


胡曉江,女,北京師範大學社會發展與公共政策學院副院長、研究倫理審查委員會主任,人口流動與城市化研究院院長,教授。研究領域: 社會學、移民研究、社會發展、社會網絡、社會風險。主編有《胡先驌全集》,預計在2018年5月正式出版。
民    族
性    別
學    位
職    務


2004.8-2006.8 美國加州大學伯克利分校,博士後
1995.9-2004.6 美國哈佛大學社會學系,獲哲學博士學位
1993.9-1995.7 北京大學社會學系,獲法學碩士學位
1988.9-1992.7 北京大學社會學系,獲法學學士學位


2009.7-2010.1 美國哈佛大學肯尼迪政府學院訪問學者
2003.9-2004.7 美國哈佛大學社會學系
1992.7-1993.8 北京大學社會學系


1. 2008.8- 中國社會學會社會政策專業委員會會員
2. 美國社會學學會會員(American Sociological Association),隸屬分會:亞洲研究、國際移民、醫學社會學(member of sections: Asian and Asian American, International Migration, and Medical Sociology)
3. 國際社會學學會會員(International Sociological Association),隸屬分會:貧困,社會福利與社會政策(Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy)
4. 以下國際學術期刊評審
(1) International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health(SSCI)
(2) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health(SSCI)
(3) Perspectives
(4) The China Journal(SSCI)
(5) Social Science & Medicine(SSCI)
5. 中國教育政策研究院,兼職教授
6. 北京哈佛俱樂部,理事
7. 北京市海淀區政協委員


2011 教育部新世紀人才
2008 北京師範大學抗震救災優秀工作者
2004 Spring Sunshine Award (by Ministry of Education, China)
2004 2004 PhD Class Marshal, Harvard University
2004 “Cultural Survival” Recognition
2002-2003 Justice, Welfare and Economics Dissertation Fellowship, Harvard University
1999-2000 Toyota Foundation Fellowship
1999-2000 Saltonstall Population Innovation Award, Harvard University



1. 胡曉江著:《西藏拉薩的小商販:移民商業與轉型經濟中市場的形成》,中國藏學研究中心出版社,2006年11月。


(其中SSCI 1篇,SCI 2篇)
8. Xiaojiang Hu, Suowei Xiao, Binli Chen, Zhihong Sa* (2012): Gaps in the 2010 measles SIA coverage among migrant children in Beijing:Evidence from a parental survey, Vaccine,30:39, 5721-5725. (SCI, IF=3.766)
7. Xiaojiang Hu, Miguel A. Salazar, Qiang Zhang, Qibin Lu and Xiulan Zhang, Social Protection during Disasters: Evidence from the Wenchuan Earthquake, IDS Bulletin, July 2010, Volume 41, Number4, pp.107-117.
6. 張秀蘭、胡曉江、屈智勇:《關於教育決策機制與決策模式的思考》,《清華大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》,2009年第5期,第138-158頁。CSSCI
5. Hu Xiaojiang, Sarah Cook and Miguel Salazar, Internal Migration and Health in China, The Lancet, Volume 372, Issue 9651, November 15, 2008, pp.1717-1719. SCI(影響因子:28.638)
4. Hu Xiaojiang and Miguel Salazar, Ethnicity, Rurality and Status: Hukou and the Institutional and Cultural Determinants of Social Status in Tibet, The China Journal, Vol.60, July ,2008, pp.1-24. SSCI(2008年影響因子1.421)
3. Hu Xiaojiang, Ultrasonic Tooth Cleaning and the Opening of New Markets in Tibet, Contexts, Summer, 2005.
2. Salazar Miguel and Xiaojiang Hu, Cultural Differences of Depression, Colloquy, 2001.
1. Hu Xiaojiang, Tibet: Stories of Change (I and II), Perspectives, December, 2001, January, 2002.


2. Hu Xiaojiang and Miguel Salazar, The impact of hukou system on ethnic status perception: the case of Tibet. In Martin K. Whyte (ed), Rethinking the Rural-Urban Cleavage in Contemporary China. Harvard University Press, 2007.
1. Hu Xiaojiang and Miguel Salazar, Market Formation and Transformation: Private Businesses in Lhasa. In Barry Sautman and June Teufel Dreyer (eds.), Contemporary Tibet: Politics, Development and Society in Disputed Region (Armonk: ME Sharpe). 2006.


3. 《當前不宜發行賑災彩票》、《緊急防範拐賣和綁架地震災區兒童的犯罪行為的建議》為中央決策提供了參考,被中央統戰部六局採納,2009年2月13日。
2. Hu Xiaojiang, International best practices in evaluating and addressing the social impact of disasters, For UNICEF, 2008.
1.胡向前、薛瀾、胡曉江:《五環照耀中國----縱論全球視野下的北京奧運國際形象戰略》,北京遠景戰略研究組給北京市政府的報告,哈佛-清華,2003年。 [1] 


胡先驌全集》總策劃為北京大學胡德焜教授,主編為北京師範大學胡曉江教授,副主編有中國科學院上海辰山植物科學研究中心研究員馬金雙、中國科學院廬山植物園研究員胡宗剛 [2-3] 
《胡先驌全集》預計在2018年5月正式出版。《胡先驌全集》編委會在廣泛蒐集相關資料的基礎上,科學設置了編輯體例,精心校正了中英文原稿,並將胡先驌先生的著作分植物學論文、植物學著作、植物學圖譜、譯著、散論與雜論、人文著述、書信和詩稿等,為方便讀者使用,還編有《索引》卷,全集預計共有18卷。 [2-3] 



23. 2009年4月15-17日,北京,社會變遷中的風險研究國際會議,發言主題:對災難風險的認知和錯覺——以地震孤兒為例,北京師範大學社會發展與公共政策學院與英國Social Contexts and Responses to Risk共同主辦,英國肯特大學等協辦。
22. Miguel Salazar and Hu Xiaojiang, I think the poor people are…: How rural migrants in Chinese cities think about poverty, paper presented to Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, Boston ,USA, August 1-4, 2008.
21. 2008年2月20-22日,印度新德里,英國國際發展研究所、印度人類發展研究所,會議:Social Protection in Asia,發言:Social Protection in the Era of Mobility: Building a framework for policy。
20. Miguel Salazar, Zhang Xiulan and Hu Xiaojiang, The Role of Family in Social Protection: Evidence from China, paper presented to Annual Meeting of Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy RC19, International Sociological Association, Florence, Italy, September 6-8, 2007.
19. Miguel Salazar and Hu Xiaojiang, The Dynamics of Migrant Networks: How Networks Change under Changing Market Environment , paper presented to Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, New York City, USA,August 11-14, 2007.
18. Hu Xiaojiang ,The Discontinuous Layers of Privilege: The Rural-Urban Divide and the Ethnic Divide in Tibet, paper presented to Dismantling “Socialist Feudalism”: The Rural-Urban Cleavage in Contemporary China, Harvard University, Oct. 6-8, 2006.
17. Hu Xiaojiang ,“I Am Your Sixth Cousin Twice Removed”: Family Registry and Clan Identity in Contemporary Urban China , paper presented to Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 11-14, 2006.
16. Hu Xiaojiang ,Structured ethnic contact: examine the impact of hukou system on social classification in Tibet, paper presented to The 8th Annual Conference of OYCF: Social Class in Transitional China,May 26-28, 2006.
15. Hu Xiaojiang ,Dynamic Change of Migrant Networks: a Case from the Lhasa Market, paper presented to Summer Institute of Migration Studies, University of California, Irvine, June 27-30, 2005.
14. Hu Xiaojiang ,Licensing Policy and the Growth of Private Businesses in Lhasa, paper presented to Socioeconomic Transformation in Contemporary Tibet, Harvard University, November 5-8, 2004.
13. Hu Xiaojiang , Negotiations Between the Dalai Lama and Beijing, paper presented to John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University ,November 21, 2003.
12. Hu Xiaojiang , Migrant Business Sector in Tibet, (invited talk), paper presented to East Asian Program, Cornell University. November 7, 2002.
11. Hu Xiaojiang , Culture, Perception and Entrepreneurship paper presented to The 4th Annual Conference of OYCF: A New China Facing a New World,American College, May 22-26, 2002.
10. Hu Xiaojiang , Markets come to Tibet: The Migrant Business Sector in Lhasa, (invited talk), paper presented to East Asian Institute, Columbia University,April 1, 2002.
7. Hu Xiaojiang , Tibet Question in the Context of China, (invited talk), paper presented to Department of Political Science,Muhlenberg College, Feb. 22, 2001.
6. Hu Xiaojiang , Ethnic Relations in China: A Historical Review, paper presented to The 2nd Annual Conference of OYCF: China in the 20th Century, Bristol, RI,May 25-28, 2001.
4. Hu Xiaojiang , Taiwan and Tibet: Nationalism in the Context of Historical China, paper presented toTaiwan in the coming of new millennium, Invited to Taiwan as member of Outstanding Overseas Chinese, July 10-28, 1999.
3. Hu Xiaojiang , Tibet Question and the Perception of Human Rights, Invited panel “Human Rights, China and U.S. Foreign Policy” Human Rights Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. April 26, 1999.
2. Hu Xiaojiang , Tibetans and Chinese: Prospects for Dialogue, paper presented to Dartmouth College,April 15, 1999.
1. Hu Xiaojiang , Chinese Overseas Students: Immigration and Cultural Expansion, paper presented to Conference on “The International Conference On China's Open-Door Policy and Studying Abroad (1978-1998)”, University of Maryland, College Park,October 23-25, 1998.


2. 2008年12月17日,北京,SSRC-DFID美國社會科學研究理事會、英國國際發展部,會議:Migration and Development: What Can We Learn From the Chinese Experience?。
1. 2008年11月17-18日,北京,UNRISD-DFID-IPRCC聯合國社會發展研究所、中國國際扶貧研究中心、英國國際發展部,會議:Social Policy and Development: China in Comparative Perspective,發言:Migration and health in China。 [1] 


15、 2008,英國IDS項目“自然災害對社會保護系統的影響”,7.5萬美元(PI)。
12、 2008,社會保障(校級重點學科),北京師範大學,18萬。
10、 2007,Institutional barriers and perception of cost of re-settlement of oversea elite migrants in China (“海歸”回國工作的制度性障礙及其對回國成本的主觀認知),
9、 2007,Identity and sense of belonging of elite migrants of rural roots in Beijing (農村背景的精英移民對北京的認知與歸屬感)
7、2006-2007,The subjective perception of poverty among rural migrants and its implication on poverty reduction policy (農民工的貧困觀及其對城市減貧政策的影響),北京師範大學,5萬。
6. 2006,The impact of urban-rural divide and migration on ethnic status perception: case of Tibet(城鄉隔離在人口流動環境中對民族地位認知的影響)
5. 2005-2006,The Dynamics of Migrant Networks: How Networks Change under Changing Market Environment(移民網絡在變動的市場環境中的動態變化)
4. 2004-2005,Reconnecting the Family Diaspora: the Family Registry as a Binding Force in Contemporary China(重建移民後裔羣體:當代中國家譜重續的功能變化)
3. 2004-2005,Market Formation and Transformation: Migrant Businesses in Lhasa (移民商業對城市市場的形成及變化的作用)
2. 2003-2005,合作項目(與哈佛大學公共衞生學院William Hsiao教授),China’s Rural Heath Mutual Care Insurance System (中國農村醫療保險)
1. 2003,合作項目(與哈佛-清華 北京遠景戰略研究組),五環照耀中國——全球視野下的北京奧運國際形象戰略 [1] 


7. 2012年春季:《Migration and Social Transitions in China》(英文課程),國際學位選修課,2學分,36學時。
6. 2012年春季:《研究方法論辨析》,博士生必修課,3學分,與楊立軍等合上。
5. 2011年春季:《研究方法論辨析》,博士生必修課,3學分,與楊立軍等合上。
4. 2008冬季:《社會政策前沿》,專業選修課,06-08級碩士,2學分,1-18周,25人。
3. 2008秋季:《國際社會保障與社會政策前沿專題研究》,博士生學位基礎課,講授3.6學時。
2. 2008秋季:《社會科學基礎理論(社會學部分)》,碩士生學位基礎課,與高穎、王歡合作,講授18學時。
1. 2007秋季:《社會科學基礎理論(社會學部分)》,碩士生學位基礎課,與Miguel等合作講授。 [1] 