


張欣,服裝與藝術設計學院副院長、教授,兼職博士生導師,香港紡織及服裝協會(HKITA)會員,美國纖維協會(The Fiber Society)會員,陝西省政協委員。1982年畢業於華東紡織工學院(現東華大學)紡織機械專業,浙江大學機械學碩士,香港理工大學哲學博士,香港理工大學博士後,該校服裝設計與工程學科學術帶頭人,兼職博士生導師,中國服裝協會科技專家委員,教育部信息中心專家,香港紡織生物工程及信息學會副會長,香港紡織及服裝協會(HKITA)會員, 美國纖維協會(The Fiber Society)會員,《西安工程大學學報》編委,《紡織高校基礎科學學報》編委,《紡織科技精粹》編委,《JournalofFiberBioengineeringandInformatics》編委,陝西省教育督察員,陝西省政協委員 [1]  。職務/職稱: 服裝與藝術設計學院副院長,教授,兼職博士生導師。
國    籍
民    族
職    稱







紡織材料與服裝性能的模擬、測試及評價;數字化服裝工程; 服裝功能性與舒適性研究。




主編教材: 15規劃部級教材《服裝機械》,2003年底出版。




(1) 陝西省教育廳高學歷回國人員資助項目, "應用三維人體生物力學模型研究女性內衣壓力舒適性能"。
(2) 陝西省教育廳專項科研計劃(02JK144),"基於人體的三維數字化設計"。
(3) 陝西省科科技廳國際合作項目,“服飾的感官工程設計與力學模”。
(4) 香港政府教育科研基金,"Mechanical Comfort and Function of Compression Stockings"。
(5) 香港理工大學,"CAD Technology for Clothing Biomechanical Sensory Engineering Design".
(6) 香港理工大學, "Biomechanical Sensory Functional Design of Socks"。
(7) 香港理工大學,"Comfort and Mechanical Function of Compression Stockings".
(8) 廣東省科技計劃項目(2001A1020402):新一代三維網絡服裝系統。


1. 張欣, 楊國榮,李毅,姚穆;《服裝起拱與力學工程設計》;中國紡織工業出版社,2002. 10。
2. Zhang, X., Yeung K.W., Li Y., Yao M. and Kong L.X., "A finite element study of stress distribution in textiles with bagging", Computational mechanics : techniques and developments. Civil-Comp Press, (2000) (Edinburgh).


(Filing No: 09/840444),Digitized Mechanical Functional Design of Textiles。


張欣, 李毅, 楊國榮, 姚穆
紡織品及服裝力學性能工程設計的發展與現狀 (之一)(之一)紡織學報,2003.(4) (5).
邢琦 張欣
李毅 張欣 楊國榮
服裝力學性能工程設計CAD系統, 第三屆中國國際毛紡會議,2002.9,西安
袁燕 張欣 王樹根
Zhang X, Yeung KW, Li Y
Numerical simulation of 3D dynamic garment pressure。
TEXT RES J 72 (3): 245-252 MAR 2002。
Zhang X, Li Y, Yeung KW, et al.
Fabric-bagging: Stress distribution in isotropic and anisotropic fabrics。
J TEXT I 91 (4): 563-576 Part 1 2000。
Zhang X, Li Y, Yeung KW, et al.
Relative contributions of elasticity and viscoelasticity of fibres and inter-fibre friction in bagging of woven wool fabrics。
J TEXT I 91 (4): 577-589 Part 1 2000。
Zhang X, Li Y, Yeung KW, et al.
Viscoelastic behavior of fibers during woven fabric bagging。
TEXT RES J 70 (9): 751-757 SEP 2000。
Zhang X, Li Y, Yeung KW, et al.
Mathematical simulation of fabric bagging。
TEXT RES J 70 (1): 18-28 JAN 2000。
Zhang X, Li Y, Yeung KW, et al.
Fabric bagging - Part II: Objective evaluation and physical mechanism。
TEXT RES J 69 (8): 598-606 AUG 1999
Zhang X, Li Y, Yeung KW, et al.
Fabric bagging - Part I: Subjective perception and psychophysical mechanism
TEXT RES J 69 (7): 511-518 JUL 1999
Yeung KW, Li Y, Zhang X, et al.
Evaluating and predicting fabric bagging with image processing
TEXT RES J 72 (8): 693-700 AUG 2002
Zhang, X. Yeung, K.W.; Li, Y.;
Numerical simulation of 3D dynamic garment pressure
TEXT RES J , v 72, n 3, March , 2002, p 245-252
Zhang X., Li Y., Yeung K.W. and Yao M.,
Fabric Bagging: The Rheological Mechanism and Predictions.
Journal of The Textile Institute,Vol.92, Part 1, No.5, 2002.
`Li Y., Zhang X., Yeung K. W.,
A 3D Bio-Mechanical Model for Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Mechanical Interactions of Bra and Breast during Wear.
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Dai X.Q., Li Y. and Zhang X.,
Simulation of Anisotropic Woven Fabric Deformation with An Improved Particle Model, accepted by TRJ, Sept. 2002。
Li Y. and Zhang X.,
Mechanical Sensory Engineering Design of Textile and Apparel Products, Accepted by JTI, Feb-2003
Zhang X., and Li Y.,
Clothing appearance, apparel quality and human environment. First World Congress on Ergonomics for Global Quality and Productivity, Hong Kong.
Dai X. Q., Li Y., Zhang X.,
Computational Simulation of Clothing Mechanical Behavior with an Improved Particle Model, 82nd World Conference, The Textile Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 23-27, March -2002.
Li Y., Wong A.S.W., Zhang X. and Hu J.Y.,
Clothing Biomechanical Sensory Comfort, The NIH BECON 2002 Symposium, Sensors for Biological Research and Medicine, June 24-25,2002, at the Natcher Conference Center on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Li Y., Zhang X.
"Digitized functional design of textiles and apparel products". Forum on the Development of China's Textile Industry, Beijing, China, 29-30 Mar, pp.64-69 (2001).
Li Y., Zhang X. and WONG, Z.,
"Digitized technology for functional design of textiles and apparel products". Fashion Forum "Digitized Clothing Industry" in 2001 Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival, Shanghai, China, 25-26 Apr, pp.6-9 (2001).
You F., Wang J.M., Lou X.N., Li Y. and Zhang X.,
Garment's pressure sensation (1): subjective assessment and predictability for the sensation, International J. Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.5, 2002, pp307-316, Outstanding Paper in 2002 volume of the journal
You F., Wang J.M., Lou X.N., Li Y. and Zhang X.,
Garment's pressure sensation (2): The physical mechanism for sensation, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.5, 2002, pp317-328, Outstanding Paper in 2002 volume of the journal。
Xing Qi, Zhang X., Li Y.
Evaluation of Human Perception of Clothing Wearing Behavior with Computer Simulation, IFFTI International Conference,November 7- 9, 2002, Hong Kong.
J. X. Xiao, Y. Li and X. Zhang
Development of Smart Monitoring Garment, IFFTI International Conference, November 7- 9, 2002, Hong Kong.
Zhou Jie, Liu Jing Wei, Zhang X., Li Yi,
Study of Bra Pattern Principle Based on Human Factor, IFFTI International Conference, November 7- 9, 2002, Hong Kong.