


李偉,男,博士,南京大學地球科學與工程學院教授,南京大學表生地球化學教育部重點實驗室副主任,南京大學地球關鍵帶國際研究中心副主任。入選中組部“青年千人”計劃,並獲得國家優秀青年基金(2017);主要從事分子環境地球化學、納米礦物學、土壤修復技術方面的研究工作,在國際重要期刊Nature Communication、Eenvironmental Science & Technology、Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta等期刊學術論文56篇, 論文被引1200次(H指數22)。擔任國際SCI源刊Geochemical Transaction (IF=2.67)的編委和客座編輯。此外擔任美國NSF和瑞士SNSF國際評審人、多個國際SCI雜誌(Nature Energy、PNAS、GCA、EST等)的審稿專家。
李偉 [1] 



2016/04至今 南京大學,地球科學與工程學院,教授
2014/06-2016/03 南京大學,地球科學與工程學院,研究員
2010/11-2014/06 美國特拉華大學,特拉華環境研究所,博士後 [1] 


2006/09-2010/10 美國紐約州立大學石溪分校,地球科學系,博士
2003/09-2006/07 中國科學院,生態環境研究中心(北京),碩士
1999/09-2003/07 武漢大學,環境科學系,學士 [1] 


研究礦物-水溶液界面發生吸附、溶解、沉澱等反應,側重於應用先進的同步輻射技術(EXAFS)、核磁共振技術(NMR)和金屬穩定同位素(Stable Metal Isotope)等先進地球化學分析技術研究元素在礦物表面的配位結構、分子構型等微觀地球化學機制,闡明典型元素在礦水界面的微觀作用機理,為理解關鍵地質過程提供理論支撐。
(2) 磷元素在分子尺度的原位賦存狀態的及其在生物地球化學循環
側重研究低成本非金屬礦物(磷酸鈣、凹凸棒石、沸石等)修復鉛鋅礦物污染土壤污染的環境過程、作用機理、和技術路風險評價,從而建立一套完整的污染場地的固化修復技術及修復工藝流程。 [1] 


1、國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目, 表界面地球化學,主持
4、國家自然科學基金面上項目,重金屬鋅離子在礦物表面的分配機制及其與同位素分餾的耦合效應,主持 [1] 


56. Yunbin Jiang, Chao Ren, Hongyan Guo, Mingxing Guo, Wei Li*, 2019. Speciation transformation of phosphorus in poultry litter during pyrolysis: Insights from XRD, FTIR, and solid-state NMR Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology (In press, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03261)55. Hongbin Yin, Pan Yang, Ming Kong, Wei Li, 2019. Use of lanthanum/aluminum co-modified granulated attapulgite clay as a novel phosphorus (P) sorbent to immobilize P and stabilize surface sediment in shallow eutrophic lakes. Chemical Engineering Journal(In press)
54. Chao Ren, Zhiwu Yu, Brian L. Phillips, Hongtao Wang, Junfeng Ji, Bingcai Pan, Wei Li*, 2019. Molecular-scale investigation of fluoride sorption mechanism by nano-sized hydroxyapatite using 19F solid state NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Colloid Interface Science 557, 357-366.
53. Yunbin Jiang, Kediok Kwon, Shaofeng Wang, Chao Ren, Wei Li*, 2019. Molecular speciation of phosphorus phosphogypsum waste by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Science of Total Environment 695, 133958.
52. Wei Li, Wenxian Gou, Weiqiang Li, Tuoya Zhang, Ben Yu, Qian Liu, Jianbo Shi*, 2019. Environmental applications of metal stable isotopes: Silver, mercury and zinc. Environmental Pollution 252, 1344-1356. (Review article)
51. Yanyang Zhang, Yue Qian, Wei Li, Xiang Gao, Bingcai Pan, 2019. Fluoride uptake by three lanthanum based nanomaterials: Behavior and mechanism dependent upon lanthanum species. Science of Total Environment 683, 609-616.
50. Qian Sun, Cun Liu, Wei Li, Dongmei Zhou, Yujun Wang, 2019. Formation of Cd precipitates on gamma-Al2O3: Implications for Cd sequestration in the environment. Environmental International 126, 234-241.
49. Hongchao Li, Chao Shan, Wei Li, Bingcai Pan, 2018. Peroxymonosulfate activation by iron(III)-tetraamidomacrocyclic ligand for degradation of organic pollutants via high-valent iron-oxo complex. Water Research 147, 233-241.
48. Wenxian Gou, Wei Li*, Junfeng Ji, Weiqiang Li*, 2018. Zn isotope fractionation during sorption on Al oxide: Atomic level undertanding from EXAFS. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 9087-9096.
47. Sunendra R. Joshi, Wei Li, Mark Bowden and Deb P. Jaisi*, 2018. Sources and pathways of formation of recalcitrant
and residual phosphorus in an agricultural soil. Soil Systems 2018, 2, 45.
46. Wei Li, Xionghan Feng, Weiping Song, Mingxing Guo*, 2018. Transformation of phosphorus in speciation and bioavailibity during converting poultry litter to biochar. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2: 20.
45. Hongbin Yin*, Chao Ren, Wei Li*, 2018. Introduing hydrate aluminum into porous thermally-treated calcium-rich attapulgite to enhance its phosphorus sorption capacity for sediment internal loading management. Chemical Engineering Journal 348,704-712.
44. Dongxing Guan, Chao Ren, Jingzhao Wang, Zhongqiang Zhu, Yinian Zhu, Wei Li*, 2018. Characterization of lead uptake by nano-sized hydroxyapatite: A molecular scale perspective. ACS Earth Space Chemistry2, 599-607.
43. Xiaomin Dou, Gui-Chang Wang, Mengqiang Zhu, Fudong Liu, Wei Li, Mohan Dinesh, Charles U. Pittman Jr., 2018. Identification of Fe and Zr oxide phases in an iron-zirconium binary oxide and arsenate complexes adsorbed onto their surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Material353, 340-347.
42. Wenxian Gou, Matthew Siebecker, Zimeng Wang, Wei Li*, 2018. Competitive Sorption of Ni and Zn at the Aluminum Oxide/Water Interface: An XAFS Study. Geochemical Transactions 19: 9.
41.Lianwen Liu, Wei Li, Weihua Song, Mingxing Guo, 2018. Remediation techniques for heavy metal-contaminated soils: Principles and application. Science of Total Environment633, 206-219. (Review, Highly cited paper)
40.Yun Wu, Ravi Kukkadapu, Kenneth Live, Wenqian Xu, Wei Li*, Donald Sparks, 2018. Iron and Arsenic Speciation during As(III) Oxidation by Manganese Oxides in the Presence of Fe(II): Molecular-Level Characterization using XAFS, Mössbauer, and TEM Analysis. ACS Earth Space Chemistry2, 256-268.
39. Yongli Wen, Jian Xiao, Feifei Liu, Bernard Goodman, Wei Li, Zhongjun Jia, Wei Ran, Ruifu Zhang, Rirong Shen, Guihui Yu, 2018. Contrasting effects of inorganic and organic fertilisation regimes on shifts in Fe redox bacterial communities in red soils . Soil Biology & Biochemistry117, 56-67.
38. Lanfang Peng, Zhenqing Shi*, Pei Wang, Wei Li*, Zhang Lin, Zhi Dang, Donald Sparks 2018. A novel multi-reaction model for kinetics of Zn release from soils: Roles of soil binding sites. Journal Colloid Interface Science 514, 146-155. (Co-corresponding author)
37.Matthew G. Siebecker*, Wei Li, Donald Sparks, 2018, The important role of layered double hydroxides in soil chemical processes and remediation: What we have learned over the past 20 years. Advance in Agronomy 147, 1-59. (Review)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->36.Wenxian Gou, Junfeng Ji, Wei Li*, 2017. An EXAFS investigation on the mechanism of competitive sorption between Co(II) and Ni(II) at γ-alumina/solution interface. Acta Geochimica 36, 462-464.
35.Yu-Jun Wang, Ting-Ting Fan, Cun Liu, Wei Li, Mengqiang Zhu, Jian-Xin Fan, Hua Gong, Dong-Mei Zhou*, Donald L. Sparks, 2017. Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of adsorption and precipitation of Zn on g-alumina in the absence and presence of As. Chemosphere 178, 309-316.
34.Cheng Wang, Wei Li, Mingxing Guo, Junfeng Ji*, 2017. Ecological risk assessment on heavy metals in soils: Use of soil diffuse reflectance mid-infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Scientific Report 7, 40709: 1-11.
33.Autumn N. Starcher*, Wei Li, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, and Donald L. Sparks. 2016. Fe(II) sorption on pyrophyllite: Effect of structural Fe(III) (impurity) in pyrophyllite on nature of layered double hydroxide (LDH) secondary mineral formation. Chem. Geology 439: 152-160.
32.Huaiyan Zhao, Mengqiang Zhu, Wei Li, Evert J. Elzinga, Mario Villalobos, Fan Liu, Jing Zhang, Xionghan Feng, and Donald L. Sparks. 2016. Redox reactions between Mn(II) and hexagonal birnessite change it’s layer symmetry. Environmental Science & Technology 50 (4): 1750–1758.
31.Wang, X., Mengqiang Zhu, L. K Koopal, Wei Li, Wenqian Xu, Fan Liu, Jing Zhang, Q. Liu, X. Feng and Donald Sparks, 2016. Effects of crystallite sizes on the structure and magnetism of ferrihydrite. Environmental Science: Nano 3: 190 - 202.
30.Xionghan Feng*, Yupeng Yan, Biao Wan, Wei Li, Deb P. Jaisi, Lirong Zheng, Jing Zhang, and Fan Liu, 2016. Enhanced Dissolution and Transformation of ZnO Nanoparticles: The Role of Inositol Hexakisphosphate. Environmental Science & Technology 50 (22), 5651–5660.
29.Yun Wu, Wei Li*, Donald L. Sparks, 2015. Effect of iron(II) on arsenic sequestration by δ-MnO2: Desorption studies using stirred-flow experiments and X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (22), 13360–13368.
28.Yun Wu, Wei Li*, Donald L. Sparks, 2015. The effects of iron(II) on the kinetics of arsenic oxidation and sorption on manganese oxides. Journal Colloid Interface Science 457, 319-328.
27.Cheng Wang, Wei Li, Zhongfang Yang, Yang Chen, Wenjing Shao, Junfeng Ji*, 2015. An invisible soil acidification: Critical role of soil carbonate and its impact on metals’ bioavailability. Scientific Reports 5, 12735.
26.Yupeng Yan, Luuk K. Koopal, Wei Li, AnMin Zheng, Jun Yang, Fan Liu, XiongHan Feng*, 2015 Size-dependent sorption of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate and orthophosphate on nano-γ-Al2O3. Journal Colloid Interface Science 451, 85-92.
25.Wei Li*, Sunendra Joisi, Guangjin Hou, David Burdige, Donald L. Sparks, Deb P. Jaisi, 2015. Characterizing phosphorus speciation of Chesapeake Bay sediments using chemical extraction, P-31 NMR, and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 203-211.
24.Yu Wang, Xu Zhao, Lei Wang, YuJun Wang, Wei Li, Shenqiang Wang*, Guangxi Xing. 2014. The regime and P availability of omitting P fertilizer application for rice in rice/wheat rotation in the Taihu Lake Region of southern China.Journal of Soils Sediments, 15, 844-853.
23.Matthew Siebecker*, Wei Li, Khlid Syed, Donald L. Sparks*, 2014. Real-time QEXAFS spectroscopy measures rapid precipitate formation at the mineral-water interface. Nature Communications 5, 5003.
22.Yupeng Yan, Wei Li, Jun Yang, Anmin Zheng, Fan Liu, Xionghan Feng*, and Donald L. Sparks. 2014. Mechanism of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate sorption on amorphous aluminum hydroxide: Spectroscopic evidence for rapid surface precipitation. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 6735-6742.
21.Jianxin Fan, Yujun Wang*, Cun Liu, Lihua Wang, Ke Yang, Dongmei Zhou*, Wei Li, Donald L. Sparks. 2014. Effect of iron oxide reductive dissolution on the transformation and immobilization of arsenic in soils: New insights from X-ray photoelectron and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Material 279, 212–219.
20.Yupeng Yan, Fei Liu, Wei Li, Fan Liu, Xionghan Feng*, Donald L. Sparks, 2014. Sorption and desorption characteristics of organic phosphates of different structures on aluminum (oxyhydr)oxides. European Journal of Soil Science 65, 308-317.
19.Wei Li*, Xionghan Feng, Yupeng Yan, Donald L. Sparks and Brian L. Phillips, 2013. Solid state NMR spectroscopic study of phosphate sorption mechanisms on aluminum (hydr)oxides. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 8308-8315.
18.Xiaoming Wang, Wei Li*, Richard Harington, Fan Liu, John Parise, Xionghan Feng*, Donald L. Sparks, 2013. Effect of ferrihydrite crystallite size on phosphate adsorption reactivity. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 10322-10311. (Corresponding author)
17.Wei Li*, Yujun Wang*, Dongmei Zhou, Mengqiang Zhu, Tingting Fan, Brian L. Phillips, Donald L. Sparks, 2013. Inhibition mechanism of Zn adsorption/precipitation on aluminum oxide by glyphosate: A P-31 NMR and Zn EXAFS study. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 4211-4219.
16.Wei Li*, Andro-Marc Pierre-Louis, Kideok D. Kwon, James D. Kubicki, Daniel R. Strongin, and Brian L. Phillips, 2013. Molecular level investigations of phosphate sorption on the corundum (α-Al2O3) surface by P-31 solid state NMR, ATR-FTIR and quantum chemical calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 107, 252-266.
15.Andro-Marc Pierre-Louis*, Douglas B. Hausner, Narayan Bhandari, Wei Li, Jongsik Kim, James D. Kubicki, and Daniel R. Strongin, 2013. Adsorption of carbon dioxide on Al/Fe oxyhydroxide. Journal Colloid Interface Science 400, 1-10.
14.Xiaoming Wang, Fan Liu, Wenfeng Tan, Wei Li, Xionghan Feng*, Donald L. Sparks.2013. Characteristics of phosphate sorption-desorption onto ferrihydrite: Comparison with crystalline Fe (hydro)oxides. Soil Science178, 1–11.
13.Yuqiang Tao*, Wei Li, Bin Xue, Jicheng Zhong, Shuchun Yao, Qinglong Wu, 2013.Different effects of copper (II), cadmium (II) and phosphate on the sorption of phenanthrene on the biomass of cyanobacteria. Journal of Hazardous Material 261, 21-28.
12.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li*, Kenneth J. T. Livi, Wenqian Xu, Matthew G. Siebecker, Yujun Wang, Brian L. Phillips and Donald L. Sparks, 2012. Formation of crystalline Zn-Al LDH precipitates on γ-alumina: The role of mineral dissolution. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 11670-11677.
11.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li, Wenqian Xu, John B. Parise, and Brian L. Phillips*, 2012. Formation of hydroxylapatite from co-sorption of phosphate and calcium by boehmite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 85, 289-301.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->10.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li*, Richard Harrington, Yuanzhi Tang, James D. Kubicki, Masoud Aryanpour, Richard J. Reeder, John B. Parise, and Brian L. Phillips, 2011. Differential pair distribution function investigation on structure of arsenate adsorbed on nanocrystalline γ-alumina. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 9687–9692.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 9.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li,Lei Luo, and Shuzhen Zhang*, 2011. Towards a molecular scale understanding of the chemistry of inorganic ions at environmental interfaces: Application of spectroscopic techniques. Progress in Chemistry 23, 2576-2587. (Review article in Chinese)
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 8.<!--[endif]-->Jongsik Kim, Wei Li, Yunxu Ben Zhu, Brian L. Phillips, and Clare P. Grey*, 2011. Phosphate adsorption on the iron oxyhydroxides goethite (α-FeOOH), akaganeite (β-FeOOH), and lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH): a 31P NMR study. Energy & Environmental Science 4, 4298-5035.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 7.<!--[endif]-->Sue-A Kang, Wei Li, Hyo Eun Lee, Brian L. Phillips, and Young J. Lee*. 2011. Phosphate uptake by TiO2: Batch studies and NMR spectroscopic evidence for multisite adsorption. Journal Colloid Interface Science 364, 455-461.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 6.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li, Jian Feng, Kideok Kwon, James D. Kubicki, and Brian L. Phillips*, 2010. Surface speciation of phosphate on boehmite (γ-AlOOH) determined from NMR spectroscopy. Langmuir26, 4753–4761.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 5.<!--[endif]-->Debasis Banerjee, Sun Jin Kim, Wei Li, Haohan Wu, Jing Li, Lauren A. Borkowski, Brian L Phillips and John B. Parise*, 2010. Synthesis and structural characterization of a 3-D lithium based metal-organic framework showing dynamic structural behavior. Crystal Growth Design 10, 2801–2805
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 4.<!--[endif]-->Young J. Lee, Peter W. Stephens, Yuanzhi Tang, Wei Li, Brian L. Phillips, John B. Parise, Richard J. Reeder*, 2009. Arsenate substitution in hydroxylapatite: Structural characterization of the Ca(PxAsO4)3OH solid solution. American Mineralogist 94, 666-675.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 3.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li, Shuzhen Zhang*, and Xiaoquan Shan, 2007. Surface modification of goethite by phosphate for enhancement of Cu and Cd adsorption. Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 293, 13-19.
2.<!--[endif]-->Wei Li, Shuzhen Zhang*, Wei Jiang, and Xiaoquan Shan, 2006. Effect of phosphate on adsorption of Cu and Cd on natural hematite. Chemosphere 63, 1235-1241.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 1.<!--[endif]-->Shuzhen Zhang*, Wei Li, Xiaoquan Shan, Anxiang Lu and Peijiang Zhou, 2005. Effects of low molecular weight organic anions on release of arsenite and arsenate from a contaminated soil. Water Air Soil Pollution 167, 111-119. [1] 