


李偉,教授、博導/碩導,國家級高層次人才(青年)、湖南省傑青,湖南省青年骨幹教師、嶽麓學者等。牽頭主持國家重點研發計劃課題、湖南省重點研發計劃、中科院戰略性先導科技專項子任務、部委揭榜掛帥項目課題、國家自然科學基金面上項目等縱向課題10餘項,企業委託橫向課題近20項,研發多款高端機牀、工程裝備已應用併產業化。發表高水平學術論文50餘篇,參編英文學術專著2部,申報國家發明專利31項。擔任《Journal of Central South University》、《機械工程學報》等期刊青年編委、《Applied Sciences-basel》客座主編,《Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology》雜誌《Transition to Green Manufacturing》主題編輯、以及20本國際國內權威期刊評審人等,牽頭獲中國機械工業科技進步二等獎、中國機械工程學會主辦的全國(含港澳台)上銀優秀機械博士論文獎銀獎(金獎空缺)、教育部博士研究生學術新人獎、中國刀協切削先進技術研究分會青年新秀獎、日內瓦國際發明展銅獎等獎勵以及合作獲中國機械工業技術發明一等獎、湖南省教學成果二等獎。
國    籍
職    務


2015.01—2017.06:湖南大學,機械與運載工程學院,力學博士後流動站,博士後 [1] 
2023.12—至今:英國劍橋大學 工學系訪問學者





[1] 機電液快速切換技術及模塊化系統裝置研究. 國家重點研發計劃課題,項目號:2020YFC1512103(經費:285萬元),2020.11-2023.10
[2] 氟化鈣強光元件延性域超精密磨削機理及輻照損傷機制研究. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,項目號:52275421, 2023.01-2026.12
[3] 微小零件化學機械—機械化學協同微細磨削及微磨具關鍵技術. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,項目號:51875192,2019.01-2022.12.
[4] 超高速精密微主軸刀具動態誤差分析及其控制方法研究. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,項目號:51505140,2016.01-2018.12.
[5] 工藝固化與質量穩定控制技術研究. 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項子任務,項目號:XDA25020317-05(經費:245萬元),2020.12-2024.12.
[6] 新一代氟化鈣強光元件磁控等離子體高效協同超精密磨削關鍵技術研究. 湖南省傑出青年科學基金項目,項目號:2022JJ10010,2022.01-2024.12.
[7] 基於水蒸氣等離子體幹法刻蝕的氟化鈣強光元件原子尺度拋光技術基礎研究. 湖南省重點研發計劃項目,項目號:2022WK2003,2022.12-2024.12.
[8] 小模數螺旋錐齒輪綠色製造成套技術研究. 湖南省嶽麓山大科城揭榜掛帥項目,2022.06-2025.06.
[9] 硬脆材料微小自由曲面自優化微細磨削關鍵技術研究. 湖南省自然科學基金面上項目,項目號:2020JJ4193,2020.10-2022.10
[10] 精密超精密微主軸超高速加工誤差控制技術研究. 湖南省自然科學基金青年項目,項目號:2016JJ3037, 2016.01-2018.01
[11] 超精密微小零件微細磨削用關鍵微主軸與加工新方法研究. 國家博士後基金特等資助,項目號:2016T90749,2016.06.12-2018.06.
[12] 超高速精密微主軸動態誤差分析及其控制方法研究. 國家博士後基金一等資助,項目號:2015M570676,2015.06-2017.06.
[13] 高精度楔形透鏡超精密加工研製,委託橫向課題,2020.09-2022.01(經費:140萬).
[14] 熔石英透鏡光學元件的研製,委託橫向課題,2021.07-2023.07(經費:175萬).
[15] 某兩種型號發動機葉片超精密磨削檢測技術研究,委託橫向課題.
[16] 拋光機牀高精度穩定控制系統開發,委託橫向課題.
[17] 硬質合金刀具磨削質量提升研究,委託橫向課題.
[18] 納米流體磁性磨削液及磁場輔助微量潤滑關鍵技術研究. 國家自然科學基金項目,項目號:52005174,2021.01-2023.12.
[19] 泡沫金剛石磨粒可控制備及其磨具性能關鍵技術研究. 國家自然科學基金項目,項目號:51875191,2019.01-2022.12.
[20] 硬脆材料微小零件化學機械微細磨削機理及關鍵技術研究. 國家自然科學基金項目,項目號:51675170,2017.01-2020.12.
[21] 一種轎車輪轂軸承鉚裝新工藝及其負遊隙檢測新方法研究. 國家自然科學基金項目,項目號:51575358,2016.01-2019.12.
[22] 基於變體積法的新型鉚裝工藝及工件顯微組織演變研究. 廣東省自然科學基金項目,項目號:2015A030313749,2016.01-2017.12.
[23] 微切削磨削用超高速精密微機牀設計理論及關鍵技術研究. 國家自然科學基金項目,項目號:51375156,2014.01-2017.12.
[24] 超精密超高轉速渦輪式微主軸單元設計理論及關鍵技術研究. 國家自然科學基金項目,項目號:51075133,2011.01-2013.12.


[1]Wei Li*, Xiaolong Hu, Yinghui Ren, Shenlei Zhou, Cong Mao, Yuting Zhou, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim. Ultra-precision lapping of H2O(g) plasma-treated CaF2 by porous diamond grits. Ceramics International, 2023.(SCI1區)
[2]Wei Li*, Xiaolong Hu, Gui Long. Grain wear properties and grinding performance of porous diamond grinding wheels. Wear, 2023. (SCI1區)
[3]Wei Li*, Changjin Long, WenQian Ma, et al. Key technologies for laser-assisted precision grinding of 3D C/ C-SiC composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023(43): 4322-4335. (SCI1區)
[4]Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud IBRAHIM, Wei LI*, Abdel-Hamid ISMAIL MOURAD, et al. Cooling and lubrication techniques in grinding: A state-of-the-art review, applications, and sustainability assessment. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023, 36(7): 76-113.(SCI1區)
[5]Wei Li*, Shiqiang Xie, Zhengyang Deng, et al. Novel designed mechanical-mechanochemical synergistic micro-grinding technology and compounded abrasive micro-grinding tools. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25: 3365-3381.(SCI1區)
[6]Wei Li*, Yi Jiao, Hai-Yang Jiang, Ying-Hui Ren, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim. Investigation of mechanical force acting on the surface modified-substrate layer area during the chemical-mechanical micro-grinding of monocrystalline silicon, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022. (SCI1區)
[7]Li Wei*, Ju Wen-Liang, Long Gui, Wang Bo, Mohammad S Alsoufi, Ammar Elsheikh, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim. Analysis of large edge breakage of WC-Co cemented carbide tool blades emerging in precision grinding process, Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2022. (SCI1區)
[8]Wei Li*, Qidi Chen, Jian Wu, Mingjia Liu, Yinghui Ren, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim. Investigation of the effect of vibration characteristics on the grinding performance of aeroengine blade tip, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022. (SCI)
[9]Wei Li*, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Yinghui Ren, Ahmed Moustafa Abd-EI Nabi. Nanofluids for Machining in the Era of Industry 4.0[M]//Advances in Sustainable Machining and Manufacturing Processes. CRC Press, 2022: 121-133.
[10]Wei Li*, Gui Long, Feng Shi, Shenlei Zhou, Jia Yin, Jun Yang. Infuence of the fber orientation on 3D C/C–SiC composite material and its formation mechanism of the machining surface, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 118(7): 2725-2743.(SCI)
[11]Wei Li*,Zhipeng Li, Jun Yang, Yinghui Ren, Yi Jiao, Hussien Hegab, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim. Modeling of the removal mechanism of monocrystalline silicon-based on phase change-dislocation theory and its edge chipping damage during micro-grinding, Precision Engineering, 2021, 71: 103-118. (SCI)
[12]Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Wei Li*, Hang Xiao, Zhixiong Zeng, Yinghui Ren, Mohammad S. Alsoufi. Energy conservation and environmental sustainability during grinding operation of Ti–6Al–4V alloys via eco-friendly oil/graphene nano additive and Minimum quantity lubrication. Tribology International, 2020, 150(106387): 1-15. (SCI)
[13]Wei Li, Qidi Chen, Yunsong Yang, Yunya Xiao*, Maojun Li. Investigation on clinching assembly process of automobile wheel hub bearings, Proc IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2021, 235(8): 2114-2123. (SCI)
[14]Wei Li*, Hui Liu, Xiaoman Liu, Yinghui Ren. Theoretical analysis and experimental study of offset error of ultra-precision micro-spindle caused by cutting load. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 19(2): 202-209.
[15]Wei Li*, Qidi Chen, Yinghui Ren, Yi Jiao, Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim. Hybrid micro-grinding process for manufacturing meso/micro-structures on monocrystalline silicon. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2020: 17-26. (SCI)
[16]Qidi Chen, Wei Li*, Yinghui Ren, Zhixiong Zhou. 3D chatter stability of high-speed micromilling by considering nonlinear cutting coefficients, and process damping. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 57: 552-565. (SCI)
[17]Wei Li, Yinghui Ren*, Chenfang Li, Zhipeng Li, Maojun Li. Investigation of machining and wear performance of various diamond micro-grinding tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(3-4): 1-15. (SCI)
[18]Li W*, Liu M, Ren Y H, Chen Q. A high-speed precision micro-spindle use for mechanical micro-machining. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 102(9): 3197-3211. (SCI)
[19]Li W*, Li ZP, Ren YH, Huang XM. Error analysis of high-speed precision micro-spindle equipped with micro-tool in mechanical micro-grinding[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97(1): 599-609. (SCI)
[20]Xiao H, Li W*, Zhou ZX, Huang XM, Ren YH. Performance analysis of aerostatic journal micro-bearing and its application to high-speed precision micro-spindles[J]. Tribology International, 2018. (SCI)
[21]W. Li*, Z.X. Zhou, H. Xiao, X.M. Huang, Y.Q. Luo. Effects of Annealing and Training on NiTi Alloy Ring for Clamping Device[J]. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 31(15). (SCI)
[22]Wei Li, Zhixiong Zhou*, Bi Zhang, Yunya Xiao. A micro-coupling for micro mechanical systems[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 29(3): 571-578.(SCI)
[23]Li W, Zhou Z X*, Xiao H, et al. Design and evaluation of a high-speed and precision microspindle[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 78(5-8): 997-1004.(SCI)
[24]Wei Li, Zhi-xiong Zhou*, Xiang-ming Huang, Zhi-jian He,Yong Du, Development of a high-speed and precision micro-spindle for micro-cutting. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2014, 15(11):2375-2383 (SCI).
[25]李偉*,周志雄,尹韶輝,任瑩暉. 微細磨削技術及微磨牀設備研究現狀分析與探討. 機械工程學報,2016,52(17):10-19.
[26]李偉,周志雄*,肖航,尹邦飛. 新型一體式微夾頭的設計及其試驗研究. 機械工程學報, 2014, 50(1): 193-198.


[9]李偉,任瑩暉,周志雄. 一種化學機械-機械化學協同微細磨削加工方法與複合磨粒型微小磨具,2017.11,中國,201711050786.8.
[10]李偉,楊允松,肖耘亞,神翠楠. 一種輪轂軸承軸向負遊隙的直測式電渦流在線檢測裝置,2017. 11, 中國,201711050763.7.
[11]李偉,任瑩暉,周文理,周志雄,肖 航. 一種微細機械加工用微主軸, 2016. 11, 中國,201611082459.6.
[12]姜潮,李偉,龍歸,陳啓迪. 一種基於微波誘導石墨顆粒爆裂效應的砂輪修鋭裝置,2022.04,中國,202110287305.5.
[13]姜潮,李偉,張偉源,陳啓迪,王靖傑. 一種用於應急救援工程裝備的全自動快換裝置,2022.03,中國,202110409081.0.
[14]姜潮,李偉,王靖傑,陳啓迪,張偉源. 一種用於應急救援工程裝備的全自快換裝置控制系統及方法,2022.03,中國,202110335856.4.
[15]任瑩暉,李偉,李可欣,劉曉曼,周志雄. 一種光催化高能場輔助化學機械複合微細磨削方法,2021.07,中國,201911132515.6.
[16]周志雄,李偉,肖航,宋鐵軍. 高速精密氣動微主軸,2013.4,中國,201310157777.4.
[17]周志雄,李偉,林丞,周文理,任瑩暉. 超高速超精密氣動微主軸單元,2011.11,中國,201010116981.8.


[1] 2023年中國機械工業技術發明一等獎(核島內燃料元件自主化關鍵製造技術及應用,參與)
[2] 2022國家級高層次人才(青年).
[3] 2022年中國機械工業科技進步二等獎(乘用車第三代輪轂軸承單元製造關鍵技術及應用,牽頭完成)
[4] 2022年湖南省傑青.
[5] 2022年湖南省教學成果二等獎(“思政領航,四輪驅動”工程創新訓練模式的構建與實踐,參與).
[6] 2021年湖南省青年骨幹教師.
[7] 2021年中國刀協切削先進技術分會青年新秀獎.
[8] 2016年湖南大學優秀博士學位論文.
[9] 2015年中國機械工程學會主辦的全國(含港澳台)上銀優秀機械博士論文獎銀獎(金獎空缺).
[10] 2011年教育部博士研究生學術新人獎.