


李峯教授現任上海交通大學上海高級金融學院副院長、 [2]  會計學教授,上海高金金融研究院聯席院長。 [2]  李峯教授於2015年全職回國,自2015年至2018年擔任金融MBA項目主任、2016年至2018年擔任上海高級金融學院學位項目副院長 [2]  。加盟SAIF之前,李峯教授曾任職於密歇根大學羅斯商學院,自2004年至2011年擔任安永講席會計學助理教授,2011年被授予Harry Jones講席會計學副教授,並獲得終身教職。 [1] 
職    稱


李峯教授現任上海交通大學上海高級金融學院副院長、會計學教授,中國金融研究院副院長及上海高金金融研究院聯席院長。李峯教授於2015年全職回國, 2016年至2018年擔任上海高級金融學院學位項目副院長。加盟SAIF之前,李峯教授曾任職於密西根大學羅斯商學院, 2004年至2011年擔任安永講席會計學助理教授,2011年成為Harry Jones講席會計學副教授(終身教職)。 [2] 
李峯教授的研究領域包括財務報表分析、大數據文本挖掘、資產定價與風險管理,其論文發表在Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, 以及 Journal of Financial Economics 等國際著名學術期刊。由於在科研和學術上的卓越貢獻,2018年美國會計學會授予李峯教授“會計文獻傑出研究貢獻”獎,表彰其過去15年內對會計學教育、實踐或未來會計學研究做出獨特重大的貢獻。李峯教授於2020年獲得上海交通大學“教書育人”獎。
李峯教授於2005在芝加哥大學獲得工商管理學(會計和金融經濟領域)博士學位。 [2] 


財務報表分析、大數據文本挖掘、資產定價與風險管理。 [2] 



1. Huafeng Chen, jason V. Chen, and Feng Li. The Number of Estimates in Footnotes and Accruals, Management Science.
2. Chen, Huafeng (Jason), Jason V Chen, Feng Li, and Pengfei Li. 2022. Measuring Operating Leverage, Review of Asset Pricing Studies.
3. Chen, Huafeng (Jason), Shaojun (Jenny) Chen, Zhuo Chen, and Feng Li. 2019. Empirical Investigation of an Equity Pairs Trading Strategy, Management Science.
4. Chen, Jason V. and Feng Li. 2015. Discussion of "Textual analysis and international financial reporting: Large sample evidence", Journal of Accounting & Economics.
5. Li, Feng, Michael Minnis, Venky Nagar, and Madhav Rajan. 2014. Knowledge, Compensation, and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Communication, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
6. Li, Feng, and Venky Nagar. 2013. Diversity and Performance, Management Science.
7. Li, Feng, Russell Lundholm, and Michaael Minnis. 2013. A measure of competition based on 10-K filings, Journal of Accounting Research.
8. Dichev, Ilia D., and Feng Li. 2013. Growth and Accounting Choice, Australian Journal of Management.
9. Li, Feng. 2012. Discussion of Analyzing Speech to Detect Financial Misreporting, Journal of Accounting Research.
10. Lehavy, Reuven, Feng Li, and Kenneth Merkley. 2011. The Effect of Annual Report Readability on Analyst Following and the Properties of Their Earnings Forecasts, The Accounting Review.
11. Li, Feng. 2011. Earnings Quality Based on Corporate Investment Decisions, Journal of Accounting Research.
12. Li, Feng, and Suraj Srinivasan. 2011. Corporate Governance when Founders are Directors, Journal of Financial Economics.
13. Li, Feng. 2010. Textual Analysis of Corporate Disclosures: A Survey of the Literature, Journal of Accounting Literature.
14. Li, Feng. 2010. The Information Content of Forward-Looking Statements in Corporate Filings-A Naïve Bayesian Machine Learning Approach: the information content of corporate filings, Journal of Accounting Research.
15. Li, Feng. 2008. Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, and Earnings Persistence, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
16. Wong, Franco M.H., and Feng Li. 2005. Employee Stock Options and Equity Valuation, Journal of Accounting Research. [2] 


1. Bian, Shibo, Feng Li, and Zhipeng Yan, 2023, Do Small Investors Matter?.
2. Chen, Huafeng, Jason V. Chen, and Feng Li, 2021, The number of estimates in footnotes and accruals.
3. Li, Feng, Jun QJ Qian, Haofei Wang, and Julie Zhu, 2020, Stock Pledged Loans, Capital Markets, and Firm Performance: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
4. Kothari, S.P., Feng Li, and Xu Li, 2020, Monitoring Role of the Press – Evidence from Press Coverage of Chinese Firms Listed in the U.S.. [2] 


1. 臨港三週年總結評估資金自由專題 , 李峯,吳婷.
2. 2019上海金融科技發展白皮書 , 李峯.
3. 2020全球資本市場競爭力報告 , 李峯.
4. 2020上海金融科技發展白皮書 , 李峯.
5. 2020新冠疫情的全球蔓延對中國經濟影響的分析 , 張春,王江,屠光紹,李峯,嚴弘.
6. 2020應對突發全球性災難:疫期全球主要經濟體經濟政策分析 , 屠光紹,李峯,王江,嚴弘,張春.
7. 2021上海金融科技發展白皮書 , 李峯. [2] 