


王鋼,男,1968年11月生,博士中山大學物理科學與工程技術學院教授、博士生導師,半導體照明材料與器件國家地方聯合工程實驗室主任,中山大學佛山研究院院長,教育部2007 年度新世紀優秀人才支持計劃入選者,科技部“十一五”、“十二五”國家科技重點專項(半導體照明專項)總體專家組專家。


1998/04—2001/03 日本名古屋工業大學 工學研究科電氣信息工程專業 博士
1994/04—1998/03 日本名古屋工業大學 工學研究科電氣信息工程專業 碩士
1987.09—1991.08 吉林大學 電子科學系半導體物理與器件專業 學士 [1] 


《半導體照明技術》 [1] 


(3)半導體智能製造關鍵技術及其配套裝備研究。 [1] 



《新型超高速、低噪音雪崩光電二極管(APD)器件的研究》,國家自然科學基金-面上項目,2007-2009,主持。 [1] 


(1) Numerical simulation and study of the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition growth of ZnO film.JianLi,Jiandong Cai,Ziling Wu,Jie Wang,Yanli Pei,Gang Wang*,Physics of Fluids, 31, 027104, 2019.
(2) Stability Analysis of Multi Process Parameters for Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Reaction Cavity.JianLi,Ziling Wu,Yifeng Xu,Yanli Pei,Gang Wang*,Molecules, 24, 876, 2019.
(3) Investigation on electrical properties of indium tin oxide thin films by effective control of crystallographic orientation, Yi Zhuo, Zimin Chen, Zeqi Li, Guangshuo Cai, Xuejin Ma, Yanli Pei andGang Wang*,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 786, 177-182, 2019.
(4) Numerical simulation and analysis of process parameters of GaN-MOCVD reactor. Jian Li, Jie Wang, Jiandong Cai, Yifeng Xu, Bingfeng Fan andGang Wang*,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 91, 64-76, 2018.
(5) Chemical reaction-transport model of diethylzinc hydrolysis in a vertical MOCVD reactor.JianLi,Hanlin Gan,Yifeng Xu,Chaoyang Wang,FengLong Gu*,Gang Wang*,Applied Thermal Engineering,136, 108-117, 2018.
(6) Chemical reaction mechanism of ZnO grown using DEZn and N2O in MOCVD.JianLi,Hanlin Gan,Yifeng Xu,Chaoyang Wang,Yanli Pei,FengLong Gu*,Gang Wang*,CrystEngComm,20, 6775-6785, 2018.
(7) Layer-by-layer growth of ε-Ga2O3thin film by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition, Z. Chen, Z. Li, Y. Zhuo, W. Chen, X. Ma, Y. Pei and G. Wang*,Applied Physics Express, 11, 101101, 2018.
(8) High Sensitivity pH Sensor Based on Electrolyte-gated In2O3TFT. Guangshuo Cai, Lei Qiang, Peng Yang, Zimin Chen, Yanli Pei* andGang Wang*,IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39, 1409~1412, 2018.
(9) High mobility indium tin oxide thin film and its application at infrared wavelengths: model and experiment, Z. Chen, Y. Zhuo, W. Tu, Z. Li, X. Ma, Y. Pei andG. Wang*,Optics Express, 26, 22123, 2018.
(10) Highly ultraviolet transparent textured indium tin oxide thin films and the application in light emitting diodes, Z. Chen, Y. Zhuo, W. Tu, X. Ma, Y. Pei, C. Wang andG. Wang*,Applied Physics Letters, 110, 242101, 2017.
(11) AlGaInP-Based LEDs With Al-doped ZnO Transparent Conductive Layer Grown by MOCVD, Jiayong Lin, Yanli Pei, Yi Zhuo, Xuejin Ma andGang Wang*,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64, 2017.
(12) Ultra-High Field-Effect Mobility Thin-Film Transistors With Metal–Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown In2O3Channel Treated by Oxygen Microwave Plasma, R. Hu, Y. Pei, Z. Chen, J. Yang, Y. Li, J. Lin, Y. Zhao, C. Wang, J. Liang, B. Fan, andG. Wang*,IEEE Electron Device Letters, 36, 1163, 2015.
(13) GaN-Based LEDs With Al-Doped ZnO Transparent Conductive Layer Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition: Ultralow Forward Voltage and Highly Uniformity, Jingchuan Yang, Yanli Pei, Bingfeng Fan, Shanjin Huang, Zimin Chen, Cunsheng Tong, Hongtai Luo, Jun Liang, andGang Wang*,IEEE Electron Device Letters, 36, 372, 2015.
(14) Threading edge dislocation arrays in epitaxial GaN: Formation, model and thermodynamics, Z. Chen, Z. Zheng, Y. Chen, H. Wu, C. Tong,G. Wang*, Z. Wu and H. Jiang*,Journal of Crystal Growth, 387, 48, 2014.
(15) Improved carrier injection and efficiency droop in InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes with step-stage multiple-quantum-well structure and hole-blocking barriers, Z. Zheng, Z. Chen, Y. Chen, H. Wu, S. Huang, B. Fan, Z. Wu,G. Wang* and H. Jiang*,Applied Physics Letters, 102, 241108, 2013.
(16) Emission enhancement in GaN-based light emitting diodes with shallow triangular quantum wells, S. Huang, Z. Chen, Y. Xian, B. Fan, Z. Zheng, Z. Wu, H. Jiang andG. Wang*,Applied Physics Letters, 101, 041116, 2012.
(17) Enhanced electrostatic discharge properties of nitride-based light-emitting diodes with inserting Si-delta-doped layers, Zhiyuan Zheng, Zimin Chen, Yulun Xian, Bingfeng Fan, Shanjin Huang, Weiqing Jia, Zhisheng Wu,Gang Wang* and Hao Jiang,Applied Physics Letters, 99, 111109, 2011. [1] 


2022年4月,以“科技自立自強雙創驅動發展”為主題的2022“科創中國”年度會議召開。會上,中國科協發佈了2021年“科創中國”系列榜單。王鋼教授領導的研發團隊耗費十多年自主研發的“大尺寸氧化鎵單晶薄膜異質外延生長技術及核心裝備”項目入選。 [2] 