


Glitter,英文單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“閃光、閃耀”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈɡlɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈɡlɪtər] [1] 
v. 閃光,閃爍;(某種強烈的感情)閃現,流露
n. 閃耀;(某種感情的)閃現,流露;奢華,華麗;(裝飾用的)閃亮小物件
[ 第三人稱單數 glitters 現在分詞 glittering 過去式 glittered 過去分詞 glittered ] [1] 


Glitter Glue 金葱膠
Glitter Rock 華麗搖滾
Glitter Glamour 璀璨魅力 [1] 


  • There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes. 他眼睛裏閃爍着勝利的光輝。《牛津詞典》
  • Morning dews glitter in the sun. 晨露在陽光下閃爍。《新英漢大辭典》
  • Smoothed flat by generations of wind and rain, they glitter in the sun. 它們被一代代的風雨磨平,在陽光下閃閃發光。youdao
  • She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life. 她被自己生活的表面光耀所矇蔽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Its battle honours glitter. 它的戰鬥勳章閃閃發光。youdao
  • Sprinkle some glitter on top of the baking soda. 在小蘇打上面撒點亮片。youdao
  • There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway. 在展示台上有舞台煙幕和閃光的沙礫。youdao
  • His small, rather piggy eyes glitter with enthusiasm. 他那雙很像豬眼的小眼睛裏閃爍着熱情洋溢的光芒。youdao
  • now you can have glitter and diamonds in your contacts as well. 你現在鏡片裏都可以放閃粉和鑽石了。youdao
  • Well it seems that some people are into glitter and diamonds and guess what? 似乎有些人很喜歡閃粉和鑽石,你猜怎麼着?youdao
  • But behind the glitter is an awkward truth: The lights are on, but almost nobody is home. 不過,在表面光鮮的背後卻隱藏着尷尬的現實:大廈雖然燈火通明,但卻已人去樓空。youdao
  • The title of export champion may have lost its glitter, but Germany will not give it up lightly. 世界出口冠軍的頭銜也許已黯然失色,但德國絕不會輕易放棄它。youdao
  • They closed a show where the evening wear had moved deftly away from red carpet shine and glitter. 發佈會結束部分的晚裝聰明的避開了紅毯着裝的明亮和閃耀。youdao
  • Smothered in glitter and festooned with stars and Christmas lights, it spells out my name in cardboard letters. 它的周圍燃着無數閃閃發光的星星和聖誕裝飾燈,然後那些燈就把我名字的字母一個一個拼出來。youdao
  • The country's economic future may be less dazzling than before but that glitter turned out to be fool's gold. 未來經濟不要像從前那麼令人眼花繚亂,但要像金子般閃耀。youdao
  • Tin roofs glitter on the shacks of loggers, miners and planters, each with a smallholding hacked out around it. 伐木工,礦工和農民的棚屋頂閃着光,每個屋子周圍都被開闢出的一塊塊小農地包圍着。youdao
  • When she was ready, resplendent in her glitter and feathers, Dan said his prayers and let her sail out of the wings. 當她準備就緒,光彩耀人,渾身珠飾和羽毛,他默誦著祈禱,護送她展翅高飛。youdao
  • They seem to be more obsessed with glitter than we are, so it's a great place to look for interesting glitter polishes. 他們看起來似乎比我們更加沉迷於閃閃發光的顏色,所以尋找光彩奪目是指甲油是一件非常有趣的事情。youdao
  • The bag is opened, and several quarts of tin money shower down upon the stage till it is quite glorified with the glitter. 接着布袋打開了,大把大把的錫幣灑落下來,堆在台上閃閃發亮,極為壯觀。youdao
  • Las Vegas has put federal, county and city courts a few blocks to the south of the original Glitter Gulch, together with a jail. 拉斯維加斯已經把聯邦、郡以及市法院連同一所監獄南遷了幾個街區到最開始的GlitterGulch。youdao
  • The lowland district of Faynan, where the blue-green glitter of malachite can be seen from a distance, was an obvious place to study. 在費伊南(Faynan)的低地地區,孔雀石的藍綠色閃光從很遠的地方就能看到,這裏顯然是一個進行冶金術歷史研究的好地方。youdao
  • Festooned with red lanterns, the halls and courtyards of the saffron-coloured temple glitter with fine effigies and temple ornaments. 遊客投入錢幣的叮噹聲,和尚的唸經聲和玉蘭樹上的鳥鳴聲交織在一起,這座懸掛着紅燈籠的番紅色寺廟裏佛像精美,裝飾華麗。youdao [1] 