

金立印,復旦大學管理學院市場營銷系教授/系主任、博士生導師、決策與行為科學研究中心執行主任 [1]  ,研究方向有消費者判斷與決策、網絡環境下的消費行為等。 [2] 
2004.08畢業於韓國培材大學經營學(市場營銷方向)博士。 [2] 
Liyin Jin
國    籍
韓國培材大學 [2] 
2019年度中國管理學青年獎獲得者 [3] 
職    務
復旦大學市場營銷學系系主任 [2] 


  1. Haichao Lin, Qian Xu, and Liyin Jin. 2023. Feedback-induced action–outcome associations increase consumer impatience. Journal of Consumer Psychology forthcoming.1-17.
  2. Liyin Jin, Yajin Wang, and Ying Zhang. 2023. Give me the facts or make me feel: How to effectively persuade consumers to act on a collective goal. Journal of Marketing forthcoming.1-17.
  3. Yi Su and Liyin Jin. 2022. The impact of online platforms’ revenue model on consumers’ ethical inferences. Journal of Business Ethics 178.555–569.
  4. Xiaoyue Wu, Xiang Wang, Qian Xu, and Liyin Jin. 2022. How the perceived cost of prosocial action inspires observers to contribute. European Journal of Social Psychology 52(1).191-203.
  5. Huixin Deng, Liyin Jin, and Qian Xu. 2022. “Right” on the day: How the timing of date-specific promotions influences consumer responses. Psychology & Marketing 39(2).429-440.
  6. Shaoguang Yang, Qian Xu, and Liyin Jin. 2021. Sweet or sweat, which should come first: How consumption sequences of vices and virtues influence enjoyment. International Journal of Research in Marketing 38(4).1073-1087.
  7. Liyin Jin, Qian Xu, Yajin Wang, and Ying Zhang. 2021. The divergent impact of reward magnitude on goal eagerness and effort investment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 167.101–113.
  8. Yongheng Liang, Qian Xu, and Liyin Jin. 2021. The effect of smart and connected products on consumer brand choice concentration. Journal of Business Research 135.163–172.
  9. Xiaoyue Wu, Liyin Jin, and Qian Xu. 2021. Expertise makes perfect: how the variance of a reviewer's historical ratings influences the persuasiveness of online reviews. Journal of Retailing 97(2).238-250.
  10. Liyin Jin, Yunhui Huang, Yongheng Liang, and Qiang Zhang. 2021. Who gets the ventilator? moral decision-making regarding medical resource allocation in a pandemic. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 6(1).159-167.
  11. Zhengyu Shen, Qian Xu, and Liyin Jin. 2020. Structured procedures promote placebo effects. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 91.1-11.
  12. Liyin Jin and Yunhui Huang. 2019. How power states influence the persuasiveness of top-dog versus underdog appeals. Journal of Consumer Psychology29(2).243-261. [2] 
  13. Qian Xu,Liyin Jin, and Ying Zhang. 2019. The shifting preference for contingent rewards in goal pursuit. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology116(1).33-45. [2] 
  14. Liyin Jin and Yanqun He. 2018. How the frequency and amount of corporate donations affect consumer perception and behavioral responses. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science46(6).1072-1088. [2] 
  15. Szu-chi Huang, Liyin Jin, and Ying Zhang. 2017. Step by step: Sub-goals as a source of motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes141.1-15. [2] 
  16. Szu-chi Huang, Jordan Etkin, and Liyin Jin. 2017. How winning changes motivation in multiphase competitions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology112(6).813-837. [2] 
  17. Echo Wen Wan, Rocky Peng Chen, and Liyin Jin. 2017. Judging a book by its cover? The effect of anthropomorphism on product attribute processing and consumer preference. Journal of Consumer Research43(6).1008-1030. [2] 
  18. Liyin Jin, Yunhui Huang, and Yanqun He. 2016. When does a service guarantee work? The roles of the popularity of service guarantees and firm reputation. Tourism Management57.272-285. [2] 
  19. Liyin Jin, Qian Xu, and Ying Zhang. 2015. Climbing the wrong ladder: The mismatch between consumers’ preference for subgoal sequences and actual goal performance. Journal of Marketing Research52(5).616-628. [2] 
  20. Liyin Jin, Bingyan Hu, and Yanqun He. 2014. The recent versus the out-dated: An experimental examination of the time-variant effects of online consumer reviews. Journal of Retailing90(4).552-566. [2] 
  21. Liyin Jin and Yunhui Huang . 2014. When giving money does not work: The differential effects of monetary versus in-kind rewards in referral reward programs. International Journal of Research in Marketing31(1).107-116. [2] 
  22. Liyin Jin, Yanqun He, and Ying Zhang. 2014. How power states influence consumers' perceptions of price unfairness. Journal of Consumer Research40(5).818-833. [2] 
  23. Liyin Jin, Szu-chi Huang, and Ying Zhang. 2013. The unexpected positive impact of fixed structures on goal completion. Journal of Consumer Research40(4).711-725. [2] 
  24. Liyin Jin and Yanqun He. 2013. Designing service guarantees with construal fit: Effects of temporal distance on consumer responses to service guarantees. Journal of Service Research16(2).202-215. [2] 


金立印,鄒德強,裘理瑾 服務定製的框架效應對消費者選擇的影響——服務選項類型的調節作用 2008年JMS中國營銷科學學術年會暨博士生論壇論文集 西安: 2008 501-512
金立印,鄒德強,王如意 網站品牌延伸的消費者評價——拓展模式、延伸相似度與母品牌類型的影響
金立印,王如意 消費者對網絡評論信息的可信性評價——網站主導者、專業性及產品類別的影響


金立印,2006.10, 服務失敗-如何補救?,韓國學術信息出版社


2018.01 - 2021.12,項目負責人,助推策略對消費者行為的影響研究:觀察者視角,國家自然科學基金面上項目. [2] 
2015.07 - 2016.05,共同負責人,中國東方航空股份有限公司集團客户及常旅客營銷研究,中國東方航空股份有限公司. [2] 
2015.04 - 2017.03,項目負責人,顧客忠誠計劃的設計與優化研究:目標結構的視角,2014年度“曙光計劃”. [2] 
2015.01 - 2017.12,項目負責人,消費者行為,國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目. [2] 
2015.01 - 2019.12,重大、重點項目子課題負責人,以福利增進為導向的消費者決策研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目. [2] 
2013.01 - 2016.12,項目負責人,新媒體環境下營銷信息的社會化傳播與消費者融入:羣體動力機制、社會互動過程與市場反應,國家自然科學基金面上項目. [2] 
2012.09 - 2014.10,項目負責人,顧客推薦獎勵計劃的設計模式及其有效性研究,上海市哲學社會科學規劃一般課題. [2] 
2010.03—2011.02,課題參加人員,A Study on Consumers' Choice Behaviors of Mobile Internet Service: Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Cultural Dimensions and Perceptions,POSCO TJ Park Foundation. [2] 
2010.01—2012.12,項目負責人,定製情境下的消費者產品配置決策研究:心理機制與管理策略,國家自然科學基金青年項目. [2] 
2009.09—2011.08,項目負責人,服務質量承諾制度的設計模式及有效性研究:消費者響應視角,上海市哲學社會科學一般課題. [2] 
2009.07—2011.12,項目負責人,參考點依賴與損失厭惡對消費者產品定製決策影響的實證研究,上海市浦江人才計劃. [2] 
2009.01—2012.12,課題參加人員,中國城市消費者行為研究——身份識別、社會認同視角的探索,國家自然科學基金重點項目. [2] 
2008.10—2010.10,項目負責人,虛擬品牌社羣的形成、成長與價值創造機制研究,教育部留學回國人員科研啓動基金. [2] 


2019年度中國管理學青年獎獲得者 [3] 


2008.11— ,評審專家, 心理學報
2008.10— ,評審專家, 管理世界
2008.10— ,評審專家, 營銷科學學報
2008.01— , Member of Editorial Review Board,Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship
2019.09 - 至今, Associate Editor, The Journal of Consumer Affairs