


職    業
職    務
職    稱


主要為心血管及內分泌疾病的中藥藥理與中西醫結合防治研究。近幾年來負責國家自然科學基金、粵港關健領域重點突破招標項目、廣東省重大新藥創制專項項目、廣東省自然科學基金、廣東省科技計劃重點與面上項目、廣州市科技計劃重大專項項目等縱向研究課題10餘項,承擔多項重大橫向合作研究課題;累積在國內外期刊發表學術論文近百篇,其中近幾年來在糖尿病(腎病)、血管硬化性疾病研究中發表與本項目相關研究論文38篇(SCI收錄期刊論文20餘篇,通訊作者18篇);研製的具有獨立自主知識產權、治療2型糖尿病合併高脂血症的療效獨特的中藥新藥——糖脈交泰膠囊獲得國家食品藥品監督管理局臨牀試驗批文,已進入3期臨牀試驗-;在研和即將啓動2個具有獨立自主知識產權、治療高血壓合併胰島素抵抗等代謝綜合症的中藥新藥臨牀前研究。獲得中國發明專利授權3項,獲得5項省部科研成果獎勵。 [1] 


1991年7月 畢業於湖北中醫學院碩士研究生。
1991年8月-1995年8月 在湖北省十堰市人民醫院(三甲醫院)從事中西醫結合內科臨牀工作。
1995年9月-1998年8月 在成都中醫藥大學攻讀中醫內科(血管疾病方向)博士學位,其間在四川省人民醫院內科臨牀工作一年。
1998年9月-2000年7月 在原中山醫科大學(現中山大學中山醫學院)從事動脈粥樣硬化病理生理學(中西醫結合)博士後研究工作。
2000年8月-2002年9月 在廣東省中醫研究所、廣東省第二中醫院從事中西醫結合防治糖尿病、心腦血管病臨牀工作。
2002年10月至今 在中山大學藥學院中山大學實驗動物中心等單位從事藥理學、中西醫結合教、研、醫工作。 [1] 


中國藥理學會中藥藥理專業委員會常務委員,廣東省中西醫結合學會理事,廣東省藥理學會理事,廣東省藥理學會中藥藥理專業委員會副主任委員。 [1] 


6、2004、10--至2007、12:血脈舒抗糖尿病腎病五類(原二類)新藥開發的臨牀前研究,廣東省科技計劃專項(重點)項目,編號:2004A30103003,經費: 30萬元。
7、2005、10—2007、12:血脈舒複方防治糖尿病腎病的新藥開發研究,廣州市科技計劃專項(重大專項分題)項目,編號:2005Z1——E0041,經費:30萬元。 [1] 


1、Tian Lan,Weihua Liu,Xi Xie, Suowen Xu, Kaipeng Huang, Jing Peng, Xiaoyan Shen, Peiqing Liu, Lijing Wang, Pu Xia, Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Sphingosine kinase-1 pathway mediates high glucose-induced fibronectin expression in glomerular mesangial cells. Molecular Endocrinology. ME-11-0095(2011) , [Epub ahead of print] (IF: 4.889)
2、Qin Jiang , Peiqing Liu , Xiaoqian Wu, Weihua Liu, Xiaoyan Shen, Tian Lan, Suowen Xu, Jing Peng, Xi Xie, Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Berberine attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced extracelluar matrix accumulation and inflammation in rat mesangial cells: Involvement of NF-kappaB signaling pathway. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 331(2011)34-40 (IF: 4.119)
3、Tian Lan, Huichang Bi, Weihua Liu, Xi Xei, Suowen Xu, Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Simultaneous determination of sphingosine and sphingosine 1-phosphate inbiological samples by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 879(2011)520-526 (IF: 2.971)
4、Xi Xie, Wenyuan Li, Tian Lan, Weihua Liu Jing Peng, Kaipeng Huang, Juan Huang,Xiaoyan Shen, Peiqing Liu1and Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Berberine ameliorates hyperglycemia in alloxan-induced diabetic C57BL/6 mice through activation of Akt signaling pathway. Endocrine Journal. 2011, 58(9), 761-768 (IF: 1.952)
5、Fu-Tian Tang , Yuan Cao , Tie-Qiao Wang , Li-Jing Wang , Jiao Guo , Xiao-Shi Zhou , Suo-wen Xu ,Wei-Hu Liu , Pei-Qing Liu , He-Qing Huang(通訊作者) . Tanshinone IIA attenuates atherosclerosis in ApoE(-/-) mice through down-regulation of scavenger receptors expression. European Journal of Pharmacology, 650(2011 )275-284 (IF: 2.737)
6、Yan-Hui Deng, Deepa Alex, He-Qing Huang(通訊作者), Nan Wang,Nan Yu,Yi-Tao Wang,George P. H. Leung and Simon Ming-Yuen Lee1. Inhibition of TNF-alpha-mediated endothelial cell-monocyte cell adhesion and adhesion molecules expression by the resveratrol derivative, trans-3,5,4'-trimethoxystilbene. Phytother. Res,2011;25(3):451-7 (IF: 1.878)
7、Hong Nie, Hui Zhang, Xiao-qi Zhang, Yong Luoe, Lan-zhen Meng,Zhen Yin, Jianyu Zhang, Kongyan Li, Ai-hua Xiong, Ling Zhong, Heqing Huang(通訊作者) and Wen-cai Ye.Relationship between HPLC fingerprints and in vivo pharmacological effects of a traditional Chinese medicine: Radix Angelicae Dahuricae. Natural Product Research,2011, 25(1):53–61(IF: 0.906)
8、Shu Tang,Xiao-Yan Shen,He-Qing Huang,Suo-Wen Xu,Yang Yu,Changhua Zhou,Shao-Rui Chen,Kang Le,Yu-Hua Wang,and Pei-Qing Liu.Cryptotanshinone Suppressed Inflammatory Cytokines Secretion in RAW264.7 Macrophages through Inhibition of the NF-kappaB and MAPK Signaling Pathways. Inflammation. 2011;34(2):111-8 (IF: 1.777)
9、Tian Lan, Xiaoyan Shen,Peiqing Liu,Weihua Liu, Suowen Xu , Xi Xie, Qin Jiang, Wenyuan Li, Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Berberine ameliorates renal injury in diabetic C57BL/6 mice: Involvement of suppression of SphK-S1P signaling pathway. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics,502(2010)112-120 (IF: 3.022)
10、Weihua Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Peiqing Liu,Xiaoyan Shen,Tian Lan, Wenyuan Li, Qin Jiang, Xi Xie, Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Effects of berberine on matrix accumulation and NF-kappa B signal pathway in alloxan-induced diabetic mice with renal injury.European Journal of Pharmacology, 638(2010)150-155 (IF: 2.737)
11、Tian Lan, Huichang Bi, Suowen Xu, Kang Le, Zhiyong Xie, Yiwei Liu and Heqing Huang (通訊作者). Determination of sphingosine kinase activity in biological samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr,2010 ,24:1075-1083 (IF: 1.545)
12、XiaoqianWu, Heqing Huang, Futian Tang, Kang Le, Suowen Xu, Peiqing Liu. Regulate
13、Xuejuan Li, Weihua Liu, Qin Wang, Peiqing Liu, Yanhui Deng , Tian Lan, Xiaoyan Zhang, Biaoming Qiu, Hairong Nie, Heqing Huang(通訊作者). Emodin suppresses cell proliferation and FN expression via p38MAPK pathway in rat mesangial cells cultured under high glucose. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 307(2009)157-162 (IF: 3.503)
14、Weihua Liu, Futian Tang, Yanhui Deng , Xuejuan Li , Tian Lan, Xiaoyan Zhang ,
Heqing Huang (通訊作者), Peiqing Liu. Berberine reduces fibronectin and collagen accumulation in rat glomerular mesangial cells cultured under high glucose condition.Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry ,(2009)325:99-105 (IF: 1.896)
15、Weihua Liu, Peiqinq Liu, Sha Tao, Yanhui Deng , Xuejuan Li , Tian Lan, Xiaoyan Zhang , Fenfen Guo, Fengying Chen, Heqing Huang (通訊作者), Shufeng Zhou. Berberine inhibits aldose reductase and oxidative stress in rat mesangial cells cultured under high glucose, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 475(2008):128-134 (IF: 2.626)
16、LIU Wei-hua, HEI Zi-qing, NIE Hong, TANG Fu-tian, HUANG He-qing(通訊作者), LI Xue-juan, DENG Yan-hui, CHEN Shao-rui, GUO Fen-fen, HUANG Wen-ge, CHEN Feng-ying and LIU Pei-qing . Berberine ameliorates renal injury in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by suppression of both oxidative stress and aldose reductase. Chinese Medical Journal , 2008; 121(8):706-712 (IF:0.858)
17、Z.-Q. Hei; X.-L. Gan; H-Q. Huang,G.-J.Luo, S.-R. Li, J.Cai. Protective effects of cromolyn sodium on intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion-triggered lung injury in rats.British Journal of naesthesia, 2007 98: 407-408 (IF: 2.948)
18、Jingping Wang , Heqing Huang (通訊作者), Peiqing Liu, Futian Tang, Jia Qing, Wenge Huang, Fengying Chen, Fenfen Guo, Weihua Liu, Bing Yang. Inhibition of phosphorylation of p38 MAPK involves in protection of nephropathy by Emodin in diabetic rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 553(2006):297-303 (IF:2.522)
19、GAN Xiao-liang, HEI Zi-qing, Huang He-qing(通訊作者), CHEN Li-xin, LI Shang-rong and CAI Jun . Effect of astragalus membranaceus injection on the activity of the intestinal mucosal mast cells after hemorrhage shock-reperfusion in rats. Chinese Medical Journal, 2006;119(22):1892-1898 (IF:0.615)
20、Si-Gui Zhou, Shu-Feng Zhou, He-Qing Huang, Jian-Wen Chen, Min Huang, and
Pei-Qing Liu. . Proteomic Analysis of Hypertension-Induced Left Ventricular Hypertrophy by Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Proteome Research, 2006,5(11):2901-2908 (IF: 6.920)
21、Zi-Qing Hei, He-Qing Huang (並列第一), Chen-Fang Luo, Shang-Rong Li. Changes of nitric oxide and endothelin, thromboxane A2 and prostaglandin in cirrhotic patients undergoing liver transplantation. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006 July 7; 12(25): 4049-4051 (IF :1.445)
22、HEI Zi-qing, HUANG He-qing(通訊作者), TAN Hong-mei, LIU Pei-qing, ZHAO Ling-zhi, CHEN Shao-rui, HUANG Wen-ge, CHEN Feng-ying and GUO Fen-fen . Emodin inhibits atherosclerosis in rabbits with dietary perturbation and is associated with its the regulation of the sphingomyelin pathway. Chinese Medical Journal, 2006,119(10):868-870 (IF:0.615)
23、Zi-Qing Hei, He-Qing Huang(通訊作者), Jing-Jun Zhang, Bing-Xue Chen. Protective effect of astragalus membranaceus of intestinal mucosa reperfusion injury after hemorrhagic shock in rats. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 28 (2005):4986-4991(IF:1.445) [1] 