


胡偉,男,教授(破格,二級) [5]  ,博士生導師,國家優青,本科畢業於西南石油大學 [9]  ,博士畢業於法國中央理工大學(南特) [5]  ,於2011年被成都理工大學全職引進,於2014年破格晉升為教授 [1] 先後在法國中央理工大學、日本京都大學防災研究所、香港大學、法國農業與環境研究所、意大利薩勒諾大學從事研究工作。現任成都理工大學環境與土木工程學院教授、博士生導師 [2]  [5] 
2018年獲國家優秀青年科學基金資助 [3] 
國    籍
職    業
職    稱


2009.09-2010.09, 法國中央理工大學土木與力學系, 博士後;


長期致力於地質災害防災減災方向,先後主持國家自然科學基金重大項目、國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目、面上基金項目、國家重點研發計劃子課題、自然資源部公益性行業專項、四川省傑出青年基金項目等十餘項國家高水平科研項目。作為主要完成人於2019年獲得國家科技進步獎二等獎;2015年獲得中國青年地質科技獎——銀錘獎;2019年入選四川省天府萬人計劃;2017年入選自然資源部傑出青年科技人才;2014年獲四川省傑出青年基金項目;2014 年入選四川省學術帶頭人後備人選;2011年入選四川省優秀留學歸國人才。共發表SCI檢索論文50餘篇,其中中科院分區1區論文27篇,Nature Index論文10篇,其中包括“Earth and Planetary Letters ” 2篇,“Geology” 1篇,“Geophysical Research Letters” 5 篇,“Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth”2篇。研究成果獲得業內學者的廣泛關注,SCI 總引用千餘次,單篇最高140次,發表在《EPSL》的論文被《Nature》撰文報導並列為全球研究熱點。擔任工程地質領域《Engineering Geology》、《Journal of Mountain Science》、《Geoenvironmental Disasters》等多個權威期刊編委。國際大滑坡協會(iRALL)秘書,工程地質協會青年委員會委員。為《Geology》《EPSL》《JGR: Solid Earth》《JGR: Earth Surface》《Engineering Geology》《Géotechnique》等多個國際期刊特邀審稿人。 [5] 
2018年榮獲國家優秀青年科學基金 [4] 


[1] Long Wang, Wei Hu*, You Gao, Enquan Zhou, Jie Li, Guoxing Chen. 2023. Estimation of 3D earth pressure with inclined backfill surface considering seismic loads and suction effects. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 1-14. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu*,Hui Luo*, Qiang Xu, Mauri McSaveney, Runqiu Huang, Jie Zheng, Yujie Wang, and Xiaoping Jia. (2022). Effect of amplitude and duration of cyclic loading on frictional sliding instability in granular media: implication to earthquake triggering of landslides. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 127, e2022JB024488.
[2] Wei Hu*, Yan Li*, Qiang Xu, Runqiu Huang, Mauri McSaveney , Gonghui Wang,Yu Fan, Janusz Wasowski, and Yangshuai Zheng.(2022). Flowslide High Fluidity Induced by Shear Thinning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 127,e2022JB024615.
[3] Wei Hu, Qiang Xu, Mauri McSaveney, Gianvito Scaringi, Runqiu Huang,Gonghui Wang, Huaixiao Gou, and Yangshuai Zheng. (2022). Fluid-Like Behavior of Crushed Rock Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 127, e2021JF006523.
[4] Wei Hu, Qiang Xu *, Mauri McSaveney, Runqiu Huang,Yujie Wang, Ching S. Chang, Huaixiao Guo,Yangshuai Zheng. (2022). The intrinsic mobility of very dense grain flows. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 580: 117389.
[5] Hui Luo, Wei Hu*, Xianghui Zhang, Mauri McSaveney, Yan Li. (2022). The study on rock thermal fractures at sliding surface of Jiweishan landslide. Engineering Geology. 300: 106588. [5] 
[6] Yan Li, Wei Hu, Li Zhou, Yu Fan, Mauri McSaveney, Zhaowei Ding. (2022). Influence of soil density on the solid-to-fluid phase transition in flowslide flume experiments. Engineering Geology. [6] 
[7] Wei Hu*, Theo W.J.Van Asch, Yangshuai Zheng,Yan Li, Qiang Xu, Runqiu Huang, Mauri McSaveney. (2022). Unraveling the effect of a two-layer system on the mobility of rapid gravitational flows. Engineering Geology. 297:106481.
[8] Wei Hu, Yan Li*, Yu Fan, Mengsu Xiong, Hui Luo, Mauri McSaveney, Yangshuai Zheng, Minggao Tang. (2022). Flow amplification from cascading landslide dam failures: Insights from flume experiments. Engineering Geology. 297:106483. [5] 
[1] Gonghui Wang*, Fanyu Zhang*, Gen Furuya*, Koichi Hayashi*, Wei Hu, Mauri McSaveney* , Runqiu Huang. (2021). The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms. Engineering Geology. 280:105922.
[2] Yan Li, Wei Hu*, Janusz Wasowski , Yangshuai Zheng , Mauri McSaveney. (2021). Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments. Engineering Geology. 280:105971.
[3] Wei Hu,Yan Li*,Huaixiao Gou,Theo W.J.Van Asch,XinGao,Yangshuai Zheng,Chunlei Xin. (2021). Hydraulic properties of co-seismic landslide deposits around the Wenchuan earthquake epicentre: Large-scale column experiments. Engineering Geology. 287:106102.
[4] Wei Hu,Chunlei Xin*,Yan Li,Yangshuai Zheng, Theo W.J. Van Asch,Mauri McSaveney. (2021). Instrumented flume tests on the failure and fluidization of tailings dams induced by rainfall infiltration. Engineering Geology. 294:106401.
[5] J. Wasowski*, M.J.McSaveney, L. Pisano , V. Del Gaudio , Yan Li , Wei Hu*. (2021). Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Geomorphology. 374:107492. [5] 
[6] Long Wang, Wenhua Liu, Wei Hu*, Wugang Li, De’an Sun. (2021). Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes. Natural Hazards. 105:2093-2116. [7] 
[1] Wei Hu, Chingshung Chang, Mauri McSaveney, Runqiu Huang*, Qiang Xu*, Yangshuai Zheng, and Jiefu Yu. (2020). A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High‐Speed Rotary Shear Experiments. Geophysical Research Letter. 46:e2020GL087763.
[2] Xiaoyan Zhang, Wei Hu*, Yangshuai Zheng*, Huaixiao Gou, Xin Gao. (2020). Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings deposits: Insights from Flume Tests. Engineering Geology. 279:105908. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu, Runqiu Huang*, Mauri McSaveney, Lu Yao, Qiang Xu, Mingshi Feng, Xianghui Zhang. (2019). Superheated steam, hot CO2 and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 510:85-93.
[2] Long Wang, Wei Hu*, De'an Sun, Lin Li. (2019). 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations. International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics. 43(6): 1184-1206. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu, Runqiu Huang*, Mauri McSaveney, Xianghui Zhang, Lu Yao and Toshi Shimamoto. (2018). Mineral changes quantify frictional heating during a large low friction landslide. Geology. 46(3): 223-226.
[2] Gianvito Scaringi*, Wei Hu*, Qiang Xu and Runqiu Huang. (2018). Shear-Rate-Dependent Behavior of Clayey Bimaterial Interfaces at Landslide Stress Levels. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(2): 766-777.
[3] Wei Hu, Gianvito Scaringi*, Qiang Xu, and Runqiu Huang. (2018). Internal Erosion Controls Failure and Runout of Loose Granular Deposits: Evidence From Flume Tests and Implications for Postseismic Slope Healing. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(11): 5518-5527.
[4] Wei Hu, Gianvito Scaringi*, Qiang Xu, and Runqiu Huang. (2018). Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(19): 10406-10415.
[5] Wei Hu, Pierre-Yves Hicher , Gianvito Scaringi, Qiang Xu, Theo W.J. Van Asch and Gonghui. Wang. (2018) Seismic precursor to instability induced by internal erosion in loose granular slopes. Ge ́otechnique. 68(11): 989-1001
[6] Wei Hu*, Mauri Mcsaveney. (2018). A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement. Geomorphology. 320: 154-161.
[7] Runqiu Huang, Xuanmei Fan*, Qiang Xu, Gianvito Scaringi, Wei Hu, N Rengers, Gonghui Wang. (2018). The iRALL Doctoral School 2018: advanced studies on large landslides on the 10th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake. Landslides. 15(9): 1901-1903.
[8] Wei Hu*, Gianvito Scaringi*, Qiang Xu*, Theo W.J. Van Asch, Runqiu Huang, Wenxi Han. (2018). Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China. Engineering Geology. 237: 1-11.
[9] Gianvito Scaringi*, Wei Hu*, Qiang Xu*. (2018). Discussion on “Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil” [Eng.Geo.233:183-190]. Engineering Geology. 242:218-221.
[10] Wei Hu, Zhen-Yu Yin*, Gianvito Scaringi, Christophe Dano, Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2018). Relating fragmentation, plastic work and critical state in crushable rock clasts. Engineering Geology. 246: 326-336.
[11] Yilin Gui*, Wei Hu, Zuoyuan Zhao, Xing Zhu. (2018). Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations. Acta Geotechnica. 13: 87-102.
[12] X. Zhang*, Wei Hu, Gianvito Scaringi, B. A. Baudet and W. Han. (2018). Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand. Ge ́otechnique Letters. 8: 73-79.
[13] Theo W. J. van Asch*, Bin Yu and Wei Hu. (2018). The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows. Water. 10(950):1-22. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu*, Qiang Xu*, Gonghui Wang, Gianvito Scaringi, Mauri Mcsaveney and Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2017). Shear Resistance Variations in Experimentally Sheared Mudstone Granules: A Possible Shear-Thinning and Thixotropic Mechanism. Geophysical Research Letters. 44(21): 11040-11050.
[2] Wei Hu*, Gianvito Scaringi, Qiang Xu, Zhuan Pei, Theo W.J. Van Asch, Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2017). Sensitivity of the initiation and runout of flowslides in loose granular deposits to the content of small particles: An insight from flume tests. Engineering Geology. 231: 34-44.
[3] Xiaoyan Zhang, Be´atrice A. Baudet*, Wei Hu, Qiang Xu. (2017). Characterisation of the ultimate particle size distribution of uniform and gap-graded soils. Soils and Foundations. 57(4): 603-618. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu, Xiujun Dong*, Qiang Xu, Gonghui Wang, Theo W.J. Van Asch and Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2016). Initiation processes for run-off generated debris flows in the Wenchuan earthquake area of China. Geomorphology. 253: 468-477. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu*, Qiang Xu, C. Rui, Runqiu Huang, Theo W.J. Van Asch , Xing Zhu, Q. Q. Xu. (2015). An instrumented flume to investigate the initiation mechanism of the post-earthquake huge debris flow in the southwest of China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 74(2):393-404.
[2] Wei Hu, Qiang Xu*, Gonghui Wang, Theo W.J. Van Asch, Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2015). Sensitivity of the initiation of debris flow to initial soil moisture. Landslides. 12(6): 1139-1145. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu, Qiang Xu*, Theo W.J. Van Asch, Xing Zhu, Q.Q. Xu. (2014). Flume tests to study the initiation of huge debris flows after the Wenchuan earthquake in S-W China. Engineering Geology. 182: 121-129.
[2] Carlos Ovalle, Etienne Frossard, Christophe Dano*, Wei Hu, Siegfried Maiolino, Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2014). The effect of size on the strength of coarse rock aggregates and large rockfill samples through experimental data. Acta Mechanica. 225(8): 2199-2216.
[3] Wei Hu, Qiang Xu, Theo W.J. Van Asch. (2014). Experimental study on the initiation of debris flow. Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications - Proceedings Of The 6th International Conference On Unsaturated Soils. 2(-): 1295-1298. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu*, Zhenyu Yin, Christophe Dano and Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2013). Influence of Grain Breakage on Critical State. IS-Model2012, 2012, Beijing, China. The Second International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications (IS-Model 2012) (-): 173-177. [5] 
[1] Étienne Frossard*, Wei Hu, Christophe Dano and Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2012). Rockfill shear strength evaluation: a rational method based on size effects. Ge ́otechnique. 62(5): 415-427.
[2] 尹振宇*, 許 強, 胡 偉. (2012) 考慮顆粒破碎效應的粒狀材料本構研究:進展及發展. 岩土工程學報. 34(12): 2170-2180. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu, Yin Zhenyu*, Dano Christophe and Hicher Pierre-Yves. (2011). A constitutive model for granular materials considering grain breakage. Science China-Technological Sciences. 54(8): 2188-2196. [5] 
[2] 胡 偉*, 尹振宇,Dano Christophe,Hicher Pierre-Yves. (2011). 易破碎粒狀材料本構研究. 岩土力學. 32(2):159-165. [8] 
[3] Wei Hu, Christophe Dano*, Pierre-Yves Hicher, Jean-Yves Le Touzo, François Derkx and Erick Merliot. (2011). Effect of Sample Size on the Behavior of Granular Materials. Geotechnical Testing Journal. 34(3): 186-197. [5] 
[1] Wei Hu*, Etienne Frossard*, Pierre-Yves Hicher, Christophe Dano. (2010). Method to Evaluate the Shear Strength of Granular Material with Large Particles. Geotechnical Special Publication 2010. (200GSP) : 247-254.
[2] Wei Hu*, Dano Christophe, Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2010). A Two Yielding Surface Elasto-Plastic Model with Consideration of Grain Breakage. Geotechnical Special Publication 2010. (200GSP): 109-116.
[3] Wei Hu*, Dano Christophe, Pierre-Yves Hicher. (2010). Experiments on a Calcareous Rockfill Using a Large Triaxial Cell. Geotechnical Special Publication 2010. (200GSP):255-260. [5] 