


高秀紅,女,首都師範大學數學科學學院應用數學系副教授,碩士生導師。博士畢業於首都師範大學,研究方向為數學物理 [1] 
高秀紅 [1] 
首都師範大學 [1] 
博士 [1] 
數學物理 [1] 
A Note on Resistance of NPT to Mixture of Separable States [1] 
職    稱
副教授 [1] 


1993年9月-1997年7月,山東師範大學數學系本科生;1997年9月-2000年7月,北京師範大學數學系碩士研究生;2004年9月-2007年7月,首都師範大學數學系博士研究生;2000年7月起,首都師範大學數學科學學院教師。 [1] 


1. Bobo Hua, Xiu-Hong Gao, Ming-Jing Zhao, Shao-Ming Fei,A Note on Resistance of NPT to Mixture of Separable States,Journal ref: Int. J. Theor. Phys.52 (2013) 3007-3010
2. Zhen Wang, Xiu-Hong Gao and Zhi-Xi Wang, Monogamous property of generalized W states in three-qubit systems in terms of relative entropy of entanglement, Rep. Math. Phys. 70(2)(2012), 229–235.
3. Xiao-Sheng Li, Xiu-Hong Gao, Shao-Ming Fei,Lower Bound of Concurrence Based on Positive Maps,Phys. Rev. A 83 (2011) 034303
4.Xiu-Hong Gao, Shao-Ming Fei, Estimation of Concurrence for Multipartite Mixed States, European Physical Journal-Special Topics. Vol. 159, 71-77(2008);
5.Xiu-Hong Gao, S. Alberverio, Kai Chen, Shao-Ming Fei, Xian-Qing Li-Jost, Entanglement of formation and concurrence for mixed states, Front. Comput. Sci. China , 2(2): 114–128(2008).
6.Xiu-Hong Gao, Shao-Ming Fei, Ke Wu, Lower Bounds of Concurrence for Tripartite Quantum Systems,Phys. Rev. A 74 050303(R) (2006);
7.Xiu-Hong Gao, S. Alberverio, Shao-Ming Fei, Zhi-Xi Wang, Matrix Tensor Product Approach to the Equivalence of Multipartite States under Local Unitary Transformations, Commun. Theor. Phys. Vol. 57, 271(2006);
8.Shao-Ming Fei, Xiu-Hong Gao, Xiao-Hong Wang, Zhi-Xi Wang and Ke Wu, Separability and entanglement in composite quantum systems, Phys. Rev. A 68, 022315(2003);
9.Shao-Ming Fei, Xiu-Hong Gao, Xiao-Hong Wang, Zhi-Xi Wang and Ke Wu, Canonical Form and Separability of PPT States in Composite Quantum Systems, Commun. Theor. Phys. 40, 515-518(2003);
10. Shao-Ming Fei, Xiu-Hong Gao, Xiao-Hong Wang, Zhi-Xi Wang and Ke Wu, Separability of Rank Two Quantum States in Composite Quantum Systems, Commun. Theor. Phys. 39, 525-528(2003);
11.Shao-Ming Fei, Xiu-Hong Gao, Xiao-Hong Wang, Zhi-Xi Wang and Ke Wu, Separability of Rank Two Quantum States on Multiple Different Dimensional Quantum Spaces, Int. J. Quant. Inform. 1, 37-49(2003);
12.Shao-Ming Fei, Xiu-Hong Gao, Xiao-Hong Wang, Zhi-Xi Wang and Ke Wu, Separability of rank two quantum states on multiple quantum spaces, Phys. Lett. A 300, 559-566(2002). [1] 


2009年-2011年,量子態的可分性及其局域等價分類,國家自然科學基金/青年項目 [1] 


數學實驗與建模、高等數學A、高等數學B、數學建模、數學分析習題課 [1] 
  • 1.    高秀紅  .首都師範大學數學科學學院[引用日期2024-01-05]