


王峯,上海財經大學公共經濟與管理學院常任職教授 [1] 博士生導師 [1]  ,在北京大學政治學與行政管理系(現政府管理學院)獲得學士(政治學與行政管理 [1]  )和碩士(公共政策 [1]  )學位。於2008年獲得美國南加州大學MPA [1]  和公共行政博士學位。
職    業
國家自然科學基金面上項目 [2] 


曾任上海財經大學公共經濟與管理學院副院長。 [3] 





2. “中國業主組織的內部治理與其組織有效性的關聯性研究:基於北京和上海的實證調查”,國家自然科學基金青年項目(項目編號:71202008),項目負責人,2013-2015,結項。
3. “上海市業主組織治理模式及其治理能力的研究”,上海市哲學社會科學規劃課題(項目編號:2013BGL012),項目負責人,2013-2014,結項。
4. “城市業主組織與新型社區治理創新研究”,教育部人文社科基金(項目編號10YJC630231),項目負責人,2011-2013,結項。
5. “上海市居住小區業主組織的治理能力研究”,教育部留學回國科研啓動基金,項目負責人,2013-2015,結項。
6. “國際大都市社區組織治理能力研究:以上海市為例”,上海市浦江人才(項目編號10PJC041),項目負責人,2010-2012,結項。
7. “大城市治理現代化問題研究”,中國行政體制改革研究會課題,子課題“社區治理”,2016.3-10,結項。
8. “閘北區住宅小區物業管理重點課題調研項目”,閘北區區委2014年重點專項調研課題,上海市閘北區住房保障和房屋管理局委託,項目負責人,2014.5-12,結項。
9. “上海市社區自組織的社會功能研究”,上海市“優秀青年教師”科研基金,項目負責人,2011-2012,結項。
10. “洛杉磯地方政府在公共服務和基礎設施領域建立的公私合作伙伴關係研究”,上海市發展和改革委員會“十一五”規劃研究課題,項目負責人,2004年,結項。
11. “紐約和洛杉磯地方政府未來發展規劃與戰略研究”,上海市發展和改革委員會“十一五”規劃研究課題,項目負責人,2004年,結項。


A. 國際期刊論文
1. Wang, F.*, Jun, K. & Wang, L. (forthcoming). Bureaucratic Contacts and Their Impacts on Citizen Satisfaction: The Influence of Expectation. Public Policy and Administration.
2. Yin, H., X. Zhang & Wang, F. (forthcoming). Environmental Regulations in China. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Economics.
3. Tang, G. & Wang, F.* (forthcoming). What Contributes to Nonprofit Collaborations? An Analysis of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China. Safety Science.
4. Sun, J., Wang, F., Yin, H., & Zhang, B. (2019). Money Talks: The Environmental Impact of China’s Green Credit Policy. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 38(3):653-680.
5. Li, B., Wang, F., Yin, H., & Li, X. (2019). Mega Events and Urban Air Quality Improvement: A Temporary Show? Journal of Cleaner Production. 217: 116-126.
6. Zhou, H, Yin, H.*, Yuan, F., & Wang, F. (2019). Social Relationships, Public Media and Pro-Environmental Behaviors. Empirical Economics. 57(2): 569-588.
7. Li, B., Yin, H., & Wang, F. (2018). Will China’s ‘Dash for Gas’ Halt in the Future. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134:303-312.
8. Sun, J., Wang, F., Wang, F. & Yin, H. (2015) Community Institutions and Initial Diffusion of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in China’s Banking Industry. Management and Organization Review, 11(3): 441-468.
9. Sun, J., Yin, H. & Wang, F. (2014). Net Private Benefits of Purchasing Eco-labeled Home Appliances and Subsidization Policies in China. Energy Policy, 73:186-195.
10. Jun, K., Wang, F.*, & Wang, D. (2014). E-government Use and Perceived Government Transparency and Service Capacity: Evidence from a Chinese Local Government. Public Performance & Management Review, 38(1): 125-151.
11. Wang, F. (2014). The Determinants of the Effectiveness of Chinese Homeowner Associations in Solving Neighborhood Issues. Urban Affairs Review, 50(3): 311-339.
12. 王峯,尹海濤 (2013). 治理新模式還是政府與企業的重聚? –基於中國浙江農村住房保險體系的個案研究,International Public Management Journal, 16 (s1): 31-48.
13. Blandy, S. & Wang, F. (2013). Curbing the Power of Developers? Law and Power in Chinese and English Gated Urban Enclaves, Geoforum, 47: 199-208.
14. Wang, F., Yin, H. & Zhou, Z.R. (2013). Democracy Starts at Home? Bottom-up Governance in China’s Homeowner Associations. Chinese Management Insights, 2(2): 62-66.
15. Wang, F. & Yin, H. (2012). A New Form of Governance or Reunion of the Government and Business Sector? A Case Analysis of the Collaborative Natural Disaster Insurance System in the Zhejiang Province of China, International Public Management Journal, 15 (4): 429-453.
16. Wang, F., Yin, H. & Zhou, Z.R. (2012). The Adoption of Bottom-up Governance in China’s Homeowner Associations, Management and Organization Review, 8: (3):559-583.
17. Zhao, X.L., Wang, F. *, & Wang, M. (2012). Large-Scale Utilization of Wind Power in China: Obstacles of Conflict between Market and Planning, Energy Policy, 48: 222-232. (*通訊作者)
18. Zhao, X.L., Lyon, T., Wang, F. & Cui, S. (2012). Why Do Electricity Utilities Cooperate With Coal Suppliers? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis from China, Energy Policy, 46: 520-529.
19. Chen, B., Wang, F. & Song, J.M. (2012). Are They Connected? Exploring Academic and Social Networks Among MPA Students at a Chinese University, Journal of Public Affairs Education, 18 (1), 137-156.
20. Yin, H. & Wang, F. (2011). The Future of Renewable Energy Development in China – A Policy Perspective, Modern Energy Review, 3(1), 17-19.
21. Wang, F., Yin, H. & Li, S.D. (2010). China’s Renewable Energy Policy: Commitments and Challenges, Energy Policy, 38 (4): 1872-1878. (ESI)
22. Wang, F. (2010). Regulations and the Imbalance of Power Relationships in Newly Developed Residential Neighborhoods in Urban China. In Sarah Blandy, Jennifer Dixon, Ann Dupuis (eds.) Multi-Owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice, chapter 7, pp 125-144, Aldershot: Ashgate Publisher.
23. Wang, F. (2009). Homeowners and Their Associations in Urban China, Alternatives Internationales, 42, 37-38. (In French).
24. Wang, F. & Cooper, T. L. (2008). Chinese Homeowner Associations: A School of Democracy? PA Times, February, 31(2): 4.
25. Robertson, P.J., Wang, F., & Trivisvavet, S. (2007). Self- and Collective Interest in Public Organizations: An Empirical Investigation, Public Performance & Management Review, 31 (1), 54-84.
26. Zhou, Z., Yin, H. & Wang, F. (2004). Does China’s Civil Service System Improve the Government Performance? A Case Study of Education Bureau of Ningbo City, Chinese Public Administration Review, 2 (3/4), 54-66.
B. 中文期刊論文
1. 孫鋒,王峯*. 城市社區精英與公眾的離合對治理能力的影響 [J]. 復旦公共行政評論,2019年第五輯。
2. 王敏,王峯*. 農民社會階層越高越幸福嗎?—基於CGSS2010-2015年數據的微觀分析[J]. 華中農業大學學報(社會科學版),2019(141):120-129+164.
3. 孫鋒,王峯*. 城市社區治理能力:分析框架與產生過程[J].中國行政管理,2019, (2), 404:53-59.
4. 葛立宇,王峯. 從產業政策到創新政策的制度基礎—比較政治經濟學視角的考察[J]. 科技進步與對策,2018,(09):100-107.
5. 王峯,尹海濤,周志忍. 民主從治家開始?中國物業業主組織的治理結構[J]. 中國管理新視野,2013, 2(2):16-19.
6. 王峯. 尋找平衡之美:評《合作治理:再造公共服務的邏輯》[J]. 公共行政評論, 2010,(0 5): 195-201.
7. 尹海濤,王峯. 自願環保項目:動機和績效[J]. 復旦公共行政評論,2009(05): 244-264.
8. 尹海濤,王峯.論倫理因素在公共行政中的缺失及其原因[J]. 雲南行政學院學報, 2000(05): 63-67.
C. Book Chapters
1. Wang, F. (2010). Regulations and the Imbalance of Power Relationships in Newly Developed Residential Neighborhoods in Urban China. In Sarah Blandy, Jennifer Dixon, Ann Dupuis (eds.) Multi-Owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice, Chapter 7, pp 125-144, Ashgate Publisher。
2. Yin, H. and Wang, F. (2006). Emergency Management in New York City (Chapter 2); A Case Study on How New York City Responded the Power Outrage on August 14, 2003 (Chapter 12). In Zhao, C. & Yin, H. (eds.) Study of Public Emergency Management in Foreign Metropolitan Cities, Beijing: Peking University Press. [in Chinese]。
D. Book Review
Wang, F. (2010). Seeking the Beauty of Balance—Book Review on ‘Collaborative Governance: Reinventing the Logic of Public Services’, Journal of Public Administration, 5, 195-201. [in Chinese, CSSCI core journal]。
  • 1.    教師簡介  .上海財經大學公共經濟與管理學院教師簡介[引用日期2020-03-05]
  • 2.    研究課題  .上海財經大學公共經濟與管理學院教師簡介[引用日期2020-03-05]
  • 3.    黨政領導  .上海財經大學公共經濟與管理學院[引用日期2024-05-18]