


李樹傑教授是我國著名數學家,在非線性分析、非線性微分方程方面做出過重要成果,培養了許多傑出人才 [1] 
中科院數學與系統科學研究院基礎數學室主任。 [2] 
為慶祝李樹傑教授70華誕,由中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院首都師範大學主辦的International Conference on Variational and Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis於2010年5月20-22日在北京會議中心舉行。歐洲數學家T. Bartsch和A. Szulkin,日本數學家N. Hirano,中國科學院院士張恭慶教授、龍以明教授,以及海外著名華裔數學家李巖巖杜一宏王志強等60多位國內外學者參加了會議 [1] 
李樹傑 [1] 
Shujie Li [3] 
國    籍
中華人民共和國 [1] 
職    業
教師 [4] 
做出過重要成果,培養了許多傑出人才 [1] 
Bifurcation surfaces stemming from the Fučik spectrum [5] 
拓撲與變分方法及應用 [15] 
職    稱
職    務


李樹傑專著 李樹傑專著 [15]
姓名:李樹傑 [1] 
職務:基礎數學室主任 [2] 



Multiple solutions for a class of semi-linear elliptic Robin problem [5]  Jing Zhang · Shujie Li · Xiaoping Xue [5] 
Multiple solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition and jumping nonlinearities [5]  Jing Zhang · Shujie Li · Yuwen Wang · Xiaoping Xue [5] 
On Schechter's linking theorems [5]  W. Zou · S. Li [5] 
Shujie Li, K.Perera, Jiabao Su. On the role played by the Fucik spectrum in the determination of critical groups in elliptic problems where the asymptotic limits may not exist. Nonlinear Analysis, 49(2002),603-611. [7] 
Shujie Li, K.Perera, Jiabao Su, Computations of critical groups in elliptic boundary value problems where the asymptotic limits may not exist. Proceedings of Royal Society Edinburgh (A) Mathematics, 131,3(2001),721-732 [7]  .
Shujie Li, Jiabao Su, Existence of multiple solutions of a two-point boundary value problem at resonance Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 10(1997),123-135. [7] 
Shujie Li, Jiabao Su, Existence of multiple critical points for asymptotically quadratic functional with applications, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol.1,3(1996),277-289. [7] 
Chong Li, Shujie Li, [8]  The Fučík spectrum of Schrödinger operator and the existence of four solutions of Schrödinger equations with jumping nonlinearities. [8] 
Chong Li, Shujie Li, Gaps of consecutive eigenvalues of Laplace operator and the existence of multiple solutions for superlinear elliptic problem, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vo.271, 2016, 245-263. [9] 
Chong Li, Generalized Poincaré-Hopf theorem and application to nonlinear elliptic problem, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vo.267, 2014, 3783-3814. [9] 
Chong Li, Shujie Li, Zhaoli, Liu, Bifurcation surfaces stemming from the Fucik spectrum,Journal of Functional Analysis, Vo.263, Issue 12(2012), 4059-4080. [9] 
Chong Li, Shujie Li, Jiaquan Liu, Splitting theorem, Poincare-Hopf theorem and jumping nonlinear problems, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vo.221, 2005, No.2, 439-455. [9] 
Chong Li,Shujie Li, Zhaoli Liu, Jianzhong Pan, On the Fucik spectrum, Journal of Differential Equations, Vo.244, 2008, 2498-2528. [9] 
Chong Li, Shujie Li, Zhaoli Liu, Existence of type(II) region and convexity and concavity of potential functional corresponding jumping nonlinear problems, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Vo.32, 2008, 237-251. [9] 
Chong Li, Shujie Li, Multiple solutions and sign changing solutions of a class of nonlinear elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition, JMAA, 298(2004), No.1, 14-32. [9] 
李翀,李樹傑,關於臨界點理論的幾個註記,中國科學,Vo.46, No.5, 1-9, 2016. [9] 
Chong Li, Yanheng Ding, Shujie Li, Multiple solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations for oscillation problems, JMAA, Vo.303, 2005, 477-485. [9] 
Zhang Zhitao, Li Shujie, On sign-changing and multiple solutions of the pp-Laplacian. J. Funct. Anal. 197 (2003), no. 2, 447--468. (SCI) [10] 
Zhang Zhitao; Chen Jianqing; Li Shujie, Construction of pseudo-gradient vector field and sign-changing multiple solutions involving pp-Laplacian. J. Differential Equations 201 (2004), no. 2, 287--303. [10] 
Li Shujie; Zhang Zhitao, Fucik spectrum, sign-changing and multiple solutions for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities at zero and infinity. Sci. China Ser. A 44 (2001), no. 7, 856--866. [10] 
Ding, Yanheng; Li, Shujie; Willem, Michel Periodic solutions of symmetric wave equations. J. Differential Equations 145 (1998), no. 2,217--241. [11] 
Ding, Yanheng; Li, Shujie Periodic solutions of a superlinear wave equation. Nonlinear Anal. 29 (1997), no. 3, 265--282. [11] 
Ding, Yanheng; Li, Shujie Existence of entire solutions of an elliptic equation on $R\sp N$. Functional analysis in China, 277--299, Math. Appl., 356, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1996. [11] 
Ding, Yanheng; Li, Shujie The existence of infinitely many periodic solutions to Hamiltonian systems in a symmetric potential well. Ricerche Mat. 44 (1995), no. 1, 163--172. [11] 


臨界點理論及其對非線性微分方程的應用(張志濤 李樹傑 2007.01-2009.12) [12] 


學生陳少偉 [13]  ,男 [13]  ,專業:基礎數學 [13]  ;導師:李樹傑 [13]  ;學歷:博士 [13]  ;工作去向:福建師範大學 [13] 



為慶祝李樹傑教授70華誕,由中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院首都師範大學主辦的"International Conference on Variational and Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis"於2010年5月20-22日在北京會議中心舉行。歐洲數學家T. Bartsch和A. Szulkin,日本數學家N. Hirano,中國科學院院士張恭慶教授、龍以明教授,以及海外著名華裔數學家李巖巖杜一宏王志強等60多位國內外學者參加了會議。李樹傑教授是我國著名數學家,在非線性分析、非線性微分方程方面做出過重要成果,培養了許多傑出人才 [1] 


專為中國數學家建造的現代化辦公大樓在北京中關村竣工。中國科學院從事數學研究的15名院士、100位博士生導師和160位研究員將每人可以分到一間辦公室,室內安裝了網絡程控電話接口和高性能電腦 [4] 
這座12層的新樓是中科院在舊的科研大樓基礎上耗資3000萬元改造而成的。大樓新添了中央空調,安裝了高質量的電梯。樓內的20多間學術報告廳、室擁有先進的語音投影設備。 [4] 
在一間寬敞明亮的辦公室裏,60歲的博士生導師研究員李樹傑説:“現在的工作條件真不錯,比原來好多了。”此前,這些數學家絕大多數三四人共用一間辦公室 [4] 


7月20日上午,中科院數學與系統科學研究院研究員李樹傑、副研究員李翀在我院求知樓數學系會議室作了關於統計專業如何建設、專業教師如何開展高水平科學研究以及Morse理論的精彩報告。哈爾濱師範大學數學科學學院王玉文教授出席並主持了報告會,數學系全體教師及優秀學生代表參加了報告會。 [14] 
李樹傑研究員從新型的理科統計學本科專業的辦學定位、行業特色以及相應的課程體系、實踐環節設計等方面出發對統計學專業建設進行了較全面細緻地分析,並結合我院統計專業辦學現狀提出了幾點寶貴的意見。李翀研究員則從科研素質提升,科研團隊建設等方面對教師如何開展科研,提高科研水平進行了精彩的解讀。最後,李樹傑教授還從Morse理論的起源、現狀及發展趨勢出發系統介紹了Morse理論相關知識。 [14] 
報告結束後,李樹傑研究員李翀研究員就數學系專業建設,學生如何選擇繼續深造專業及教師現有的科研項目中存在的問題等方面與參會教師及學生進行了互動交流並作了精彩的回答。兩位研究員的講座,對我院統計專業的建設,對我院教師增強科研意識,提高科研水平具有十分重要的指導意義。 [14] 
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