




天然氣水合物安全高效開採技術,水合物法分離提純技術及應用 [1] 


2005/09-2009/07,中國科學技術大學,熱科學和能源工程系,熱能與動力工程專業,工學學士 [1] 


[1] 李波(12/15),天然氣水合物開採三維綜合模擬技術系統,廣東省人民政府,廣東省科學技術獎,一等獎,2014
[2] 李波,中國科學院院長獎,特別獎,2014 [1] 



[1] 國家自然科學基金青年基金:含裂隙多孔介質中天然氣水合物分解動力學機理研究(NO.51506016),2016.01-2018.12,主持,在研
[2] 國家傑出青年科學基金:天然氣水合物物性和分解機理的研究(NO.51225603),2013.01-2016.12,主要參與者,在研
[3] 國家自然科學基金項目:沉積物中天然氣水合物分解過程的多相流動及傳熱傳質機制的研究(NO.51076155),2011.01-2013.12,主要參與者,已結題
[4] 國家自然科學基金項目:沉積物中天然氣水合物三維分解動力學研究(NO.51004089),2011.01-2013.12,主要參與者,已結題 [1] 


[1] 李小森, 李波, 李剛. 一種測量含水合物多孔沉積物滲透率的裝置. 發明專利, 授權號:ZL201310430717.5
[2] 李小森, 李波, 李剛, 黃寧生. 一種沉積物中均勻高飽和度天然氣水合物製備方法和裝置. 發明專利, 授權號:ZL201310487685.2 [1] 


[1] Li B*, Liang YP, Li XS, Zhou L. A pilot-scale study of gas production from hydrate deposits with two-spot horizontal well system. Applied Energy 2016, 176:12-21. (SCI)
[2] Li B, Liang YP*, Li XS, Wu HJ. Numerical analysis of methane hydrate decomposition experiments by depressurization around freezing point in porous media. Fuel 2015, 159:925-934. (SCI)
[3] Liang YP, Li XS, Li B*. Assessment of gas production potential from hydrate reservoir in Qilian Mountain permafrost using five-spot horizontal well system. Energies 2015, 8(10): 10796-10817. (SCI)
[4] Li B, Li XS*, Li G, Chen ZY. Evaluation of gas production from Qilian Mountain permafrost hydrate deposits in two-spot horizontal well system. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2015, 109:87-98. (SCI)
[5] Li B, Li XS*, Li G. Kinetic studies of methane hydrate formation in porous media based on experiments in a pilot-scale hydrate simulator and a new model. Chemical Engineering Science 2014, 105:220-230 (SCI)
[6] Li B, Li XS*, Li G, Feng JC, Wang Y. Depressurization induced gas production from hydrate deposits with low gas saturation in a pilot-scale hydrate simulator. Applied Energy 2014, 129: 274-286. (SCI)
[7] Li B, Li XS*, Li G, Wang Y, Feng JC. Kinetic behaviors of methane hydrate formation in porous media in different hydrate deposits. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53(13): 5464-5474. (SCI)
[8] Li B, Li G, Li XS*, Chen ZY, Zhang Y. The use of heat-assisted antigravity drainage method in the two horizontal wells in gas production from the Qilian Mountain permafrost hydrate deposits. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 120:141-153. (SCI)
[9] Li B, Li XS*, Li G, Jia JL, Feng JC. Measurements of water permeability in unconsolidated porous media with methane hydrate formation. Energies 2013, 6(7):3622-3636. (SCI)
[10] Li XS*, Li B, Li G, Yang B. Numerical simulation of gas production potential from permafrost hydrate deposits by huff and puff method in a single horizontal well in Qilian Mountain, Qinghai Province. Energy 2012, 40(1):59-75. (SCI)
[11] Li B, Li G, Li XS*, Li QP, Yang B, Zhang Y, Chen ZY. Gas production from methane hydrate in pilot-scale hydrate simulator using huff and puff method by experimental and numerical studies. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26(12):7183-7194. (SCI)
[12] Li G, Li B, Li XS*, Zhang Y, Wang Y. Experimental and numerical studies on gas production from methane hydrate in porous media by depressurization in pilot-scale hydrate simulator. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26(10):6300-6310. (SCI)
[13] Li G, Li XS*, Li B, Wang Y. Methane hydrate dissociation using inverted five-spot water flooding method in cubic hydrate simulator. Energy 2013, 64:298-306. (SCI)
[14] Li XS, Yang B, Li G, Li B, Zhang Y, Chen ZY. Experimental study on gas production from methane hydrate in porous media by huff and puff method in pilot-scale hydrate simulator. Fuel 2012, 94(1): 486−494. (SCI)
[15] Li XS, Yang B, Li G, Li B, Numerical simulation of gas production from natural gas hydrate using a single horizontal well by depressurization in Qilian Mountain permafrost. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012, 51(11): 4424-4432. (SCI)
[16] Li G, Li XS, Zhang KN, Li B, Zhang Y. Effects of impermeable boundaries on gas production from hydrate accumulations in the Shenhu Area of the South China Sea. Energies 2013, 6(8):4078-4096. (SCI)
[17] Yan KF, Li XS, Chen ZY, Li B, Xu CG. Molecular dynamics simulation of methane hydrate dissociation by depressurization. Molecular simulation 2012, 1-10. (SCI)
[18] Wang Y, Li XS, Li G, Zhang Y, Li B, Chen ZY. Experimental investigation into methane hydrate production during three-dimensional thermal stimulation with five-spot well system. Applied Energy 2013, 110:90-97. (SCI)
[19] Wang Y, Li XS, Li G, Zhang Y, Li B, Feng JC. A three-dimensional study on methane hydrate decomposition with different methods using five-spot well. Applied Energy 2013, 112:83-92. (SCI)
[20] Feng JC, Li G, Li XS, Li B, Chen ZY. Evolution of hydrate dissociation by warm brine stimulation combined depressurization in the South China Sea. Energies 2013, 6(10):5402-5425. (SCI)
[21] Chen ZY, Feng JC, Li XS, Zhang Y, Li B, Lv QN. Preparation of warm brine in situ seafloor based on hydrate process for marine gas hydrate thermal stimulation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53(36): 14142-14157. (SCI)
[22] Feng JC, Li XS, Li G, Li B, Chen ZY, Wang Y. Numerical investigation of hydrate dissociation performance in the South China Sea with different horizontal well configurations. Energies 2014, 7(8):4813-4834. (SCI)
[23] 詹昊, 曾志勇, 李小森, 李波, 徐純剛. 添加劑對水合物法回收煙氣中二氧化碳影響的研究進展. 現代化工 2011, 31(12):12-17 (核心). [1] 