
What If


《What If》是由Dream Palace Publishing and Of-Oz Music作詞、作曲,譚晶演唱的一首英文歌曲,於2020年1月6日發行。 [1] 
What If
填    詞
Dream Palace Publishing and Of-Oz Music
譜    曲
Dream Palace Publishing and Of-Oz Music

What If創作背景

《What If》創作靈感來源於譚晶在美國加州大學伯克利分校任訪問學者期間以及在歐洲採風、演出時的的所思所感,詞曲間透露着無限的大愛與温暖,充滿了關於責任和關乎生命的大愛。 [2]  [4] 

What If歌曲歌詞

A child comes to earth
Born of grace
What is her destiny
What is her fate
Is Innocence lost
Look at her face
What will she have to see it too late
Lift up your voice
Look to the sky
One can be the whole world in a child's eye
What if we dream
What if we believe
We are her destiny
We are her fate
If we lived in another place and time would people see
If it's not us who shall it be
We are her destiny
We are her destiny
Give her power Lift up her place
Don't say What if
At the end of the day
Don't say What if
Give her power Lift up her place
Don't say What if
Don't send her away
What if we dream
What if we believe
We are her destiny
We are her fate
If we lived in another place and time would people see
If it's not us who shall it be
What if we dream
What if we believe
We are her destiny
We are her fate
If we lived in another place and time would people see
If it's not us who shall it be
We are her destiny
We are her destiny
We are her destiny
We are her destiny [1] 

What If歌曲鑑賞

這首歌是愛的呼喚,伴隨着優雅抒情的鋼琴伴奏,譚晶富有質感的嗓音直抵聽眾內心最柔軟的地方,帶來尤為舒適的聽感。隨着音樂的推進,鼓聲的加入以及副歌的變調賦予了作品更加飽滿的情緒,配合真摯且動人的歌詞,譚晶大膽喊出愛的希望——希望牽手孩子們自由追尋夢想。 [4] 

What If單曲封面

《What If》的單曲封面選用了90後新興青年藝術家林瓏的版畫作品《一點坦白》,畫面以粉色為基調,畫作主體為灰色的向日葵包裹着一顆跳動的心,寓意“生活難免會進入灰色地帶,但我們不能放棄嚮往美好的決心”。 [3] 