

surcharge,英語單詞,主要用作名詞及物動詞。作名詞時譯為“超載;額外費”,作及物動詞時譯為“追加罰款;使…裝載過多;使…負擔過重” [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈsɜːtʃɑːdʒ] 美 [ˈsɜːrtʃɑːrdʒ]
n. 超載;額外費
vt. 追加罰款;使……裝載過多;使……負擔過重
[ 複數 surcharges 第三人稱單數 surcharges 現在分詞 surcharging 過去式 surcharged 過去分詞 surcharged ] [1] 


surcharge /ˈsəːˌtʃɑːdʒ/ TEM8
1.N-COUNT A surcharge is an extra payment of money in addition to the usual payment for something. It is added for a specific reason, for example by a company because costs have risen or by a government as a tax. 附加費 [1] 


fuel surcharge 燃油附加費;燃油費;燃油特別付加運賃
surcharge preloading 超載預壓法
import surcharge [税收] 進口附加税 ; 進口附加費 ; 入口附加税 ; 出口附加税
port congestion surcharge [水運] 港口擁擠附加費 ; 港口擁擠費 ; 港口擁堵附加費 ; 疏港費
Deviation Surcharge 繞航附加費 ; 繞航附帶加之費 ; 附加費 ; 繞航費
Port Surcharge [水運] 港口附加費 ; 港口 ; 口岸附加費 ; 港口擁擠附加費
bunker surcharge [税收] 燃油附加税 ; [貿易] 燃油附加費 ; 附加費 ; 燃料附加費
Ice Surcharge 冰凍附加費 ; 炭凍附加費 ; 晞 ; 冰凍
Transhipment Surcharge 轉船附加費 ; 附加費 ; 轉舟附加費
Congestion surcharge 擁擠費 ; 擁堵費 ; [貿易] 滯卸費 ; 擁擠附加費
Over weight surcharge 超重附加費 ; 超重費 [1] 


  • 1The government introduced a 15% surcharge on imports.政府推出了15%的進口附加費。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Twenty dollar deception surcharge!附加二十塊的欺騙費。
  • 3It includes a surcharge for night driving.還包括夜間行車的附加費。
  • 4B: We demand a surcharge of 80 cents for it.我們另外收80美分的超重費。
  • 5What is the surcharge on this express letter, please?請問這封快信的附加費是多少?
  • 6Do you know who should pay Trade Effluent Surcharge (" TES ")?您知道何人應付“工商業污水附加費”嗎?
  • 7To pay for this, a $2.50 monthly surcharge will go on electricity bills.為了做到這點,用電居民每月將多付$2.50 美金的特別費。
  • 8Companies with less lobbying power, however, are required to pay the surcharge.而更少遊説力量的公司卻被要求支付附加費。
  • 9Experts predict that similar fuel surcharge hikes will affect other forms of transport.專家預言,類似的燃油附加費上漲將影響到其他交通工具。
  • 10The ticket cost 520 yuan, but she had to pay an additional 140 yuan for the fuel surcharge.票價是520元,但是她必須為燃油附加費多付140元。
  • 11Fares keep jumping: airlines have just added another surcharge to cover higher fuel costs.票價持續上調,航空公司剛剛增加燃油附加費,用以支付高額的燃油成本。
  • 12Weigh your bike - if you're over the allowance weight you may be stung with a large surcharge.給自行車稱重——若重量超過限額,你可能會花費一大筆超額費用。
  • 13"The renewable energy surcharge should not exceed current levels," Merkel said in the Bundestag.“可再生能源附加費不應超過目前的水平”,默克爾在聯邦議院説到。
  • 14Trips after 11pm will start at 18 yuan, including the fuel surcharge, compared to the current 16 yuan.晚上11點之後,起步價由16元調整至18元,其中包含燃油附加費。
  • 15The load factor for live load surcharge is the same for both vertical and horizontal load effects.就豎向和水平荷載效應而言,活載超載的荷載係數相同。
  • 16The Economist has previously argued that the capital surcharge on the largest Banks is inadequate.《經濟學人》過去就曾爭辯過,認為最大銀行的資本額外費不妥。
  • 17Complex domestic fuel surcharge levy no exact information, domestic route has higher ticket prices.國內燃油附加費復徵尚無確切消息,國內各條航線機票價格卻已上揚。
  • 18An even larger share backed a 5 per cent tax surcharge on millionaires - something proposed by Mr Obama.而對於對百萬富翁增税5%的提議,支持比例甚至更高——該提議由奧巴馬提出。
  • 19Messrs Shultz and Dam argue that the import surcharge was intended as “an attention-getter and a bargaining chip”.舒爾茨和戴姆認為進口附加税可以作為警示的標誌和討價還價的籌碼。
  • 20US Airways this month brought back a domestic fuel surcharge and increased its fuel surcharge for transatlantic flights.合眾國航空本月重新收取國內燃油附加費,並對跨大西洋航班的燃油附加費進行了上調。 [1] 