


mature是一個英語單詞,主要用作形容詞動詞。作形容詞時譯為“成熟的,理智的;成年的,發育完全的;發酵成熟的,釀成的;中老年的;技藝精湛的”,作動詞時譯為“使成熟,使長成;變理智”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [məˈtʃʊə(r)] 美 [məˈtʃʊr]
adj. 成熟的,理智的;成年的,發育完全的;發酵成熟的,釀成的;中老年的;技藝精湛的,技巧嫺熟的;審慎考慮的,深思熟慮的;到期(應該支付)的;(某些食品或飲料)可立即食用的;(經濟,行業,市場)成熟的,發展餘地不大的
v. (使)成熟,(使)長成;變理智,(舉止)變成熟;釀成,製成;到期
[ 第三人稱單數 matures 現在分詞 maturing 過去式 matured 過去分詞 matured 比較級 maturer或more mature 最高級 maturest或most mature ] [1] 


mature stage 成熟期;產品生命成熟期
mature market economy 成熟的市場經濟
mature embryo 成熟胚
mature adult 成熟的成年人
Mature market 成熟市場 ; 成熟的市場
mature follicle [基醫] 成熟卵泡
mature conformists 成熟的隨大流者 ; 成熟的隨年夜流者
mature markets 成熟市場
mature fault 斷層發育
in mature 本質上 ; 素質
mature wood [木] 成熟材 ; [木] 成年材 ; 成長材 [1] 


  • 1Jane is very mature for her age.簡年齡不大,卻很成熟。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys.女孩比男孩性成熟早。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work.克萊爾對待工作成熟而可信賴。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable.我見到的是一些聰明、成熟、品貌兼優的人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly.他們在情感上是成熟的,應該負責任地行事。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6She was a mature lady with dyed red hair and a roguish grin.她是位染着紅頭髮和有張頑皮笑臉的成熟女士。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7It's a team packed with experienced and mature professionals.這是一支經驗豐富的,成熟的專家隊伍。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.這些植物之後被授粉,使其成熟、結籽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Children do not use inflections such as are used in mature adult speech.兒童不使用像成年人言語中使用的那些詞形變化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Some adolescents might be more sexually mature and provocative than others.有些青少年可能比其他人在性方面是更成熟、更挑逗的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11As time goes by, he became mature.隨着時間的流逝,他變得成熟了。
  • 12His father's death forced him to mature fast.他父親的死迫使他迅速成熟起來。
  • 13Remember, they mature quickly and the weather's nice.記住,它們成熟得很快,而且那裏的天氣也很好。
  • 14Asking for help is a sensible and mature thing to do.尋求幫助是一種明智並且成熟的做法。
  • 15The plants mature quickly, produce seeds, and then die.這些植物成熟很快,產生種子,然後死亡。
  • 16I'll let you have an answer after mature consideration.我考慮成熟後再給你回答。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 17Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium.然而,成熟的自然環境通常處於平衡狀態。
  • 18The most serious is increasing mortality, especially of mature trees.最嚴重的是不斷增加的死亡率,尤其是成熟樹木的死亡率。
  • 19They told me I was wise and mature beyond my 18 years, and I believed them.他們告訴我,我在18歲以後是明智和成熟的,我相信他們的話。
  • 20Take away their algae, and spotted salamander babies hatch smaller and less mature.除去它們的藻類,斑點蠑螈的幼仔孵化得更小更不成熟。
  • 21The two claws of the mature American lobster are decidedly different from each other.成熟的美國龍蝦的兩個爪子明顯不同。
  • 22Now you have some birds that are quiet mature, quite capable, almost as soon as they hatch.現在你擁有了一些幾乎一孵化出來就相當成熟、相當能幹的鳥兒。
  • 23There is usually a good deal of turnover in species composition, even in a mature community.即使在一個成熟的羣落中,物種組成通常也有很大的變化。
  • 24Together these eight companies operated as a mature oligopoly, essentially miming the entire market.這八家公司共同運作,形成了成熟的寡頭壟斷格局,實質上是在模仿整個市場。
  • 25But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery.但是把探索申明變為一個成熟的發現成果是需要集體的審查和集體的接受。
  • 26These losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness.這些損失使我們變得成熟,最終讓我們走向成長和幸福的未來。
  • 27Having spent the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.由於琳達過去一年在香港作交換留學生,所以她看起來比同齡人更為成熟。
  • 28Furthermore, these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness.而且,這些損失使我們變得成熟,並最終促使我們走向未來獲得成長和幸福的機會。
  • 29Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.成熟的蝴蝶在成熟的黑脈金斑蝶體內保留糖苷,可以用來確定其產地。
  • 30Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.我們的法務部門需要一名成熟能幹的秘書,該秘書會向一名資深律師和一名助理律師報告。 [1] 