


王海,男,廣西師範大學教授,博士生導師 [2] 2004年7月畢業於華南理工大學材料學專業,獲工學碩士學位,2007年9月~2010年6月到中山大學物理學院攻讀凝聚體物理專業博士研究生,並獲得理學博士學位。歷任講師、副教授,2016年晉升為教授。主要從事功能納米材料與器件等基礎研究與技術開發工作。 [2] 
國    籍
民    族
職    稱


王 海,男,漢族,1974年生,湖北荊州人,中共黨員,博士,副研究員,主要從事低維納米材料的可控合成、功能化組裝及相應太陽電池的設計、製備和性能的教學與科研工作。





2020年1月--現在 ,廣西師範大學物理科學與技術學院教授;
2004年7月-2020年1月,桂林理工大學材料與化學工程系任教。 [2] 


二等獎 [1] 


功能納米材料與器件(鋰/鈉二次離子電池、超級電容器) [2] 


1、國家自然科學基金項目:限域空間內誘導構築二維超薄HxMoO3/石墨烯複合材料、電化學性能及構效關係 (51462007),2015/1-2018/12,47萬元。
2、廣西自然科學基金:基於“類聚陰離子”型LiNH4MoO4‧H2O分級多孔材料的可控制備、儲鋰特性與機理研究(2018GXNSFAA138199),2018/1-2020/12, 12萬元。
3、廣西自然科學基金:基於三維連續互連介孔TiO2支架CH3NH3Pb(I1-xBrx)3能帶梯度材料的可控制備及其高效鈣鈦礦太陽電池的研究(2015GXNSFCA139018),2015/4-2018/4, 10萬元。
4.廣西自然科學基金:大孔-介孔分級孔結構TiOxNy@TiN@TiO2鋰離子電池負極材料的構築及高速充放電行為(2015GXNSFCA139018),2014/4-2017/3, 5萬元。 [2] 


[1] H. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Li, H. Huang, M. Zhong, H. Shen, Hydrothermal growth of large-scale macroporous TiO2 nanowires and its application in 3D dye-sensitized solar cells. nature (2009) 25-29.
[2] H. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Huang, M. Zhong, H. Shen, Y. Wang, H. Yang, Low resistance dye-sensitized solar cells based on all-titanium substrates using wires and sheets. Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 9020-9025.
[3] H. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Xu, X. Dong, H. Shen, Y. Wang, H. Yang, An investigation on the novel structure of dye-sensitized solar cell with integrated photoanode. Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1635-1638.
[4] H.Wang, Y. Liu, M. Li, H. Huang, H. Xu, R Hong, H. Shen, Multifunctional TiO2 nanowires-modified nanoparticles bilayer film for 3D dye-sensitized solar cells. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications.8 (2010)1166-1169
[5] H. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Xu, M. Zhong, H. Huang, H. Shen, In situ controlled synthesis of various TiO2 nanostructured materials via a facile hydrothermal route. Journal of Nanoparticles Research. DOI 10.1007/s11051-010-9933-2.
[6] H. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Li, M. Zhong, H. Huang, H. Xu, H. Shen, 3D ZnO composite nanostructure of nanorods and nanosheets grown directly on TiO2 nanoparticles by a one-step route. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-010-6010-8.
[7] H. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Li, Y. Wang, H. Huang, H. Shen, Highly flexible frontilluminated dye-sensitized solar cells using three-dimensional network TiO2 nanowires. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Accepted) (2010).
[8] Y. Liu, H. Wang, H. Shen, W. Chen, The 3-dimensional dye-sensitized solar cell and module based on all titanium substrates. Applied Energy 87 (2009) 436-441.
[9] Y. Liu, H. Wang, M. Li, R. Hong, Q. Ye, J. Zheng, H. Shen, Frontside illuminated TiO2 nanotube dye-sensitized solar cells using multifunctional microchannel array electrodes. Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 233505/233501-233505/233503.
[10] M. Zhong, H. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Li, H. Huang, H. Shen, ZnO microsheets modified TiO2 nanoparticles composite film for dye-sensitized solar cells. Chinese Science Bulletin 55 (2009) 1945-1948.
[11] Y. Liu, M. Li, H. Wang, Q. Ye, J. Zheng, H. Xu, H. Shen, Synthesis of TiO2 nanotube arrays and its application in mini-3D dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Physics. D: Applied Physics. 43(2010) 205103-205108.
[12] Y. Liu, H. Shen, W. Chen, H. Wang, Y.-J. Deng, D.-H. Wang, Novel photoelectrochromic cells fabricated with wirelike photo-electrode. Chinese Science Bulletin 53 (2008) 3173-3177.
[13] L. Tao, H. Shen, H. Wang, In-line measurements and analysis for the crystalline silicon solar cell shunts. Taiyangneng Xuebao 30 (2009) 1083-1086.
[14] Y.H. Wang, Y. Liu, H.X. Yang, H. Wang, H. Shen, M. Li, J. Yan, An investigation of DNA-like structured dye-sensitized solar cells. Current Applied Physics 10 (2010) 119-123.
[15] X. Wang, J. Ye, H. Wang, Effects of additives on the rheological properties and injectability of a calcium phosphate bone substitute material. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials 78B (2006) 259-264.
[16] H. Wang, X.P. H. Wang, J.D. Ye, Y.J. Wang, P.G. Rao, Rheological properties and injectability of a calcium phosphate bone substitute material. Key Engineering Materials 288-289 (2005) 557-560.
[17] H. Wang, H. Li, S. Liu, Preparation of TiO2 porous ceramic. Gongneng Cailiao 36 (2005) 1698-1700.
[18] H. Wang, Testing and analysis of X-ray absorption spectrum for TiO2 nanomaterials. Guisuanyan Tongbao 25 (2006) 206-209.
[19] H. Wang, L. Tao, Synthesis and mechanism of formation PI/MM nanocomposite. Guisuanyan Tongbao 25 (2006) 38-41.
[20] H. Wang, J.-h. Yu, Preparation of ZrO2 porous ceramic with controlled pore size. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao 29 (2007) 33-35.
[21] W. Zhu, C. Hu, H. Wang, B. Wu, H. Zhang, L. Fang, Structure and dielectric properties of new niobates A5LaSn3Nb7O3(A=Ba, Sr). Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao 28 (2006) 5-7, 14.
[22] H. Wang, Preparation of porous ZrO2 ceramics with controlled pore size. Zhongguo Taoci Gongye 13 (2006) 7-9, 25.
[23] H. Wang, J. Ye, J. Wang, Preparation of low-cost single-fired zirconium-free calcium opaque opacified glaze. Zhongguo Taoci Gongye 10 (2003) 25-28.
(中文雜誌由SciFinder Scholar 檢索)
[1] H. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Li, H. Shen, Self-assembled Multifunctional TiO2 Nanowire for Dye-Sensitize Solar Cells, The 1st International Symposium on Solar Cells and Solar Fuels, Dalian, China, 2009.
[2] H. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Shen, Synthesis of one-dimensional nanomaterials and its applications in all-titanium-based dye-sensitized solar cells, 2010 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), Sydney, Australia 2010.(Oral presentation)


[1] H. Wang, Manufacture of microporous TiO2 ceramics having desired pore distribution and pore size, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2006, pp. 5 pp.
[2] H. Wang, H. Li, Method for preparing composite ceramic water reducing agent, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2006, pp. 4pp.
[3] H. Wang, H. Li, Method for synthesizing titanium dioxide nanotubes with high crystallinity at low temperature (80-130 DegC), in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2009, pp. 5pp.
[4] H. Wang, H. Li, Preparation of branch-like zinc oxide nanoparticles for anode material of dye-sensitized solar cells, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2009, pp. 4pp.
[5] H. Wang, H. Li, Method for manufacturing photoanode of flexible dye-sensitized solar cell by compressing titania nanofilm onto plastic substrate, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2009, pp. 4pp.
[6] H. Wang, H. Li, Method for preparation of one-dimensional rutile-type nanocrystalline TiO2 grown on Ti sheet, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2009, pp. 5pp.
[7] H. Wang, L. Tao, Method for preparing high-temperature-phase zirconia nano-power, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2007, pp. 5pp.
[8] H. Wang, L. Tao, C. Hu, Method for manufacturing lanthanum-doped lead zirconate titanate thin film on indium tin oxide-coated glass substrate, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2007, pp. 5pp.
[9] H. Wang, C. Zhang, G. Tian, Method for preparing niobium-chromium-doped rutile-type yellow pigment used in glaze, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2007, pp. 4pp.
[10] H. Wang, C. Zhang, G. Tian, Method for preparing manganese-doped corundum-type pink pigment, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2007, pp. 4pp.
[11] H. Wang, C. Zhang, G. Tian, Method for preparing chrome-tin pink type ceramic pigment, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2007, pp. 5pp.
[12] H. Wang, C. Zhang, G. Tian, Method for preparing iron- and titanium-doped spinel-type blue ceramic pigments with uniform particle size, controllable composition and high purity, in, (Guilin University of Technology, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2007, pp. 5pp.
[13] Y. Liu, H. Shen, Z. Sun, C. Feng, H. Wang, Z. Zhang, Dye-sensitized solar cells based on integrated filament photoanodes with high electron-collecting characteristics, in, (Sun Yat-Sen University, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2008, pp. 9pp.
[14] Y. Liu, H. Shen, H. Wang, H. Xu, Z. Sun, Z. Zhang, Dye-sensitized solar cells based on integrated grid-shaped electrodes with double-sided high-efficiency light absorption, in, (Sun Yat-Sen University, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2008, pp. 10pp.
[15] Y. Liu, H. Shen, Z. Zhang, X. Dong, H. Wang, Z. Sun, Dye-sensitized solar cells based on high surface-area meshed photoanodes with good light-absorbing efficiency, in, (Sun Yat-Sen University, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2008, pp. 9pp.
[16] H. Shen, D. Li, L. Zhang, M. Li, H. Wang, Solar cell with light-converging flat plate and its fabricating method, in, (Sun Yat-Sen University, Peop. Rep. China). Application: CN, 2009, pp. 10pp.
(SciFinder Scholar 檢索)