


John Jian Chen
職    稱


1998-2000,美國Kentucky大學, 博士後
2000-2002,美國SECAT Inc.公司, 材料工程師
2002-2005,加拿大Dalhousie大學, 博士後
2005-2007,加拿大Defense Research & Development Canada(國防研發部材料研究室), 研究科學家
2007-2011,加拿大6N Silicon Inc.公司,研發科學家


長期從事新材料的製備理論和應用技術研究,如納米材料,3D打印粉末,薄膜材料形狀記憶合金,儲能材料,硅基太陽電池材料,鈣鈦礦太陽電池材料,光電轉換材料,智能材料高温合金金屬間化合物,鋁合金,電子封裝,礦物材料;材料加工技術如冶煉,鑄造,凝固,提純,微波處理,粉末冶金,軋製,加工;材料微觀結構分析表徵,性能測試分析與模擬計算等。成功地研發出了多項技術和產品,2011年回國工作後,在Al-Si合金法提純硅料的理論研究中,提出了表觀偏析係數的概念和計算方法並用於提純動力學的研究,證明了動力學因素是控制提純效率的一個關鍵參數,在該理論的指導下,通過研究提純時的温度場,熔體流場,電磁場以及雜質元素的耦合交互作用,進一步發現了幾種新的提純機制,關鍵雜質元素B和P的提純效率得到顯著提高,均大幅度打破了行業的提純效率記錄並突破了Al-Si-X三元體系熱力學提純效率理論極限,為太陽能級硅料生產核心技術的創新與突破打下了堅實基礎。2007年,在加拿大參與創立6N Silicon Inc.公司並擔任研發科學家,發明了Al-Si合金法提純硅料時初晶硅高效分離及副產品綜合利用技術,使生產成本大幅度降低,在世界上首次實現Al-Si合金法提純硅料技術的產業化生產,該技術在加拿大獲得多個獎項和北美主流媒體的廣泛關注和報導,還主持開發了高純硅材料的快速低成本檢測技術,5年累計檢測10萬個硅材料樣品,遠超同行的其它實驗室。近來,在石英砂提純研究中提出了一些新的提純理論並開發了相應的技術,對於石英砂有顯著的提純效果,成本低,無污染,相關技術在爭取儘快實現產業化,研究的納米硅材料用於鋰電池負極也使其容量獲得了大幅度的提升。
發表論文80餘篇,並申請專利10餘項。 [1] 


3、太陽能電池材料/高純硅材料製備,鑄錠,切割,制絨 [1] 


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2) Nano-encapsulated phase change materials prepared by one-step interfacial polymerization for thermal energy storage - Materials Chemistry and Physics - 2019 - 231 (2019) 244–251
3) Flotation Behavior, Collector Adsorption Mechanism of Quartz and Feldspar-Quartz Systems Using PEA as a Novel Green Collector - Silicon - 2019 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633
4) Synthesis and performance evaluation of paraffin microcapsules with calcium carbonate shell modulated by different anionic surfactants for thermal energy storage - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engin - 2019 - 571 (2019), 36-43
5) Segregation Behavior of Metal Impurities During Al-Si Melt Directional Solidification with an Open Ended Crucible - Silicon - 2018 - 10(2018), 1283-1290
6) Solidification refining of MG-Si by Al-Si alloy under rotating electromagnetic field with varying frequencies - Separation and Purification Technology - 2018 - 202 (2018) 266–274
7) Distribution Behavior of B and P during Al-Si Melt Directional Solidification with Open-Ended Crucible - High Temperature Materials and Processes - 2018 - 37 (2018), 201–208
8) Anthracene-arylamine hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cells - CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS - - 1359-7345
9) Improving the performance of arylamine-based hole transporting materials in perovskite solar cells: Extending π-conjugation length or increasing the number of side groups? - Journal of Energy Chemistry - - 2095-4956
10) Tetraphenylmethane-arylamine hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cells - ChemSusChem - - 1864-5631
11) Thiophene-arylamine hole transporting materials in perovskite solar cells: Substitution position effect - Energy Technology - - 2194-4288
12) Molecular engineering of simple benzene-arylamine hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cells - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - - 1944-8244
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14) Diketopyrrolopyrrole or benzodithiophene-arylamine small-molecular hole transporting materials for stable perovskite solar cells - RSC Advances - - 2046-2069
15) Influence of π-linker on triphenylamine-based hole transporting materials in perovskite solar cells - DYES AND PIGMENTS - - 0143-7208
16) Effect of Ti Addition on B Removal during Silicon Refining in Al-30%Si Alloy Directional Solidification - Separation and Purification Technology - 2017 - 174 (2017) 345–351
17) Effect of Sn doping on improvement of minority carrier lifetime of Fe contaminated p-type multi-crystalline Si ingot - Journal of Crystal Growth - 2017 - 458 (2017) 66–71
18) Removal of impurities from metallurgical grade silicon during Ga-Si solvent refining - Silicon - 2017 - 9 (2017): 77-83
19) Effect of kinetics on P removal by Al-Si solvent refining at low solidification temperature - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - 2016 - Volume 685, P604-609
20) Mechanism of boron removal from Si-Al melt by Ar-H2 gas mixtures - Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China - 2016 - 2016. 26(11): 3046~3051
21) Mechanism of B removal by solvent refining of silicon in Al–Si melt with Ti addition - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - 2016 - Volume 672, 2016, P489–496
22) Effect of iron addition (up to 10000 ppmw) on silicon purification during Al-Si solvent refining - Journal of Crystal Growth - 2016 - 453 (2016): 49-53
23) Diketopyrrolopyrrole or benzodithiophene-arylamine small-molecule hole transporting materials for stable perovskite solar cells - RSC Adv. - 2016 - 6 (2016) 87454-87460
24) Refining of metallurgical grade Si by solidification of Al–Si melt under electromagnetic stirring - Journal of Materials Processing Technology - 2015 - 222 (2015) 142–147
25) Effect of cooling rate on phosphorus removal during Al-Si solvent refining - Metallurgical And Materials Transactions B - 2015 - VOLUME 46B, 2015,542-544
26) Effect of cooling rate on boron removal and solidification behavior of Al-Si alloy - High Temperature Materials and Processes - 2015 - 34: 43-49
27) The Mechanism of P Removal by Solvent Refining in Al-Si-P System - Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - 2015 - VOLUME 46B, 2430-2437
28) Effect of Ga addition on morphology and recovery of primary Si during Al-Si alloy solidification refining - High Temperature Materials and Processes - 2015 - 34(8): 833-838
29) Distribution of Al in Al–Si Alloys during electromagnetic continuous casting with cylindrical open ended crucible - International Journal of Cast Metals Research - 2015 - V28 (2015), 269-275
30) Regulating the mesogenic properties of imidazolium salts by modifying N3-substituents - Science China Chemistry - 2015 - Vol.58 No.12: 18 [1] 
  • 1.    陳健  .中國科學技術大學[引用日期2019-05-25]