


職    稱


1988年開始在中國農業大學任教,1993年開始享受國務院特殊津貼。 [1] 


承擔《農藥合成化學》,《不對稱合成》,《農藥學Siminar》等課程教學工作。 [1] 


曾獲國家教委科技進步一等獎、第四屆北京青年優秀科技論文二等獎,取得多項專利。 [1] 



(4)《乙氰菊酯創新工藝研究》,國家“十五”攻關項目(項目編號:2004BA308A19-5),戚明珠(揚農股份),王敏(技術負責人),2003,1~2005,12。 [1] 


(1)Na, R. S.; Jing, C. F.; Xu, Q. H.; Jiang, H.; Wu, X.; Shi, J.Y.; Zhong, J. C.; Wang, M.; Benitez, D.; Tkatchouk, E.; Goddard, W. A.; Guo, H. C.; Kwon, O. Phosphine-Catalyzed Annulations of Azomethine Imines: Allene-Dependent [3 + 2], [3 + 3], [4 + 3], and [3 + 2 + 3] Pathways,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2011,133, 13337–13348.
(2)Li, Z. Y.; Wang, M.; Bian, Q. H.; Zheng, B.; Mao, J. Y.; Li, S. N.; Liu, S. Z.; Wang, M. A; Zhong, J. C.; Guo, H. C. Highly Enantioselective Addition of Trimethylsilylacetylene to Aldehydes Catalyzed by Zinc-Amino Alcohol Complex,Chem. Eur. J.2011,17, 5782 -5786.
(3)Zhong, J. C.; Hou, S. C.; Bian, Q. H.; Yin, M. M.; Na, R. S.; Zheng, B. ; Li, Z. Y.; Liu, S. Z.;Wang, M.Highly Enantioselective Zinc/Amino Alcohol-Catalyzed Alkynylation of Aldehydes,Chem. Eur. J.2009,15, 3069 – 3071.
(4)Zheng, B.; Hou, S. C.; Li, Z. Y.; Guo, H. C.; Zhong, J. C.;Wang, M.Enantioselective Synthesis of Quaternary Stereogenic Centers Through Catalytic Asymmetric Addition of Dimethylzinc to α-Ketoesters with Chiralcis-Cyclopropane-based Amide Alcohol as Ligand,Tetrahedron: Asymmetry2009,20, 2125 – 2129.
(5)Zhong, J. C.; Wang, M. A.; Guo, H. C.; Yin, M. M.; Wang, M.Asymmetric Diethylzinc Addition and Phenyl Transfer to Aldehydes Using Chiralcis-Cyclopropanebased Amino Alcohols,Tetrahedron:Asymmetry2007,18, 734 – 741.
(6)Gao J. S.; Guo, H. C.; Liu, S. Z.; Wang, M.Efficient Soluble Polymer-supported Tartrate/Ti Catalyst for Asymmetric Oxidation of Prochiral Sulfides.Tetrahedron Lett.2007,48, 8453 – 8455.
(7)Tan, X. L.; Hou, S. C.; Wang, M.Enantioselective and Diastereoselective Separation of Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides on a Novel Chiral Stationary Phase by High-performance Liquid Chromatography,Chirality2007,19, 574 – 580.
(8)Tan, X. L.; Hou, S. C.; Jiang, J. L.; Wang, M.Preparation of a New Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC Based on the (R)-1-Phenyl-2-(4-methylphenyl) Ethylamine Amide Derivative of (S)-Valine and 2-Chloro-3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid: Enantioseparation of Amino Acid Derivatives and Pyrethroid Insecticides,J. Sep. Sci.2007,30,1888 – 1892.
(9)Zhong, J. C.; Wang, M. A.; Guo, H. C.; Bian, Q. H. ; Wang M.Design and Synthesis of 1,4-Amino Alcohol Ligands with a Chiral Cyclopropane Backbone for Asymmetric Diethylzinc Addition to Aromatic Aldehydes,Synlett2006, 1667 – 1670.
(10)Guo, H. C.; Shi, X. Y.; Wang, X.; Liu, S. Z.; Wang, M.Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Chiral Tartrate Ligand Library for Enantioselective Sharpless Epoxidation of Allylic Alcohols ,J. Org. Chem.2004,69, 2042 – 2047.
(11)Wang, M.; Liu, S. Z.; Liu, J.; Hu, B. F. The Diastrreoselective Synthesis of 1,1- Binaphthyl -2,2’-diol,J. Org. Chem.1995,60, 7364 – 7365.
(12)Guo, H. C.; Shi, X. Y.; Qiao, Z.; Hou, S. C.; Wang, M.Efficient Soluble Polymer- supported Sharpless Alkene Epoxiidation Catalyst,Chem. Commun.2002, 118 – 119.
(13)Zhong, J. C.; Wang, M.-A.; Wang, M.{(1R,3S)-3-[(Dimethylamino)methyl]-2, 2-dimethyl-cyclo- propyl}diphenylmethanol,Acta Cryst.2007,E63, 1058 – 1059.
(14)Shi, X. Y.; Guo, H. C.; Wang, M.Enantioseparation of Chiral Epoxides Using Four New Cyclodextrin Derivatives as Chiral Stationary Phases of Capillary Gas Chromatograp,Anal. Chim. Acta2005,553, 43 – 49.
(15)Shi, X. Y.; Wang, M.; Chen, G. R.; Fu, R. L.; Gu, J. L. Synthesis and Properties of New Cyclodextrin Phenyl Carbamates as Capillary Gas Chromatography Stationary Phase,Anal. Chim. Acta2001,445, 221 – 228.
(16)Shi, X. Y.; Guo, H. C.; Wang, M .; Jiang, S. R. Synthesis of Three New Cyclodextrin Derivatives and Their Application as Chiral Stationary Phases in Determination of Opitical Purity by Capillary Gas Chromatography,Chromatographia2002,55, 755 – 759.
(17)Shi, X. Y.; Guo, H.C.; Wang, M.; Jiang, S. R. Capilary Gas Chromatography Separation of Pyrethroic Acids Methyl Esters Using Four Acylated Cyclodextrin Derivatives as Chiral Stationary Phases,Chromatographia2002,56, 207 – 211.
(18)Hou, S. C.;Zhou, Z. Q.;Qiao, Z. ; Guo, H. C.; Shi, X. Y.; Wang , M.Enantiomer Separation of Tebuconazole and Its Potential Impurities by High Performance Liquid Cromatography Using Cellulose Derivative-based Chiral Stationary Phase,Chromatographia2003,57, 177 – 180.
(19)Yin, M. M.; Li, N.; Shi, X. Y.; Wang, M.Synthesis of Some Allyl-β-cyclodextrin Derivatives and Their Properties as Capillary GC Stationary Phases,Chromatographia2003,58, 301 – 305. [1] 


(1)《一種手性催化劑的合成方法》,王敏,胡秉方,中國專利1042713, 1993年。
(2)《1,3,2-二氧磷雜環辛烷類化合物——一類新殺菌劑》,陳萬義,王敏,葛雯霞,中國專利1154370, 1996年。
(3)《新型化學鍵合手性固定相及其製備方法和用途》,王敏,譚徐林,侯士聰,中國專利,公開號:CN1800192。 [1] 
  • 1.    王敏  .中國農業大學[引用日期2019-11-18]