


李新宇,男,博士,教授博士生導師。現任浙江師範大學心理學院心理學一級學科博士學位點負責人,兼任中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理專業委員會委員、中國心理學會教學工作委員會委員、中國人類工效學會認知工效專業委員會委員、浙江省社會心理學會理事、浙江省心理學會理事、浙江省基礎教育研究中心研究員,浙江省智能教育技術與應用重點實驗室人機協同方向負責人、《應用心理學》雜誌編委。 [1] 
李新宇 [2] 
國    籍
浙江大學 [2] 
博士 [2] 
職    業
高校教師 [2] 
應用心理學 [2] 
職    務
心理學系系主任 [2] 
Li, X., Xiong, Z., Theeuwes, J., & Wang, B.* Visual memory benefits from prolonged encoding time regardless of stimulus type. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 46(10): 1998-2005.
Li, W., Ji, H., Li, F., Li, P., Zhang, Y., & Li, X.* Metacognitive control: Shifting from habitual to agenda processes on item selection during study in elementary school children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86(4): 657-670.
Li, P., Jia, X., Li, X.*, & Li, W.* The effect of animacy on metamemory. Memory & Cognition, 44(5): 696-705.


主持考研交流活動 主持考研交流活動
入選校優秀中青年骨幹教師和學術名師培育計劃。2015-2016在阿姆斯特丹大學 Reinout Wiers 教授實驗室做訪問學者。 [1] 
主持浙江省虛擬仿真實驗項目和浙江省教師教育創新實驗區建設項目各1項、校級各類教學和課程改革項目4項。獲浙江省本科高校第二屆微課教學比賽一等獎和校第十一屆教學成果獎二等獎各1項。獲2017-2018年度“事業家庭兼顧型 ”先進個人和浙江師範大學2016-2018年度優秀黨務工作者榮譽稱號。 [1] 
曾參與教育部哲學社會科學重大攻關項目、教育部人文社科基地重點項目、國家自然科學基金、國家社科基金項目的研究。完成主持國家自然科學基金青年項目和浙江省自然科學基金一般項目各1項。現主持教育部人文社會科學研究一般項目1項。近年來,在JEP: LMC, PBR, DAD, NeuroImage等 SCI/SSCI 期刊發表論文40餘篇。 [1] 


1. 視覺工作記憶的認知機制;
2. 急性酒精攝入對工作記憶的影響;
3. 酒精濫用者對酒精相關刺激的認知加工機制。 [1] 


4.fMRI [1] 


4.心理學基礎,師範生全校公選課。 [1] 


冰毒戒除者加工人臉表情的障礙及其機制(No. 31300873),國家自然科學基金委員會,2014/1/1-2016/12/30 [1] 
視覺工作記憶中運動客體的存儲在急性飲酒狀態下的雙相調節效應(No.LY18C090007),浙江省自然科學基金委員會,2018/1/1-2020/12/30 [1] 
學習時間分配的認知及神經機制研究(No. 19YJA190003),教育部社會科學司,2019/9/1-2022/9/1 [1] 
Lin, R.#, Li, X.#, Wang, B.*, & Theeuwes, J. Spatial suppression due to statistical learning tracks the estimated spatial probability. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 83(1): 283-291. [38] 
Chen, J., Zhang, M., Zhou, J., Li, X., Zhang, F., & Shen, M*. Implicit and Explicit Self-Identification as a Drug User in People Who Used Heroin and Methamphetamine. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 685110. [39] 
Ge, Y., Li, F., Li, X.*, & Li, W*. What is the Mechanism Underlying the Interleaving Effect in Category Induction: An Eye-Tracking and Behavioral Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 770885. [40] 
Sun Z.*, Ye, C., Sun, T., Yu, W., & Li, X*. The spatial distance compression effect is due to social interaction and not mere configuration. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, published online first. doi: 10.3758/s13423-021-02045-1 [41] 
Zhao, C., Li, X.*, Failing, M., & Wang, B.* Automatically binding relevant and irrelevant features in visual working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, published online first. doi: 10.1177/17470218211053992 [42] 
Cao, N., Li, X., Chen, H.*, Li X., & Li, W. Decisional Balance of Smoking and Planning to Quit Smoking: A Moderated Mediation Model among Chinese Male Smokers. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, published online first. doi: 10.1080/02791072.2021.1942339 [43] 
李新宇, 張亞萍, 劉楷文, 陳建勇*. 酒精依賴人羣心理理論的研究現狀與展望. 應用心理學, 27(2): 169-177. [44] 
謝瑞波, 王蝶, 丁菀, 李偉健, 李新宇*. 父親協同教養對兒童學校適應的影響:父子依戀的中介作用. 心理與行為研究, 19(3): 341-347. [45] 
Li, X., Xiong, Z., Theeuwes, J., & Wang, B.* Visual memory benefits from prolonged encoding time regardless of stimulus type. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 46(10): 1998-2005. [32] 
Sun, Z., He, Z., Zhang, G., Li, X., Yu, W.* Incidental learning of group trust: Predictive gaze cue matters. Scientific Reports, 10: 7789. [33] 
Shen, M., Liu, P., Li, X., Zhou J.*, & Chen, H.* The gilding-the-lily effect: exploratory behavior energized by curiosity. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1381. [34] 
Wei, X., Chen, H.*, Li, X., Li, X., & Li, W. Temporal Dynamics of Smoking-Related Approach Biases: A Comparison Between Male Smokers and Nonsmokers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81(2), 190-194. [35] 
Kong, S., Li, X., Wang, B.*, & Theeuwes, J. Proactively location-based suppression elicited by statistical learning. PLoS ONE, 15(6): e0233544. [36] 
陳建勇, 張亞萍, 劉楷文, 陳海德, 李新宇*. 感知同伴飲酒規範對暴飲行為的預測作用: 一個有調節的中介模型. 中國臨牀心理學雜誌, 28(5): 910-914. [37] 
Zeng, N., Xiong, Z., Li, W., Sun, Z., &Li, X.* Effects of seat position on perception of power in Chinese traditional culture.Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(1): 74-83. [3] 
Zhang, Y., Li, X.*, Li, P., Jia, X., & Li, W.* (Pretty) Lady First: Effects of Mate-Related Motives on the Item-Selection Orders of Faces with Varying Attractiveness.Evolutionary Psychology, 17. [4] 
Yang, T., Zhao, X., Zhang, F., Li, X., Zhu, H., & Zhang, M.* & Shen, M.* Craving-induced effects of different drug cues on persons abstaining from heroin. Addiction Research and Theory, 27(3): 235-241. [9] 
Chen, H., Cao, N., Gao L., Xie, R., Li, X., & Li, W.* Comparing of the effects of perceived injunctive and descriptive norms on the willingness to quit smoking among Chinese low-rate and regular smokers. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(4): 401-406. [29] 
李新宇,魏新益,陳海德*,高崚峯,李偉健. 大學生壓力感知與睡眠質量的關係:一個兩階段被調節的中介模型. 中國臨牀心理學雜誌, 27(2): 351-355. [30] 
陳海德,李新偉,曹檸夢,李新宇,李偉健. 尼古丁依賴對男性吸煙者感知戒煙行為控制的預測:社會支持與抱怨批評的作用. 心理科學, 42(6): 1499-1504. [31] 
Sun, B., Luo, Z., Zhang, W., Li, W., & Li, X.* Age-related differences in affective and cognitive empathy: Self-report and performance-based evidence.Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 25(5): 655-672. [5] 
Li, P., Zhang, Y., Li, W., & Li, X.* Age-related differences in effectiveness of item restudy choices: The role of value. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 25(1): 122-131. [6] 
Jia, X., Li, W., Cao, L., Li, P., Shi, M., Wang, J., Cao, W., & Li, X.* Effect of individual thinking styles on item selection during study time allocation.International Journal of Psychology, 53(2): 83-91. [7] 
Wang, J., Li, W., Li, X., Li, P., Zhang, Y., Jia, X., Chen, Y., Vanhoy, M., & Sun, B.* A differing bidirectional impact on the recognition accuracy of facial expression.International Journal of Psychology, 53(3): 194-199. [8] 
李新宇,曹檸夢,陳海德*,李偉健,高崚峯,寧佩. 男性吸煙者吸煙利弊權衡及其與戒煙意向關係. 中國公共衞生, 34 (5): 640-642. [10] 
陳海德,高崚峯,李偉健*,李新宇. 戒煙社會支持與吸煙者戒煙意向的關係:親友認同的調節作用和吸煙危害認識的中介作用. 心理科學, 41(1): 132-137. [11] 
陳海德,曹檸夢,高崚峯,李偉健*,李新宇. 吸煙利弊權衡對戒煙計劃的預測作用:一個有調節的中介模型. 心理科學, 41(2): 423-429. [12] 
陳海德,曹檸夢,高崚峯,李新宇,李偉健*. 戒煙意願與戒煙計劃的關係:矛盾態度和未來取向的共同調節作用.中國臨牀心理學雜誌, 26(2):375-379. [13] 
陳海德, 衞婷婷, 高崚峯,李新宇, 李偉健*. 二手煙暴露對非吸煙者吸煙外顯態度與內隱態度及其關係的影響. 中國臨牀心理學雜誌, 26(6):1152-1157. [14] 
曾寧寧, 張萌,李新宇.* 藥物濫用者的歧視錯覺:來自面部表情加工的證據. 應用心理學, 23, 68-79. [15] 
Li, W., Ji, H., Li, F., Li, P., Zhang, Y., & Li, X.* Metacognitive control: Shifting from habitual to agenda processes on item selection during study in elementary school children. British Journal of Educational Psychology,86, 657-670. [16] 
Li, P., Jia, X., Li, X.*, & Li, W.* The effect of animacy on metamemory.Memory & Cognition, 44, 696-705. [17] 
Jia, X., Li, P., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Cao, W., Cao, L.*, & Li, W*. The effect of word frequency on judgments of learning: Contributions of beliefs and processing fluency.Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1995. [18] 
李新宇, 張曉禮. 生產效應:概念、理論與展望. 寧波大學學報(教育科學版), 38, 10-14. [19] 
Li, W., Zhang, Y., Li, F., Li, X.*, Li, P., Jia, X., Chen, H., & Ji, H. Out of lust or jealousy: The effects of mate-related motives on study-time allocation to faces varying in attractiveness.PLoS ONE, 10(6):e0132207.
Li, F., Xie, R., Li, X., & Li, W.* The influence of perceptual information on control processes involved in self-regulated learning: evidence from item selection.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1007-1013. [20] 
李新宇, 李平, 謝瑞波, 張宇馳. 價值導向記憶:方法、進展與理論解釋. 寧波大學學報(教育科學版), 37, 6-11. [21] 
Li, J., Gao, Q., Zhou, J., Li, X., Zhang, M., & Shen, M.* Bias or equality? Unconscious thought equally integrates temporally scattered information. Consciousness and Cognition, 25, 77-87. [22] 
華麗,李新宇*, 朱偉萍, 李霖, 李琰華, 李紅. 2型糖尿病患者自我管理行為的社會生態模型——結構方程模型的驗證. 中國衞生統計, 31, 437-439. [23] 
Li, X., Zhang, F., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, X., & Shen, M.* Decision-making deficits are still present in heroin abusers after short-to-long-term abstinence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 130, 61-67. [24] 
Yin, J., Ding, X., Zhou, J., Shui, R., Li, X., & Shen M.* Social grouping: Perceptual grouping of objects by cooperative but not competitive relationships in dynamic chase. Cognition, 129, 194-204. [25] 
Zhou, Y., Li, X., Zhang, M., Zhang, F., Zhu, C., & Shen, M.* Behavioural approach tendencies to heroin-related stimuli in abstinent heroin abusers.Psychopharmacology, 221, 171-176. [26] 
Zhang, M., Zhu, H., Li, X., Shui, R., & Shen, M.* Biased number perception of schematic expressions in abstinent heroin abusers compared with normal controls.Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 602-606. [27] 
Zhou Y., Zhu H., Jin X., Li X., Zhang M., Zhang F., & Shen M.* Biased attention towards negative schematic expression in abstinent heroin abusers.Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 705-710. [28] 
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