數據結構
Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (計算機編程入門)
Programming Methodology (計算機編程方法) 【字幕】
Programming Paradigms (編程範式)【字幕】
Programming Abstractions (程序設計的抽象思維
Developing Mobile Apps with Web Technologies (使用網絡技術研發移動應用
Machine Learning (機器學習) 【字幕】
Natural Language Processing (自然語言處理
Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Spring 2010) (人機互動研習,2010 春季)
Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Winter 2010) (人機互動研習,2010 冬季)【字幕】
Developing Apps for IOS (Fall 2010) (基於蘋果iOS的應用研發,2010秋季)
iPhone Application Programming (iPhone 應用編程)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (計算機及編程入門)【字幕】
Introduction to Algorithms (算法導論)【字幕】
Multicore Programming Primer (多核編程
Computer Graphics (計算機圖像) 『New』
Image Processing and Analysis (圖像處理及分析) 『New』
Advanced Visualization (數據可視化高級課程
Introduction to Geometric Modeling (幾何建模導論)
Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)『New』
Information and Entropy(信息及熵)『New』
Foundations of Computer and Information Security (計算機及信息安全入門)
Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits (微電子電路導論)
Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits (高級模擬電路
Structure and Interpretation of Systems and Signals (信號系統的結構與説明)
Introduction to MEMS Design (微機電系統設計
Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuits (數字集成電路導論)
Analysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits (VLSI電路分析與設計)
Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits (高級數字集成電路)
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (微電子電路與儀器)
Digital Image Processing (數字圖像處理
Machine Structures (機器結構)
Introduction to Optical Engineering (光學工程導論)
Introduction to Robotics (人工智能:機器人導論)
The Fourier Transform and its Applications (傅立葉變換與應用)
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems (線性動態系統導論)
Convex Optimization I (凸優化 I)
Convex Optimization II (凸優化 II)
Computer System Engineering (計算機系統工程
Principles of Digital Communication I(數字通信原理 I)
Principles of Digital Communication II (數字通訊原理 II)
Circuits and Electronics (電路與電子學)
Electromagnetics and Applications (電磁學及應用)
Linear Systems and Fourier Optics(線性系統傅里葉光學)『New』
Principles of Semiconductor Devices(半導體儀器設備原理)『New』
Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics(納米電子學基礎)『New』
Nanoelectronic Modeling(納米電子模擬)『New』
Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials (材料的原子計算機建模
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (生物工程材料特性分析
Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science(同步輻射在材料科學的應用)
Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials (材料的對稱性、結構及拉伸性能)
Introduction to Solid State Chemistry (固態化學導論)
Failure Analysis (失效分析)
Fundamentals of Materials Engineering and Science (材料科學基礎)
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (材料的機械性能
Fracture of Materials (材料的斷裂)
Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals(金屬塑性變形的原子圖像)『New』
Supramolecular and Nanostructured Materials(超分子化學及納米結構材料)『New』
Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy(原子力顯微鏡基礎)『New』
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (生物工程材料的特性分析)
Introduction to MEMS Design (微機電系統設計)
NanoManufacturing (納米加工
Fracture of Materials (材料的斷裂)
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (材料的機械性能)
Vibration Problems in Engineering (工程振動學)
Theory and Design of Fluid Power Machinery (液動/氣動設備的理論與設計)
Advanced Dynamics (高等動力學)
Failure Analysis (失效分析)
Fundamentals of Materials Engineering and Science (材料科學基礎)
Fluid Mechanics (流體力學)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (計算流體力學
Introduction to Product Development (產品研發入門) 『New』
Finite Element Procedures for Solids and Structures (線性系統有限元分析)『New』
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials (生物工程材料的特性分析)
Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law (基因工程 - 醫學、農業及法律)
Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering (生物醫學工程前沿探索)【字幕】
Introduction to Bioengineering (生物工程導論)
Tissues and Organ Systems Physiology (細胞和器官生理學
Polymers in Medicine (高分子材料的醫學應用)
Engineering Nanomedical Systems(工程納米醫學系統)『New』
An Introduction to BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology(生物微機電系統及納米生物技術介紹)『New』
Energy and the Environment (能源及環境)【字幕】
Sustainable Living: Environment (可持續生存環境)
Architectural Structures(建築結構
Introduction to Environmental Engineering (環境工程導論)
Introduction to Chemical Engineering (化學工程導論)
Polymers in Medicine (高分子材料的醫學應用)
Polymer Rheology (聚合物流變學
Chemical Engineering Process Dynamics and Control(化工過程控制)『New』
Introduction to Engineering (工程專業、就業介紹)
Engineering Economics and Financial Analysis (工程經濟學財務分析
Control of Manufacturing Processes (加工製造過程控制)
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods(6西格瑪入門)
Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV. (航天工程基礎)
Aircraft Systems Engineering (航天系統工程
Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science (同步輻射在材料科學的應用)
Nuclear Engineering (核工程)
Nuclear Reactor Safety(核反應堆安全)『New』
Single Variable Calculus (單變量微積分)【字幕】
Multivariable Calculus (多變量微積分)【字幕】
Highlights of Calculus (微積分重點) 【字幕】
Differential Equations (微分方程) 【字幕】
Linear Algebra (線性代數)
Computational Science and Engineering I (理工科高等數學 I)
Mathematical Methods for Engineers II (工程數值方法 II)
Differential & Integral Calculus (單變量微積分)
Multivariable Calculus (多變量微積分)
Mathematics of Finance (金融數學)
The Calculus Lifesaver (微積分)
Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data (數據統計分析)【字幕】
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (概率與統計導論)
Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business (概率與商務統計入門)
Math and Probability for Life Sciences (生命科學領域的數學與概率統計)
Basic Probability(概率論基礎)『New』
Introduction of Matlab (Matlab入門)
Fundamentals of Physics (基礎物理)【字幕】
Descriptive Introduction to Physics (物理概念及應用導論)
Physics for Future Presidents (物理學與當今世界社會難題)
Modern Physics: Classical Mechanics (近代物理:經典力學
Modern Physics: Special Relativity (近代物理:狹義相對論
Modern Physics: Cosmology (近代物理:宇宙論
Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics (近代物理:統計力學
Modern Physics: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (近代物理:愛因斯坦的廣義相對論
Quantum Entanglements, Part 1 (量子糾纏, 第一部分)
Quantum Entanglements, Part 2 (量子糾纏, 第二部分)
New Revolutions in Particle Physics: The Basic Concepts (粒子物理學的革命性發現:基本概念)
New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model (粒子物理學的革命性發現:標準模型
Foundations of Modern Physics (近代物理:量子力學
Vibrations and Waves (震動與波)【字幕】
The Sounds of Music (音樂的各種聲音)
Electricity and Magnetism (電磁學)
Physics I: Classical Mechanics (經典力學)【字幕】
Organic Chemistry (有機化學)【字幕】
General Chemistry (普通化學)
Principles of Chemical Science (基礎化學)
Chemical Structure and Reactivity (化學結構與反應)
Thermodynamics & Kinetics (熱力學分子運動論)【字幕】
Small-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics (小分子光譜學及動力學)
Chemistry Laboratory Techniques (化學實驗技能)
Physical Chemistry I (物理化學 I)
Physical Chemistry II (物理化學 II)
General Biochemistry (普通生物化學
Principles of Chemistry for Engineers (工程類化學原理)
Supramolecular and Nanostructured Materials(超分子化學及納米結構材料)『New』
Evolution, Ecology and Behavior (進化,生態和行為原理) 【字幕】
Global Problems in Population Growth (全球人口增長問題)【字幕】
Life: Concepts and Issues (生命:概念與主要議題)
Introductory Biology (生物學導論)
General Biology 1A (普通生物學1A)
General Biology 1B (通用生物學1B)
General Biology: Molecular & Cell Biology
Human Behavioral Biology (人類行為生物學)【字幕】
Introduction to Biophotonics (生物光電導論)
Introduction to Biology(生物學導論)【字幕】『New』
Astrobiology and Space Exploration (天體生物學及宇宙探測)
Introduction to Astrophysics (天體物理學導論)【字幕】
Modern Physics: Cosmology (近代物理:宇宙論)
Astronomy (天文學)
Introductory Astronomy (天文學導論)
Comprehensive Cancer Research Training Program I (癌症綜合研究I)【字幕】
Comprehensive Cancer Research Training Program II (癌症綜合研究II) 【字幕】
Cancer: The Basics (癌症介紹)
Breast Cancer (乳腺癌
Lung Canaer (肺癌
Introduction to Clinical Oncology (臨牀腫瘤學導論)
Human Pathophysiology: Organ System (人體病理生理學:器官系統)
Advanced Clinical Pathophysiology (臨牀病理生理)
Interventional Radiology (介入放射學
General Human Anatomy (人體解剖學
Basic Human Embryology (人類胚胎學導論)
Clinical Anatomy (臨牀解剖學)
Gross Anatomy (大體解剖學
Anatomy & Physiology (解剖生理學)
Pharmacology for Future Nurses (未來的護理藥理學)
Comparative Nutrition (比較營養學
Pediatrics: Nutrition (兒科學:兒童營養)
Basic Nursing Theory (基礎護理理論)
Physical Therapy (物理治療法
Vital Signs (脈搏、呼吸、體温、血壓等數據)
Medical patient communications (患者溝通)
Drug Calculations (用藥計算)
Respiratory - Oxygen Delivery (呼吸氧氣輸送)
Sports Medicine: Orthopaedics (運動醫學:骨科)
Ethics and Public Health in an Age of Catastrophe (災難時期的倫理及公共健康)
The Future of Human Health TED-Style (關於人類健康未來的7個前沿研究) 【字幕】
Health Library_Part A(健康圖書館_A部分)【字幕】
Health Library_Part B(健康圖書館_B部分)【字幕】
Applied Epidemiology Using R (R在流行病學中的應用)
Public Health Preparedness & Emergency Response (公共衞生的準備及緊急相應措施)
Mini Med School: Dynamics of Human Health (人類健康的新動向)
Discovery Lecture Series (未來發現系列講座)
Bio Science in the 21 century (21世紀的生命科學)
Subjects in Neurosurgery (神經外科講座系列)
09 Psychiatry in the Mountains (2009年精神病學研討會)
Asthma Conference, 2010 (2010年哮喘病研討會)
CET-4 Listening Course (大學四級聽力教程)
CET-4 Reading Online Course (四級在線閲讀教程)
CET-4&6 Writing (四六級寫作)
CET-4 Comprehensive Course (四級綜合教程)
CET-4 Test Analysis (四級考試真題分析)
CET-4 Training Course(大學英語四級培訓教程)
CET-6 Listening Course (大學六級聽力教程)
CET-6 Reading Comprehension I (大學六級閲讀理解1)
CET-6 Reading Comprehension II (大學六級閲讀理解2)
CET-6 新題型講解之閲讀(Part 1)
CET-6 新題型講解之閲讀(Part 2)
CET-6 長難句精講
CET-6 Writing Course (大學六級寫作教程)
CET-6 新題型講解之寫作(Part 1)
CET-6 新題型講解之寫作(Part 2)
CET-6 Comprehensive Explanations (大學六級綜合講解)
CET-6 往年考題精講
CET-6 Simulation (大學六級模擬)
CET-6 Training Course(大學英語六級培訓教程)
BEC中級考試 (Part A)
BEC中級考試 (Part B)
BEC高級課程 (Part A)
BEC高級課程 (Part B)
Advanced Interpretation Course (高級口譯教程)
#TOEFL iBT新託福#
TOEFL iBT 101 (新託福介紹)
TOEFL iBT Speaking (新託福口語
TOEFL iBT Listening (新託福聽力
TOEFL iBT Writing (新託福寫作)
#IELTS 雅思#
IELTS 101 (雅思介紹)
IELTS Comprehensive Instruction (雅思綜合指導)
IELTS Vocabulary 雅思單詞記憶
IELTS Speaking Live Test (雅思口語模擬考試)
IELTS Writing Skills (雅思寫作技巧
IELTS Reading Skills (雅思閲讀技巧)
IELTS Listening Skills (雅思聽力技巧)
IELTS Speaking Skills (雅思口語技巧)

iTunes U版本新功能

iTunes U 1.3 增加了對 iOS 6 的支持。此版本還提供:
· 新的單日視圖可讓您看到特定日期到期的所有帖子和作業。
· 解決了會導致可用的隱藏式字幕無法顯示的問題。