


孫超,男,漢族,1968年9月27日生於陝西省商南縣西北農林科技大學教授,博士生導師 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別


1989年9月-1993年7月在原西北農業大學畜牧專業上大學,畢業後留校任教至今;1995年9月-1998年7月在西北農林科技大學攻讀動物遺傳育種碩士學位;1998年9月-2001年12月在西北農林科技大學攻讀動物遺傳育種博士學位;1999年2月-2001年7月在第四軍醫大學細胞生物學實驗室做合作研究;2001年12月晉升副教授;2003年5月被聘為碩士生導師;2003年9月-2006年7從本校生物學博士後流動站出站,2004年8月-2007年8月任學校實驗室管理處副處長;2005年入選學校首批“青年學術骨幹支持計劃”,2006年5月由副教授直聘為博導,2007年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”,2008年10月晉升教授;2009年2月-2011年2月在美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學醫學院肥胖與糖尿病研究中心做訪問學者和博士後研究;2013年12月擔任動物科技學院副院長。 [1] 


動物脂質代謝的可塑性調控及其遺傳機理、動物肉脂性狀形成的分子遺傳調控機理、肥胖症與糖尿病的發生機理及其防治、現代生物技術與動物分子育種。 [1] 


開展動物生物化學和分子生物學相關教學與科研工作,先後承擔本科生《動物生物化學》《分子生物學》等課程教學,為博、碩士研究生講授《高級動物生化》《蛋白質組學》等課程。帶領“動物生物化學”教學團隊獲批2015年省級教學團隊。 [1] 


(5)生豬綠色安全養殖、疾病防控技術研究與示範,陝西省農業攻關項目, 2014/01-2016/12,8萬元
(7)αMSH通過PKA和ERK信號通路調節豬脂肪沉積和Leptin及Foxc2分泌的分子機制,國家自然科學基金(31172185),2014/01-2016/12,58.0萬 [1] 


(1) Leptin調控脂肪細胞發育與代謝的分子機制,吳常信動物遺傳育種科技成果獎, 2015,排名1;
(2) 西北五省區重要地方畜禽遺傳資源研究,陝西省人民政府,陝西省科學技術獎,二等,2012,排名3;
(3) 豬脂肪沉積及其調控機制研究,陝西省人民政府,陝西省科學技術獎,三等,2016,排名4; [1] 


(1)Lu Gan, Zhenjiang Liu, Fei Feng, Tianjiao Wu, Dan Luo, Chingyuan Hu, Chao Sun. (2017) Foxc2 coordinates inflammation and browning of white adipose by leptin-STAT3-PRDM16 signal in mice. International journal of obesity.In press
(2)Fei Feng, Qian Ren, Song Wu, Muhammad Saeed, Chao Sun. (2017) Hoxa5 Increases Mitochondrial Apoptosis by Inhibiting Akt/mTORC1/S6K1 Pathway in Mice White Adipocytes. Oncotarget.
(3)Guannv Liu, Meihang Li, Yatao Xu, Song Wu, Muhammad Saeed Chao Sun. (2017) ColXV Promotes Adipocyte Differentiation via Inhibiting DNA Methylation and cAMP/PKA Pathway in Mice. Oncotarget.; 8:60135-60148
(4)Weina Cao, Meihang Li, Tianjiao Wu, Fei Feng, Tongying Feng, Yang Xu and Chao Sun. (2017) αMSH prevents ROS-induced apoptosis by inhibiting Foxo1/mTORC2 in mice adipose tissue. Oncotarget.; 8:40872-40884.
(5)Zhenjiang Liu, Lu Gan, Yatao Xu, Dan Luo, Qian Ren, Song Wu, Chao Sun* (2017) Melatonin alleviates inflammasome-induced pyroptosis through inhibiting NF-κB/GSDMD signal in mice adipose tissue.. DOI: 10.1111/jpi.12414. Journal of Pineal Research.
(6)Guannv Liu, Meihang Li, Muhammad Saeed, Yatao Xu, Qian Ren, Chao Sun. (2017) αMSH Inhibits Adipose Inflammation via Reducing FoxOs Transcription and Blocking Akt/JNK Pathway in Mice. Oncotarget. 8:47642-47654
(7)Li M, Beauchemin H, Popovic N, Peterson A, d'Hennezel E, Piccirillo CA, Sun C, Polychronakos C. (2017) The common, autoimmunity-predisposing 620Arg Trp variant of PTPN22 modulates macrophage function and morphology. J Autoimmun. 22. pii: S0896-8411(16)30324-9.
(8)Liu Zhenjiang, Gu Huihui, Gan Lu, Xu Yatao, Feng Fei, Saeed Muhammad, Sun Chao. (2017) Reducing Smad3/ATF4 was essential for Sirt1 inhibiting ER stress-induced apoptosis in mice brown adipose tissue. Oncotarget. Feb 7;8(6):9267-9279.
(9)Liu Zhenjiang, Gan Lu, Luo Dan, Sun Chao. (2017) Melatonin promotes circadian rhythm-induced proliferation through Clock/histone deacetylase 3/c-Myc interaction in mouse adipose tissue. Journal of Pineal Research. May;62(4)..
(10)Zhenjiang Liu, Lu Gan, Tianjiao Wu, Fei Feng, Dan Luo, Guannv Liu, Huihui Gu, Shimin Liu and Chao Sun*. (2016) Adiponectin reduces ER stress and apoptosis via PPARα transcriptional regulates ATF2 and AMPK/PKC signal in mice adipose. Cell death & disease. Nov 24;7(11):e2487.
(11)Lu Gan, Zhenjiang Liu,Tianjiao Wu, Fei Feng,Chao Sun*. (2017) αMSH promotes preadipocyte proliferation by alleviating ER stress-induced leptin resistance and by activating Notch1 signal in mice. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease.,(16)30245-9.
(12)Lu Gan, Zhenjiang Liu, Yuzhe Chen, Dan Luo, Fei Feng, Guannv Liu, Chao Sun*. (2016) α-MSH and Foxc2 promote fatty acid oxidation through C/EBPβ negative transcription in mice adipose tissue.Sci Rep. Nov 7;6:36661
(13)Liu Z,Gan L,Chen Y,Luo D,Zhang Z,Cao W,Zhou Z,Lin X,Sun C*. (2016) Mark4promotes oxidative stress and inflammation via binding to PPARγ and activating NF-κB pathway in mice adipocytes.Sci Rep.6:21382.
(14)Liu Z,Gan L,Liu G,Chen Y,Wu T,Feng F,Sun C*. (2016) Sirt1decreased adipose inflammation by interacting with Akt2 and inhibiting mTOR/S6K1 pathway in mice.J Lipid Res. Jun 17. pii: jlr.M063537.
(15)Yang H,An JJ,Sun C*,Xu B.(2016)Regulation of Energy Balance viaBDNFExpressed in Nonparaventricular Hypothalamic Neurons.Mol Endocrinol. 30(5):494-503.
(16)Gan, L., Liu, Z.J., Cao, W.N., Zhang, Z.Z., Sun, C*. (2015). FABP4 reversed the regulation of leptin on mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in mice adipocytes. Scientific Reports. Aug 27;5:13588.
(17)Gan, L., Liu, Z.J., Jin, W., Zhou, Z.J., Sun, C*.(2015). Foxc2 enhances proliferation and inhibits apoptosis through activating Akt/mTORC1 signaling pathway in mouse preadipocytes. Journal of Lipid Research, 56(8), 1471-1480.
(18)Gan, L, Yan, J, Liu, Z.J., Feng, M, Sun, C*. (2015)Adiponectin prevents reduction of lipid-induced mitochondrial biogenesis via AMPK/ACC2 pathway in chicken adipocytes. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 116(6), 1090-1100.
(19)Yan, Jun, Tan, Xiao, Yan, Guoyong, Feng, Min, Yang, Haili, Sun, C*. (2014). Recombinant Globular Adiponectin Inhibits Lipid Deposition by p38 MAPK/ATF-2 and TOR/p70 S6 Kinase Pathways in Chicken Adipocytes. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 92(1):53-60.
(20)Gan, L., Liu, Z.J, Zhang, Z.Z., Yang, X.b., Liu, J., Sun, C*. (2014). SOCS2 inhibited mitochondria biogenesis via inhibiting p38 MAPK/ATF2 pathway in C2C12 cells. Molecular biology reports, 41(2), 627-637.
(21)Liu, Z.J, Gan, L., Yang, X.B., Zhang, Z.Z., Liu, J., Sun, C*. (2014).Hydrodynamic tail vein injection of SOCS3 eukaryotic expression vector in vivo promoted liver lipid metabolism and hepatocyte apoptosis in mouse. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 92(2).
(22)Yan J., Gan L., Chen D., Sun C*. (2013) Adiponectin impairs chicken preadipocytes differentiation through p38 MAPK/ATF-2 and TOR/p70 S6 Kinase pathways. PLOS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0077716
(23)Yan J., Gan L., Qi R.L.Sun C*. (2013) Adiponectin decreases lipids deposition by p38 MAPK/ATF2 signaling pathway in muscle of broilers. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(12):7017-25. doi: 10.1007
(24)Jiang D.F., Zhang X.G., Yang H.L., Sun C*. (2013). Differential expression of lipid metabolism genes in the liver and adipose tissue of mice treated with evodiamine. Genetics and Molecular Research. doi:10.4238
(25)Yan J., Yang H.L., Gan L., Sun C*. (2013). Adiponectin-impaired adipocyte differentiation negatively regulates fat deposition in chicken. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. doi: 10.1111/jpn.12107
(26)Yang H.L., Feng M, Tan X, Yan G.Y., Gan L, Sun C*. (2013). Construction of suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 (SOCS2) adenoviral overexpression vector and its impact on growth-hormone-induced lipolysis in swine primary adipocytes. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12(2), 1283-1293.
(27)Li, Y., Ohms, S. J., Sun, C*., & Fan, J. Y. (2013). NF-kappa B controls Il2 and Csf2 expression during T cell development and activation process. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(2), 1685-1692. doi: 10.1007/s11033-012-2219-2
(28)Qi, R. L., Feng, M., Tan, X., Gan, L., Yan, G. Y., Sun, C*. (2013). FATP1 silence inhibits the differentiation and induces the apoptosis in chicken preadipocytes. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(4), 2907-2914.
(29)Yan, J., Gan, L., Yang, H. L., Sun, C*. (2013). The proliferation and differentiation characteristics of co-cultured porcine preadipocytes and muscle satellite cells in vitro. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(4), 3197-3202. doi: 10.1007/s11033-012-2395-0
(30)Yang, H. L., Feng, M., Tan, X., Yan, G. Y., Sun, C*. (2013). The role of SOCS2 in recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) regulating lipid metabolism in high-fat-diet-induced obesity mice. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(3),2319-2326.
(31)Zhao, Xia, Qi, Renli, Sun, Chao*, Xie, Yunfei.(2013) Silencing SOCS3 could inhibit TNF-alpha induced apoptosis in 3T3-L1 and mouse preadipocytes. Molecular Biology Reports, 39(9): 8853-8860, 2012/9.
(32)Sun, C*., Tian, L., Nie, J., Zhang, H., Han, X., Shi, Y. G. (2012). Inactivation of MARK4, an AMP-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK)-related Kinase, Leads to Insulin Hypersensitivity and Resistance to Diet-induced Obesity. Journal Of Biological Chemistry,287(45).doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.388934
(33)Nie, J., Sun, C., Faruque, O., Ye, G. M., Li, J., Liang, Q. R., Shi, Y. G. (2012). Synapses of Amphids Defective (SAD-A) Kinase Promotes Glucose-stimulated Insulin Secretion through Activation of p21-activated Kinase (PAK1) in Pancreatic beta-Cells. Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 287(31), 26435-26444. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.378372
(34)Sun, Chao*, Qi, Renli, Wang, Li, Yan, Jun, Wang, Yong. p38 MAPK regulates calcium signal-mediated lipid accumulation through changing VDR expression in primary preadipocytes of mice. Molecular Biology Reports, 39(3): 3179-3184, 2012/3
(35)Sun, Chao*, Wang, Li, Yan, Jun, Liu, Shumin. (2012). Calcium ameliorates obesity induced by high-fat diet and its potential correlation with p38 MAPK pathway Molecular Biology Reports, 39(2): 1755-1763, 2012/2.
(36)Renli, Q., Chao, S.*, Jun, Y., Chan, S., &Yunfei, X. (2012). Changes in fat metabolism of black-bone chickens during early stages of infection with Newcastle disease virus. Animal, 6(8), 1246-1252. doi: 10.1017/s1751731112000365
(37)Li, Y., Chen, G. B., Ma, L. N., Ohms, S. J., Sun, C*., Shannon, M. F., Fan, J. Y. (2012). Plasticity of DNA methylation in mouse T cell activation and differentiation. BMC Molecular Biology, 13. doi: 10.1186/1471-2199-13-16
(38)Li, Y., Ohms, S. J., Shannon, F. M., Sun, C*., Fan, J. Y. (2012). IL-2 and GM-CSF are regulated by DNA demethylation during activation of T cells, B cells and macrophages. Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications, 419(4), 748-753. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.02.094
(39)Liu, J., Jing, X. B., Gan, L., Sun, C*. (2012). The JAK2/STAT3 Signal Pathway Regulates the Expression of Genes Related to Skeletal Muscle Development and Energy Metabolism in Mice and Mouse Skeletal Muscle Cells. Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry, 76(10), 1866-1870. doi: 10.1271/bbb.120324
(40)Yang, H. L., Sun, C*., Sun, C., & Qi, R. L. (2012). Effect of suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 (SOCS2) on fat metabolism induced by growth hormone (GH) in porcine primary adipocyte. Molecular Biology Reports, 39(9), 9113-9122. doi: 10.1007/s11033-012-1783-9
(41)Li J,Romestaing C,Han X,Li Y,Hao X,Wu Y,Sun C,Liu X,Jefferson LS,Xiong J,Lanoue KF,Chang Z,Lynch CJ,Wang H,Shi Y. (2010). Cardiolipin remodeling by ALCAT1 links oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction to obesity. Cell metabolism, 12(2), 154-165. [1] 
  • 1.    教師  .西北農林科技大學[引用日期2019-10-30]