

蘭恆星,長安大學博士生導師中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員、博士生導師。國家傑出青年基金獲得者,教育部“長江學者”特聘教授,入選國家“萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人才,國家自然科學基金重大項目首席科學家(黃河專項)。主要從事工程地質與災害地質研究。 [1-5]  [7-9]  [11] 
Hengxing Lan
國    籍
民    族
國家傑出青年基金資助 [5] 
國家“萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人才 [2] 


2009/5- ,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,研究員;
2006/5-2009/4,加拿大地面災害風險分析中心,研究組長(Team Leader);
2001/7-2003 /7,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,博士後
1991-1995,山東科技大學地球科學系,獲學士學位 [9] 


3.遙感GIS在工程地質中的應用。 [8] 


主持了國家自然科學基金國家傑出青年基金等多個科研項目。已發表學術論文190餘篇,其中SCI/EI檢索論文100餘篇,出版專著4部,專利30餘項,完成國家級規劃4項。近年來主要學術成績包括:提出了多尺度岩土體變形破壞的微觀各向異性控制理論,代表性成果在Web of Science引用率國際排名領先;創建了集成GIS系統的三維分佈式地質災害動力學過程模型,在全球40個國家的學術界和工程界得到成功應用,成為國際主流模型;面向國家減災和重大工程實際問題,完成了一系列獲得國家領導人批示的科學諮詢研究。 [8] 


4.國家自然科學基金重大項目“黃土高原重大工程災變機理與防控”課題(項目批准號:41790443):黃土邊坡滑移機理與治溝造地工程災變效應,2018年01月至 2022年 12月(主持)。
5.國家自然科學基金國家傑出青年基金項目(批准號:41525010),工程地質動力學與地質災害,2016年01月- 2020年 12月(主持)。
6.國家自然科學基金面上項目(批准號:41272354),基於 LIDAR 和頻率分佈的巖崩規模與關鍵過程研究、2013年1月-2016年12月(主持)。
7.國家自然科學基金面上項目 (批准號:41472282),分佈式滑坡形變PSI(永久散射體干涉雷達)監測模型及技術、2015年1月- 2018年12月(主持)。
9.國家自然科學基金創新羣體項目“地理時空數據分析”(批准號:41421001),2015年 1月-20 20年 12月(參加)。
11.中國科學院STS項目課題,魯甸地震災後重建的地質災害綜合評估. 2015年1月至2016年12月 (參加)。
21.2009年-2011年負責天津濱海新區委託:“濱海新區塘沽區地面沉降高精度PSI監測”。 [8] 


  • 國內論文
  1. 蘭恆星,呂洪濤,包含,李黎,陳衞昌,郭進京,劉世傑.石窟寺巖體劣化機制與失穩機理研究進展[J/OL].地球科學:1-32[2022-11-14];
  2. 蘭恆星,包含,孫巍鋒,劉世傑.巖體多尺度異質性及其力學行為[J].工程地質學報,2022,30(01):37-52.DOI:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2021-0789;
  3. 蘭恆星,彭建兵,祝豔波,李郎平,潘保田,黃強兵,李軍華,張強.黃河流域地質地表過程與重大災害效應研究與展望[J].中國科學:地球科學,2022,52(02):199-221;
  4. 蘭恆星,祝豔波,李郎平,潘保田,胡振波,彭建兵.黃河流域地質—地貌氣候多過程相互作用及其孕災機制研究[J].中國科學基金,2021,35(04):510-519.
  5. 蘭恆星,張寧,李郎平,田乃滿,仉義星,劉世傑,林感,田朝陽,伍宇明,姚佳明,彭建兵,周成虎.川藏鐵路可研階段重大工程地質風險分析[J].工程地質學報,2021,29(02):326-341.
  6. 蘭恆星,孟雲閃,仉義星.複雜因素影響下的福州市地面沉降時空演化分析[J].工程地質學報,2019,27(06):1350-1361.
  7. 蘭恆星,仉義星,伍宇明.巖體結構效應與長遠程滑坡動力學[J].工程地質學報,2019,27(01):108-122.
  8. 蘭恆星,陳俊輝,伍宇明.三軸壓縮試驗前後含氣頁岩微納尺度裂隙空間分佈特徵研究[J].工程地質學報,2018,26(01):24-35.
  9. 蘭恆星,伍宇明,李全文,陳俊輝,趙曉霞.龍馬溪組頁岩三維縫網重構及分形分析[J].工程地質學報,2017,25(06):1557-1565.
  10. 蘭恆星,趙曉霞,伍宇明,李郎平,蘇奮振.鈣質島礁沉降變形過程分析[J].中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版),2017,47(10):1-8.
  11. 蘭恆星,周成虎,高星,程維明,王治華,楊志華,李郎平,伍宇明.四川雅安蘆山地震災區次生地質災害評估及對策建議[J].地理科學進展,2013,32(04):499-504;
  12. 蘭恆星,劉洪江,孫鐵,賈有良,楊志華,丁尚起,黃曉明.城市建築物沉降永久散射體干涉雷達監測[J].天津大學學報,2012,45(04):292-300;
  13. 蘭恆星,劉洪江,孫鐵,賈有良,楊志華,李郎平,丁尚起,黃曉明.城市複雜地面沉降永久干涉雷達監測屬性分類研究[J].工程地質學報,2011,19(06):893-901;
  14. 蘭恆星,周成虎,王小波.泥石流本構模型及動力學模擬研究現狀綜述[J].工程地質學報,2007,(03):314-321;
  15. 蘭恆星,周成虎,李焯芬,王思敬,伍法權.瞬時孔隙水壓力作用下的降雨滑坡穩定性響應分析:以香港天然降雨滑坡為例[J].中國科學E輯:技術科學,2003,(S1):119-136;
  16. 蘭恆星,周成虎,王苓涓,伍法權,王思敬.地理信息系統支持下的滑坡-水文耦合模型研究[J].岩石力學與工程學報,2003,(08):1309-1314;
  17. 蘭恆星,王苓涓,周成虎.雲南小江流域滑坡關鍵影響因子研究[J].中國地質災害與防治學報,2003,(01):103-109;
  18. 蘭恆星,周成虎,伍法權,王苓涓.GIS支持下的降雨型滑坡危險性空間分析預測[J].科學通報,2003,(05):507-512;
  19. 蘭恆星,伍法權,周成虎,王思敬.基於GIS的滑坡空間數據庫研究——以雲南小江流域為例[J].中國地質災害與防治學報,2002(04):12-18;
  20. 蘭恆星,伍法權,王思敬.基於GIS的滑坡CF多元迴歸模型及其應用[J].山地學報,2002,(06):732-737;
  21. 蘭恆星,王苓涓,周成虎.地理信息系統支持下的滑坡災害分析模型研究[J].工程地質學報,2002,(04):421-427;
  22. 蘭恆星,伍法權,周成虎,王思敬.基於GIS的雲南小江流域滑坡因子敏感性分析[J].岩石力學與工程學報,2002,(10):1500-1506;
  23. 蘭恆星,伍法權.岩土力學數值模擬中力學參數的確定方法[J].世界地質,2001,(01):66-71;
  24. 蘭恆星,伍法權.基於條分法的滑坡位移非線性動力學模擬方法[J].工程地質學報,2000,(03):374-378;
  25. 蘭恆星,李增學,魏久傳.山東黃縣早第三紀斷陷盆地充填演化動力學特徵[J].煤田地質與勘探,2000,(02):6-10 [8] 
  1. 袁逸齊,蘭恆星,劉世傑,姚佳明,孫巍鋒,包含,李黎.砂岩石窟熱誘導裂紋損傷時空特徵與分析[J/OL].岩石力學與工程學報:1-12[2022-11-14].
  2. 田朝陽,蘭恆星,張寧,許博聞.CZ鐵路色季拉山隧道地應力巖爆風險定量預測研究[J].工程地質學報,2022,30(03):621-634.
  3. 張寧,蘭恆星,李郎平,孫巍鋒,劉世傑,林感,田朝陽.青藏高原東南緣實測地應力特徵及意義分析[J].工程地質學報,2022,30(03):696-707.
  4. 彭建兵,蘭恆星.略論生態地質學與生態地質環境系統[J/OL].地球科學與環境學報:1-17[2022-11-14].
  5. 陳釗,蘭恆星,劉世傑,都奎建.乾濕循環作用下石窟寺砂岩的抗拉強度劣化機理及破壞模式[J/OL].地球科學:1-13[2022-11-14]; [10] 
  6. 劉世傑,蘭恆星,包含,彭建兵.石窟寺典型工程地質變形破壞模式及分類體系[J/OL].地球科學:1-14[2022-11-14];
  7. 王瑞,蘭恆星,劉世傑,伍宇明.森林火災對岩土體物理力學特性的影響[J].地球科學與環境學報,2022,44(01):114-123.DOI:10.19814/j.jese.2021.08026;
  8. 李郎平,蘭恆星.滑坡運動路徑複雜度研究:綜述與展望[J/OL].地球科學:1-23[2022-11-14];
  9. 伍宇明,蘭恆星,黃為清.不飽和黃土的波速與質量含水率關係[J].地球物理學報,2021,64(10):3766-3773;
  10. 祝豔波,蘭恆星,彭建兵,李軍華,張攀,張彤煒,朱興華,張亞國,劉鑫,谷天峯,李郎平.黃河中游地區水土災害機理與災害鏈效應研究進展[J].人民黃河,2021,43(08):108-116+147;
  11. 田朝陽,蘭恆星,劉鑫.考慮形貌特徵和級配影響的鈣質砂壓縮破碎力學特性研究[J].工程地質學報,2021,29(06):1700-1710.DOI:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2021-0006;
  12. 田乃滿,蘭恆星,伍宇明,李郎平.人工神經網絡和決策樹模型在滑坡易發性分析中的性能對比[J].地球信息科學學報,2020,22(12):2304-2316;
  13. 張文哲,蘭恆星,劉鑫.鹽溶液對石英粉-膨潤土混合土滲透係數的影響與表徵[J/OL].工程地質學報:1-14[2022-11-14].DOI:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2020-222;
  14. 伍宇明,蘭恆星,黃為清.龍馬溪頁岩彈性各向異性礦物分佈之間的關係探討[J].地球物理學報,2020,63(05):1856-1866;
  15. 彭建兵,蘭恆星,錢會,等.宜居黃河科學構想[J].工程地質學報,2020,28(02):189-201.
  16. 仉義星,蘭恆星,李郎平,伍宇明,陳志超,陳俊輝.綜合統計模型和物理模型地質災害精細評估——以福建省龍山社區為例[J].工程地質學報,2019,27(03):608-622.DOI:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2018-270;
  17. 李郎平,蘭恆星,郭長寶,張永雙,李全文,伍宇明.基於改進頻率比法的川藏鐵路沿線及鄰區地質災害易發性分區評價[J].現代地質,2017,31(05):911-929;
  18. 楊志華,蘭恆星,張永雙,郭長寶.強震區震後地質災害長期活動性研究綜述[J].地質力學學報,2017,23(05):743-753;
  19. 伍宇明,蘭恆星,高星,王偉,陳俊輝,郝召兵.涪陵地區井下頁岩巖芯裂縫體密度與聲學性質關係實驗研究[J].地球物理學報,2016,59(10):3891-3900;
  20. 伍法權,蘭恆星.國際工程地質與環境研究現狀及前沿——第十二屆國際工程地質大會(IAEG XⅡ)綜述[J].工程地質學報,2016,24(01):116-129.
  21. 伍宇明,蘭恆星,高星,李郎平,孟雲閃.一種基於貝葉斯理論的區域斜坡穩定性評價模型[J].工程地質學報,2014,22(06):1227-1233.
  22. 伍宇明,蘭恆星,高星,李郎平.颱風暴雨型滑坡降雨閾值曲線研究——以福建地區為例[J].工程地質學報,2014,22(02):255-262.
  23. 楊志華,蘭恆星,張永雙,李郎平,熊探宇.強震作用下穿越斷層隧道圍巖力學響應研究[J].工程地質學報,2013,21(02):171-181;
  24. 李郎平,蘭恆星,李曉,孟雲閃,陳雨.金壇鹽穴天然氣儲庫區地表變形PSI監測[J].岩石力學與工程學報,2012,31(09):1821-1829;
  25. 楊志華,蘭恆星,張永雙.基於GIS-GOCAD耦合技術的三維地質建模[J].地理與地理信息科學,2012,28(05):16-20;
  26. 劉洪江,蘭恆星.“5.12”震後都江堰汶川公路崩塌災害模擬及危險性評價[J].資源科學,2012,34(02):345-352;
  27. 劉洪江,蘭恆星,張軍,劉傑,楊軍.老撾北部罌粟替代種植高分辨率遙感調查評價與分析[J].資源科學,2010,32(07):1425-1432;
  28. 劉洪江,蘭恆星,程維明.玉樹地震後結古鎮羣髮式泥石流災害數值模擬及危險性分析[J].山地學報,2010,28(04):444-452. [8] 
  • 國際論文
  1. Lan, H. X.*, Zhou, C. H., Lee, C. F., Wang, S. J., Wu, F. Q., 2003. Rainfall-induced landslide stability analysis in response to transient pore pressure - A case study of natural terrain landslide in Hong Kong. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 46(s1), 52–68;
  2. Lan, H. X.*, Wu, F. Q., Zhou C. H., Wang, L. J., 2003. Spatial hazard analysis and prediction on rainfall-induced landslide using GIS. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(7), 703–708;
  3. Lan, H. X.*, Hu, R. L., Yue, Z. Q., Lee, C. F., Wang, S. J. 2003. Engineering and geological characteristics of granite weathering profiles in South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21(4), 353–364;
  4. Lan, H. X.*, Zhou, C. H., Wang, L. J., Zhang, H. Y., Li, R. H. 2004. Landslide hazard spatial analysis and prediction using GIS in the Xiaojiang watershed, Yunnan, China. Engineering Geology, 76(1-2), 109–128;
  5. Lan, H. X.*, Lee, C. F., Zhou, C. H., Martin, C. D. 2005. Dynamic characteristics analysis of shallow landslides in response to rainfall event using GIS. Environmental Geology, 47(2), 254–267;
  6. Lan, H. X., Martin C. D.*, Lim C. H. 2007. RockFall analyst: A GIS extension for three-dimensional and spatially distributed rockfall hazard modeling. Computers & Geosciences, 33(2), 262–279;
  7. Lan, H. X., Martin C. D. 2007. A digital approach for integrating geotechnical data and stability analyses. In: Eberhardt E; Stead D; Morrison T (eds), Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Two Volume Set, Proceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27–31 May, 2007, Vancouver, Canada, CRC Press, pp: 45–52;
  8. Lan, H. X. and Martin C. Derek. 2007. Model calibration for rockfall hazard assessment using LiDAR technology. In: the First North American Landslide Conference, Landslides and Society: Integrated Science, Engineering, Management, and Mitigation, 3-8 June, 2007, Vail, Colorado, USA, AEG Special Publication -CD-ROM Edition, 23;
  9. Lan, H. X., Martin C. D. 2007. Estimating the size and travel distance of Klapperhorn Mountain Debris flows for risk analysis along railway, Canada. In: Chen, C.L., Major, J.J. (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th International conference on debris-flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, prediction, and assessment, 10-13 September, 2007, Chengdu, China;
  10. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Zhou C. H. 2008. Estimating the size and travel distance of Klapperhorn Mountain debris flows for risk analysis along railway, Canada. International Journal of Sediment Research, 23(3), 275–282;
  11. Lan, H. X., Martin C. D., Zhou C. H., 2008. Numerical modeling of debris flow kinematics using discrete element method combined with GIS. In: Chen, Z; Zhang, JM; Li, ZK; Wu, FQ; Ho, K (eds), Landslides and Engineered Slopes. From the Past to the Future, Two Volumes + CD-ROM, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, 30 Jun - 4 July, 2008, Xi'an, China, CRC Press, pp: 769–775;
  12. Lan, H. X., Martin C. D., Froese C. R., Chao, D., Chowdhury, S. 2008. A Web-Based GIS Tool for Managing Urban Geological Hazard Data. In: Eurengeo 2008, the city and its subterranean environment, the 2nd Eur. Conf. IAEG, 15-20 September, 2008, Madrid, Spain;
  13. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Froese, C. R., Kim, T. H., Morgan, A. J., Chao D., Chowdhury S., 2009. A web-based GIS for managing and assessing landslide data for the town of Peace River, Canada. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9(4), 1433–1443;
  14. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D. 2009. Evaluating the effect of topography on the rock fall process using LiDAR. In: Hudson, J. A., Tham, L. G., Feng, X.-T., and Kwong, A. K. L. (Eds), Proceedings of the ISRM-Sponsored International Symposium on Rock Mechanics: Rock Characterization, Modelling, and Engineering Design Methods, SINOROCK 2009, 19-22 May, 2009, The University of Hong Kong, China, page 69;
  15. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Zhou, C.H., Lim, C.H. 2010. Rockfall hazard analysis using LiDAR and spatial modeling. Geomorphology, 118(1-2), 213–223;
  16. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Hu B. 2010. Effect of heterogeneity of brittle rock on micromechanical extensile behavior during compression loading. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B1), B01202;
  17. Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., Zhang, Y.S., Gao, X., Liu, H.J., 2013. Risk assessment of debris flow in Yushu seismic area in China: a perspective for the reconstruction. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(11), 2957–2968;
  18. Lan, H. X.*, Gao, X., Liu, H.J., Yang, Z.H., Li, L.P., 2013. Integration of TerraSAR-X and PALSAR PSI for detecting ground deformation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(15), 5393–5408;
  19. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C.D., Andersson J.C., 2013. Evolution of in-situ rock mass damage induced by mechanical-thermal loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 46(1), 153–168;
  20. Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., Liu, H.J., Yang, Z.H. 2012. Complex urban infrastructure deformation monitoring using high resolution TerraSAR-X PSI. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(2), 643–651;
  21. Lan, H. X.*,Li, L.P., Wu, Y. M. 2013. The role of rockfall intensity on its risk assessment. In: Faquan Wu & Shengwen Qi (Eds), Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of the international symposium and 9th Asian regional conference of IAEG, 23-25 September, 2013, Beijing, China, CRC Press/Balkema, The Netherlands, pp: 51–58;
  22. Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Qi, S. W., 2013. A 3D grain based model for characterizing the geometric heterogeneity of brittle rock. In: Proceedings of the 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 23-26 June, 2013, San Francisco, California, USA. Technical Editors: Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, Alvin Chan, William Dershowitz, Joseph Morris and Jamal Rostami. ISBN: 978-0-9894844-0-4;
  23. Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., and Wu, Y.M.. Stochasticity of Rockfall Tracjectory Revealed by a Field Experiment Repeated on a Single Sample. G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, pp:3-12.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_304, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014;
  24. Lan, H.X., Chen, J.H., Macciotta, R., 2019. Universal confined tensile strength of intact rock. Scientific Reports, 6170(9);
  25. Zhou, C., Lan, H. X., Bürgmann, R., et al., 2022. Application of an improved multi-temporal InSAR method and forward geophysical model to document subsidence and rebound of the Chinese Loess Plateau following land reclamation in the Yan'an New District. Remote Sensing of Environment, 279, 113102 [10] 
  26. Qi, S. W.*, Wu, F. Q., Yan, F. Z., Lan, H. X., 2004. Mechanism of deep cracks in the left bank slope of Jinping first stage hydropower station. Engineering Geology, 73(1-2), 129–144;
  27. Wu, F. Q., Qi, S. W.*, Lan, H. X., 2005. Mechanism of uplift deformation of the dam foundation of Jiangya Water Power Station, Hunan Province, P.R. China. Hydrogeology Journal, 13(3), 451–466;
  28. Martin C.D.*, Lan, H. X., Lim C.H., et al. Evaluating rock fall hazard along railway corridors using GIS technology. FELSBAU, 2006, 30(4), 38–41;
  29. Martin C. Derek, Tarmant D. D., Lan, H. X., 2007. Comparison of terrestrial-based, high resolution, LiDAR and digital photogrammetry surveys of a rock slope. In: Eberhardt E; Stead D; Morrison T (eds), Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Two Volume Set, Proceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27–31 May, 2007, Vancouver, Canada, CRC Press, pp: 37–44;
  30. Martin C. D. , Lan, H. X., Hutchinson, J., Quinn, P. 2008. Applications of GIS tools to ground hazard assessment for railway infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the GeoEdmonton’08: 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 9th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, 21-24 September, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pp: 1064–1066;
  31. Liu, H.J., Lan, H. X., 2009. Debris flow sediment intensity transportation zoning based on GIS in main downstream of Jinsha River. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE6), 9-12 September, 2009, Beijing, China;
  32. Qi, S. W., *, Xu, Q., Lan, H. X., Zhang, B., Liu, J. Y. 2010. Spatial distribution analysis of landslides triggered by 2008.5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake, China. Engineering Geology, 116(1-2), 95–108;
  33. Liu, H.J., Lan, H. X.*, Liu, Y., Zhou, Y. 2011. Characteristics of spatial distribution of debris flow and the effect of their sediment yield in main downstream of Jinsha River, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 64(6), 1653–1666;
  34. Qi, S.W., Xu, Q., Zhang, B., Zhou, Y.D., Lan, H. X., Li,L.H. 2011. Source characteristics of long runout rock avalanches triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40(4), 896–906;
  35. Zhang, Y.S.*, Zhao, X.T., Lan, H. X., Xiong Tanyu, 2011. A Pleistocene landslide-dammed lake, Jinsha River, Yunnan, China. Quaternary International, 233(1), 72–80;
  36. Martin C. D., Lu, Y., Lan, H. X., 2011. Scale effects in a Synthetic Rock Mass. In: Qihu Qian and Yingxin Zhou (Eds), Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, 18–21 October, 2011, Beijing, China, CRC press, pp: 257–258;
  37. Li, L.P., Lan, H. X.*, Wu, Y.M., 2012. Comment on Statistical physics of landslides: New paradigm by Chen C.-c. et al.. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 100, 29001;
  38. Qi, S.W., Xu, Q., Lan, H. X., Zhang, B., Liu, J.Y. 2012. Resonance effect existence or not for landslides triggered by 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A reply to the comment by Drs. Xu Chong and Xu Xiwei. Engineering Geology, 151(29), 128–130;
  39. Yang, Z.H. Lan, H. X.*, Zhang, Y.S., Gao, X., Li, L.P., 2013. Nonlinear dynamic failure process of tunnel-fault system in response to strong seismic event. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 64, 125–135;
  40. Lu, Y., Martin C. D., Lan, H. X., 2013. Strength of intact rock containing flaws. In: Proceedings of the 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 23-26 June, 2013, San Francisco, California, USA. Technical Editors: Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, Alvin Chan, William Dershowitz, Joseph Morris and Jamal Rostami. ISBN: 978-0-9894844-0-4;
  41. Ma, P.F., Lin, H., Lan, H. X., Chen, F.L. (2014) On the Performance of Reweighted L1 Minimization for Tomographic SAR Imaging. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 12 (4): 895 – 899.
  42. Qi, S., Lan, H. X., Dong, J. An analytical solution to slip buckling slope failure triggered by earthquake, Eng. Geol. (2014).
  43. Zhang, Y.S.,Cheng, Y.L, Yin, Y.P., Lan, H. X., Wang, J., Fu, X.X. High-position debris flow: A long-term active geohazard after the Wenchuan earthquake. (2014) Engineering Geology. Vol (180): 45-54.
  44. Li, L.P., Lan, H. X.* and Wu, Y.M.. The volume-to-surface-area ratio constrains the rollover of the power law distribution for landslide size. The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 129, Issue 5. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS (2014) 129(5): 89.
  45. Cruden, D. M. and Lan, H. X.. Using the Working Classification of Landslides to Assess the Danger from a Natural Slope. G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, , © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014;
  46. Meng, Y. S., Lan, H. X.*, Ping, B. Landslide deformation monitoring and location identification with polarimetric SAR in Three Gorges regions. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International(IGARSS), 2014:418 - 421, Quebec city, Canada. 10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6946447;
  47. Yang, Z.H., Lan, H. X.*, Gao,X., Li, L.P., Meng, Y.S., Wu, Y.M. Urgent Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the 2013 Lushan Earthquake-impacted Area, Sichuan province, China.(2015) Natural hazards (2015) 75:2467–2487.
  48. Ma, P.F., Lin, H., Lan, H. X., Chen, F.L.(2015) Multi-dimensional SAR tomography for monitoring the deformation of newly built concrete buildings. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 106 (2015) 118–128.
  49. Zhang, Y.S., Guo, C.B., Lan, H. X., Zhou, N.J., Yao, X. (2015). Reactivation mechanism of ancient giant landslides in the tectonically active zone: a case study in Southwest China. Environ Earth Sci (2015) 74:1719–1729.
  50. YANG, Z.H., Lan, H. X.*, Liu, H.J., Li, L.P., Wu, Y.M., Meng, Y.S.(2015)Post-earthquake Rainfall-triggered Slope Stability Analysis In The Lushan Area[J].Journal Of Mountain Science,2015,12(1):232-242;
  51. Li, L.P., Lan, H. X.*, 2015. Probabilistic modeling of rockfall trajectory-a review. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 74, 1163–1176.
  52. Meng, Y.S., Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., Wu, Y.M. and Li, Q.W. (2015). Characteristics of Surface Deformation Detected by X-band SAR Interferometry over Sichuan-Tibet Grid Connection Project Area, China. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7, 12265-12281;
  53. Wu, Y.M., Lan, H. X.*, Gao,X., Li, L.P., Yang, Z.H. (2015). A simplified physically based coupled rainfall threshold model for triggering landslides. Engineering geology. Engineering Geology, 195, 63–69;
  54. Langping Li, Lan,H.X.*, Changbao Guo, Yongshuang Zhang, Quanwen Li, Yuming Wu, 2016. A modified frequency ratio method for landslide susceptibility assessment. Landslides.
  55. Langping Li, Lan, H.X.*, and Yuming Wu.2016. How sample size can effect landslide size distribution. Geoenvironmental Disasters (2016) 3:18 DOI 10.1186/s40677-016-0052-y;
  56. Wu YM, Lan, H.X., Gao X, et al., 2016. The relationship between the volume density of cracks and acoustic properties of the shale core samples from Fulin. Chinese Journal of Geophysics , 59(10): 3891-3900;
  57. Li Langping, Lan H.X.*, Guo Changbao, Zhang Yongshuang, Li Quanwen, Wu Yuming, 2017. A modified frequency ratio method for landslide susceptibility assessment. Landslides, 14, 727-741.(IF: 3.05) [8] 


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地震、洪水、泥石流、地面沉降……我們生活的這個世界總是難免遇到災難。我們或許無法避免災難的到來,但是能夠盡力將災難引發的危害性降至最低。中科院地理科學與資源研究所研究員蘭恆星,立足創新,注重理論探索與應用相結合,在地質災害遙感監測與過程模型研究上做出了許多為國際學術界所重視的成果,逐漸成為該領域的一顆耀眼的新星 [12]  。”(《科學中國人》評)
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