




2004年6月畢業於中國科學技術大學量子信息重點實驗室,師從郭光燦院士,獲得光學專業博士學位;2004.7-2006.6在清華大學物理系量子信息與測量教育部重點實驗室從事博士後研究,合作導師為龍桂魯教授。2006年6月進入北郵物理系工作至今,2007年12月獲得副教授職稱。 [1] 


量子光學、量子信息與量子計算、表面等離子體與納米光子學。主要從事量子計算機控制與物理實現、低維繫統量子糾纏與量子相變、表面等離子體輔助實現量子信息過程的等課題的研究。隸屬“量子信息與量子光學”課題組,本課題組每年擬招收3-5名碩士生,歡迎物理和光電專業的考生報考。 [1] 


  1. 國家自然科學基金項目:量子計算機的量子噪聲和編碼量子計算理論研究(主持, 批准號:10447116,2005.1-2005.12, 經費2萬元)
  2. 中國博士後科學基金項目:自旋氣中的多體糾纏研究(主持,批准號:2005038316 2006.1-2006.6, 經費1萬元)
  3. 國家自然科學基金項目:含流自旋鏈的基態糾纏和量子相變研究(主持,批准號:10704010,2008.1-2010.12,經費19萬)
  4. 北京郵電大學青年創新基金:一維自旋系統中的非經典關聯 (主持,批2011RC07062011.4-2012.12,經費 5 萬)
  5. 國家自然科學基金項目:特殊子空間的量子信息過程(參與,2003.1—2005.12)
  6. 國家自然科學基金項目:大氣和海洋環境下自由空間量子通信理論和方案的研究 (參2007.1-2009.12)
  7. 國家自然科學基金項目:量子密鑰分發網絡應用技術的實驗研究(參與,2012.1-2016.12)
  8. 國家自然科學基金項目:遠程量子通信中的退相干問題研究(參與,2013.1-2015.12)
  9. 作為研究成員參與科技部973量子調控重大研究計劃項目。 [1] 


  1. Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Jin Guangsheng. Entanglement purification and concentration of electron-spin entangled states using quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities. Physical Review A 71, 84,032307 (2011);
  2. Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Jin Guangsheng. Polarization-entanglement purification and concentration using cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Quantum Info. & Comp. 11, 0988 (2011);
  3. Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Zhang Ru. Hybrid entanglement purification using quantum-dot and microcavity system. Optics Express (2011);
  4. Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Jin Guangsheng. Dicke state generation using cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Journal of Modern Optics. 58,21 (2011);
  5. Wu Xi, Chen Zhi-Hua, Zhang Yong, Chen Yue-Hua, Ye Ming-Yong, and Lin Xiu-Min, Implementation of quantum controlled phase gate andpreparation of multiparticle entanglement in cavity QED, Chin. Phys. B 20(6) 060306 (2011) ;
  6. Zhang Yong, Wang Chuan, and Jin Guang-Sheng, The ground-state entanglement in the spin-XX chain with a magnetization current, Chin. Phys. B, 19(11) 110308-1-130308-4, (2010);
  7. Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong. Quantum secret sharing using modulated doubly entangled photons. Chinese Physics. Vol.18(8) (2009);
  8. Wang Yan Hui,Zhang Yong. Scheme for Implementing Quantum Search Algorithm in a Cluster StateQuantum Computer, Commun. Theor. Phys., 49, 1487-1490(2008)
  9. Liu Dan, Zhang Yong and Long Guilu. Influence of magnetic current on the ground state entanglement in an isotropic transverse XY chain. Progress in Natural Science, 2007,17:1147
  10. D. Liu, Y. Zhang,Y. Liu,G. L. Long, “Ground-state entanglement in an isotropic transverse XY model with energy current”, Chin.Phys.Lett.24, 8-10(2007).
  11. Y. Zhang, G. L. Long, “Ground-state and thermal entanglement in three-spin Heisenberg- XXZ chain with three-spin interaction”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 48, 249 (2007)
  12. Y. Zhang, D. Liu, G. L. Long, “Ground-State Entanglement in a Three-Spin Transverse Ising Model with Energy Current”, Chin. Phys. 16, 324 (2007) .
  13. Y. Zhang, G. L. Long, Y. C. Wu, G. C. Guo, “Partial teleportation of entanglement through naturally thermal entanglement in two-qubit Heisenberg XXX chain”, Commun. Theor. Phys. 47, 787 (2007), .
  14. Y. Zhang, W. C. Cao, G. L. Long, “Creation of Multipartite Entanglement and Entanglement Transfer via Heisenberg Interaction”.Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 2143(2005).
  15. Y. Zhang, W. C. Cao, G. L. Long, “Creation of Entanglement with Nonlocal Operations”, Commun. Theor. Phys. 44, 625 (2005).
  16. Y. Zhang, Z. W. Zhou, G. C. Guo, “Decoupling neighboring qubits in quantum computer through bangbang pulse control”, Phys. Lett. A 327,391-396 (2004).
  17. B. Yu, Z. W. Zhou, Y. Zhang, G. Y. Xiang, G. C. Guo, “Robust high-fidelity teleportation of an tomic state through the detection of cavity decay”,Phys. Rev. A 70, 014302 (2004).
  18. Y. Zhang, Z. W. Zhou, B. Yu, G. C. Guo, “Concatenating dynamical decoupling with decoherence-free subspaces for quantum computation”, Phys. Rev. A. 69,042315(2004)
  19. Y. Zhang, Z. W. Zhou, B. Yu, G. C. Guo, “A quantum code in decoherence-free and interaction-free subspaces”, J. Opt. B: Quant. Semi. Opt. 5, 309 (2003). [1] 
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