

李平蘭,女,漢族,出生於1964年9月,山西人,博士中國農業大學食品科學與營養工程學院教授,中國老年學會老年食品營養與健康專業委員會副主任委員,中國農學會農產品貯藏與加工分會常務理事,中國食品科學技術學會乳酸菌分會理事。 [1] 


1982.09-1986.07 山西農業大學大學,本科
1994.09-1997.07 南京農業大學食品科技學院,碩士
1986.07-1997.07 山西農業大學食品科學系助教、講師
1997.07-中國農業大學食品科學與營養工程學院副教授、教授 [1] 


《中國釀造》雜誌編委,《現代乳品科學與技術》雜誌編委;中國老年學會老年食品營養與健康專業委員會副主任委員,中國農學會農產品貯藏與加工分會常務理事,中國食品科學技術學會乳酸菌分會理事; [1] 


承擔本科生《食品微生物學基礎》、《食品微生物學》、《普通微生物學》及《研究生大實驗》等課程的講授任務;主持教改課題3項,發表教學改革論文5篇,獲校級教學成果“一等獎”1項。 [1] 


5.食源性腐敗菌與病原菌的風險性評估及快速計量技術研究 [1] 



承擔國家自然科學基金項目1項,北京市自然科學基金項目2項,國家863項目2項,科技支撐項目2項,國際合作項目2項。 [1] 


主編出版《食品微生物學》、《食品微生物學教程》、《食品微生物學實驗原理與技術》、《發酵食品安全生產與品質控制》、《微生物與食品微生物》、等教材與著作12部。 [1] 


1. Liu, G., Wang, Y., Gui, M., Zheng, H., Dai, R., Li, P. Combined effect of high hydrostatic pressure and enterocin LM-2 on the refrigerated shelf life of ready-to-eat sliced vacuum-packed cooked ham. Food Control, 2012, 24 (1-2) , pp. 64-71.
2. Zhou, K., George, S.M., Li, P.L., Baranyi, J. Effect of periodic fluctuation in the osmotic environment on the adaptation of Salmonella. Food Microbiology, 2012, Article in Press.
3. Xu, R., Shang, N., Li, P. In vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharide fractions from Bifidobacterium animalis RH. Anaerobe, 2011, 17 (5) , pp. 226-231.
4. Liu, G., Wang, H., Griffiths, M.W., Li, P. Heterologous extracellular production of enterocin P in Lactococcus lactis by a food-grade expression system. European Food Research and Technology, 2011, 233 (1) , pp. 123-129.
5. Shen, Q., Shang, N., Li, P. In vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity of bifidobacterium animalis 01 isolated from centenarians. Current Microbiology, 2011, 62 (4) , pp. 1097-1103.
6. Liu, G., Griffiths, M.W., Wu, P., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Li, P. Enterococcus faecium LM-2, a m
ulti-bacteriocinogenic strain naturally occurring in "Byaslag", a traditional cheese of Inner Mongolia in China. Food Control, 2011, 22 (2) , pp. 283-289.
7. Xu, R., Shen, Q., Ding, X., Gao, W., Li, P. Chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of an exopolysaccharide fraction isolated from Bifidobacterium animalis RH. European Food Research and Technology, 2011, 232 (2) , pp. 231-240.
8. Shen, Q., Zhang, B., Xu, R., Wang, Y., Ding, X., Li, P. Antioxidant activity in vitro of the selenium-contained protein from the Se-enriched Bifidobacterium animalis 01. Anaerobe, 2010, 16 (4) , pp. 380-386.
9. Xu, R., Ma, S., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Li, P. Screening, identification and statistic optimization of a novel exopolysaccharide producing Lactobacillus paracasei HCT, 2010, 4 (9) , pp. 783-795.
10. Zhang, J., Liu, G., Li, P., Qu, Y. Pentocin 31-1, a novel meat-borne bacteriocin and its application as biopreservative in chill-stored tray-packaged pork meat. Food Control, 2010, 21 (2) , pp. 198-202.
11. Liu, G., Griffiths, M.W., Shang, N., Chen, S., Li, P. Applicability of Bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1 as a Novel Functional Starter Culture or Coculture for Fermented Sausage Manufacture. Journal of Food Protection, 2010, 72 (12) , pp. 2524-2529.
12. Liu, S., Fan, W., Zhong, S., Ma, C., Li, P., Zhou, K., Peng, Z., Zhu, M. Quality evaluation of tray-packed tilapia fillets stored at 0°C based on sensory, microbiological, biochemical and physical attributes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2010, 9 (5) , pp. 692-701.
13. Zhang, J., Liu, G., Shang, N., Cheng, W., Chen, S., Li, P. Purification and partial amino acid sequence of pentocin 31-1, an anti-Listeria bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1. Journal of Food Protection, 2009, 72 (12) , pp. 2524-2529.
14. Zhou, K., Fu, P., Li, P., Cheng, W., Liang, Z. Predictive modeling and validation of growth at different temperatures of brochothrix thermosphacta. Journal of Food Safety, 2009, 29 (3) , pp. 460-473.
15. Zhou, K., Cui, T.T., Li, P.L., Liang, N.J., Liu, S.C., Ma, C.W., Peng, Z.H. Modelling and predicting the effect of temperature, water activity and pH on growth of Streptococcus iniae in Tilapia. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2008, 105 (6) , pp. 1956-1965.
16. Li, P., Shen, Q., Liu, Z., Fu, P., Zhou, W. A newly isolated strain Pediococcus parvulus from Xuanwei ham, a traditional Chinese fermented meat product. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2008, 43 (8) , pp. 1387-1394.
17. Zhou, K., Zhou, W., Li, P., Liu, G., Zhang, J., Dai, Y. Mode of action of pentocin 31-1: An antilisteria bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus pentosus from Chinese traditional ham. Food Control, 2008, 19 (8) , pp. 817-822.
18. Liu, G., Lv, Y., Li, P., Zhou, K., Zhang, J. Pentocin 31-1, an anti-Listeria bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1 isolated from Xuan-Wei Ham, a traditional China fermented meat product. Food Control, 2008, 19 (4) , pp. 353-359.
19. Liu, Z., Jiang, Z., Zhou, K., Li, P., Liu, G., Zhang, B. Screening of bifidobacteria with acquired tolerance to human gastrointestinal tract. Anaerobe, 2007, 13 (5-6) , pp. 215-219.
20. Pan, W. H., Li, P. L., Liu, Z. The correlation between surface hydrophobicity and adherence of Bifidobacterium strains from centenarians' faeces. Anaerobe, 2006, 12 (3) , pp. 148-152. [1] 


“一種戊糖乳桿菌細菌素及其專用生產菌株與應用” 已獲得國家技術發明專利,授權號為:ZL 200510105985.5
“一種膽鹽水解酶及其生產方法與專用生產菌株” 已獲得國家技術發明專利,受權號為:ZL200610112696.2
專利“一種抗豬鏈球菌細菌素及其生產方法與專用菌株” 已獲得國家技術發明專利,受權號為:ZL200910076352 [1] 


項目“新型戊糖乳桿菌素的高效製備及其在低温食品中的防腐保鮮應用”2010年獲北京市科技進步“三等獎”。 [1] 
功能性乳酸菌靶向篩選及產業化應用關鍵技術,2019年度國家科學技術進步獎二等獎,主要完成人 [2] 