

functional,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞。作形容詞時意為“實用的;功能的,機能的;運轉正常的;函數的”等。 [1] 
屬    性
釋    義
詞    性


英 [ˈfʌŋkʃən(ə)l] 美 [ˈfʌŋkʃən(ə)l]
adj. 實用的;功能的,機能的;運轉正常的;函數的;(精神病)找不出器質性原因的 [1] 


functional group [化學] 官能團 ; 功能基 ; 功能羣
functional equation [數] 函數方程 ; [數] 泛函方程 ; 函數方程式 ; 函方程英語
Functional Programming 函數編程語言 ; 函數式編程 ; 函數程式語言 ; 函數型程序設計
functional constituency 功能界別 ; 功能組別
functional illiteracy 功能性文盲 ; 功用性的文盲 ; 職務文盲 ; 無實用讀寫能力
functional genomics 功能基因組學 ; 基因組 ; 基因體 ; 功能基因
FUNCTIONAL TEST 功能測試 ; 模擬其預期的操作環境 ; [試驗] 功能試驗 ; 性能測試
Functional requirement [計] 功能需求 ; [計] 功能要求 ; 功能性需求 ; 職能要求
linear functional [數] 線性泛函 ; 線性泛函數


  • 1These units played a key functional role in the military operation.這些單位在軍事行動中起到了主要的職能作用。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Hawthorn is also recommended in cases of functional heart pain and mild arrhythmias.山楂也用於治療功能性心絞痛和輕微心律失常。
  • 3The Chromosome is now losing important genetic information and is no longer functional.染色體現在缺少重要的遺傳信息,不再具有功能。
  • 4Because their primary purpose is not functional, they are only limited in terms of the materials used to make them.因為它們的主要用途不是功能性的,所以它們只在製造材料方面受到限制。
  • 5Let's imagine that you live in a small home with a wireless security setup that offers a functional anti-jamming system.想象一下,你住在一間小房子裏,裏面安裝了具有抗干擾功能的無線安全裝置。
  • 6For women in the military, the search for equality will still be based on functional equivalence, not identity or even similarity of task.對於軍隊中的女性來説,尋求平等仍然是基於功能對等,而不是身份甚至任務上的相似性。
  • 7However, not all functional objects are exactly alike; that is why we recognize a Shang Dynasty vase as being different from an Inca vase.然而,並不是所有的功能物品都完全相同;這就是我們認為商代花瓶不同於印加花瓶的原因。
  • 8Although a team may be composed of knowledgeable people, they must learn new ways of relating and working together to solve cross-functional problems.儘管團隊可能由知識淵博的人組成,但是他們必須學習新的方法來建立聯繫並一起工作來解決跨職能的問題。
  • 9But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather's home that solidified the young man's enthusiasm for chemistry.但是一次偶然的機會,他發現已故祖父家有一個破舊但功能齊全的實驗室,正是這個發現使得這位年輕人確定了他對化學的熱情。
  • 10Companies are abandoning conventional functional departments and organizing employees into cross disciplinary teams that focus on particular products, problems or customers.企業正在放棄傳統的職能部門,將員工組織成跨學科團隊,專注於特定的產品、問題或客户。
  • 11Companies are abandoning conventional functional departments and organizing employees into cross-disciplinary teams that focus on particular products, problems or customers.企業正在放棄傳統職能部門,將員工組織成跨領域團隊,專注於特定產品、問題或客户。
  • 12In studies, he gave subjects a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.在研究中,他給了受試者一個機會,讓他們在功能性核磁共振成像儀中檢查大腦時為了金錢利益而欺騙自己,而該儀器可將血液導向大腦的活躍部位。
  • 13The mirror is functional yet decorative.這鏡子能照人,但也有裝飾作用。《牛津詞典》
  • 14The hospital will soon be fully functional.這家醫院將很快全面運作。《牛津詞典》
  • 15Bathrooms don't have to be purely functional.浴室不必完全只為了實用。《牛津詞典》
  • 16Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional.他們的傢俱美觀多於實用。《牛津詞典》
  • 17We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases.我們在所有樓梯上都裝有運轉完全正常的煙霧報警器。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18The office was large and functional rather than welcoming.這個辦公室大而實用,但不怎麼宜人。《牛津詞典》
  • 19The chairs were comfortable, functional, and free of ornamentation.這些椅子舒適實用,而且看上去不花哨。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 20Their clothing is primarily functional and only secondarily decorative.他們的衣服首先重實用,其次才講花式。《牛津詞典》
  • 21Any public space has been carefully designed by an artistic mind to be both functional and beautiful.任何公共空間都是由藝術家精心設計的,既要實用又要美觀。
  • 22The legs were certainly functional both on land and at sea.無論陸地還是海洋,這些腿都能發揮作用。
  • 23There is no way around the fact that containers, shelters, and supports must be functional.毋庸置疑,容器、遮蓋物和支撐物必然有它們的用途。
  • 24This weekend NPR ferreted out the story behind the ever-present and never functional "Free Public WiFi".本週末,美國國家公共電台播報了永遠存在且從未起作用的“免費公共 WiFi ”背後的故事。
  • 25Sloth bears also have relatively large canine teeth, which appear to be more functional for fighting than for foraging.樹懶熊也有相對較大的犬齒,它們似乎更適合戰鬥而不是覓食。
  • 26Some species use their sense of hearing more than their eyes as a matter of adaptation to a particular lifestyle, but their eyes are still functional.為適應特定的生活方式,部分品種的蝙蝠更多地使用聽覺,而非視覺,但它們的眼睛依然是看得見的。
  • 27Most recognizable of the ship designs are the ship's smoke stacks, but the fourth stack was actually just artistic in nature and served no functional purpose.煙囱是船舶最容易辨認的設計,但其實,第四個煙囱只有裝飾美化作用,並沒有任何的實際功能。
  • 28He stood out in three ways—as a technologist, as a corporate leader and as somebody who was able to make people love what had previously been impersonal functional gadgets.他以三種身份脱穎而出——既是一名技術專家,又是一名企業領導人,同時還是一位能讓人們對曾經非個性化的實用小玩意着迷的人。
  • 29He stood out in three ways—as a technologist, as a corporate leader and as somebody who was able to make people love what had previously been impersonal, functional gadgets.他在三個方面脱穎而出——作為一名技術專家,作為一名企業領導人,作為一個曾經不近人情的“工具人”、如今能夠得到人們喜愛的人。
  • 30Second, heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies, who can easily be scared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion accessories.其次,高跟鞋在防禦迎面而來的敵人時非常有用,這些敵人很容易被這些鋒利的、致命的時尚配飾嚇走。 [1] 