


question,英文單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“問題,疑問”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈkwestʃən] 美 [ˈkwestʃən]
n. 問題,疑問;試題,題目;(待討論或處理的)事情,議題;不確定,懷疑
v. 向……提出問題,盤問;對……提出質疑(異議),懷疑 [1] 
[ 複數 questions 第三人稱單數 questions 現在分詞 questioning 過去式 questioned 過去分詞 questioned ]


question /ˈkwɛstʃən/ CET4 TEM4 ( questioning, questioned, questions )
1.N-COUNT A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something. 問題
2.V-T If you question someone, you ask them a lot of questions about something. 詢問
3.questioning N-UNCOUNT 詢問
4.V-T If you question something, you have or express doubts about whether it is true, reasonable, or worthwhile. 懷疑
5.N-SING If you say that there is some question about something, you mean that there is doubt or uncertainty about it. If something is in question or has been called into question, doubt or uncertainty has been expressed about it. 疑問; 不確定
6.N-COUNT A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered. (需考慮的) 問題
7.N-COUNT The questions on an examination are the problems that test your knowledge or ability. 試題
8.→ see also questioning
9.PHRASE The person, thing, or time in question is one which you have just been talking about or which is relevant. 正被提及的; 有關的
10.PHRASE If you say that something is out of the question, you are emphasizing that it is completely impossible or unacceptable. 完全不可能的; 不能接受的 [強調]
11.PHRASE If you pop the question, you ask someone to marry you. 求婚 [非正式]
12.PHRASE If you say there is no question of something happening, you are emphasizing that it is not going to happen. …是不可能的 [強調] [1] 


in question 討論中的;成問題的;考慮中的
to the question 針對論題;切題
answer the question 回答這個問題;(馬在賽馬前測試時)跑得很好
out of the question 不可能;不知底細;根本談不上
no question 毫無疑問
without question 毫無疑問
open question 待決的問題;容易討論的問題
ask a question 問一個問題
out of question 毫無疑問
question mark 問號
good question 好問題;不易回答的問題
beyond question 毫無疑問;無可爭辯
an open question 未解決的問題
personal question 個人問題
raise a question 提出問題
the last question 最後的問題
technical question 技術問題
security question 安全問題;找回密碼問題;安全提問
rhetorical question 反問;設問;修辭性疑問句
put the question 要求投票決定;提付表決 [1] 


  • I was startled by her question. 她的問題讓我大吃一驚。
  • The first question is a cinch. 第一個問題是小菜一碟。
  • That's a very hard question. 那是個很難的問題。
  • He couldn't answer the question. 他沒有能回答那個問題。
  • The question is, can he deliver? 問題是他能履行嗎?
  • I was flummoxed by her question. 她的問題把我弄糊塗了。
  • His mind reeled at the question. 他的腦子被這個問題攪混了。
  • You haven't answered my question. 你沒有回答我的問題。
  • The question clearly angered him. 這個問題顯然激怒了他。
  • It is a purely academic question. 這是一個純理論問題。
  • I got stuck on the first question. 頭一個問題我就答不上來。
  • That's a loaded question. 那是一個意味深長的問題。
  • It was a rather difficult question. 這是個相當難的問題。
  • All right, I'll reword my question. 好吧,我換個説法來問這個問題。
  • Now that's a whole 'nother question. 但那完全是另一個問題。
  • Her political future is in question. 她的政治前途還是個疑問。
  • We turn now to our primary question. 我們現在轉到我們的主要問題上。
  • Sorry? Could you repeat the question? 你説什麼?能不能把你的問題再説一遍?
  • He answered the question on the spot. 他當場就回答了那個問題。
  • What question are you asked the most? 什麼問題是你最常被問到的?
  • Can I ask a question ? 我能提個問題嗎?
  • That's an interesting question, Daniel. 那是一個耐人尋味的問題,丹尼爾。
  • He was clearly rattled by the question. 這個問題顯然令他感到緊張。
  • Let's look at the question of security. 咱們來看一下保安問題。
  • The phrasing of the question was vague. 在這個問題上措辭模糊。
  • There's no question about their success. 他們毫無疑問會成功。
  • It seemed a perfectly legitimate question. 這似乎是完全合乎情理的問題。
  • She was obviously ruffled by his question. 她顯然被他的問題激怒了。
  • The question seemed straightforward enough. 這個問題看起來夠容易的了。
  • Again, the executive rephrased the question. 經理又重新表述了他的問題。 [1] 