


王晶,中國人民大學信息學院副教授,本科畢業於哈爾濱工業大學,2005年保送北京大學計算機科學與技術系直讀博士,2011年獲理學博士學位。2017年入選北京市青年拔尖人才培育計劃;2018年入選北京市科技新星。主要研究方向是計算機系統結構、智能芯片設計、軟硬件協同設計和高能效計算。 [1] 
國    籍


2001.09 - 2005.07, 哈爾濱工業大學, 計算機科學與技術系,工學學士
2005.09 - 2011.06, 北京大學,計算機科學與技術系,理學博士


2022.05 - , 中國人民大學, 信息學院,副教授,中國人民大學傑出學者
2013.05 - 2022.05,首都師範大學,信息工程學院,研究員,副院長
2011.07 - 2013.07,北京大學,信息科學與技術學院,博士後


* 智能計算系統、面向人工智能和數據庫應用的領域專用加速架構研究
* 計算機系統結構、並行與分佈式處理,高能效計算系統


1. 計算機系統基礎
2. 智能計算系統


[1]國家自然科學基金面上項目:高能效高可靠神經網絡計算架構研究,2021.1-2024.12 (主持)
[2]國家自然科學基金面上項目:差錯容忍的近閾值計算技術研究,2018.1-2021.12 (主持)
[3]國家自然科學基金青年項目:近閾值電壓高速緩存的可靠性技術研究,2015.1-2017.12 (主持)
[7]中國空間技術研究院北京空間飛行器總體設計部課題:大規模FPGA單粒子故障仿真及故障注入系統研製,2017.11-2018.10 (主持)
[11]廣東省重點實驗室開放課題:雲計算環境下高速緩存虛擬化技術研究,2014.1-2016.12 (主持)
[13]中國科學院上海高等研究院課題:終端屏幕鏡像軟件及測試,2015.1-2015.9 (主持)
[14]北京未來芯片技術高精尖創新中心(清華大學)科研基金項目:支持近似的高能效計算技術研究,2018.10-2020.10 (主持)
[15]北京智芯微電子公司開放課題:高可靠神經網絡智能計算架構研究,2021.7-2022.12 (主持)
[16]主持北京市大學生“實培計劃”, 新一代容器化數據中心網絡性能評估與優化,2017.01-2017.12 (主持)


王晶 論文

[1][TC] Jing Wang, Xin Fu, Xu Wang; Shubo Liu; Lan Gao; Weigong Zhang; Enabling Energy-Efficient and Reliable Neural via Neuron-Level Voltage Scaling, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC),69(10), pp1460-1473, 2020. (CCF A類期刊)
[2][TPDS] Jing Wang, Xin Fu, Weigong Zhang, Junwei Zhang, Keni Qiu and Tao Li, On the Implication of NTC vs. Dark Silicon on Emerging Scale-out Workloads The Multi-core Architecture Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 2, issue 7, 2017. (CCF A類期刊)
[3][HPCA] Chenhao Xie, Shuaiwen Leon Song, Jing Wang(通訊作者), Weigong Zhang, Xin Fu, Processing-in-Memory Enabled Graphics Processors for 3D Rendering. IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, Austin, Texas, USA, 2017. (CCF A類會議)
[4][TCAD] Zhibin Yu,Jing Wang(通訊作者), Lieven Eeckhout, Chengzhong Xu. QIG: Quantifying the Importance and Interaction of GPGPU Architecture Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2017. (CCF A類期刊)
[5][HPCA] Mingcong Song, Kan Zhong, Jiaqi Zhang, Yang Hu, Duo Liu, Weigong Zhang, Jing Wang, Tao Li. In-Situ AI: Towards Autonomous and Incremental Deep Learning for IoT Systems[C]. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). Vienna, Austria, Feb.24-28,2018:92-103. doi:10.1109/HPCA.2018.00018(CCF A類會議)
[6][MICRO]Xingyao Zhang, Chenhao Xie, Jing Wang, Weidong Zhang, Xin Fu. Towards Memory Friendly Long-Short Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) on Mobile GPUs[C]. The 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (Micro). Fukuoka, Japan, Oct.20-24,2018:162-174.(CCF A類會議)
[7][MICRO] Yirong Lv , Bin Sun , Qinyi Luo , Jing Wang , Zhibin Yu , Xuehai Qian CounterMiner: Mining Big Performance Data from Hardware Counters, [C]. The 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (Micro). Fukuoka, Japan, Oct.20-24,2018:162-174.(CCF A類會議)
[8][ComMag]Jing Wang,Zhongqi Li,Weigong Zhang, Tao Li. On the Exploration of a Low-Power Photonic Network Architecture, IEEE Communications Magazine, 58(9), pp67-72, 2020. (JCR Q1)
[9][FITEE]Jing Wang, Wei-Wei LIANG, Yue-hua NIU, Lan GAO, Wei-gong ZHANG. Multi-dimensional optimization for approximate near threshold computing, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 21(10), pp 1413-1543, 2020 (JCR Q2)
[10][ICPP] Jing Wang, Yanjun Liu, Weigong Zhang, Keni Qiu, Kezhong Lu, Xin Fu, Tao Li, Exploring Variation-Aware Fault-Tolerant Cache under Near-Threshold Computing. International Conference on Parallel Processing. Fhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, August 2016. (CCF B類會議)
[11][MiddleWare] Li Wang, Tianni Xu, Jing Wang(通訊作者), Weigong Zhang, Xiufeng Sui, Yungang Bao. Understanding the Behavior of Spark Workloads from Linux Kernel Parameters Perspective. The International Conference on MiddleWare 2016. (CCF B類會議)
[12][ICCD] Yuhai Cao, Chao Li, Quan Chen, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo, Jing Wang, and Weigong Zhang. DR DRAM: Accelerating Memory-Read-Intensive Applications[C]. The 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). Orlando, Florida, USA, Oct.7-10,2018:.(CCF B類會議)
[13][CSUR] CHAO LI, YUSHU XUE, Jing Wang, WEIGONG ZHANG, TAO LI. Edge-Oriented Computing Paradigms: A Survey on Architecture Design and System Management. ACM Computing Surveys. Vol.51(2),2018:39:1-34.
[14][CF] Jing Wang, Junwei Zhang, Weigong Zhang, Keni Qiu, Tao Li, Minhua Wu, Near Threshold Cloud Processors for Dark Silicon Mitigation: The Impact on Emerging Scale-out Workloads. Computing Frontiers(CF), 2015(CCF C類會議)
[15][CF] Jing Wang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Yanjun Liu, Jiaqi Zhang,Minhua Wu, Weigong Zhang, Keni Qiu. Heterogeneous Energy-Efficient Cache Design in Warehouse Scale Computers. Computing Frontiers(CF), 2015(CCF C類會議)
[16][JSA] Chun Jason Xue, Keni Qiu, Weigong Zhang, Jing Wang, Yuanchao Xu, Mengying Zhao. Data Re-allocation Enabled Cache Locking for Embedded Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), 2016, accepted.(CCF B類會議)
[17][JS] Jing Wang,Yang Xing, Zhao Yuanfu, Zhang Weigong, Shen Jiao and Qiu Keni.Multi-bits Error Detection and fast Recovery in RISC Cores. Journal of Semiconductors. Vol 36 issue 11.pp 75-79. 2015.
[18][CJE] Fang Juan, Jing Wang(通訊作者), Li Chengyan, Yao Zhicheng, Ke Weimao. Partition-Based Cache Replacement to Manage Shared L2 Caches. The Chinese Journal of Electronics. 23(3), pp464-467, 2014.(SCI)
[19][CF] Qi Zhong, Jing Wang(通訊作者), Xuetao Guan, Dong Tong, Tao Huang, Keyyi Wang。"Object-centric Bank Partition for Reduing Memory Interference in CMP Platforms", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers 2014. (CCF C類會議)
[20][ICCD] Keni Qiu, Junpeng Luo, Zhiyao Gong, Weigong Zhang, Jing Wang, Yuanchao Xu, Tao Li and Chun Jason Xue. Refresh-Aware Loop Scheduling for High Performance Low Power Volatile STT-RAM[C]//The 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). IEEE, 2016.(CCF B類會議)
[21][ICCD] Keni Qiu, Yuanhui Ni, Weigong Zhang, Jing Wang, Xiaoqiang Wu, Chun Jason Xue and Tao Li. An Adaptive Non-uniform Loop Tiling for DMA-Based Bulk Data Transfers on Many-Core Processor. ICCD 2016 (Best Paper) (CCF B類會議)
[22][VEE] Ning Jia, Chun Yang, Jing Wang. Improving Dynamic Binary Translation through SPC-indexed Indirect Branch Redirecting.ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE),pp 1-12,2013.(CCF B類會議)
[23][ISPA] Tao Huang, Jing Wang(通訊作者),Xuetao Guan, Qi Zhong, Keyi Wang. Combining Process-based Cache Partitioning and Pollute Region Isolation to Improve Shared Last Level Cache Utilization on Multicore Systems, International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications ISPA, pp1153-1160, 2013.
[24][CJE] Jing Wang, Xuetao Guan, Xu Cheng. "Energy-Efficient Web Browsing for Wireless Network Interface Card". The Chinese Journal of Electronics. 21(1), pp144-148,2012
[25][CJE] Jing Wang, Xuetao Guan, Xu Cheng,Jason Cong. "Wireless Network Interface Card Energy Management for Interactive Applications". The Chinese Journal of Electronics. 20(1), pp45-51,2011
[26]王晶,榮金葉,周繼芹,於航,申嬌,張偉功. “軟硬件協同設計的SEU故障注入技術研究”. 電子學報,46(10):2534-2538. 2018
[27]王晶,申嬌,丁利華,楊星,邱柯妮,張偉功. “基於週期粒度的級間寄存器備份機制”. 電子學報,Vol.46(10) :2486-2494. 2017
[28]王晶,管雪濤,楊春,張楊,程旭. “CBLA:多信道無線網狀網絡負載感知的分簇式信道分配”. 電子學報,38(3):546-551,2010.
[29]許丹亞, 王晶(通訊作者), 王利, 張偉功,基於Spark的大數據訪存行為跨層分析工具,計算機研究與發展, 57(6): 1179-1190,2020.
[30]方榮強,王晶(通訊作者),姚治成,劉暢,張偉功. 多層神經網絡算法的計算特徵建模方法, 計算機研究與發展, 56(6),1170-1181. 2019.

王晶 專利

[1]發明專利:動態可重構高速串行總線中的多主仲裁方 法. ZL201510313606.5.
[2]發明專利:嵌入式微處理器高速緩存4位數據 翻轉錯誤的糾正裝置與方法. ZL201510508446.X.
[3]發明專利: 面向SPARC V8處理器的自修復雙冗 餘流水線及容錯方法. ZL201510884593.7.
[4]發明專利: 一種雙模冗餘流水線的故障檢測及回退方法. ZL201510701242.8.
[5]發明專利:一種雙模冗餘流水線的故障檢測及回退裝置. :ZL201520833432.0.
[6]發明專利:嵌入式微處理器高速緩 存的混合糾錯裝置與方法. ZL201510507409.7.
[8]發明專利:一種多信道無線網狀網中的路徑選擇方法及裝置. ZL201010226609.2
[9]發明專利: 動態可重構總線監聽系統中的通 道健康狀態記錄裝置. ZL201510398170.4.
[10]發明專利: 動態可重構總線監聽系統的三級 緩衝存儲裝置與方法. ZL201510398169.1.
[11] 發明專利:高速緩存多位數據翻轉 錯誤的檢測及容錯裝置與方法.ZL201510507410.X.