


王愛民,男,海南大學海洋學院教授水生生物學博士生導師,水產養殖和漁業專業碩士生導師 [1] 
民    族
職    業


主要承擔本科生“貝類養殖學”、“貝類養殖學實驗”課程和碩士研究生“細胞與遺傳高級講座”課程。 [1] 


科研方向為貝類遺傳育種、養殖技術和漁業資源與海洋生態修復等,在海水珍珠貝領域的研究成果尤為出色,培育出我國第一個海水珍珠貝新品種,馬氏珠母貝“海優1號”( 品種登記號:GS-02-002-2011);《馬氏珠母貝遺傳改良技術》獲06年廣東科技進步2等獎(排名第2);主持或參與國家自然科學基金項目7項、國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)課題2項、國家高技術發展計劃(863計劃)專項課題3項、科技部國際科技合作專項3項、科技部農業成果轉化基金項目2項、教育部科技重點項目1項以及海南省重點科技計劃項目1項等;獲發明專利授權12項,發表論文80多篇(其中SCI收錄22篇)。 [1] 


1. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃):熱帶名貴海水動物等苗種繁育技術,編號:2012AA10A414,執行年限:2012.1-2015.12;
2. 國際科技合作重點項目:熱帶海洋牧場關鍵技術合作開發與示範(2012DFG32200),執行期間:2012.5-2014.12;
3. 海南省重點科技計劃項目:大珠母貝(白蝶貝)養成關鍵技術與產業化應用,編號: ZDXM20120006 ,執行年限:2012.1-2013.12;
4. 農業科技成果轉化資金項目:九孔鮑優質苗種繁育技術與綠色養殖示範:批准號:(2010)297-379,執行年限:2010.1-2012.12;
5. 國家自然科學基金資助項目(面上):馬氏珠母貝生長變異的生理能量學機理:異速生長和環境變化的作用,批准號:41076112,執行年限:2011.1-2013.12;
6. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃973:貝類珍珠質形成的關鍵基因及其網絡調控機制(編號:2010CB126405),執行期限:2010.1-2014.8;
7. 國家自然科學基金資助項目:馬氏珠母貝貝殼珍珠質顏色和珍珠顏色數量遺傳學效應分析,編號:30960295,執行年限,2010.1-2012.12;
8. 科技部科技人員服務企業行動項目:華貴櫛孔扇貝優質苗種繁育和無公害養殖技術,編號2009GJE20002,執行期限:2009.1-2010.12
9. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃973前期專項:熱帶貝類品種改良的分子遺傳和生理能量學基礎(2009CB126005),執行期間:2009.4-2011.8;
10. 國際科技合作重點項目:企鵝珍珠貝養殖和育珠生產技術(2009DFA32790),執行期間:2009.1-2011.12。
11. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃):珍珠貝和牡蠣優質、高產、抗逆品種的培育,編號2006AA10A409,執行年限:2006.10-2010.10。 [2] 


1. Zhan X, Gu ZF, Yu CC, Wen HY, Shi YH,Wang AM(共同通訊作者). 2015. Expressed sequence tags 454 sequencing and biomineralization gene expression for pearl sac of the pearl oyster,Pinctada fucata martensii. Aquaculture Research, 46:745-758;
2. Shi YH, Wang S, Gu ZF, Lv J, Zhan X, Yu CC, Bao ZM, Wang AM (共同通訊作者). 2014. High-density single nucleotide polymorphisms linkage and quantitative trait locus mapping of the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii Dunker. Aquaculture, 376-384
3. Gu ZF, Yin XL, Yu CC, Zhan X, Shi YH, Wang AM(共同通訊作者). 2014. Expression profiles of nine biomineralization genes and their relationship with pearl nacre thickness in the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii Dunker. Aquaculture Research, 1-11(on line), DOI: 10.1111/are.12645;
4. Gu ZF, Huang FS, Wang H, Gan K, Zhan X, Shi YH, Wang AM (共同通訊作者). 2014. Contribution of donor and host oysters to the cultured pearl colour inPinctada martensii. Aquaculture Research, 45:1126-1132;
5. Qiu Y, Lu H, Zhu JT, Chen XF, Wang AM, Wang Y. 2014. Characterization of novel EST-SSR markers and their correlations with growth and nacreous secretion traits in the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii (Dunker). Aquaculture, 420-421:S92-S97;
6. Shi YH, Yu CC, Gu ZF, Zhan X, Wang Y, Wang AM(通訊作者). 2013. Characterization of the pearl oyster (Pinctada martensii) mantle,transcriptome unravels biomineralization genes. Marine Biotechnology, 15(2):175一187;
7. Shi YH, Wang H, Zhan X, Gu ZF, Wang AM. 2013. The Influence of Saibo Donor and Host on the Nacre Deposits of Pearls Produced from Pinctada Fucata Martensii. Journal of Shellfish research, 32(2):271-274;
8. Qiu Y, Huang XZ, Lu H, Shi YH, Wang AM, Wang Y. 2013. Development of EST-derived microsatellite markers in the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii (Dunker) for genetic resource monitoring. ConservationGeneticsResources, 5:401-403;
9. Gu ZF, Wang J, Zhan X, Shi YH, Wang AM(共同通訊作者). 2013. Growth of Winged Pearl Oyster (Pteria penguin) Juveniles: A Comparison of Wire Collector Culture and Circle Net Culture. Journal of Shellfish research, 32(3):671-674;
10. Wang HY, Qian LM, Wang AM, Guo XM. 2013. Occurrence and Distribution of Crassostrea sikamea (Amemiya 1928) inChina. Journal of Shellfish Research, 32(2):439-446;
11. Zhang N, Qiu Y, Huang XZ, Chen XF, Wang AM, Wang Y. 2012. Microsatellite Marker Development and Characterization in the Spotted Babylon,Babyloniaareolata (Link,1807) Detection of Duplicated Loci at Hight Frequency. International Journal of Aquaculture, 2(2):5-10;
12. Wang AM, Wang Y, Gu ZF, Li SF, Shi YH, Guo XM, 2011. Development of Expressed Sequence Tags from the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada martensii Dunker. Marine Biotechnology, 13:275-283
13. Wang Y, Lu H, Zheng J, Long K, Shi YH, Gu ZF, Wang AM(共同通訊作者). 2011 .Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers for the spottedbabylon,Babyloniaareolata (Buccinidae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 10(4):3230-3235;
14. Gu ZF, Shi YH, Wang Y, Wang AM(通訊作者), 2011. Heritable Characteristics in the Pearl OysterPinctada martensii: Comparisons of Growth and Shell Morphology of Chinese and Indian Populations, and Reciprocal Crosses. Journal of Shellfish research, 30(2):241-246;
15. Wang Y, Wang AM(共同通訊作者), Guo XM. 2010.Development and Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers for the Northern Quahog Mercenaria Mercenaria (Linnaeus,1758). Journal of Shellfish Research,29(1):77-82;
16. Shi YH, Guo XM, Gu ZF, Wang AM(通訊作者), Wang Y. 2010. Preliminary genetic linkage map of the abalone Haliotis diversicolor Reeve. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28(3):549-557;
17. Wang Y, Wang XX, Wang AM, Guo XM. 2010. A 16-microsatellite multiplex assay for parentage assignment in the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin). Aquaculture,308:S28-S33.


王愛民,石耀華,王嫣,顧志峯:《馬氏珠母貝生物學與養殖新技術》,2010,中國農業科學技術出版社:ISBN 9787511601469 [2] 


2012年馬氏珠母貝“海優1號”獲國家農業部頒發的水產新品種證書。 [2] 
2023年,入選“感動海南”2023十大年度人物評選名單。 [3] 