


夏靈,男,1965年10月出生,浙江縉雲人。1980年至1982年就讀於縉雲盤溪中學,1987年畢業於浙江大學電機系工業自動化專業,獲工學學士學位,1996年畢業於浙江大學生物醫學工程系,獲生物醫學工程專業博士學位,畢業後留校任教,任浙江大學生物醫學工程系教授、博士生導師,浙江大學生物醫學工程研究所副所長。 [1] 
職    務


16、國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,39700032,WPW綜合徵房室旁道無創性定位新技術的研究,1998/01-2000/12,12萬元,已結題,主持。 [1] 


虛擬心臟建模仿真屬於國際Physiome Project(生理組計劃)中的Cardiome子計劃,力求從分子、基因、蛋白、離子通道、亞細胞器、單個心肌細胞、心肌組織以及整個心臟器官等多尺度對心臟進行建模仿真,研究心臟的生理病理機制和心臟疾病的診療方法。
(1)構建了一個離子通道水平的高空間時間分辨率的Cardiome-CN虛擬心臟模型,該虛擬心臟模型是國際上解剖結構劃分最詳細的心臟模型;(2)開創性構建了電生理—力學複合心臟模型(Physics in Medicine and Biology 2005,被列為該期刊年度國際同行評價最高和被下載次數最多的論文之一),並提出了基於動態心臟模型體表心電圖仿真新方法(Methods of Information in Medicine 2006),使虛擬心臟模型研究工作從單純的電生理或力學的片面角度上升到電力學耦合的更符合心臟生理實際的層次;(3)提出了動態心電逆問題的新概念及其求解方法(IEEE TBME 2009),首次將心臟的運動信息考慮進心電逆問題的求解過程,改變了三十多年來假設心臟是靜止不動的存在較大系統誤差的心電逆問題求解方法;(4)提出了一種基於完全截尾最小二乘(TTLS)的心電逆問題正則化新方法(IEEE TBME 2008,被作為該期的封面提示論文刊出),該方法能很好同時處理測量噪聲和幾何噪聲,解決了國際心電逆問題研究領域困擾了三十多年的難題;(5)首次在三維虛擬心臟模型上對Brugada綜合徵基因變異離子通道心臟疾病進行仿真研究(Physiological Measurement 2006),結果發現患者體温升高到39.5度時心肌動作電位發生突變,從而引起二相折返和室顫,這可能是患者發生猝死的原因之一,另外還證實了其病理部位在右心室流出道周圍的推測,從而為今後發展定點給藥法治療Brugada綜合徵的新技術提供理論依據。(6)首次在三維虛擬心臟模型上對束支傳導阻滯引起的充血性心力衰竭進行仿真研究(Physics in Medicine and Biology,2009;CMMM 2012),該研究對今後發展臨牀心力衰竭的起搏器治療優化方案具有重要的科學意義和實用價值。(7)建立了左右心房肌細胞的動力學模型和詳細解剖結構的虛擬心臟模型(Zhejiang Univ-Sci B,2010,2012;CMMM, 2012)。(8)仿真研究了rogue RyR對心室肌鈣波的影響(Physics Biology,2010;CMMM 2012;JMCC 2013)。
(1)永磁MRI系統渦流問題建模仿真方法(JMR 2012; CMR 2011);(2)提出了一種基於邊界元法的梯度線圈設計方法(IEEE TM 2010),該法不但可以有效設計梯度線圈,而且可以很方便處理排線密集度的工程約束問題;(3)提出了一種基於有限差分法的梯度線圈設計方法(IEEE TBME 2012),該法的優點是可以考慮將線圈設計融合到磁共振系統的電磁場/生物組織的FDTD模型中去,從而方便計算分析高場MRI系統工作過程中產生的生物效應;(4)提出了基於磁場――諧波混合法的被動勻場新方法(IEEE TAS 2011);(5)提出了三維體選擇性激發序列設計方法(IEEE TMI 2012)。 [1] 


  1. 首屆全國優秀博士學位論文獎(教育部、國務院學位委員會 19990601
  2. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃(2004)
  3. 浙江省151人才計劃二層次(2010)
  4. 國家技術發明二等獎(3/6,2017) [1] 


  1. 心臟電興奮傳播的仿真方法,CN96102167-5.
  2. 心臟病定量信息提取方法,CN96102166-7.
  3. 基於跳動心臟模型的心臟電功能成像方法,ZL 200810060777.1.
  4. 開放式MRI系統中橫向梯度線圈的變形空間設計方法,ZL 200810061403.1.
  5. 結合LSQR和遺傳算法的心外膜電位分佈的檢測方法,CN200710066738.8.
  6. MRI系統梯度線圈的有限差分設計方法,CN201010569704.2.
  7. 一種心臟表面透壁電位分佈的檢測方法,201010536705.7.
  8. 用於磁共振成像的三維空間選擇性激勵的序列設計方法,ZL 201110121218.9.
  9. 用於磁共振系統的激發脈衝序列生成器,. [1] 


1. Liu Haipeng, Gong Yinglan, Leng Xinyi, Xia Ling, Wong Ka Sing, Ou Shanxing, Leung Thomas W., Wang Defeng, and Shi Lin, Estimating current and long-term risks of coronary artery in silico by fractional flow reserve, wall shear stress and low-density lipoprotein filtration rate[J]. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 2018. 4(2).
2. Gao Yuan, Xia Ling, Gong Ying-Lan, and Zheng Ding-Chang, Electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns of left anterior fascicular block and conduction impairment in ventricular myocardium: a whole-heart model-based simulation study[J]. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2018. 19(1):49-56.
3. Wen X., Guo Bokai, Gong Yinglan, Xia Ling, and Yu Jie, Cardiodynamicsgram: a novel tool for monitoring cardiac function in exercise training[J]. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2018(Journal Article):1-5.
4. Gao Yuan, Gong Yinglan, and Xia Ling, Simulation of Atrial Fibrosis Using Coupled Myocyte-Fibroblast Cellular and Human Atrial Models[J]. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2017. 2017(Journal Article).
5. Deng Muqing, Tang Min, Wang Cong, Shan Liang, Zhang Linfeng, Zhang Jingtao, Wu Weiming, and Xia Ling, Cardiodynamicsgram as a New Diagnostic Tool in Coronary Artery Disease Patients With Nondiagnostic Electrocardiograms[J]. American Journal of Cardiology, 2017. 119(5):698-704.
6. Zhifeng Chen(#),Ling Xia(*),Feng Liu,Qiuliang Wang,Yi Li,Xuchen Zhu,Feng Huang,An Improved Non-Cartesian Partially Parallel Imaging by Exploiting Artificial Sparsity,Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,2017, 271-279.
7. Ling Dai, Yunliang Zang, Dingchang Zheng, Ling Xia, and Yinglan Gong, Role of CaMKII and PKA in Early Afterdepolarization of Human Ventricular Myocardium Cell: A Computational Model Study[J]. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2016. 2016:1-8.
8. Kong, Xia,Zhu, Minhua,Xia, Ling(*),Wang, Qiuliang(*),Li, Yi,Zhu, Xuchen,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Passive shimming of a superconducting magnet using the L-1-norm regularized least square algorithm,Journal of Magnetic Resonance,2016,263:122-125.
9. Jiaqi Liu Yinglan Gong, Ling Xia, and Xiaopeng Zhao, In Silico Investigation into Cellular Mechanisms of Cardiac Alternans in Myocardial Ischemia[J]. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2016. 2016:1-9.
10. Xia Kong(#),Minhua Zhu,Ling Xia(*),Stuart Crozier,Qiuliang Wang,Zhipeng Ni,Feng Liu,A novel passive shimming method for the correction of magnetic fields above the patient bed in MRI,Journal of Magnetic Resonance,2015,257:64-69.
11. Cheng, Yiyuan(#),He, Wei,Xia, Ling(*),Liu, Feng,Design of Shimming Rings for Small Permanent MRI Magnet Using Sensitivity-Analysis-Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2015,35(4):448-454.
12. Yinglan Gong, Yuan Gao, Zhanghong Lu, Dingchang Zheng, Dongdong Deng , Ling Xia*, Preliminary Simulation Study of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Procedure Based on A Detailed Human Atrial Model[J]. Journal of Clinical Trials in Cardiology, 2015. 2:1-9.
13. Jiang Mingfeng, Liu Yuan, Xu Wenlong, Hu Jie, Wang Yaming, Gong Yinglan, and Xia Ling, Efficient compressed sensing reconstruction using group sparse total variation regularization[J]. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2015. 5(5):907-917.
14. Jiang Mingfeng, Zhang Heng, Zhu Lingyan, Cao Li, Wang Yaming, Xia Ling, and Gong Yinglan, Noninvasive reconstruction of cardiac transmembrane potentials using a kernelized extreme learning method[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2015. 60(8):3237-3253.
15. Zhan Heqing, Gong Yinglan, Lu Zhanghong, Xia Ling, and Kuijpers Nico H. L., Fibroblasts reduce tension and strain of cardiac fiber: A modeling study of cardiac electromechanics[J]. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology, 2014. 20(5):3180-3190.
16. He-Qing Zhan,Ling XIA., Guo-Fa Shou Yun-Liang Zang Feng LIU, Stuart Crozier, Fibroblast proliferation alters cardiac excitation conduction and contraction: a computational study[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology), 2014. 15(3):225-242.
17. Yun-Liang Zang Ling XIA., Cellular mechanism of cardiac alternans: an unresolved chicken or egg problem[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B (Biomedicine& Biotechnology), 2014. 15(3):201-211.
18. He, Wei,Xia, Ling(*),Liu, Feng,Sparse-Representation-Based Direct Minimum L-p-Norm Algorithm for MRI Phase Unwrapping,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2014,2014:1-11, Article ID 134058.
19. Zang Yunliang, Xia Ling, Chen-Izu Ye, and Izu Leighton, Transmural Gradient of Ito and INak Profoundly Influence Ventricular Action Potential Duration[J]. Biophysical Journal, 2014. 106(2):117a-117a.
20. Wei He(#),Ling Xia(*),Region-growing phase unwrapping method based on mask,Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science),2014,(04):792-797.
21. Zhu, Minhua(#),Xia, Ling(*),Liu, Feng,Unconventional gradient coil designs in magnetic resonance imaging,Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering,2014,42(6):493-526.
22. Jiang, Ming-Feng(#)(*),Zhu, Li-Tao,Wang, Ya-Ming,Xia, Ling,Gong, Ying-Lan,Parallel MRI based on combination of nonlinear GRAPPA and SENSE,Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science),2014,48(10):1865-1870.
23. Jin, Zhaoyang,Xia, Ling,Zhang, Minming,Du, Yiping P.(*),Background-Suppressed MR Venography of the Brain Using Magnitude Data: A High-Pass Filtering Approach,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2014,2014:1-9, Article ID812785.
24. Yunliang Zang(#),Ling Xia,Ye Chen-Izu,Leighton Izu,Transmural Gradient of Ito and INak Profoundly Influence Ventricular Action Potential Duration,Biophysical Journal,2014,106(2, Supplement 1):117a~117a
25. Yunliang Zang,Ling Dai,Heqing Zhan,Jianhong Dou,Ling Xia(*),Henggui Zhang,Theoretical investigation of the mechanism of heart failure using a canine ventricular cell model: Especially the role of up-regulated CaMKII and SR Ca2+ leak,Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology,2013,56(7):34~43
26. Zhan, Heqing,Xia, Ling(*),Excitation-Contraction Coupling between Human Atrial Myocytes with Fibroblasts and Stretch Activated Channel Current: A Simulation Study,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2013,2013, Article ID 238676
27. Mingfeng Jiang,Jin Jin,Feng Liu(*),Yeyang Yu,Ling Xia,Yaming Wang,Stuart Crozier,Sparsity-constrained SENSE reconstruction: An efficient implementation using a fast composite splitting algorithm,Magnetic Resonance Imaging,2013,31(7):1218~1227
28. Zhang Chen(#),Shou Guo-Fa,Lu Hong,Hua Ning,Tang Xue-Zheng,Xia Ling,Ma Ping(*),Tang Fa-Kuan,A new magneto-cardiogram study using a vector model with a virtual heart and the boundary element method,Chinese Physics B,2013,22(9)
29. Jiang, Mingfeng(*),Wang, Yaming,Xia, Ling,Liu, Feng,Jiang, Shanshan,Huang, Wenqing,The combination of self-organizing feature maps and support vector regression for solving the inverse ECG problem,Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2013,66(10):1981~1990
30. Dou, Jianhong,Xia, Ling(*),Deng, Dongdong,Zang, Yunliang,Shou, Guofa,Bustos, Cesar,Tu, Weifeng,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,A Study of Mechanical Optimization Strategy for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Based on an Electromechanical Model,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2012,2012, Article ID 948781
31. Zhu, Minhua,Xia, Ling,Liu, Feng,Zhu, Jianfeng,Kang, Liyi,Crozier, Stuart,A Finite Difference Method for the Design of Gradient Coils in MRI-An Initial Framework,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,2012,59(9):2412~2421
32. Lu, Luyao,Xia, Ling(*),Zhu, Xiuwei,Simulation of Arrhythmogenic Effect of Rogue RyRs in Failing Heart by Using a Coupled Model,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2012,2012, Article ID 183978
33. Deng, Dongdong,Jiao, Peifeng,Ye, Xuesong,Xia, Ling(*),An Image-Based Model of the Whole Human Heart with Detailed Anatomical Structure and Fiber Orientation,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2012,2012, Article ID 891070
34. Shao, Tingting,Xia, Ling(*),Tao, Guisheng,Chi, Jieru,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Advanced Three-Dimensional Tailored RF Pulse Design in Volume Selective Parallel Excitation,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2012,31(5):997~1007
35. Deng, Dong-dong,Gong, Ying-lan,Shou, Guo-fa,Jiao, Pei-feng,Zhang, Heng-gui,Ye, Xue-song,Xia, Ling(*),Simulation of biatrial conduction via different pathways during sinus rhythm with a detailed human atrial model,Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology),2012,13(9):676~694
36. He, Wei,Cheng, Yiyuan,Xia, Ling(*),Liu, Feng,A New Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Method for Phase Unwrapping of MRI Data,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2012,2012, Article ID 475745
37. Xia, Ling(*),Murray, Alan,Zheng, Dingchang,Liu, Feng,Ye, Xuesong,Ning, Gangmin,Cardiovascular System Modeling,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2012,2012, Article ID 583172
38. Ying Nan,Tian Jian,Yu SaiNan,Zhou Jing,Ling ShuCai,Xia Ling,Ye XueSong(*),Progress in defining heterogeneity and modeling periglomerular cells in the olfactory bulb,Science China Life Sciences,2012,55(7):567~575
39. Shou, Guofa,Xia, Ling(*),Jiang, Mingfeng,Dou, Jianhong,Magnetocardiography Simulation Based on an Electrodynamic Heart Model,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2011,47(9):2224~2230
40. Li, Xia,Xia, Ling(*),Chen, Wufan,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Xie, Dexin,Finite element analysis of gradient z-coil induced eddy currents in a permanent MRI magnet,Journal of Magnetic Resonance,2011,208(1):148~155
41. Li, Xia,Xia, Ling(*),Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Xie, Dexin,Characterization and Reduction of X-Gradient Induced Eddy Currents in a NdFeB Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnet-3D Finite Element Method-Based Numerical Studies,Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering,2011,39B(1):47~58
42. Shou, Guofa,Xia, Ling(*),Liu, Feng,Jiang, Mingfeng,Crozier, Stuart,On epicardial potential reconstruction using regularization schemes with the L1-norm data term,Physics in Medicine and Biology,2011,56(1):57~72
43. Shou Guo-Fa(*),Xia Ling,Ma Ping,Tang Fa-Kuan,Dai Ling,Simulation study of a magnetocardiogram based on a virtual heart model: effect of a cardiac equivalent source and a volume conductor,Chinese Physics B,2011,20(3):1~10
44. Jiang, Mingfeng(*),Zhu, Lingyan,Wang, Yaming,Xia, Ling,Shou, Guofa,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Application of kernel principal component analysis and support vector regression for reconstruction of cardiac transmembrane potentials,Physics in Medicine and Biology,2011,56(6):1727~1742
45. Ye, Xuesong(*),Zeng, Yong,Zhou, Tao,Liu, Feng,Liu, Jun,Sha, Jian,Xu, Xiaoyuan,Xia, Ling,In Situ Comparative Studies of Self-Assembly Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin on Nano Films by Atomic Force Microscopy,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2011,11(12):10765~10769
46. Jin, Zhaoyang,Xia, Ling,Lou, Min,Zhang, Minming,Du, Yiping P.(*),MR Venography of the Brain With Enhanced Vessel Contrast Using Image-Domain High-Pass Filtering of the Susceptibility Phase Shift,Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,2011,34(5):1218~1225
47. Liu, Feng(*),Zhu, Jianfeng,Xia, Ling,Crozier, Stuart,A Hybrid Field-Harmonics Approach for Passive Shimming Design in MRI,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2011,21(2):60~67
48. Chi, Jieru,Liu, Feng(*),Xia, Ling,Shao, Tingting,Crozier, Stuart,An Improved Cylindrical FDTD Algorithm and Its Application to Field-Tissue Interaction Study in MRI,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2011,47(2):466~470
49. Zhu, Xiuwei,Zhou, Xiaobo(*),Lewis, Michael T.,Xia, Ling,Wong, Stephen,Cancer stem cell, niche and EGFR decide tumor development and treatment response: A bio-computational simulation study,Journal of Theoretical Biology,2011,269(1):138~149
50. Xia, Ling,Gong, Ying-lan,Zhu, Xiu-wei,Zhang, Yu,Sun, Qi,Zhang, Heng-gui,Mathematical models of canine right and left atria cardiomyocytes,Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology),2010,11(6):402~416
51. Shou, Guofa,Xia, Ling,Liu, Feng,Zhu, Minhua,Li, Yu,Crozier, Stuart,MRI Coil Design Using Boundary-Element Method With Regularization Technique: A Numerical Calculation Study,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2010,46(4):1052~1059
52. Lu, Luyao,Xia, Ling,Ye, Xuesong,Cheng, Heping,Simulation of the effect of rogue ryanodine receptors on a calcium wave in ventricular myocytes with heart failure,Physical Biology,2010,7(2):1~11
53. Shou, Guofa,Xia, Ling,Jiang, Mingfeng,Wei, Qing,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Solving the ECG Forward Problem by Means of Standard h- and h-Hierarchical Adaptive Linear Boundary Element Method: Comparison With Two Refinement Schemes,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,2009,56(5):1454~1464
54. Dou, Jianhong,Xia, Ling,Zhang, Yu,Shou, Guofa,Wei, Qing,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Mechanical analysis of congestive heart failure caused by bundle branch block based on an electromechanical canine heart model,Physics in Medicine and Biology,2009,54(2):353~371
55. Jiang, Mingfeng,Xia, Ling,Huang, Wenqing,Shou, Guofa,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,The application of subspace preconditioned LSQR algorithm for solving the electrocardiography inverse problem,Medical Engineering & Physics,2009,31(8):979~985
56. Jiang, Mingfeng,Xia, Ling,Shou, Guofa,Wei, Qing,Liu, Feng,Crozier, Stuart,Effect of Cardiac Motion on Solution of the Electrocardiography Inverse Problem,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,2009,56(4):923~931
57. Guofa Shou, Ling Xia, Mingfeng Jiang, Qing Wei, Feng Liu and Stuart Crozier, Truncated total least squares (TTLS): a new regularization method for the solution of ECG inverse problems, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.55, 1327-1335, 2008.
58. Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, Guofa Shou, Feng Liu and Stuart Crozier, Two hybrid regularization frameworks for solving the electrocardiography inverse problem, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.53, 5151-5164, 2008.
59. Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, Guofa Shou and Min Tang, Combination of the LSQR method and a genetic algorithm for solving the electrocardiography inverse problem, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.52, 1277-1294, 2007.
60. Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, Yinglan Gong, Jianhong Dou, Efficient numerical methods for solving the membrane equations of human ventricular cell model, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol.4, 1-5, 2007.
61. Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, Yinglan Gong,Application of Efficient Numerical Methods in Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations for Modeling Electrical Activity in Cardiac Cells,Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vo.2, 432-441, 2007.
62. Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, Guofa Shou,Combining Regularization Frameworks for Solving the Electrocardiography Inverse Problem, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vo.2, 1210-1219, 2007.
63. Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, Yinglan Gong, Ligang Chen, Guanghuan Hou and Min Tang, Parallel Solution in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic Propagation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4466, 170-179, 2007.
64. Guofa Shou, Ling Xia, Mingfeng Jiang, Forward and inverse solutions of electrocardiography problem using an adaptive BEM method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4466, 290-299, 2007.
65. Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, Guofa Shou,Noninvasive electroardiographic imaging: application of hybrid Methods for solving the electrocardiography inverse problem, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4466, 269-279, 2007.
66. Ling Xia, Yu Zhang, Henggui Zhang, Qing Wei, Feng Liu and Stuart Crozier, Simulation of Brugada syndrome using cellular and three-dimensional whole-heart modeling approaches,Physiological Measurement, Vol.27, 1125–1142, 2006.
67. Ling Xia, Meimei Huo, Qing Wei, Feng Liu and Stuart Crozier, Electrodynamic Heart Model Construction and ECG Simulation,Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol.45, 564-573, 2006.
68. Qing Wei, Feng Liu, Ben Appleton, Ling Xia, Nianjun Liu, Stephen Wilson, Robyn Riley, Wendy Strugnel, Richard Slaughter, Russel Denman and Stuart Crozier, Effect of cardiac motion on body surface electrocardiographic potentials:an MRI-based simulation study,Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.51, 3405-3418, 2006.
69. Yu Zhang, Ling Xia and Guanghuan Hou, Efficient Solution of Bidomain Equations in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic Propagation,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4115, 571-581, 2006. [1] 