


李霞,“龍江學者”特聘教授、北京“百千萬人才工程”入選者、博士、博士生導師、現任哈爾濱醫科大學生物信息科學與技術學院院長,黑龍江省優秀中青年專家。1993年任副教授,1997年破格晉升為教授,1999年12月到2001年1月受美國UNC與CWRU複雜疾病基因定位奠基人Robert Elston博士邀請,作為訪問教授赴美從事複雜疾病基因定位連鎖作圖和基因表達譜疾病基因發現等研究工作。學術兼職:國家863項目首席科學家,國家973項目負責人,國家863項目評審專家、國家自然科學基金評審專家、國家自然科學基金學科組評審專家、全國高等學校臨牀醫學專業八年制衞生部規劃教材《生物信息學》主編、《Nucleic Acids Research》雜誌評審專家、《BMC Bioinformatics》和《Bioinformatics》雜誌評審專家、《中國生物工程》雜誌理事、《生物信息學》、《生物物理學報》、《中華現代婦產科學》雜誌編委、中國信息協會常務理事、黑龍江省自然科學基金評審專家等。 [1-3] 
職    業
職    務
職    稱




李霞教授多年來一直從事生物信息學領域研究,先後承擔課題30餘項,其中,國家863高科技計劃項目3項(組長1項、副組長1項、參加1項),國家973前期項目1項(主持),國家自然科學基金項6項(主持 5項),獲省部級獎4項,廳局級獎8項,


李霞教授先後指導博士研究生50餘人,碩士研究生90餘人,畢業生已成為國內外著名高校和研究院所骨幹,李霞教授已發表SCI論文300餘篇,累計SCI影響因子161,總引次數116。尤其在癌症等重大疾病功能基因識別方法的研究取得重要研究成果,科學研究論文發表在國外著名生命科學雜誌《Nucleic Acids Research》(5篇,SCI影響因子:7.479),《Briefings in Bioinformatics》(SCI影響因子:7.329),《Bioinformatics》(SCI影響因子:5.42),《BMC Bioinformatics》(SCI影響因子:4.82),《中國科學》,《American Journal of Human Genetics》 (SCI雜誌影響因子11),《Journal of Medical Genetics》(雜誌影響因子7.7),《Progress in Natural Science》等上,並獲得省政府自然科學2等獎項,在複雜疾病基因作圖的模式識別方法研究領域做出重要貢獻,其中論文“Gene mining: a novel and powerful ensemble decision approach to hunting for disease genes using microarray expression profiling.”受到了Nobel獎得主Rich Roberts博士的好評,並迅速成為英國牛津出版集團旗艦科學雜誌《Nucleic Acids Research》的熱點文章(Hot Papers)。主編衞生部八年制規劃教材《生物信息學》、主編《計算分子生物學與基因組信息學》、《醫學遺傳學與遺傳流行病學數據分析》等10部。研製的人類遺傳羣體與家系資料分析系統(PPAP)已推廣到中國科學院、北京大學、上海第二醫科大學等60餘個單位,並已成功地應用於20多項國家自然科學基金課題與博士論文的數據信息分析工作。
[1] Yongsheng Li, Yunpeng Zhang, Xia Li, Song Yi, and Juan Xu, Gain-of-Function Mutations: An EmergingAdvantage for Cancer Biology. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2019. 44(8):p.659-674. (SCI IF: 16.688)
[2] Gao, Y., P. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Ma, H. Zhi, D. Zhou, X. Li, Y. Fang, W. Shen, Y. Xu, S. Shang, L. Wang, L. Wang, S. Ning, and X. Li, Lnc2Cancer v2.0: updated database of experimentally supported long non-coding RNAs in human cancers. Nucleic Acids Res, 2018. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[3] Li, Y., L. Li, Z. Wang, T. Pan, N. Sahni, X. Jin, G. Wang, J. Li, X. Zheng, Y. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Yi, and X. Li, LncMAP: Pan-cancer atlas of long noncoding RNA-mediated transcriptional network perturbations. Nucleic Acids Res, 2018. 46(3): p. 1113-1123. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[4] Lu, J., J. Xu, J. Li, T. Pan, J. Bai, L. Wang, X. Jin, X. Lin, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, N. Sahni, and X. Li, FACER: comprehensive molecular and functional characterization of epigenetic chromatin regulators. Nucleic Acids Res, 2018. 46(19): p. 10019-10033. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[5] Wang, P., X. Li, Y. Gao, Q. Guo, Y. Wang, Y. Fang, X. Ma, H. Zhi, D. Zhou, W. Shen, W. Liu, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Ning, and X. Li, LncACTdb 2.0: an updated database of experimentally supported ceRNA interactions curated from low- and high-throughput experiments. Nucleic Acids Res, 2018. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[6] Yuan, H., M. Yan, G. Zhang, W. Liu, C. Deng, G. Liao, L. Xu, T. Luo, H. Yan, Z. Long, A. Shi, T. Zhao, Y. Xiao, and X. Li, CancerSEA: a cancer single-cell state atlas. Nucleic Acids Res, 2018. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[7] Zhang, X., Y. Lan, J. Xu, F. Quan, E. Zhao, C. Deng, T. Luo, L. Xu, G. Liao, M. Yan, Y. Ping, F. Li, A. Shi, J. Bai, T. Zhao, X. Li, and Y. Xiao, CellMarker: a manually curated resource of cell markers in human and mouse. Nucleic Acids Res, 2018. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[8] Zhi, H., X. Li, P. Wang, Y. Gao, B. Gao, D. Zhou, Y. Zhang, M. Guo, M. Yue, W. Shen, S. Ning, L. Jin, and X. Li, Lnc2Meth: a manually curated database of regulatory relationships between long non-coding RNAs and DNA methylation associated with human disease. Nucleic Acids Res, 2017. 46(D1): p. D133-D138. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[9] Zhang, H., S. Luo, X. Zhang, J. Liao, F. Quan, E. Zhao, C. Zhou, F. Yu, W. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, and X. Li, SEECancer: a resource for somatic events in evolution of cancer genome.Nucleic Acids Res, 2017. 46(D1): p. D1018-D1026. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[10] Zhang, H., Y. Deng, Y. Zhang, Y. Ping, H. Zhao, L. Pang, X. Zhang, L. Wang, C. Xu, Y. Xiao, and X. Li, Cooperative genomic alteration network reveals molecular classification across 12 major cancer types. Nucleic Acids Res, 2017. 45(2): p. 567-582. (SCI IF : 11.561)
[11] Zhang, G., J. Shi, S. Zhu, Y. Lan, L. Xu, H. Yuan, G. Liao, X. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, and X. Li, DiseaseEnhancer: a resource of human disease-associated enhancer catalog. Nucleic Acids Res, 2017. 46(D1): p. D78-D84. (SCI IF: 11.561)
[12] Yue, M., D. Zhou, H. Zhi, P. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Gao, M. Guo, X. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Ning, and X. Li, MSDD: a manually curated database of experimentally supported associations among miRNAs, SNPs and human diseases. Nucleic Acids Res, 2017. 46: p. D181-D185. (SCI IF : 11.561)
[13] Xu, J., Feng, L., Han, Z., Li,Y., Wu, A., Shao, T., Ding, N., Li, L., Deng, W., Di, X., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Xia, L., Zhang, K., and Cheng, Sh, Extensive ceRNA–ceRNA interaction networks mediated by miRNAs regulate development in multiple rhesus tissues. Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, 44(19): p. 9438–9451. (SCI IF :10.162)
[14] Ning, S., M. Yue, P. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Zhi, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Gao, M. Guo, D. Zhou, X. Li, and X. Li, LincSNP 2.0: an updated database for linking disease-associated SNPs to human long non-coding RNAs and their TFBSs. Nucleic Acids Res, 2017. 45(D1): p. D74-D78. (SCI IF :10.162)
[15] Ping, Y., Y. Deng, L. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Xu, H. Zhao, H. Fan, F. Yu, Y. Xiao, and X. Li, Identifying core gene modules in glioblastoma based on multilayer factor-mediated dysfunctional regulatory networks through integrating multi-dimensional genomic data. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015. 43(4): p. 1997-2007. (SCI IF: 9.202)
[16] Wang, P., S. Ning, Y. Zhang, R. Li, J. Ye, Z. Zhao, H. Zhi, T. Wang, Z. Guo, and X. Li, Identification of lncRNA-associated competing triplets reveals global patterns and prognostic markers for cancer. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015. 43(7): p. 3478-3489. (SCI IF : 9.202)
[17] Xu, J., Y. Li, J. Lu, T. Pan, N. Ding, Z. Wang, T. Shao, J. Zhang, L. Wang, and X. Li, The mRNA related ceRNA-ceRNA landscape and significance across 20 major cancer types. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015, 43(17): p. 8169-8182. (SCI IF: 9.202)
[18] Ning, S., J. Zhang, P. Wang, H. Zhi, J. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Gao, M. Guo, M. Yue, L. Wang, and X. Li, Lnc2Cancer: a manually curated database of experimentally supported lncRNAs associated with various human cancers. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015.44 : p.D980-D985 (SCI IF: 9.202)
[19] Zhi, H., S. Ning, X. Li, Y. Li, W. Wu, and X. Li, A novel reannotation strategy for dissecting DNA methylation patterns of human long intergenic non-coding RNAs in cancers. Nucleic Acids Res, 2014. 42(13): p. 8258-8270. (SCI IF:9.112)
[20] Wu, D., Y. Huang, J. Kang, K. Li, X. Bi, T. Zhang, N. Jin, Y. Hu, P. Tan, L. Zhang, Y. Yi, W. Shen, J. Huang, X. Li, X. Li, J. Xu, D.Wang, ncRDeathDB: a comprehensive bioinformatics resource for deciphering network organization of the ncRNA-mediated cell death system. Autophagy. 2015. 11 (10): p.1917-1926. (SCI IF: 9.108)
[21] Li, C., J. Han, Q. Yao, C. Zou, Y. Xu, C. Zhang, D. Shang, L. Zhou, C. Zou, Z. Sun, J. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Yang, X. Gao, and X. Li, Subpathway-GM: identification of metabolic subpathways via joint power of interesting genes and metabolites and their topologies within pathways. Nucleic Acids Res, 2013.
41(9): p. e101.(SCI IF: 8.808)

