


Silver,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞及物動詞不及物動詞。作名詞時意為“銀;銀器;銀幣;銀質獎章;餐具;銀灰色,人名;(法)西爾韋;(英、德、芬、瑞典)西爾弗”,作形容詞時意為“銀的;含銀的;有銀色光澤的;口才流利的;第二十五週年的婚姻”,作及物動詞時意為“鍍銀;使有銀色光澤”,作不及物動詞時意為“變成銀色”。 [1] 
詞    性
類    別


英 [ˈsɪlvə(r)] 美 [ˈsɪlvər]
n. 銀;銀器(尤指餐具);銀幣;銀(白)色;銀牌(silver medal 的簡寫)
adj. 銀(白)色的;銀製的,含銀的,(有關)銀的;二十五週年紀念的,銀婚紀念的;<美>口才流利的
v. 鍍(或包)銀於;<文>使具有銀色光澤,使變成銀色;使(頭髮)變成銀灰色(或銀白色)
【名】 (Silver)(法)西爾韋,(英、德、芬、瑞典)西爾弗(人名)
[ 複數 silvers 第三人稱單數 silvers 現在分詞 silvering 過去式 silvered 過去分詞 silvered 比較級 more silver 最高級 most silver ] [1] 


sterling silver 標準純銀,法定純度銀製成品
silver medal 銀質獎章;銀牌獎
silver lining (不幸或失望中的)一線希望;烏雲周圍的白光
silver halide [化]鹵化銀,銀鹵化物
silver nitrate [化]硝酸銀
silver carp n. (美)銀鯉
silver plating 鍍銀
silver plate 鍍銀;銀製器皿
silver spoon 財富(尤指繼承的遺產);電影(集合名詞);電影業
pure silver [經]純銀
silver powder 銀粉
silver bullet 銀子彈;良方,高招
silver dollar 銀元
silver plated 鍍銀的
silver coin 銀幣
silver paste 銀膏;銀汞膏
silver chloride 氯化銀
silver alloy [冶金]銀合金
silver fox [動]銀狐
silver medalist 銀牌獲得者;亞軍 [1] 


  • He's an Olympic silver medallist. 他是奧運會銀牌得主。
  • They've cornered the market in silver. 他們壟斷了白銀市場。
  • The cutlery is plate, not solid silver. 這套餐具是鍍銀的,不是純銀的。
  • She saw a glint of silver in the grass. 她看到草地上銀光閃亮。
  • He amassed a fortune from silver mining. 他靠開採銀礦積累了一筆財富。
  • His name was engraved on the silver cup. 他的名字刻在了銀盃上。
  • She won a silver medal in the high jump. 她跳高得了銀牌。
  • He beat the rugs and polished the silver. 他拍打了地毯,擦亮了銀器。
  • The silver cup was engraved with his name. 銀盃上刻有他的名字。
  • Silver is the most malleable of all metals. 銀是所有金屬中延展性最好的。
  • She had strung the shells on a silver chain. 她把貝殼串在一條銀鏈子上。
  • They celebrated their silver wedding in May. 他們於五月份慶祝了銀婚紀念日。
  • She won silver in last year's championships. 她在去年的錦標賽上獲得銀牌。
  • The food was being served on silver platters. 食物是用銀質大淺盤端上來的。
  • He was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry. 他被授予銀星獎以表彰他的勇敢。
  • He had thick silver hair which needed cutting. 他有一頭需要修剪的濃密銀髮。
  • The lid of the box had been inlaid with silver. 盒蓋上鑲嵌着銀飾。
  • The silver candlesticks were tarnished and dusty. 銀燭台都發烏了,滿是灰塵。
  • In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes. 1965年,造幣廠停止在10美分鑄幣中加入銀。
  • The moon bathed the countryside in a silver light. 月光下的鄉村沐浴在一片銀輝之中。
  • He spent all of that afternoon polishing the silver. 他花了那整個一下午擦銀器。
  • He won a silver medal at the European Championships. 他獲得了歐洲錦標賽的銀牌。
  • He rose and proffered a silver box full of cigarettes. 他站起來遞上了一個裝滿香煙的銀盒子。
  • He had painted all the wood with metallic silver paint. 他把所有木料塗上了有金屬光澤的銀漆。
  • They've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills. 他們不得已賣掉家傳的銀器去支付賬單。
  • He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year. 他和海倫去年舉行了銀婚慶典。
  • Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable. 帶有他的印記的每一件銀器都極有價值。
  • Gillingham won the silver medal in the 200 metres at Seoul. 吉林厄姆在漢城獲得了200米的銀牌。
  • One of the oldest competitors won the individual silver medal. 其中一個年紀最大的參賽者贏得了個人銀牌。 [1] 