


蘇加寶,陝西橫山人。生於1963年。中國科學院理學博士,首都師範大學教授、博士研究生導師。 1982年畢業於陝西師範大學榆林專修科;1987年獲陝西師範大學函授本科學歷;1994年獲河北師範大學理學碩士學位;1997年獲中國科學院數學研究所理學博士學位,同年到首都師範大學工作;2002年破格晉升教授;2003年獲博導資格;2005年入選北京市中青年骨幹教師;2008年獲首都師範大學十佳教師稱號;2010年入選北京市人才創新團隊負責人;2011年參加教育部《幾何分析》創新團隊。四次主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、一次參加國家自然科學基金重點項目;主持人事部留學擇優重點基金、教育部高校博士點基金和留學基金;連續三次主持北京市自然科學基金;連續三次主持北京市教委重點基金。先後到歐洲、美國、香港等地的大學和學術機構訪問。2005年9月至2006年8月,受國家留學基金委資助,到美國猶他州立大學訪問。在包括《Adv.Math》、《JDE》、《CVPDE》、《CCM》、《JAM》、《JMAA》、《NA》、《ZAMP》、《NoDEA》等在內的30多種國際SCI數學期刊上發表學術論文80多篇,研究工作被國內外720名數學物理工作者發表在150多種數學與物理期刊的論文、18本學術專著和預印本引用1300多次,其中SCI期刊引用1000多次。與包括李樹傑劉嘉荃、P.Rabinowitz、王志強、M.Willem等國際著名數學家在內的30多位國內外同行有實質性的學術合作。 [1] 
蘇加寶 [1] 
陝西橫山 [1] 
1963年 [1] 
中國科學院數學研究所 [1] 
發表學術論文80多篇 [1] 
Jiabao Su [1] 


87.Lanxin Huang, Jiabao Su, Multiple solutions for nonhomogeneous Schrodinger-Poisson system with p-Laplacian. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2023(2023), 28, 1-14.
86. Lanxin Huang, Jiabao Su, Multiple solutions for nonhomogeneous quasilinear Schrodinger--Poisson system. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, to appear
85.Yao Du, Jiabao Su, Ground state solutions for Schrodinger-Poisson systems on R^3 with a weighted critical exponent. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 46 (2023),7466-7488(SCI),
84 Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, The ground states of quasilinear Henon equation with double weighted critical exponents. Proceedings of Royal Society Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics, online published.
83. Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, Weighted critical Henon equations with p-Laplacian on the unit ball in R^N. Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematique, to appear.
82. Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, The existence or nonexistence of solutions for some equations involving weighted critical exponents on the unit ball. Ricerche di Matematica, online published.
81. Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, The ground states of H\'enon equations for p-Laplacian in R^N involving upper weighted critical exponents. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 120(2023), 107146.
80.Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su, Mingzheng Sun, Rushun Tian, Nontrivial solutions of elliptic systems with nonlinearities may not have asymptotic limits. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 520(2023), No. 126907
79. Cong Wang and Jiabao Su, Positive radial solutions of critical Henon equations on the unit ball in R^N. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45, 17(2022), 11769--11806
78. Jiabao Su, Cong Wang, Weighted critical exponents of Sobolev type embeddings for radial functions. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2022; 22: 143--158.
77. Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, The semilinear elliptic equations with double weighted critical exponents. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 63(2022), 041505.
76. Yao Du, Jiabao Su, Cong Wang, On the critical Schrodinger-Poisson system with p-Laplacian. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 21, 4(2022), 1329--1342
75. Yao Du, Jiabao Su, Cong Wang, On a quasilinear Schr¨odinger–Poisson system.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 505 (2022), No.125446.
74. Mingzheng Sun, Jiabao Su, Leiga Zhao, Some bifurcation results and multiple solu- tions of the p-Laplacian equations. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 58,2(2021),353–366(SCI).
73. Mingzheng Sun, Jiabao Su, Binlin Zhang, Critical groups and multiple solutions for Kirchhoff type equations with critical exponents. Communications in Contem- porary Mathematics, 23, 07(2021), No.2050031, 20pp.
72. Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su, Mingzheng Sun, Rushun Tian, The elliptic equation in- volving the square root of the Laplacian without asymptotic limits. Special Issue in honor of Alan C. Lazer. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Special Issue 01 (2021), pp. 115–134(SCI).
71. Yao Du and Jiabao Su, Ground state solutions for Schr¨odinger-Poisson systems with multiple weighted critical exponents. NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 28(2021), No.66, 33pp.
70. Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, The ground state solutions of H´enon equation with upper weighted critical exponents. Journal of Differential Equations, 302(2021), 444– 473.
69. Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su, Mingzheng Sun, Rushun Tian, Multiple solutions of some linearly coupled elliptic systems. Acta Matematica Scientia, 41B, 4(2021), 1141–1150.
68. Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su, Bounded resonant problems driven by fractional Lapla- cian. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 57, 2(2021), 635–661.
67. Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su, Nontrivial solutions for the fractional Laplacian problems without asymptotic limits near both infinity and zero. Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems-S, 14(6)(2021), 1837–1855.
66. Yao Du, Jiabao Su, Cong Wang, The Schr¨odinger–Poisson system with p-Laplacian.
Applied Mathematics Letters, 120(2021), No.107286, 7pp.
65. Cong Wang, Jiabao Su, Critical exponents of weighted Sobolev embeddings for radial functions. Applied Mathematical Letters, 107 (2020), No.106848(SCI1).
64. Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su, Mingzheng Sun, Rushun Tian, Multiple solutions for the coercive semilinear elliptic equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 487(2020), 124031. (SCI2).
63. Jiabao Su, Rushun Tian, Leiga Zhao, Bifurcations of elliptic systems with linear couplings. Applied Mathematical Letters, 100, (2020), No.106042. (SCI1).
62. Jiabao Su, Rushun Tian, Zhi-Qiang Wang, Positive solutions of doubly coupled mul- ticomponent nonlinear Schr¨odinger systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems-S, 12,7(2019), pp. 2143–2161 (SCI4)
61. Yutong Chen and Jiabao Su, Multiple solutions for the fractional Laplacian problems with different asymptotic limits near infinity. Applied Mathematical Letters, 76(2018), 60–65. (SCI1) IF:2.233
60. Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su and Huanhong Yan, Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear equations involving the square root of the Laplacian. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017(2017),234,1–26.(SCI4)
59. Zhanping Liang, Yuanmin Song, Jiabao Su, Existence of solutions to (2, p)-Laplacian equations by Morse theory. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017 (2017), 185, 1–9. (SCI4)
58. Yutong Chen and Jiabao Su, Resonant problems for fractional Laplacian. Com- munications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 16,1(2017), 163–187(SCI3).
57. Mingzheng Sun, Jiabao Su and Hongrui Cai, Multiple solutions for the p-Laplacian equations with concave nonlinearities via Morse theory. Communications in Con- temporary Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2017) 1650014. (SCI3)
56. Mingzheng Sun, Jiabao Su and Leiga Zhao, Solutions of a Schrodinger-Poisson system with combined nonlinearities. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applica- tions, 442(2016), 385–403(SCI2)
55. Leiga Zhao, Jiabao Su and Caiyun Wang, On the existence of solutions for quasi- linear elliptic problems with radial potentials on exterior ball. Mathematische Nachrichten, 289,4(2016): 501–514(SCI4).
54. Anran Li and Jiabao Su, Multiple nontrivial solutions to a p-Kirchhoff equation.
Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 15 (2016), 91–102.(SCI2)
53. Anran Li and Jiabao Su, Existence and multiplicity of solutions for Kirchhoff-type equation with radial potentials in R3. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66,6(2015), 3147–3158.(SCI2)
52. Mingzheng Sun, Meiling Zhang and Jiabao Su, Critical groups at zero and multiple solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 428, 1(2015), 696–712(SCI2).
51. Mingzheng Sun, Jiabao Su and Leiga Zhao, Infinitely many solutions for a Schr¨odinger- Poisson system with concave and convex nonlinearities. Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems, 35, 1(2015), 427–440(SCI3)
50. Anran Li, Hongrui Cai and Jiabao Su, Quasilinear elliptic equations with singu- lar potentials and bounded discontinuous nonlinearities. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 43, 2(2014), 439–450(SCI3)
49. Zhanping Liang and Jiabao Su, Solutions to inhomogeneous quasilinear elliptic prob- lems with concave-convex type nonlinearities. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2014, 34A(2):217–226.
48. Mingzheng Sun and Jiabao Su, Nontrivial solutions of a semilinear elliptic prob- lem with resonance at zero. Applied Mathematical Letters, 34(2014),60–64. (SCI2)
47. Anran Li, Jiabao Su and Leiga Zhao, Existence and multiplicity of solutions of Schr¨odinger-Poisson systems with radial potentials. Proceedings of the Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics. 144, 2(2014),319–332.(SCI3)
46. Hongrui Cai, Jiabao Su and Yang Sun, Sobolev type embeddings and an inho- mogeneous quasilinear elliptic equation on RN with singular weights. Nonlinear Analysis, 96(2014), 59–67.(SCI2)
45. Hongrui Cai and Jiabao Su, Gradient systems with sublinear term near the origin and asymptotically linear term near the infinity. Boundary Value Problems, 2013 (1): 280 (SCI2)
44. Anran Li and Jiabao Su, Superlinear gradient system with a parameter. Boundary Value Problems, 2012 (1): 110.(SCI2)
43. Zhanping Liang and Jiabao Su, Existence of solitary waves to a generalized Kadomtsev- Petviashvili equation. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 32B(3)(2012), 1149–1156(SCI4).
42. Jiabao Su, Quasilinear elliptic equations on RN with singular potentials and bounded nonlinearity. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 63(2012), 51–62, Erratum: 63-64(SCI2).
41. Leiga Zhao, Anran Li and Jiabao Su, Existence and multiplicity results for quasi- linear elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions. Nonlinear Analysis, 75(2012), 2520–2533 (SCI2).
40. Jiabao Su, Rushun Tian, Weighted Sobolev type embeddings and coercive quasi- linear elliptic equations on RN . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 140(2012), 891–903.(SCI3)
39. Xiaoli Li, Jiabao Su and Rushun Tian, Multiple periodic solutions of the second order Hamiltonian systems with superlinear terms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 385(2012), 1–11 (SCI2).
38. Jiabao Su, Ruiyi Zeng, Multiple periodic solutions of superlinear ordinary differential equations with parameter, Nonlinear Analysis, 74 (2011), 6442-6450. (SCI)
37. Lina Lu¨, Jiabao Su, Solutions to a gradient system with resonance at both zero and infinity. Nonlinear Analysis, 74 (2011), 5340–5351(SCI).
36. Zhaoli Liu, Jiabao Su and Zhi-Qiang Wang, Elliptic systems on RN with nonlinear- ities of linear growth. Progress in variational methods, 90–106, Nankai Ser. Pure Appl. Math. Theoret. Phys., 7, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2011.
35. Jiabao Su, Zhi-Qiang Wang, Sobolev type embedding and quasilinear elliptic e- quations with radial potentials. Journal of Differential Equations, 250(2011), 223-242 (SCI).
34. Zhanping Liang and Jiabao Su, Critical point theorem for asymptotically quadratic functional without compactness. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Appli- cations, 370(2010), 649–658(SCI).
33. Jiabao Su and Rushun Tian, Weighted Sobolev embeddings and radial solutions of inhomogeneous quasilinear elliptic equations. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 9,4(2010),885–904.(SCI).
32. Zhanping Liang and Jiabao Su, Multiple solutions for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with double resonance. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 354(2009), 147–158 (SCI).
31. Zhaoli Liu, Jiabao Su and Zhi-Qiang Wang, Solutions of elliptic problems with linearly bounded nonlinearities. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 35, 4(2009), 463–480. (SCI).
30. Jiabao Su and Leiga Zhao, Multiple periodic solutions of ordinary differential equa- tions with double resonance. Nonlinear Analysis, 70(2009), 1520–1527(SCI).
29. Zhaoli Liu, Jiabao Su and Zhi-Qiang Wang, A twist condition and periodic solu- tions of Hamiltonian systems. Advances in Mathematics, 218, 6(2008), 1895– 1913(SCI).
28. Jiabao Su, Zhi-Qiang Wang and Michel Willem, Nonlinear Schrodinger equations with unbounded and decaying radial potentials. Communications in Contempo- rary Mathematics, 9,4(2007), 571–583. (SCI)
27. Jiabao Su and Zhaoli Liu, A Bounded Resonance Problem for Semilinear Elliptic Equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems, 19,2(2007), 431– 445.(SCI)
26. Jiabao Su, Zhi-Qiang Wang and Michel Willem, Weighted Sobolev embedding with unbounded and decaying radial potentials. Journal of Differential Equations, 238, 1(2007), 201-219 (SCI).
25. P. H. Rabinowitz, Jiabao Su and Zhi-Qiang Wang, Multiple solutions of superlinear elliptic equations. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei (9) Mat. Appl. 18 (2007), no. 1, 97–108.(SCI)
24. Zhaoli Liu, Jiabao Su and Tobias Weth, Compactness results for Schrodinger equa- tions with asymptotically linear terms. Journal of Differential Equations, 231, 2(2006),501–512.(SCI)
23. Jiabao Su and Leiga Zhao, An elliptic resonance problem with multiple solutions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 319, 2(2006), 604–616. (SCI)
22. Jiabao Su and Hong Li, Multiplicity results for the two-point boundary value prob- lems at resonance. Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.26,1(2006),152-162.(SCIE)
21. Zhaoli Liu and Jiabao Su, Solutions of some semilinear elliptic problems with terms of arbitrary growth. Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems, 10,3(2004), 617-634. (SCI)
20. Jiabao Su, Nontrivial critical points for asymptotically quadratic functional at reso- nance. Morse theory, minimax theory and their applications to nonlinear differential equations, 225–234, New Stud. Adv. Math., 1, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2003.
19. Quansen Jiu and Jiabao Su, Existence and multiplicity results for perturbations of the p-Laplacian, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 281, 2(2003), 587–601. (SCI)
18. Jiabao Su, Multiplicity Results for Asymptotically Linear Elliptic Problems at Res- onance, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 278, 2(2003), 397–408. (SCI)
17. Jiabao Su and Zhaoli Liu, Nontrivial Solutions of Perturbed of p-Laplacian on RN .
Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol.248-249,(2003), 190–199. (SCI)
16. Jiabao Su, Existence and multiplicity results for classes of elliptic resonant prob- lems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 273 (2002), 565– 579.(SCI)
15. Didier Smets, Jiabao Su and Michel Willem, Nonradial ground states for the H´enon equations, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 4, 3(2002), 467–480. (SCI)
14. Shujie Li, K. Perera and Jiabao Su. On the role played by the Fucik spectrum in the determination of critical groups in elliptic problems where the asymptotic limits may not Exist. Nonlinear Analysis, 49, 5(2002), 603–611. (SCI)
13. Jiabao Su, Semilinear elliptic Boundary value problems with double resonance be- tween two consecutive eigenvalues, Nonlinear Analysis, 48, 6(2002), 881–895. (SCI)
12. Shujie Li, K.Perera and Jiabao Su, Computations of critical groups in elliptic bound- ary value problems where the asymptotic limits may not exist. Proceedings of Royal Society Edinburgh (Section A) Mathematics. 131, 3(2001), 721-732. (SCI)
11. Jiaquan Liu and Jiabao Su, Remarks on multiple nontrivial solutions for quasi-linear resonant problems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 258 (2001), 209–222. (SCI)
10. Jiabao Su and Chunlei Tang, Multiplicity results for semilinear elliptic equation- s with resonance at higher eigenvalues, Nonlinear Analysis 44, 3(2001), 311– 321.(SCI)
9. Jiabao Su and Yongqing Li, A note on a semilinear elliptic problem at resonance(in Chinese). Acta Mathematica Sinica, 43,6(2000) 1135–1142.(in Chinese)
8. Jiabao Su, Existence of nontrivial periodic solutions for a class of resonance Hamil- tonian systems. Journal of Mathematics Analysis and Applications, 233, 1(1999),1–25(SCI).
7. Jiabao Su, Nontrivial periodic solutions for the asymptotically linear Hamiltoni- an systems with resonance at infinity. Journal of Differential Equations, 145, 2(1998),252–273. (SCI)
6. Jiabao Su, Semilinear elliptic resonant problems at higher eigenvalues with Un- bounded terms, Acta Mathematica Sinica, New series. 14,3(1998), 411– 418(SCIE).
5. Jiabao Su, Semilinear elliptic resonant problems with Unbounded terms(in Chinese),
Acta Mathematica Sinica, 41,4(1998),715–720. 1135-1142.
4. Shujie Li and Jiabao Su, Existence of multiple solutions of a two-point boundary value problem at resonance. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 10, 2(1997),123–135. (SCI).
3. Shujie Li and Jiabao Su, Existence of multiple critical points for asymptotically quadratic functional with applications. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 1(1996), 293–305.
2. Bingyou Li and Jiabao Su, Transfer open or closed set-valued mapping and gener- alization of H-KKM theorem with applications, Applied Mathematics and Me- chanics, 15, 10(1994), 981-989.(SCI).
1. Jiabao Su, Generalized H-KKM theorem with applications, Hebei Shifan Daxue Xuebao, (Ziran Kexue Ban), 18 , 4(1994), 1–4(in Chinese). [1] 


國家自然科學基金面上項目:參加、臨界點理論與分歧理論在橢圓型方程組的應用, 2022.1–2025.12。
北京市教委-市自然基金委聯合資助項目: 主持、Morse理論與橢圓型變分問題(2020.1- 2022.12)。
北京市教委-市自然科學基金聯合資助重點項目:主持、臨界點理論與變分問題(2015.1- 2017.12)。
教育部高校博士點基金:主持 、非線性變分問題(2008.1-2010.12)。
國家自然科學基金項目:參加、非線性分析中的半羣方法與變分方法I(1998.1-2000.12)。 [1] 


多次教本科生數學分析的教學。後期主要承擔本科生泛函分析的教學。 [1] 
  • 1.    蘇加寶  .首都師範大學數學科學學院[引用日期2023-12-14]