

skim,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞動詞,主要意思為“(從液體表面)撇去(浮物);掠過,擦過(表面);液麪上的表層物”等。 [1] 
類    型
詞    性


英 [skɪm] 美 [skɪm]
v. (從液體表面)撇去(浮物);掠過,擦過(表面);<英>用(扁石)打水漂;略讀,瀏覽;略微討論(或處理)(skim over);<非正式>(尤指一段時間內)挪用(小數額錢);盜用(信用卡電子信息)
n. 液麪上的表層物;瀏覽;脱脂品(尤指脱脂奶)
adj. 脱脂的;撇去浮沫的
【名】 (Skim)(美)史奇姆(人名)
[ 第三人稱單數 skims 現在分詞 skimming 過去式 skimmed 過去分詞 skimmed ] [1] 


skim over 掠過 ; 瀏覽 ; 擦過 ; 從
skim milk powder 脱脂奶粉 ; 脱脂乳粉 ; 脱脂乳
skim gate [機] 擋渣澆口 ; 撇渣口
skim coat 最後粉灰層 ; 平板紙 ; [建] 撇渣面層 ; 滑溜
dried skim milk 脱脂乳粉 ; 脱脂奶粉
skim rubber 膠清橡膠
skim riser 撇渣冒口
skim bob 撇渣包 ; 撇渣瘤
skim pricing 撇脂定價 ; 撇脂定價法 [1] 


  • Skim the jam and let it cool. 撇去果醬上的浮沫,讓它冷卻。
  • Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool. 撇去果醬上的浮沫,讓它冷卻。
  • I always skim the financial section of the newspaper. 我總要瀏覽一下報紙上的財經版。
  • You also can change the whole milk into skim milk or yoghourt. 你還可以把全脂牛奶換成脱脂奶或酸奶。
  • For the college student, the most helpful of these skills include making use of the various aids to understanding that most textbooks provide and skim reading for a general survey. 對於大學生來説,這些技能中最有幫助的包括利用各種輔助工具來理解大多數教科書所涉及的知識,以及進行全面調查時所需的略讀。
  • The regime was able to skim off about $10 billion in illegal revenue. 該政權能夠撈取一百億美元左右的非法收入。
  • You'd better skim the article to get the central thought when reading. 閲讀時,你最好通過略讀來掌握文章的中心思想。
  • Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple. 將1湯匙部分脱脂的乳清乾酪抹在一半的小肉桂葡萄乾麪包圈上。如果想要,還可以撒上肉桂,在上面放上蘋果薄片。
  • Skim milk is almost never skim milk. 脱脂牛奶基本都不是脱脂牛奶。
  • 1 ounce part-skim mozzarella cheese. 1盎司半脱脂莫扎里拉奶酪。
  • Or, you can skim the glycerin off. 或者,你可以把這些甘油弄出來。
  • When I read magazines, I skim and skip. ——讀雜誌的時候,我略讀和跳讀。
  • And milk-based drinks as well as skim milk. 牛奶飲料以及脱脂牛奶。
  • Of course, they skim. 當然啦,我們會快速瀏覽該目錄。
  • 1 ounce part-skim mozzarella cheese, in cubes. 一盎司半脱脂的意大利式乾酪切成方塊。
  • Unsweetened cereal with skim milk and fruit. 無糖穀物及少量牛奶和水果。
  • Boil the tallow in the water. Skim and keep skimming. 把動物脂放在水裏煮,把漂浮物統統撈起來。
  • I boil and skim while Tyler makes room in the fridge. 我提煉着而泰勒整理冰箱。
  • We want our code to be a quick skim, not an intense study. 我們希望讀者能夠快速閲讀我們的代碼,而不是細細地研究。
  • These, of course, are just examples and only skim the surface. 這些其實只是些例子,當然也只是冰山一角。
  • It may be slower, but it forces you to learn instead of just skim. 這會變慢,但它迫使你把掌握代替泛讀。
  • If they simply skim through the tests, they may be overlooking errors. 如果跳過這些測試,就可能忽略錯誤。
  • So, I'll go to Wikipedia and skim the article on whatever my subject is. 所以不管我在寫什麼,我都要先去維基轉一圈。
  • Once, in my first job after law school, my boss told me that I needed to skim. 在我畢業後的第一份工作中,一次老闆告訴我,你必須進行略讀。
  • The most dramatic difference is how much harder it is to skim the XML version. 最顯著的差異是瀏覽XML版本有多難。
  • If you are already familiar with Purify, you can skip or skim that article. 如果您已經對Purify十分熟悉,您可以跳過或者略過那篇文章。
  • Stick to 1 percent or skim-these varieties seem to confer the greatest benefits. 堅持飲用脱脂或只含百分之一的低脂牛奶,非常有益於您的健康。
  • Typically, users do not read Web pages -- they skim for relevant information. 通常情況下,用户不會詳細閲讀整個 Web頁面,而是會尋找相關信息。 [1] 