


李敏強教授(1965--),天津大學管理與經濟學部副主任、教授、博士生導師,教育部長江學者特聘教授,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,信息管理與信息系統學科帶頭人,天津大學黨外知識分子聯誼會籌備組組長,中國系統工程學會理事、中國運籌學會理事、中國軟件行業協會系統工程分會副理事長、天津市管理學會常務理事、天津市運籌學會副理事長、國際Association of Information Systems (AIS)學會理事、AIS中國分會(CNAIS)常務理事。參與創立管理學科頂級中文期刊《管理科學學報》、《Journal of Management Science and Engineering》。擔任《管理科學學報》、《系統工程學報》、《系統工程理論與實踐》、《信息系統學報》、《經濟與管理》等編委。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
天津大學系統工程 碩士;天津大學管理科學與工程 博士 [2] 
信息管理與電子商務、數據挖掘與商務智能、進化計算理論與應用 [2] 
職    務
天津大學經管學部副主任 中國系統工程學會理事 [2] 
李敏強,寇紀淞,林丹,李書全著. 遺傳算法的基本理論與應用. 北京:科學出版社 [2] 
221篇(截至2019年7月) [3] 
職    稱


李敏強,天津大學管理與經濟學部講席教授,國家傑出青年基金獲得者、教育部長江學者特聘教授、國務院政府特殊津貼專家、天津市勞動模範,入選國家“百千萬人才工程”。主持和參與省部級以上科研項目30餘項,發表學術論文150餘篇,撰寫專著3部,曾獲國家級科技進步獎二等獎1項,國家教育部科技進步獎4項,中國高等學校科技進步獎一等獎1項、二等獎1項,天津市科技進步獎4項。研究成果發表於MIS Quarterly, Management Science, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,《管理科學學報》,《系統工程學報》等期刊。 [4] 


2012年以來,承辦第七屆(2012)中國管理學年會、第七屆海外華人學者信息管理夏季(中國)研討會(CSWIM 2013)、中國管理研究國際學會(IACMR)研究方法研討會(IACMR Workshop 2014)、第七屆行為運籌學與行為運營管理國際研討會(BOR&BOM 2015)等4個國內外大型學術會議,顯著提升了管理學科的國內外學術影響力。 [1] 
主要研究方向是信息管理與電子商務、信息產品與信息服務、數據挖掘與商務智能、進化計算理論與應用。作為負責人和主要參加人完成省部級以上科研項目30餘項,其中負責和參加國家自然科學基金面上項目8項、重點項目2項。在國內外重要學術期刊和會議上發表論文共計110餘篇,撰寫中文著作1部,英文著作1章。曾獲天津市首屆優秀青年人才獎、天津青年科技獎、教育部新世紀優秀人才。 [2] 


工程碩士指導方向:信息系統工程,企業信息化,ERP/CRM/DSS/Cloud Computing。


2000 天津大學管理科學與工程 博士
1989.3 天津大學系統工程 碩士
1989.3-今 天津大學系統工程研究所、管理學院、管理與經濟學部 助教、助理研究員、副教授、教授
2005.6-2006.6 美國University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign(UIUC) 訪問研究
2002.2-2002.5 香港城市大學 合作研究


[4] Association of Information Systems中國分會(CNAIS)常務理事
[5] 《管理科學學報》編委
[6] 《信息系統學報》編委


[1]Jin Tian, Minqiang Li*, Fuzan Chen, and Nan Feng. Learning subspace-based RBFNN using coevolutionary algorithm for complex classification tasks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Accepted, Feb. 2015.
[2]Haoyuan Feng, Jin Tian*, Harry Jiannan Wang, Minqiang Li. Personalized recommendation based on time-weighted overlapping community detection. Information & Management, Volume 52, Issue 7, November 2015, pp.789-800.
[3]Zhiyong Liu, Minqiang Li*, Jisong Kou. Selling information products: Sale channel selection and versioning strategy with network externality. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 166, 1 August 2015, pp.1-10.
[4]Zhichun Wang, Minqiang Li*, Juanzi Li. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for feature selection based on mutual information with a new redundancy measure. Information Sciences, Volume 307, June 2015, pp.73-88.
[5]Fuzan Chen, Yanlan Wang, Minqiang Li, Harris Wu*, Jin Tian. Principal association mining: An efficient classification approach. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 67, September 2014, pp.16-25.
[6]Nan Feng, Harry Jiannan Wang, Minqiang Li*. A security risk analysis model for information systems: Causal relationships of risk factors and vulnerability propagation analysis. Information Sciences, Volume 256, 20 January 2014, pp.57-73.
[7]Minqiang Li*, Haiyang Feng, Fuzan Chen, Jisong Kou. Optimal versioning strategy for information products with behavior-based utility function of heterogeneous customers. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 40, Issue 10, October 2013, pp.2374 -2386.
[8]Minqiang Li*, Haiyang Feng, Fuzan Chen, Jisong Kou. Numerical investigation on mixed bundling and pricing of information products. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 144, Issue 2, August 2013, pp.560-571.
[9]Haiyang Feng, Minqiang Li*, Fuzan Chen. Chaotic Dynamics in the Software Market with Network Externalities. Soft Computing, Volume 18, Issue 3, March 2014, pp.509-519.
[10]Haiyang Feng, Minqiang Li*, Fuzan Chen. Optimal versioning in two-dimensional information product differentiation under different customer distributions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 66, Issue 4, December 2013, pp. 962-975.
[11]Minqiang Li*, Dan Lin, Jisong Kou. A hybrid niching PSO enhanced with recombination-replacement crowding strategy for multimodal function optimization. Applied Soft Computing, volume 12, issue 3, March 2012, pp.975-987.
[12]Jin Tian, Minqiang Li*, Fuzan Chen, Jisong Kou. Coevolutionary learning of neural network ensemble for complex classification tasks. Pattern Recognition, volume 45, issue 4, April 2012, Pages 1373-1385.
[13]Minqiang Li*, Haiyang Feng, Fuzan Chen. Optimal versioning and pricing of information products with considering or not common valuation of customers. Computers & Industrial Engineering, volume 63, issue 1, August 2012, pp.173-183.
[14]Yun Fu, Minqiang Li*, Fuzan Chen. Impact propagation and risk assessment of requirement changes for software development projects based on design structure matrix. International Journal of Project Management, volume 30, issue 3, April 2012, pp.363–373.
[15]Minqiang Li*, Liu Liu, Dan Lin. A fast steady-state ε-dominance multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Computational Optimization and Applications, volume 48, issue 1, Jan. 2011, pp.109-138.
[16]Minqiang Li*, Dan Lin, and Jisong Kou. Dynamics of fitness sharing evolutionary algorithms for coevolution of multiple species. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 10, Issue 3, June 2010, pp.832-848.
[17]Jin Tian, Minqiang Li*, and Fuzan Chen. Dual-population based coevolutionary algorithm for designing RBFNN with feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications, volume 37, issue 10, October 2010, pp.6904-6918.
[18]Minqiang Li*, Dan Lin, and Jisong Kou. An investigation on niching multiple species based on population replacement strategies for multimodal functions optimization. Soft Computing, Volume 14, Number 1, Jan. 2010, pp.49-69.
[19]Minqiang Li, Dan Lin*, Shouyang Wang. Solving a type of biobjective bilevel programming problem using NSGA-II. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 59, Number 2, January 2010, pp.706-715.
[20]Minqiang Li*, Zhichun Wang. A hybrid coevolutionary algorithm for designing fuzzy classifiers. Information Sciences, Volume 179, Issue 12, 30 May 2009, pp.1970-1983.
[21]Minqiang Li*, Liang Zhang. Multinomial mixture model with feature selection for text clustering. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 21, Issue 7, October 2008, pp. 704-708.
[22]Jin Tian, Minqiang Li*, and Fuzan Chen. A hybrid classification algorithm based on coevolutionary EBFNN and domain covering method. Neural Computing & Applications, Volume 18, Number 3, April 2009, pp.293-308.
[23]Minqiang Li* and Jisong Kou. Crowding with Nearest Neighbors Replacement for Multiple Species Niching and Building Blocks Preservation in Binary Multimodal Functions Optimization. Journal of Heuristics, volume 14, number 3, June 2008, pp.243-270.
[24]Minqiang Li*, Jin Tian and Fuzan Chen. Improving multiclass pattern recognition with a co-evolutionary RBFNN. Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 29, Issue 4, March 2008, pp.392-406.
[25]Chuangyin Dang* and Minqiang Li. A floating-point genetic algorithm for solving the unit commitment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 181, Issue 3, 16 September 2007, pp.1370-1395.
[26] Zan Zhang, Guofang Nan*, Minqiang Li, Yong Tan. Competitive Entry of Information Goods Under Quality Uncertainty. Management Science. Articles in Advance, 31 Mar 2021.
[27] Haiyang Feng, Zhengrui Jiang*, Minqiang Li, and Nan Feng. First- or Second-Mover Advantage? The Case of IT-Enabled Platform Market. MIS Quarterly, 2020,44(3): 1107-1141.
[28] Yu Wang, Minqiang Li*, Haiyang Feng, and Nan Feng. Optimal release strategy for the competing software vendors based on word-of-mouth effect. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2020, 24(1): 130-156.
[29] Weijun Zeng*, and Minqiang Li. Selective attention to historical comparison or social comparison in the evolutionary iterated prisoner's dilemma game. Artificial Intelligence Review, volume , 2020, 53: 6043–6078.
[30] Guofang Nan, Lina Yao, Chad Ho, Zhiyong Li* Minqiang Li. (2019). An Economic Analysis of Platform Protection in the Presence of Content Substitutability, Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(3): 1002-1036.
[31] Weijun Zeng, Minqiang Li*, Nan Feng. The effects of heterogeneous interaction and risk attitude adaptation on the evolution of cooperation. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2017, 27(3): 435 -459.
[32] Xiaoxiao Luo, Minqiang Li*, Haiyang Feng, Nan Feng. Intertemporal mixed bundling strategy of information products with network externality. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 13: 369-381.
[33] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li*, Fuzan Chen, Nan Feng. Learning Subspace-based RBFNN Using Coevolutionary Algorithm for Complex Classification Tasks. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016, 27(1): 47-61. [4] 
[1]李敏強,寇紀淞,林丹,李書全著. 遺傳算法的基本理論與應用. 北京:科學出版社,2002年3月第1次印刷,2004年2月第2次印刷,ISBN: 7-03-009950-5.
[2]楊海軍, 李建武, 李敏強著. 進化算法的模式、湧現與困難性研究. 北京:科學出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-033175-5, 2012年2月.
[3]Minqiang Li, et al. Real-coded ECGA for Solving Decomposable Real-Valued Optimization Problems. In Ying-ping Chen, Meng-Hiot Lim (eds.), Linkage in Evolutionary Computation, Springer, October 1, 2008, pp.61-86.
[4] 田津, 李敏強. 徑向基函數神經網絡及協同進化學習. 科學出版社, 2017. [4] 