


高翔,1985年於南京大學生物系獲動物學學士學位,1988於南京大學生物化學系獲蛋白質化學碩士學位,1994年獲美國Thomas Jeferson大學發育生物學與解剖學博士學位,1994年至1997年先後在美國Roche分子生物學研究所和Jackson實驗室做博士後研究。1997年至2000年任美國北卡大學神經科學中心研究助理。2000年3月受聘為南京大學教授,2001年受聘為博士生導師及教育部長江獎勵計劃特聘教授。現為國家遺傳工程小鼠資源庫主任,南京大學模式動物研究所所長,南京大學醫學院副院長。
職    務




1. Zhao J, Ding J, Li YQ, Ren KQ, Sha JH, Zhu MS, *Gao X (2009) HnRNP U mediates the long-range regulation of Shh expression during limb development. Hum Mol Genet. in press
2. Wang Q, Jiang L, Wang J, Li S, Yu Y, You J, Zeng R, Gao X, Rui L, Li W, Liu Y (2009) Abrogation of hepatic ATP-citrate lyase protects against fatty liver and ameliorates hyperglycemia in leptin receptor-deficient mice. Hepatology. In press
3. Lin C, Jiang X, Dai Z, Guo X, Weng T, Wang J, Li Y, Feng G, *Gao X, *He L (2009) Sclerostin mediates bone response to mechanical unloading via antagonizing Wnt/b-catenin signaling. J Bone Miner Res, in press
4. Ding J, Gao Y, Zhao J, Yan H, Guo SY, Zhang QX, Li LS, *Gao X(2009)Pax6 haploinsufficiency causes abnormal metabolic homeostasis by down-regulating GLP-1 in mice. Endocrinology, in press
5. Wen JH, Chen YY, Song SJ, Ding J, Gao Y, Hu QK, Feng RP, Liu YZ, Ren GC, Zhang CY, Hong TP, *Gao X, and *Li LS (2009) Paired box 6 (PAX6) regulates glucose metabolism via proinsulin processing mediated by prohormone convertase 1/3 (PC1/3). Diabetologia, 52(3):504-13.
6. Wang X, Zhang Y, Xiao G, Gao X, Liu XL (2009) c-Fos enhances survival of thymocytes during positive selection by upregulating Bcl-2. Cell Res. 19:340-7
7. Liu ZP, Zhang CL, Li Y, Wu ZY, Qian F, Yang XL, He WJ, Gao X, Guo Z (2009) A Zn2+ fluorescent sensor derived from 2-(pyridin-2-yl)benzoimidazole with ratiometric sensing potential. Organic letters 11:795-8
8. Qian F, Zhang CL, Zhang Y, He WJ, Gao X, Hu P, Guo ZJ (2009) Visible light excitable Zn2+ fluorescent sensor derived from an intramolecular charge transfer fluorophore and its in vitro and in vivo application. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131:1460-8
9. Zhang YF, Li H, Wang XM, Gao X, Liu XL (2009) Regulation of T cell development and activation by creatine kinase B. PLoS ONE 4:e5000
10. Chen H, Jin H, Du CY, Gu PY, Wang CY, Zhang QX, Gao X(2008)Establishment of transgenic mice expressing SV40T in parietal cells. Acta Anatomica Sinica 39: 699-702
11. Ding XF, Luo C, Ren KQ, Zhang J, Zhou JL, Hu X, Liu RS, Wang Y, *Gao X, *Zhang J (2008) Characterization and expression of a human KCTD1 gene containing the BTB domain, which mediates transcriptional repression and homomeric interactions. DNA and Cell Biology 27: 257-265
12. Ha TZ, Hua F, Liu X, Ma J, McMullen JR, Shioi T, Izumo S, Kelley J, Gao X, Browder W, Williams DL, Kao RL, Li CF (2008) Lipopolysaccharide-induced myocardial protection against ischaemia/reperfusion injury is mediated through a PI3K/Akt-dependent mechanism. Cardiovascular Research 78:546-53
13. Zeng H, Chen Y, Yu M, Xue L, Gao X, Morris SW, Wang D, Wen R (2008)TCR-mediated activation of CD4+CD44hi T cells bypasses Bcl10: An implication of differential NF-κB dependence of naïve and memory T cells during TCR-mediated responses. J Biol Chem, 283(36):24392-9
14. Wang XM, Xiao G, Zhang YF, Wen XM, Gao X, Okada S, Liu X (2008) Regulation of Tcrb recombination ordering by c-Fos-dependent RAG deposition Nature Immunology, 9(7):794-801
15. He WQ, Peng YJ, Zhang WC, Lv N, Tang J, Chen C, Zhang CH, Gao S, Chen HQ, Zhi G, Feil R, Kamm KE, Stull JT, *Gao X, Zhu MS (2008) Myosin light chain kinase is central to smooth muscle contraction and required for gastrointestinal motility in mice. Gastroenterology, 135(2):610-20.
16. Xiong X, Qi X, Ge XM, Gu P, Zhao J, Zhao QS, *Gao X.(2008) A novel Phex mutation with defective glycosylation causes hypophosphatemia and rickets in mice. J Biomed Sci, 15:47-59
17. Sun L, Ma K, Wang H, Xiao F, Gao Y, Zhang W, Wang K, Gao X, Ip N and Wu Z (2007) JAK1-STAT1-STAT3, a key pathway promoting proliferation and preventing premature differentiation of myoblasts. J Cell Biol. 179: 129-138
18. Sha HB, Xu J, Tang J, Ding J, Gong JF, Ge XM, Kong D, *Gao X. (2007) Disruption of a novel regulatory locus results in decreased Bdnf expression, obesity and type 2 diabetes in mice. Physiological Genomics, 31:252-63


國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目---在體研究JAK1 在骨骼肌幹細胞及肌肉再生中的功能




上海交通大學教授、博導,中國細胞生物學學會副理事長,中國實驗動物學會常務理事,中國動物學會理事,國家科學技術名詞審定委員會遺傳學委員會委員,江蘇省發育生物學會理事長,Cell Research和Genesis雜誌編委等。 [1] 