

符偉國,主任醫師,教授。現任復旦大學附屬中山醫院血管外科主任,復旦大學血管外科研究所所長 [1] 上海市醫學會血管外科分會主任委員,上海市血管外科質量控制中心血管外科專家委員會主任委員,中華醫學會外科學分會血管外科學組副組長,中國醫師協會血管外科醫師分會副會長,海峽兩岸醫藥衞生交流協會血管外科專家委員會主任委員,中國醫療保健國際交流促進會血管外科專業委員會副主任委員。 [2-3] 
國    籍
專    業


擅長各類血管外科疾病的診治,在腔內微創術治療腹主動脈瘤主動脈夾層動脈瘤頸動脈瘤髂總動脈瘻和鎖骨下動脈瘤胸腹主動脈瘤切除、內臟動脈重建、人造血管移植術治療胸腹主動脈瘤;原位大隱靜脈動脈旁路術治療下肢動脈硬化性閉塞症降主動脈-腹主動脈跳躍式人造血管旁路術治療多發性大動脈炎胸腹主動脈狹窄;頸動脈內膜切除術治療中、重度顱外頸動脈硬化性狹窄所致的短暫性腦缺血;腹主動脈-腸繫膜上動脈自體大隱靜脈旁路術治療慢性腸繫膜上動脈缺血癥;後腹膜腫瘤累及大血管行腫瘤和下腔靜脈或門靜脈、腸繫膜上靜脈-並切除人造血管移植術和點式大隱靜脈剝脱術治療下肢淺靜脈曲張等方面積累了豐富的臨牀經驗 [2] 


主動脈夾層的臨牀與基礎研究。 [2] 


1988.09-1991.07 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)外科學博士,導師:吳肇光
1985.09-1988.07 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)外科學碩士,導師:馮友賢
1980.09-1985.07 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)臨牀醫學學士


1998.06-至今 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)附屬中山醫院教授
1994.11-1998.06 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)附屬中山醫院副教授
1992.03-1994.11 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)附屬中山醫院主治醫師
1988.07-1992.03 復旦大學(原上海醫科大學)附屬中山醫院住院醫師






2018年:卓越建樹、國之名醫 [4] 


2022年3月,復旦大學附屬中山醫院血管外科主任符偉國教授團隊利用患者自體深靜脈再造腹主動脈治療重度感染性腹主動脈瘤獲得成功,創下國內首例,把患者從死亡線上拉了回來。 [5] 


2009年系統論述“Stanford B型主動脈夾層腔內修復術後併發逆行性A型夾層”,論著在國際雜誌Circulation發表,是我國血管外科界在Circulation上首次發表的由國內學者獨立完成的臨牀研究類論著,被稱為"對胸主動脈腔內治療一種重要併發症的及時報道",對於提高全球學術界對其的認識。
2010年提出 "支架源性破口"的新概念,論著被Journal of Vascular Surgery錄用。


1. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863)課題《生物可降解材料靜電紡構建小口徑動脈支架》(項目編號2007AA03Z400)(課題編號2007AA03Z429),2007年12月01日-2010年11月30日,資助98萬。
2. 國家自然基金面上項目《機械力介導單核-巨噬細胞浸潤和極化誘發SINE的機制研究》,編號81970395,資助55萬,2020/01/01-2023/12/31。
3. 國家自然基金面上項目《4D PC-MRI血流動力學參數與主動脈夾層假腔血栓化的關係及模擬預測研究》,編號81770474,資助55萬,2018/01/01-2021/12/31。
4. 國家自然基金面上項目《基於4D-PCMR的主動脈夾層流固耦合分析》,編號81470573,資助73萬,2015-2018。
5. 國家自然基金面上項目《轉angiopoietin基因骨髓間充質幹細胞修復大鼠腹主動脈瘤的研究》,編號81270387,資助55萬,2013-2016。
6. 國家自然基金面上項目《HIV Tat 蛋白轉導域——超常磁納米顆粒標記系統體內示蹤移植幹細胞的實驗研究》(編號30571821), 資助額25萬,2006年1月-2008年12月。
7. 國家自然基金面上項目:《一種新型可降解納米材料血管外支架的製備及抗移植靜脈內皮增生的研究》,編號30772110,2008年1月-2010年12月,資助25萬。
8. 衞生部部屬(管)醫院臨牀學科重點項目: 《建立和完善主動脈夾層腔內治療規範》2010—2012年,資助200萬。
9. 國家教育部博士點基金《運用納米鐵標記系統體內示蹤技術研究內皮祖細胞移植對血管內膜增生的抑制作用》,編號20060246077,資助5萬,2007年1月-2009年12月。
10. 上海市科委基礎研究重點項目《基於個體化影像學的主動脈弓降部血流—支架—動脈壁的生物力學耦合數值仿真》,資助50萬,編號12JC1402400,2013.01.01-2015.12.31。
11. 國家教育部博士點基金 《計算機數值模擬仿真分析主動脈人工血管內支架應力分佈的研究》,編號20110071110058,資助額12萬,2012-2014。


1. Guo, B., Dong, Z., Pirola, S., Liu, Y., Menichini, C., Xu, X. Y., ... & Fu, W. (2019). Dissection Level Within Aortic Wall Layers is Associated with Propagation of Type B Aortic Dissection: A Swine Model Study. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 58(3), 415-425.
2. Liu, F., Zhang, W., Wang, G., Yuan, T., Shu, X., Guo, D., ... & Fu, W. (2019). Long-term outcomes of balloon-expandable bare stent as chimney stent in thoracic endovascular aortic repair for supra-aortic branches reconstruction. Journal of thoracic disease, 11(4), 1261.
3. Guo, B., Guo, D., Shi, Z., Dong, Z., & Fu, W. (2019). Intravascular Ultrasound-Assisted Endovascular Treatment of Mesenteric Malperfusion in a Multichannel Aortic Dissection With Full True Lumen Collapse. Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 26(1), 83-87.
4. Pan, T., Liu, H., Fang, Y., Wei, Z., Gu, S., Fang, G., ... & Fu, W. (2019). Predictors of responders to mononuclear stem cell-based therapeutic angiogenesis for no-option critical limb ischemia. Stem cell research & therapy, 10(1), 15.
5. Hou, K., Zhu, T., Zhang, W., Zeng, M., Guo, D., Fu, W., & Si, Y. (2019). Dynamic Volumetric Computed Tomography Angiography Is a Preferred Method for Unclassified Endoleaks by Conventional Computed Tomography Angiography After Endovascular Aortic Repair. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(8), e012011.
6. Pan, T., Wei, Z., Fang, Y., Dong, Z., & Fu, W. (2018). Therapeutic efficacy of CD34+ cell-involved mononuclear cell therapy for no-option critical limb ischemia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Vascular Medicine, 23(3), 219-231.
7. Wang, D., Gao, B., Yue, J., Liu, F., Liu, Y., Fu, W., & Si, Y. (2019). Exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells expressing miR‐125b inhibit neointimal hyperplasia via myosin IE. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 23(2), 1528-1540.
8. Fang, Y., Wei, Z., Chen, B., Pan, T., Gu, S., Liu, P., ... & Fu, W. (2018). A Five‐Year Study of the Efficacy of Purified CD34+ Cell Therapy for Angiitis‐Induced No‐Option Critical Limb Ischemia. Stem cells translational medicine, 7(8), 583-590.
9. Ma, T., Dong, Z. H., Wang, S., Meng, Z. Y., Chen, Y. Y., & Fu, W. G. (2018). Computational investigation of interaction between stent graft and aorta in retrograde type A dissection after thoracic endovascular aortic repair for type B aortic dissection. Journal of vascular surgery, 68(6), 14S-21S.
10. Wang, D., Ma, T., Guo, D., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J., ... & Fu, W. (2018). Endovascular treatment of acute and chronic isolated abdominal aortic dissection. Vascular, 26(4), 418-424.
11. Wang, L., Hou, K., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J., Shi, Z., ... & Fu, W. (2018). A simple patient-tailored aortic arch tangential angle measuring method to achieve better clinical results for thoracic endovascular repair of type B aortic dissection. Journal of thoracic disease, 10(4), 2100.
12. Dong, Z., Pan, T., Fang, Y., Wei, Z., Gu, S., Fang, G., ... & Fu, W. (2018). Purified CD34+ cells versus peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the treatment of angiitis-induced no-option critical limb ischaemia: 12-Month results of a prospective randomised single-blinded non-inferiority trial. EBioMedicine, 35, 46-57.
13. Wang, L., Liang, S., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J., Shi, Z., ... & Fu, W. (2018). A Comparative Study of the Efficacy by using Different Stent Grafts in Bell-Bottom Technique for the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Concomitant with Iliac Artery Aneurysm. Annals of vascular surgery, 52, 41-48.
14. Wang, L., Huang, Y., Guo, D., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J., ... Fu, W& Wang, Y. (2018). Application of triple-chimney technique using C-TAG and Viabahn or Excluder iliac extension in TEVAR treatment of aortic arch dilation diseases. Journal of thoracic disease, 10(6), 3783.
15. Wang, L., Zhou, X., Guo, D., Hou, K., Shi, Z., Tang, X., & Fu, W. (2018). A new adjustable puncture device for in situ fenestration during thoracic endovascular aortic repair. Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 25(4), 474-479.
16. Wang, L., Liu, F., Guo, D., Xu, D., Zhou, X., Hou, K., ... & Fu, W. (2018). Radical treatment of primary type B aortic dissection or after thoracic endovascular aortic repair to manage disseminated intravascular coagulation. Journal of thoracic disease, 10(6), 3808.
17. Ma, T., Dong, Z. H., Fu, W. G., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J. H., ... & Jiang, B. H. (2018). Incidence and risk factors for retrograde type A dissection and stent graft-induced new entry after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. Journal of vascular surgery, 67(4), 1026-1033.
18. Guo, B., Hou, K., Guo, D., Xu, X., Shi, Z., Shan, Y., ... & Fu, W. (2017). Outcomes of thoracic endovascular repair for type B aortic dissection with multichanneled morphology. Journal of vascular surgery, 66(4), 1007-1017.
19. Guo, B., Guo, D., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J., Yang, J., ... & Fu, W. (2017). Endovascular management for symptomatic chronic mesenteric ischemia: a single-center experience. Vascular and endovascular surgery, 51(7), 453-459.
20. Guo, B., & Fu, W. (2017). Endovascular Salvage of Ruptured TAAA Following Stent Graft Distraction after TEVAR for Type B Aortic Dissection. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 54(6), 743.
21. Ma, T., Dong, Z. H., Fu, W. G., Chen, B., Jiang, J. H., & Shi, Y. (2017). Endovascular Management of a Ruptured Aortic Arch Pseudoaneurysm Using the Snorkel Technique and Coil Embolization. Annals of vascular surgery, 41, 281-e7.
22. Zhu, T., Si, Y., Fang, Y., Chen, B., Yang, J., Jiang, J., ... & Fu, W. (2017). Early outcomes of the conformable stent graft for acute complicated and uncomplicated type B aortic dissection. Journal of vascular surgery, 66(6), 1644-1652.
23. Wang, D., Ma, T., Guo, D., Xu, X., Chen, B., Jiang, J., ... & Fu, W. (2018). Endovascular treatment of acute and chronic isolated abdominal aortic dissection. Vascular, 26(4), 418-424.
24. Lin, C., Tang, X., Xu, L., Qian, R., Shi, Z., Wang, L., ... Fu, W& Guo, D. (2017). Intracellular high cholesterol content disorders the clock genes, apoptosis-related genes and fibrinolytic-related genes rhythmic expressions in human plaque-derived vascular smooth muscle cells. Lipids in health and disease, 16(1), 135.
25. Ma, T., Fu, W., & Ma, J. (2016). Popliteal vein external banding at the valve-free segment to treat severe chronic venous insufficiency. Journal of vascular surgery, 64(2), 438-445.
26. Shi, Z., Yang, J., Fu, W., Guo, D., Xu, X., Chen, B., ... & Wang, L. (2016). Outcomes and aortic remodelling after proximal thoracic endovascular aortic repair of post type B aortic dissection thoracic aneurysm. Vasa, 45(4), 331-336.
27. Jia, X., Zhang, J., Zhuang, B., Fu, W., Wu, D., Wang, F., ... & Guo, W. (2016). Acotec drug-coated balloon catheter: randomized, multicenter, controlled clinical study in femoropopliteal arteries: evidence from the AcoArt I trial. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 9(18), 1941-1949.
28. Guo, B., Guo, D., Xu, X., Chen, B., Shi, Z., Luo, J., ... & Fu, W. (2016). Early and intermediate results of endovascular treatment of symptomatic and asymptomatic visceral artery aneurysms. Journal of vascular surgery, 64(1), 140-148.
29. Su, Z., Pan, T., Lian, W., Guo, D., Dong, Z., & Fu, W. (2016). Celiac artery stenting in the treatment of intestinal ischemia due to the sacrifice of the dominant inferior mesenteric artery during endovascular aortic repair. Vascular and endovascular surgery, 50(6), 446-450.
30. Dong Z, Ning J, Fu W, Guo D, Xu X, Chen B, Jiang J, Wang Y. Failures and Lessons in the Endovascular Treatment of Symptomatic Isolated Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery. Ann Vasc Surg. 2016; 31:152-62.
31. Guo, B. L., Shi, Z. Y., Guo, D. Q., Wang, L. X., Tang, X., Li, W. M., & Fu, W. G. (2015). Effect of intravascular ultrasound-assisted thoracic endovascular aortic repair for “complicated” type B aortic dissection. Chinese medical journal, 128(17), 2322.
32. Baolei Guo, Zhihui Dong, Weiguo Fu*, Daqiao Guo, Xin Xu, Bin Chen, Junhao Jiang, Zhenyu Shi, Endovascular vs open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in a Chinese population. Ann Vasc Surg, 2016, 36:74-84.
33. Guo, B. L., Fu, W. G., Guo, D. Q., & Shi, Z. Y. (2015). Complete Fracture of a Chimney Stent in the Left Common Carotid Artery after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Thoracic Aneurysm. Chinese medical journal, 128(23).
34. Hu, G., Chen, B., Fu, W., Xu, X., Guo, D., Jiang, J., ... & Wang, Y. (2015). Predictors and treatments of Proglide-related complications in percutaneous endovascular aortic repair. PloS one, 10(4), e0123739.
35. Wang L, Guo D, Jiang J, Shi Z, Fu W, Wang Y. Severe compression of a bailout self-expanding chimney stent for rescuing the miscoverage of left common carotid artery during TEVAR of a type B aortic dissection. Ann Vasc Surg. 2014 ;28(3):742.e9-12.
36. Yue JN, Luo Z, Guo DQ, Xu X, Chen B, Jiang JH, Yang J, Shi ZY, Zhu T, Ju MJ, Tu GW, Wang YQ, Zhu DM, Fu WG. Evaluation of acute kidney injury as defined by the RIFLE criteria in critically ill patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: a retrospective cohort study. Chin Med J, 2013, 126(3): 436-441.)
37. Li YS, Dong ZH, Zhu HG, Fu WG, Wang YQ. Progress of research on the biomechanics of aorta and stent graft. Chin Med J, 2013, 126 (20): 3982-3984.
38. Zhang W, Dong ZH(co-first author), Fu WG, Guo DQ, Xu X, Wang YQ. Experience and early outcome of treating retrograde type A dissection with primary entry tear in the descending thoracic aorta. Chin Med J, 2013, 126 (17): 3385-3387.
39. Dong ZH, Chen B, Fu WG, Wang YQ, Guo DQ, Wei Z, Xu X, Mendelsohn FO. Transplantation of Purified CD34+ Cells in the Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia. J Vasc Surg.2013, 58(2):404-411.
40. Dong ZH, Fu WG, Chen B, Guo DQ, Xu X, Wang YQ. Treatment of Symptomatic Isolated Dissection of Superior Mesenteric Artery. J Vasc Surg. 2013, 57: 69S-76S.
41. Wang L, Zhang J, Fu W, Guo D, Jiang J, Wang Y. Association of smooth muscle cell phenotypes with extracellular matrix disorders in thoracic aortic dissection. J Vasc Surg. 2012 Dec;56(6):1698-1709.
42. Wang L, Yao L, Guo D, Wang C, Wan B, Ji G, Yang C, Zhang J, Sheng Z, Fu W, Wang Y. Gene expression profiling in acute Stanford type B aortic dissection.Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2012;46(4):300-309.
43. Zhang, Xiangman; Shi, Zhengyu; Fu, Weiguo; Liu, Zhenjie; Fang, Zhengdong; Lu, Weifeng; Wang, Yuqi; Chen, Feng. In vitro biocompatibility study of electrospun copolymer ethylene carbonate-?-caprolactone and vascular endothelial growth factor blended nanofibrous scaffolds. Applied Surface Science,2011,258(7):2301-2306.
44. Xiangman Zhang, Bin Chen, Weiguo Fu, Zhengdong Fang, Zhenjie Liu, Weifeng Lu, Zhengyu Shi, Lili Chen, Tao Chen. The research and preparation of a novel nano biodegradable polymer external reinforcement. Applied Surface Science,2011,258(1):196-200.
45. GUO Da-qiao, LI Wei-miao, JIANG Jun-hao, SHI Zhen-yu, WANG Yu-qi, FU Wei-guo. Management of multiple type 2 endoleaks detected by duplex ultrasound after endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair. Chinese Medical Journal,2012,125(15):2781-2783.
46. GAO Bin, FU Wei-guo, DONG Zhi-hui, FANG Zheng-dong, LIU Zhen-jie, SI Yi, ZHANG Xiang-man, WANG Yu-qi. Functional endothelial cells derived from embryonic stem cells labeled with HIV transactivator peptide-conjugated superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(2) :298-303.
47. Zhengdong Fang, Weiguo Fu, Zhihui Dong, Xiangman Zhang, Bin Gao, Daqiao Guo,Hongbing He, Yuqi Wang. Preparation and biocompatibility of Electrospun poly(L-lactide-co-<epsilon>-caprolactone)/fibrinogen blended nanofibrous scaffolds. Applied Surface Science 2011;257 :4133-4138.
48. Lu WF, Dong ZH, Liu ZJ, Fu WG, Peng YF, Chen SL, Xiao TQ, Xie HL, Du GH, Deng B, Zhang XM. Detection of Microvasculature in Rat Hind Limb Using Synchrotron Radiation. J Surg Res. 2010 Nov; 164(1):e193-199.
49. Dong ZH, Fu WG, Wang YQ, Wang CS, Yan ZP, Guo DQ, Xu X, Chen B. Stent-graft-induced New Entry After Endovascular Repair for Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection. J Vasc Surg. 2010, 52 (6):1450-1457.
50. Dong ZH, Fu WG, Wang YQ, Guo DQ, Xu X, Ji Y, Chen B, Jiang JH, Yang J, Shi ZY, Zhu T, Shi Y. Retrograde Type A Aortic Dissection After Endovascular Stent Graft Placement for Treatment of Type B Dissection. Circulation. 2009;119(5):735-741.
51. Tang X, Fu W, Xu X, Yang J, Shi Y, Yan Z, Wang Y. Use of a vascular occluder to treat a re-entry tear in a patient with stanford type B aortic dissection: acute and 1-year results. J Endovasc Ther. 2008 Oct;15(5):566-569.
52. Liu Z, Shi Z, Wang Y, Chen B, Zhu T, Si Y, Fu W. Carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy: systematic review and meta-analysis. World J Surg. 2009 Mar;33(3):586-596.
53. FU Wei-guo, DONG Zhi-hui, WANG Yu-qi, GUO Da-qiao, XU Xin, CHEN Bin, JIANG Jun-hao, YANG Jue, and SHI Zheng-yu. Strategies for managing the insufficiency of the proximal landing zone during endovascular thoracic aortic repair. Chin Med J 2005, 13:1066-1071.
54. DONG Zhi-hui, FU Wei-guo, GUO Da-qiao, XU Xin, CHEN Bin, JIANG Jun-hao, YANG Jue, SHI Zheng-yu and WANG Yu-qi. Stent-grafting Combined with Transcatheter Embolization for A Ruptured Isolated Hypogastric Artery Aneurysm. Chin Med J, 2006, 119(10): 878-880.
55. DONG Zhi-hui, FU Wei-guo, GUO Da-qiao, XU Xin, CHEN Bin, JIANG Jun-hao, YANG Jue, SHI Zheng-yu and WANG Yu-qi. Endovascular Repair for a Huge Vertebral Pseudoaneurysm Caused by Behcet’s Disease. Chin Med J, 2006, 119(5): 435-437.
56. Wei-Guo. Fu, Yun. Shi, Yu-Qi. Wang, Da-Qiao. Guo, Xin. Xu, Bin. Chen, Jun-Hao. Jiang, Jue. Yang, Zhen-Yu. Shi. Endovascular therapy for stanford type B aortic dissection in 102 cases. Asian J Surg. 2005 Oct; 28(4):271-276.
57. WANG Li-xin, FU Wei-guo, WANG Yu-qi, XI Xun, GUO Da-qiao, CHEN Bin, JIANG Jun-hao, YANG Ju, SHI Zhen-yu and ZHU Ting. Treatment of infrarenal abdominal aortic dissection concomitant with an aneurysm. Chinese Medical Journal 2007; 120(2):169-170.
58. FU Wei-guo, SHI De-bing, WANG Yu-qi, GUO Da-qiao, CHEN Bin, SHI Zhen-yu. Aortic stent graft infection in a patient with Marfan syndrome. Chinese Medical Journal,2007,120(10):935-937.



1. 《周圍血管腔內技術》 (主編,遼寧科學技術出版社,2006-12-01,ISBN 9787538146738)
2. 《臨牀血管介入治療學》(主編,中國協和醫科大學出版社,2005-12-01,ISBN7810726358)
3. 《血管外科疾病病例解析》(主編,上海科學技術出版社,2012-11-01,ISBN 9787547813836)
4. 《血管外科治療學》(參編,上海科學技術出版社,2003-02-01,ISBN7532366642)
5. 《血管外科手術圖譜》(參編,山東科學技術出版社,1997-04-01,ISBN7533118677)


1. 《血管和腔內血管外科學精要》(Mastery of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery ),天津科技翻譯出版公司,2010年1月。 主譯:郭偉 符偉國。 副主譯:熊江 董智慧。主審:王玉琦。書號: ISBN978-7-5433-2543-2,800千字。
2. 《盧瑟福血管外科學》第7版,(Rutherford Vascular Surgery),北京大學醫學出版社,2012年10月。主譯:郭偉 符偉國,陳忠。 副主譯:熊江 董智慧,王盛。書號: ISBN978-7-5659-0410-3,2622千字。


不忘初心 勇戰致死性主動脈夾層
醫工結合 自主創新彰顯中國製造
以身作則 抗疫期間顯擔當
2020年疫情期間,他多次主持召開血管外科線上會議,為疫情下的血管外科臨牀診療提供建議,編撰出版了《新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情下有序開展各級血管外科手術的建議》,結合國內外相關文獻,將血管外科常見手術按照急迫程度進行分類,為新冠疫情下血管外科工作的有序開展提供了寶貴的參考。 [6] 