


王敏,女,1967年12月生,博士,西北農林科技大學食品科學與工程學院教授博士生導師,康奈爾大學農業與生命學院訪問學者。 [1] 
職    業


1989年7月鄭州輕工業學院食品工程專業本科畢業,獲工學學士學位,同年至西北農業大學食品科學系任助教。1994年7月西北農業大學農產品加工專業碩士研究生畢業,獲農學碩士學位,任食品科學系食品化學教研室任講師,1999年晉升副教授。2005年7月西北農林科技大學食品科學專業博士研究生畢業,獲博士學位。2006年12月晉升教授,2007年7月受聘為博士導師,同年受國家留學基金委派遣,赴美國康奈爾大學農業與生命學院食品科學系研修穀物食品保健功能性與加工適應性表徵,研究主要涉及穀物食品的抗氧化特性及流變學功能性測定與評價。2008年10月回國後,主持西北農林科技大學食品科學與工程學院食品化學與營養研究室工作至今。 [1] 


農業部燕蕎產業體系營養與加工團隊專家,陝西小雜糧產業體系加工崗位科學家,西北農林科技大學小宗糧豆研究中心特邀教授,美國食品科學技術學會食品科技專家研究會(IFT)會員,中國營養學會會員,陝西農業經濟學會副會長,陝西省生理科學會理事、陝西省飲食營養協會副會長,陝西省食品科學技術學會會員、陝西省藥理學會中藥藥理委員會委員等職。 [1] 


主要從事西部特色藥食兼用食物資源功能物質挖掘與加工利用研究。特別是針對苦蕎、紅棗等植物化學物質的構成與功能性研究,並指導其在食品加工中的應用。近年來,圍繞蕎麥、紅棗功能性成分及產品的生產與加工展開工作。針對蕎麥中的功能性成分及其保健功效及其食用、功能品質與生長環境、加工方式的關係及做了較系統的研究,探討了苦蕎多酚物質預防慢性疾病,改善胰島素抵抗的分子機理;考察了地域、環境、品種等因素對蕎麥中酚類物質組成的影響;探索了不同的加工方式如烘焙、蒸煮等對其營養成分的影響;研究了不同品種、不同產地苦蕎籽粒形態學性狀差異,探索環境和基因型對苦蕎籽粒形態學性狀的影響,研究了籽粒形態學性狀與營養品質、加工品質的關係;指導開發了苦蕎系列營養食品。在棗加工方面,針對紅棗的食用功能品質與其栽培、加工的關係展開研究,對其多糖及酚類物質的功能性進行深入探討;探索棗種植過程中品種、灌溉方式、施肥、採收期等因素對棗品質及功能成分的影響規律;考察不同的加工方式如干燥、膨化、殺菌工藝對其營養功能性成分的影響;研發出系列鮮棗果汁果粉產品。開發濃縮棗汁、超高壓鮮棗汁、速溶紅棗粉等產品,對陝北紅棗產業提升的加工關鍵技術研究和裝備開發奠定重要基礎。 [1] 


在社會服務方面,指導和服務果品和糧油食品加工企業多個,並參與了由陝西省質檢總局組織,委託省食品生產加工企業協會承辦的食品生產許可動態管理實施意見宣貫會,主講食品添加劑安全使用;參與了由陝西省質量技術監督局舉辦的2013年度全省生產加工環節食品安全監管人員業務培訓班任務,主講食品添加劑監督管理。 [1] 


自研究室成立以來,主持和參與了國家科研院所公益基金、國家現代農業產業技術體系項目、“十三五”國家重點研發計劃課題、“十二五”科技計劃課題、國家“863計劃”課題、陝西省自然科學基金、陝西省科技統籌創新工程項目等國家級、省部級和橫向科研項目10餘項。參編著作、教材7部,其中全國統編教材4部。在《 Agric.Food Chem.》、《 Food Research International》、《Cereal Chemistry》、《Journal of Food Science》、《Food Science and Biotechnology》、《Carbohydrate Polymers》、《中國糧油學報》、《中國食品學報》等重要食品學術刊物上發表相關研究論文共100餘篇,其中SCI論文40篇,EI論文17篇。獲國家發明專利2項,實用新型專利5項。 [1] 


1. 蕎麥保健機理及其食品加工利用關鍵技術研究,國家現代農業產業技術體系(CARS-08-D-2-2),2011-2015.
2. 雜糧活性組分在加工過程中的調控與活性保持技術與應用(2017YFD0401203),“十三五”國家重點研發計劃子課題,2017-2020.
3. 甜蕎高粱擠壓物理改性粉及超微粉的加工品質研究(2012BAD34B05-04),“十二五”農村領域國家科技計劃課題,2012-2014.
4. 平穩血糖苦蕎早餐茶研製及產業化(2017CXY-13),楊淩示範區產學研用協同創新重大項目,2017-2019.
5. 陝南苦蕎引種、栽培示範園建設及產品開發合作,橫向課題,2012-2014.
6. 紅棗醋茶飲品的開發與加工技術研究,陝西省榆林科技局產學研合作項目2012-2014
7. 榆林市府谷縣西府海棠產業開發研究,橫向課題,2012-2014.
8. 西北生態脆弱區經濟作物高效用水關鍵技術研究與示範,國家科技支撐計劃(2011BAD29B04),2011-2015.
9. 節水型旱作紅棗修剪技術集成與示範,陝西省科技統籌創新工程(2011KTCL02-02),2011-2014
10. 紅棗產業提升關鍵技術研究與示範(紅棗精深加工關鍵技術及裝備研發與示範), 陝西省科技統籌創新工程,縱向課題,2014-2016
11. 植物工廠營養液管理與蔬菜品質調控技,科技部863課題縱向項目(2013AA103004),2013-2017
12. 鮮棗濃縮清汁加工關鍵技術研究,榆林市科技局項目(2012cxy3-7),2013-2016
13. 紅棗多糖抗炎活性及其基於ROS,Akt/IKK/NF-κB途徑的抗炎分子機制研究,校級項目(ZD2013025),2013-2015
14. 鮮棗汁加工技術集成與示範,校推廣處項目,縱向課題,2013-2015
15. 陝西小雜糧產業體系,陝西省,縱向課題,2011-2015 [1] 


1. Proanthocyanidin B2 attenuates postprandial blood glucose and its inhibitory effect on alphaglucosidase:analysis by kinetics, fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and molecular docking[J]. Food&Function, 2018, 9:4673-4682. Han, L;Zhang, LL;Ma, WF;Li, D;Shi, RJ;Min Wang*. (IF = 3.289)
2. Protocatechuic Acid Ameliorated Palmitic-Acid-Induced Oxidative Damage in Endothelial Cells through Activating Endogenous Antioxidant Enzymes via an Adenosine-Monophosphate-Activated- Protein-Kinase-Dependent Pathway[J].Journal of Agricultural And Food Chemistry, 2018,66:10400-10409. Han, L;Yang, Q;Ma, WF;Li, J;Qu, LZ;Min Wang*. ( IF = 3.412)
3. d-Fagomine Attenuates High Glucose-Induced Endothelial Cell Oxidative Damage by Upregulating the Expression of PGC-1α[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66:2758-2764. ChunFang, BB Zhang, LinHan, Min Wang*, et al. (IF = 3.412)
4. Anti-colon-cancer effects of polysaccharides: A mini-review of the mechanisms[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018,114:1127-1133. Ji X, Peng Q, Min Wang*. (IF = 3.909)
5 Extraction and physicochemical properties of polysaccharides from Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Muzao by ultrasound-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 108:541-549. Ji X, Peng Q, Yuan Y, Min Wang*, et al. (IF = 3.909)
6.Isolation, purification, and antioxidant activities of polysaccharides from Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Muzao[J]. International Journal of Food Properties, 2018,21:1-11. Ji X, Liu F, Ullah N, Min Wang*, et al. (IF = 1.845)
7.Purification, structural characterization, and hypolipidemic effects of a neutral polysaccharide from Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Muzao[J] Food Chemistry.2018,245: 1124-1130. Xiaolong Ji, Fang Liu,Qiang Peng,Min Wang*. (IF = 4.946 )
8.Effect of Rutin and Quercetin on the Physicochemical Properties of Tartary Buckwheat Starch[J]. Starch‐Starke, 2018, 70(1-2). He C, Zhang Z, Liu H, Min Wang*, et al. (IF = 2.173)
9.D-chiro-inositol enriched Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaench extract alleviates mitochondrial malfunction and inhibits ER stress/JNK associated inflammation in the endothelium[J]. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2018, 214:83-89. Zhang B, Gao C, Li Y, Min Wang*, et al. (IF = 3.115)
10.Effect of milling method on the chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of Tartary buckwheat flour[J] International journal of food science and technology, 2018,53:2457-2464. Liu Fang;He Caian,Wang Lijing,Min Wang*. (IF = 2.383)
11.Inhibitory effect of phloretin on alpha-glucosidase: Kinetics, interaction mechanism and molecular docking[J]. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2017,95:520-7. Han L, Fang C, Zhu RX, Peng Q, Li D, Min Wang*.(IF=3.671)
12.Isolation, structures and bioactivities of the polysaccharides from jujube fruit (Ziziphus Jujuba Mill.): A review. Food Chemistry. 2017,227:349-357. Ji Xiaolong, Peng Qiang, Yuan Yuepeng, Shen Jing, Xie Xueying, Min Wang*.(IF=4.529)
13. d-chiro inositol ameliorates endothelial dysfunction via inhibition of oxidative stress and mitochondrial fission[J]. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2017:1600710. Zhang B, Guo X, Li Y, Min Wang*,et al.(IF=4.323)
14. Chemical Characterization and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Polysaccharides from Zizyphus jujube cv. Muzao[J]. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2017. Ji X, Peng Q, Li H, Min Wang*,et al.(IF=0.623)
15. Invitrodigestibilityandchangesinphysicochemicalandstructuralpropertiesof
commonbuckwheatstarchaffectedbyhighhydrostaticpressure[J].CarbohydratePolymers,2016,27:1-8. LiuHang,WangLijing,CaoRong,FanHuanhuan,Min Wang*.(IF=4.219)
16.Physicochemicalpropertiesandinvitrodigestibilityofsorghumstarchalteredby highhydrostaticpressure[J]. International journalofbiologicalmacromolecules, 2016,92:753-760.Liu Hang,Fan Huanhuan,Cao Rong,Blanchard Christopher,Wang,Min*.(IF=3.138)
17.Invitrodigestibilityandchangesinphysicochemicalandtexturalpropertiesof Tartary buckwheatstarch underhighhydrostaticpressure[J].Journal Of Food Engineering. 2016,189:64-71.Liu Hang,Guo,Xudan,Li Yunlong,LiHongmei,Fan,Huanhuan,Min Wang*.(IF=3.199)
18.Effects of high hydrostaticpressureonthequality andshelf-lifeof jujube (ZiziphusjujubaMill.)pulp[J].InnovativeFoodInnovativeFoodScience&EmergingTechnologies.2016,36:166-172. ShenJing,GouQian,ZhangZhen,Min Wang*. (IF= 2.997)
19.Changes in physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of common buckwheat starch by heat-moisture treatment and annealing[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers .132 (2015) 237-244. Hang Liu, Xudan Guo, Wuxia Li, Xiaofang Wang, Manman lv, Qiang Peng,Min Wang* . (IF=5.326 )
20. Physicochemical and textural properties of tartary buckwheat starch after heat-moisture treatment at different moisture levels[J]. Starch-Starke,2015,67:276-284. Hang Liu, Manman Lv, Qiang Peng, Fang Shan, Min Wang*. (IF= 2.173)
21.Tartary buckwheat extracts regulate insulin sensitivity through IKKβ/IR/IRS-1/Akt pathway under inflammation condition in mice[J]. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2014, 2, 321-329. Hanying Tian, Wenjun Zhao, Xudan Guo, Baolin Liu, Min Wang*. (IF=1.95 )
22.Comparison of tarary buckwheat flour and sprouts steamed bread in quality and antioxidant property[J]. Journal of Food Quality. 2014, 37(5):318-328. Xu Fang-Yi, Gao Qing-Han, Ma Yu-Jie, Min Wang*.(IF=1.119 )
23.Cooking, Textural, Sensorial, and Antioxidant Properties of Common and Tartary Buckwheat Noodles[J]. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2013, 22(1):153-159. Ma, Yu Jie, Guo, Xu dan., Liu, Hang, Xu, Bian na,Min Wang*.(IF=0.97 )
24.Comparison of milling fractions of tartary buckwheat for their phenolics and antioxidant properties[J]. Food Research International. 2012, 49(1):53-59. Xu-Dan Guo, Chun-Sen Wu, Yu-Jie Ma, Parry, John,Yuan-Yuan Xu, Hang Liu, Min Wang*.(IF=4.196 )
25.Bio-guided fraction of antioxidant activity of ethanol extract from tartary buckwheat bran[J]. Cereal Chemistry. 2012,89(6):311-315. Xu-Dan Guo, Min Wang*, Jin-Ming Gao, Xin-Wei Shi. (IF=1.404 )
26.Phenolics Content and Antioxidant Activity of Tartary Buckwheat from Different Locations[J].Molecules. 2011,16(12):9850-9867. Guo, Xu dan; Ma, Yu-Jie; Parry, John; Gao, Jin-Ming; Yu, Liang-Li; Min Wang*.(IF= 3.268)
27.Antixidant activity of tartary buckwheat bran extract and its effect on the lipid profile of hyperlipidemic rats[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009,57:5106-5112. Min Wang, Jia-Ren Liu, Jin-Ming Gao, John W. Parry, Yi-Min Wei.(IF= 3.791)
28.Comparison of Flavonoids,Phenolic acids and Antioxidant Activity of Explosion- puffed and Sun-dried jujubes (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2013, 61(48):11840-11847. Du Li-juan, Gao Qing-Han, Ji Xiao-long, Ma Yu-jie, Xu Fang-yi, Min Wang*. (IF= 3.791)
29.Response to comment on effect of drying of jujubes (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) on the contents of sugars, organic acids, α-tocopherol, β-carotene,and phenolic compounds[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2013, 61(19):4663-4664. Qing-Han Gao, Min Wang*. (IF= 3.791)
30.The Jujube (Ziziphus Jujuba Mill.) fruit:A review of current knowledge of fruit composition and health benefits[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61(14):3351-3363. Qing-Han Gao, Chun-Sen Wu, Min Wang*. (IF=3.791 )
31.Effect of drying of jujubes (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) on the contents of sugars,organic acids, alpha-tocopherol,beta-carotene and phenolic compounds[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60(38):9642-9648. Qing-Han Gao, Chun-Sen Wu, Min Wang*, Bian-Na Xu, Li-Juan Du . (IF=3.791 )
32.Textural Characteristic, Antioxidant Activity, Sugar, Organic Acid and Phenolic Profiles of Ten Promising Jujube (Ziziphus Jujuba Mill.)[J]. Journal of Food Science. 2012, 77(11):C1218-C1225. Qing-Han Gao, Chun-Sen Wu, Jin-Gang Yu,, Min Wang*, Yu-Jie Ma, Cui-Li Li. (IF= 2.307)
33.Physico-chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of different jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) cultivars grown in loess plateau of China[J]. Scientia Horticulturae. 2011,130(1):67-72. Gao Qing-han, Wu Pu-Te, Liu Jia-Ren, Wu Chun-Sen, Parry John W, Min Wang*. (IF=1.954 )
34.Effect of ripening stage on physicochemical properties and antioxidant profiles of a promising table fruit 'pear-jujube' (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)[J]. Scientia Horticulturae. 2012,148:177-184. Wu Chun-sen, Gao Qing-Han, Guo Xu-Dan, Yu Jin-Gang, Min Wang*. (IF=1.954 ) [1] 
  • 1.    教師  .西北農林科技大學[引用日期2019-11-10]