


李偉博士現為長江商學院經濟學教授、亞洲市場副院長、長江商學院案例研究中心主任、長江商學院經濟大數據研究中心主任。在加入長江商學院之前,曾任教於杜克大學富科商學院和弗吉尼亞大學達頓商學院 [1] 
現    為
長江商學院經濟學教授、亞洲市場副院長、長江商學院案例研究中心主任、長江商學院大數據經濟研究中心主任 [1] 
轉型經濟學 中國經濟 政治經濟學 新興市場金融學 公共金融學 應用經濟等 [1] 
獲    獎
《中國經濟新徵程》 [2] 


1994 密歇根大學經濟學博士
1987 美國經濟學會和福特基金會聯合舉辦的經濟學研究生進修項目,中國人民大學
1986 上海交通大學管理學院系統工程專業碩士研究生
1985 上海交通大學機械工程專業學士學位


李偉教授現任長江商學院經濟學教授、亞洲市場副院長、長江商學院案例研究中心主任、長江商學院大數據經濟研究中心主任。在1994年到2000年間,李偉教授先後擔任杜克大學富科商學院工商管理助理教授和副教授。自2000年以來,李偉教授一直擔任弗吉尼亞大學達頓商學院工商管理教授(終身教授)。2004年,他還擔任北京大學光華管理學院戰略學客座教授。 [19] 






1."Can Stock Price Movements Inform Operational Improvement Efforts? Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry", with Marc Lipson, Kamalini Ramdas, and Jonathan Williams, 2010, under review atManagement Science.
2."Regulatory Reforms in the Telecommunications Sector in Developing Countries: The Role of Democracy and Private Interests", with Christine Qian and Lixin Colin Xu, forthcoming inWorld Economy.
3."Tax Structures in Developing Countries: Puzzles and Possible Explanations", with Gordon, Roger H.,Journal of Public Economics, vol. 93, pp. 855-866, August 2009.
4."Maoist Economics", inThe New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition. Eds. Durlauf, Steven N. & Blume, Lawrence E., Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
5."Market Integration in Developed and Emerging Markets: Evidence from the CAPM", with Bruner, Robert F., Kritzman, Mark, Myrgren, Simon and Page, Sebastien,Emerging Markets Review, vol. 9, pp. 89-103, 2008.
6."Trade, Technology, and China’s Rising Skill Demand", with Xu, Bin,Economics of Transition, vol. 16, pp. 59-84, January 2008.
7."Comments on ‘Measuring the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Korea’", in Takatoshi, Ito and Rose, Andrew (eds.),Fiscal Policy and Management in East Asia, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, vol. 16, 2007.
8."Puzzling Tax Structure in Developing Countries: A Comparison of Two Alternative Explanations", with Gordon, Roger H., in Takatoshi, Ito and Rose, Andrew (eds.),Fiscal Policy and Management in East Asia, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, vol. 16, 2007.
9."Taxation and Economic Growth in China", with Gordon, Roger H., inCritical Issues in China’s Growth and Development, Ashgate, 2005.
10."The Great Leap Forward: Anatomy of a Central Planning Disaster", with Dennis Tao Yang,Journal of Political Economy, vol.113, pp. 840-877, August 2005.
11."The impact of privatization and competition in the Telecommunications Sector Around the World", with Lixin Colin Xu,Journal of Law & Economics, October 2004.
12."Government as a Discriminating Monopolist in the Financial Market: The Case of China", with Roger H. Gordon,Journal of Public Economics, vol. 87, pp. 283-312, 2003.
13." Introduction to 'Valuation in Emerging Markets'", with Robert F.Bruner, Robert M. Conroy, Javier Estrada, and Mark Kritzman,Emerging Markets Review, vol. 3, pp. 310-324, September 2002.
14."The Political Economy of Privatization and Competition: Cross-Country Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector", with Lixin Colin Xu,Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 30, pp. 1-25, September 2002.
15."Tax Rights in Transition Economies: A Tragedy of the Commons?" with Daniel Berkowitz,Journal of Public Economics, vol. 76, pp. 369-397, June 2000.
16."A Tale of Two Reforms",Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 30, pp. 1, Spring 1999.
17."Selection of Children to Provide Care: The Effects of Earlier Parental Transfers", with John C. Henretta, Martha Hill, Beth Soldo and Douglas A. Wolf,Journal of Gerontology, vol. 52B, pp. 110-119, 1997.
18."The Impact of Economic Reforms on the Performance of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises",Journal of Political Economy, vol. 105(5), pp. 1080-1106, October 1997.
19."Asymptotic Equivalence of Estimators of Average Derivative",Economics Letters,vol.52, pp. 241-245, November 1996.
20."The Change in Productivity of Chinese State Enterprises, 1983-1987", with Roger H. Gordon,Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 6, pp. 5-26, April 1995.
21."Chinese Enterprise Behavior under the Reforms," with Roger H. Gordon,American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, vol. 81, pp. 202-206, May 1991. [1] 


《AI技術革命照耀下的社會經濟發展》 [6] 
《民營企業真正需要的是什麼?》 [7] 
《完美風暴:硅谷銀行破產的啓示》 [8] 
《經濟全面回暖,長期結構性問題亦不容忽視》 [9] 
《從長週期看中國經濟再崛起》 [10] 
《留得青山在?》 [11] 
《我們不再需要中概股了嗎》 [12] 
《別了,固定匯率》 [13] 
《人民幣國際化與收入分配差距》 [14] 
《危險的全球流動性氾濫》 [15] 
《多重困境中的英國經濟》 [4] 
《中美貿易摩擦與美國反通脹》 [16] 
《西方國家對俄金融制裁與人民幣的崛起》 [17] 
《中國經濟的潛力還有多大》 [5] 
《沒有企業家精神,就沒有中國經濟的未來》 [18] 


本書彙集了李偉教授近年來陸續發表的關於中國經濟問題研究的文章,是李教授的第一部中文著作,也是他多年來中國經濟研究成果的集大成之作。全書共分為四章:“隱憂下的中國經濟”對當代中國經濟的基本情況做出判斷,指出中國經濟雖短期企穩但長期面臨挑戰;“尋找中國經濟發展的‘聖盃’”從多個角度分析了中國經濟面臨的重大問題和長期挑戰,比如中等收入陷阱、未富先貴和人口紅利消失等,並詳細介紹了國內外的實踐經驗;“新時代的改革闖關”指出當前國內對“結構改革”存在種種誤解,並提出“結構改革應處於領先地位”;“中國企業的困境和出路”從時事熱點出發,討論了中國企業的“做大情結”和“控制權市場”等問題。 [3] 
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