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癌基因及相關基因國家重點實驗室研究員,系統生物醫學教育部重點實驗室常務副主任,科技部重大科學研究計劃(973)項目首席科學家,國務院政府特殊津貼專家,上海市浦江學者,中美生命科學家學會終身會員,神經科學學會會員。1990年和1993年分別獲得復旦大學學士和碩士。1998年獲美國紐約州立大學石溪分校細胞發育生物學博士。1999年-2001年,哈佛大學博士後,Damon Runyon Research Fellow。2008年回國前任猶他大學助理教授。
獲得Stony Brook University Excellent Research Award,The Second Annual RNA Society Prize,American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award,Basil O’Connor Scholar Award等獎項。研究論文發表於Science,RNA,MCB,Cell,PNAS,Molecular Cell,Genetics,Neuroscience,Genome Research,Nature Genetics,Nature Protocol和JMCB等期刊上,並申請了國家專利。現任ABBS編委,併為多種國際知名期刊審稿,以及科技部重大科學研究計劃,國家自然科學基金,教育部優秀博士論文和博士點基金,上海市科委重大項目等評審。
長期研究神經系統、藥物代謝系統和腫瘤基因家族的表達調控和在體功能。用比較生物醫學手段,開發分子遺傳學新技術新方法,研究原鈣粘蛋白家族在腦發育和腦功能中的細胞分子機制及UGT家族在藥物代謝中的生理功能和表達調控原理,以小鼠為模式動物研究人類重要常見覆雜神經精神疾病的發生發展機理,為其最終治療提供理論基礎 [1] 


Huang H. and Wu, Q*. (2010). Cloning and comparative analyses of the zebrafish Ugt repertoire reveal its evolutionary diversity. PLoS ONE 5: E9144.
Ying,G., Wu, S., Hou, R., Huang, W., Capecchi, M., Wu, Q*. (2009). Protocadherin Celsr3 is required for interneuron migration in the mouse forebrain. Molecular and Cellular Biology 29:3045-3061.
Wu, S., Ying, G., Wu, Q., and Capecchi, M.R. (2008). A protocol for constructing gene targeting vectors: generating knockout mice for the cadherin family and beyond. Nature Protocol 3:1056-1076.
Zou, C., Huang, W., Ying, G., and Wu, Q*. (2007). Sequence analysis and expression mapping of the rat clustered protocadherin gene repertoires. Neuroscience 144: 579-603.
Wu, S., Ying, G., Wu, Q., and Capecchi, M.R. (2007). Towards simpler and faster genome-wide mutagenesis in mice. Nature Genetics 39: 922-930.
Li, C. and Wu, Q*. (2007). Evolution of vertebrate multiple variable first exons and structural diversity of drug metabolizing enzymes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 69.
Wu, Q*#. (2005). Comparative genomics and diversifying selection of the clustered vertebrate protocadherin genes. Genetics 169:2179-2188.
Zhang, T., Haws, P., and Wu, Q*. (2004) Multiple variable first exons: a mechanism for cell- and tissue- specific gene regulation. Genome Research 14: 70-89.
Tasic, B., Nabholz, C.E., Baldwin, K.K., Kim, Y., Rueckert, E.H., Ribich, S.A., Cramer, P., Wu, Q., Axel, R., and Maniatis T. (2002). Promoter choice determines splice site selection in protocadherin  and  pre-mRNA splicing. Mol. Cell 10: 21-33.
Wu, Q#., Zhang, T., Cheng, J.-F., Kim, Y., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Dickson, M., Noonan, J.P., Zhang, M.Q., Myers, R.M., and Maniatis, T. (2001). Comparative DNA sequence analysis of mouse and human protocadherin gene clusters. Genome Research 11: 389-404.
Wu, Q#. and Maniatis, T. (2000). Large exons encoding multiple ectodomains are a characteristic feature of protocadherin genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97:3124-3129.
Pohl U., Smith J.S., Tachibana I., Ueki K., Lee H.K., Ramaswamy S., Wu Q., Mohrenweiser H.W., Jenkins R.B., Louis D.N. (2000). EHD2, EHD3, and EHD4 encode novel members of a highly conserved family of EH domain-containing proteins. Genomics 63: 255-262.
Wu, Q#. a [2]  nd Maniatis, T. (1999) A striking organization of a large family of human neural cadherin-like cell adhesion genes. Cell 97: 779-790.
Wu, Q#. and Krainer, A.R. (1999) AT-AC pre-mRNA splicing mechanisms and conservation of minor introns in voltage-gated ion channel genes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 19: 3225-3236.
Wu, Q#. and Krainer, A.R. (1998) Purine-rich enhancers function in the AT-AC splicing pathway and do so independently of intact U1 snRNP. RNA 4: 1664-1673.
Wu, Q#. and Krainer, A.R. (1997) Splicing of a divergent subclass of AT-AC introns requires the major spliceosomal snRNAs. RNA 3: 586-601.
Wu, Q#. and Krainer, A.R. (1996) U1-mediated exon definition interactions between AT-AC and GT-AG introns. Science 274: 1005-1008.