




2006年4月入黨,2012年6月參加工作。2007年7月畢業於武漢大學水利水電學院水文與水資源工程專業,獲工學學士學位;同年被保送至北京師範大學攻讀博士學位,2012年6月畢業,獲工學博士學位;2011年10月-2012年10月赴英國紐卡斯爾大學學術交流一年。2012年6月起任中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院講師、副教授。 [1] 


(4)水文風險率與不確定性 [1] 


美國地球物理學會(AGU)會員;亞洲大洋洲地球科學學會(AOGS)會員;北京農業工程學會理事會理事;擔任國際期刊Science of the Total Environment, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Water Resources Management, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Climate Research, Journal of Environmental Management,Hydrological Sciences Journal等審稿人。 [1] 



(13)科技部國際科技合作重大項目(編號:2006DFA71390)“流域洪水風險情景分析技術研究”,2006-2010,參加 [1] 


參編《水文模型》,科學出版社,2009。 [1] 


[1] Liu Liu*, Niu Qiankun, Heng Jingxia, Li Hao, Xu Zongxue. Transition Characteristics of the Dry-Wet Regime and Vegetation Dynamic Responses over the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 1254, doi:10.3390rs11101254. (SCI,5-Year IF=4.740)
[2] Li Hao, Liu Liu*, Shan Baoying, Xu Zhicheng, Niu Qiankun, Cheng Lei, Liu Xingcai, Xu Zongxue. Spatiotemporal Variation of Drought and Associated Multi-Scale Response to Climate Change over the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 1596, doi:10.3390rs11131596. (SCI,5-Year IF=4.740)
[3] Li Xueying, Liu Liu*, Li Hao, Wang Shuping, Heng Jingxia. Spatiotemporal soil moisture variations associated with hydro-meteorological factors over the Yarlung Zangbo River basin in Southeast Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology. 2019, 1-19, doi: 10.1002joc.6202 (SCI, 5-Year IF=4.376)
[4] Liu Liu*, Guo Zezhong, Huang Guanhua, Wang Ruotong. Water Productivity Evaluation under Multi-GCM Projections of Climate Change in Oases of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16, 1706, doi:10.3390ijerph16101706. (SCI,5-Year IF=2.948)
[5] Wang Ruotong, Cheng Qiuya, Liu Liu*, Yan Churui, Huang Guanhua. Multi-Model Projections of Climate Change in Different RCP Scenarios in an Arid Inland Region, Northwest China. Water. 2019, 11, 347, doi:10.3390w11020347. (SCI,5-Year IF=2.721)
[6] Liu Liu*, Li Rong, Wang Youzhi Evaluation of Climate change impacts on hydrological processes in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Applied Ecology And Environmental Research, 2017, 15(3): 1025-1040. (SCI)
[7] Liu Liu*, Xu Zongxue. Hydrological implications of climate change on river basin water cycle: Case studies of the Yangtze River and Yellow River basins, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2017, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(4): 683-704. (SCI)
[8] Wang Youzhi, Liu Liu, Guo Ping, Zhang Chenglong, Zhang Fan, Guo Shanshan. An inexact irrigation water allocation optimization model under future climate change. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 2019, 33: 271–285. (SCI,5-Year IF=2.934)
[9] Liu Liu*, Guo Zezhong, Huang Guanhua. Evaluation of water productivity under climate change in irrigated areas of the arid Northwest China using an assemble statistical downscaling method and an agro-hydrological model. Proc. IAHS, 2018, 379, 393–402. (EI)
[10] Liu Liu, Xu Zongxue. Hydrological projections based on the coupled hydrological-hydraulic modeling in the complex river network region: a case study in the Taihu basin, China. Journal of Water and Climate, 2015, 6(2): 386-399. (SCI)
[11] Liu Liu, Xu Zongxue, Reynard N. S., Hu Changwei, Richard J. Hydrological analysis for water level projections in Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 2013, 6(1): 14-22. (SCI)
[12] Liu Liu, Xu Zongxue, Huang Junxiong. Spatio-temporal variation and abrupt changes for major climate variables in the Taihu Basin, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2012, 26(6): 777-791. (SCI)
[13] Liu Zhaofei, Xu Zongxue, Charles S P, Fu Guobin, Liu Liu. Evaluation of two statistical downscaling models performance on daily precipitation over the Tarim River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 2011, 31(13): 2006-2020. (SCI)
[14] Liu Liu, Xu Zongxue, Wang Sufen. Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Standardized Precipitation Index in the Haihe River Basin during the past decades. Proceedings of the 6th APHW conference. 2013, Seoul, Korea.
[15] Liu Liu, Xu Zongxue, Huang Junxiong. Impact of Climate Change on Streamflow in the Xitiaoxi Catchment, Taihu Basin. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences. 2009, 14(6): 525-531.
[16] Liu Liu, Xu Zongxue, Huang Junxiong. Long-term trend of major climate variables in the Taihu Basin during the past 53 years. In: Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments, Proceedings of IWRM2010, IAHS Publ. 350: 18-27. Nanjing, China, November 2010. (EI)
[17] Liu Xingcai, Xu Zongxue, Liu Liu, et al. Parameterization of land surface processes in the Taihu basin. In: Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments, Proceedings of IWRM2010, IAHS Publ. 350: 704-712. Nanjing, China, November 2010. (EI)
[18] Xu Zongxue, Liu Liu. Impact of climate change on runoff in the Taihu Basin, China. International session on Asia region special issues on Hydrology and water resources, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Annual Meeting, Hosel University. 2010: 37-46.
[19] 顏楚睿, 劉瀏*, 黃冠華. 多模式多情景下西北內陸乾旱區未來氣候變化預估. 排灌機械工程學報. 2018, 36(11): 1193-1199.
[20] 劉瀏*, 劉麗麗, 索瀅. 近53a黑河流域水文氣象要素時空演變特徵. 乾旱區研究, 2017, 34(3): 465-478.
[21] 徐宗學, 劉瀏. 氣候變化影響下的流域水循環:以長江和黃河典型流域為例. 氣象科技進展. 2016, 6(3): 123-133.
[22] 徐宗學, 劉曉婉, 劉瀏. 氣候變化影響下的流域水循環:回顧與展望. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版). 2016, 52(6): 722-730.
[23] 劉瀏, 王素芬, 劉麗麗. 海河流域乾旱化特徵時空演變規律研究. 灌溉排水學報, 2014, 33(S1): 157-159.
[24] 劉瀏, 胡昌偉, 徐宗學, 程曉陶. 情景分析技術在未來太湖水位預見中的應用. 水利學報. 2012, 43(4): 404-413. (EI)
[25] 劉瀏, 徐宗學. 太湖流域洪水過程水文-水力學耦合模擬初探. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版). 2012, 48(5): 530-536.
[26] 劉瀏, 徐宗學, 黃俊雄. 氣候變化對太湖流域徑流的影響. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版). 2010, 46(3): 371-377.
[27] 劉瀏, 徐宗學, 黃俊雄. 2種降尺度方法在太湖流域的應用對比. 氣象科學. 2011, 31(2): 160-169.
[28] 劉瀏, 徐宗學, 黃俊雄. 氣候變化對西苕溪流域未來洪水影響研究——Ⅰ.模型評估. 長江流域資源與環境. 2011, 20(2): 244-250.
[29] 劉瀏, 徐宗學, 黃俊雄. 氣候變化對西苕溪流域未來洪水影響研究——Ⅱ.情景分析.長江流域資源與環境. 2011, 20(4): 508-512.
[30] 徐宗學, 劉瀏. 太湖流域氣候變化檢測與未來氣候變化情景預估. 水利水電科技進展. 2012, 32(1): 1-7.
[31] 徐宗學, 劉瀏. 太湖流域未來洪水對氣候變化的響應. 劉光文先生百年誕辰紀念文集. 河海大學, 2010.
[32] 劉瀏, 徐宗學, 黃俊雄. SDSM和PRECIS建立太湖流域氣候變化情景的比較分析. 第26屆氣象學會年會會議論文集. 杭州. 2009.
[33] 劉瀏, 徐宗學. 北京市未來日平均氣温變化趨勢分析. 第六屆中國水論壇會議論文集. 北京: 中國水利水電出版社. 2008, 122-128.
[34] 蔣昕昊, 徐宗學, 劉兆飛, 劉瀏. 大氣環流模式在長江流域的適用性評價. 長江流域資源與環境. 2011, 20(Z1): 51-58.
[35] 王潔, 徐宗學, 劉瀏. 白洋淀流域未來日平均氣温變化趨勢分析, 第七屆水論壇會議論文集. 北京: 中國水利水電出版社. 2010: 71-76.
[36] 李林濤, 徐宗學, 龐博, 劉瀏. 中國洪災風險區劃研究. 水利學報, 2012, 43(1): 22-30. (EI) [1] 


(6)2014年獲中國農業工程學會農業水土工程專業委員會第八屆學術研討會“優秀青年學術論文獎” [1] 


主講研究生課程《水文模型軟件與應用》,參與講授《水資源與水利水電工程研究專題》。 [1] 