


motivation,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“動力,誘因;積極性,幹勁”等。 [1] 
詞    性
釋    義


英 [ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌmoʊtɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 動力,誘因;積極性,幹勁;<南非>(支持請求或倡議的)事實與理由
[ 複數 motivations ] [1] 


learning motivation n. 學習動機
motivation to learn 學習的動機
internal motivation 內在動機
work motivation 工作動機
motivation theories 激勵理論
academic motivation 學習動機
personal motivation 個人動機
extrinsic motivation 外在動機 ; 外在激勵 ; 外部動機 ; 外加激勵
intrinsic motivation 內在動機 ; 內部動機 ; 內在激勵 ; [動力] 內發動機
achievement motivation 成就動機 ; 成就激勵
instrumental motivation 工具型動機 ; 工具性動機 ; 工具性學習動機 ; 工具型
Self-motivation 自我激勵 ; 自強不息 ; 自立
Motivation to learn 學習的動機 ; 學習動機 ; 動機
motivation research 動機研究 ; 購買動機調查 ; 動機分析 ; 動機調查
motivation letter 動機信 ; 動機信樣本 ; 留學意向書 ; 動機函
Staff Motivation 激勵員工 ; 員工激勵 ; 鼓勵員工 ; 人員激勵 [1] 


  • Money is my motivation. 金錢就是我的動力。
  • He's intelligent enough but he lacks motivation. 他很聰明,但缺乏積極性。
  • What is the motivation behind this sudden change? 這種突然轉變背後的動機是什麼?
  • He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth. 他承認自己缺乏動力,感覺懶散。
  • All research proposals must be accompanied by a full motivation. 所有研究計劃書均須詳述研究動機。
  • Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working. 大多數人説賺取報酬是他們工作的主要動機。
  • Team building, motivation, and performance feature widely in modern business-speak. 團隊建設、激勵和績效充斥在現代商業語言中。
  • Given parental motivation, we are optimistic about the ability of people to change. 有了父母的激勵,我們對於人們改變的能力很樂觀。
  • Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high. 除非你在為了讓自己開心而努力減肥,否則要保持驅動力很高將很難。
  • Don't let negativity ruin your motivation. 不要讓消極情緒破壞你的動力。
  • Yes, that was the motivation behind his decision. 是的,這就是他做這個決定的動機。
  • By will, I mean the desire and motivation to follow through. 我所説的意志是指堅持到底的意願和動力。
  • Privatization, or the threat of it, is a motivation as well. 私有化,或者説私有化的威脅,也是一種動力。
  • Students' inner motivation is essential to their developments. 學生的內在動力對他們的發展至關重要。
  • More basic than the cultural issues is the matter of motivation. 比文化問題更基本的是動機問題。
  • It seems to me that money is a strong motivation for most people. 在我看來,對大多數人來説,金錢是他們的動力。
  • But to really harness their motivation is to build upon their interest. 但是,要真正利用他們的動機就要依靠他們的興趣。
  • Was the profit motive your primary motivation for obtaining an education? 賺錢是你接受教育的主要動力嗎?
  • I want to be a better writer and maybe my muse will provide the motivation. 我希望成為一名更好的作者,也許我的沉思將為我提供動力。
  • Her motivation for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education. 她寫作的動機是希望女性有權接受高等教育。
  • Although the tutor will help, motivation for study is expected to come from the student. 雖然導師會提供幫助,但學習的動力應該來自學生。
  • As Louhivuori explains, "We have our own motivation to succeed because we love the work." 正如Louhivuori 所解釋的:“我們有自己成功的動力,因為我們熱愛這份工作。”
  • Once you understand these advantages, you'll have more motivation to step onto your yoga mat. 一旦你瞭解了這些好處,你就會更有動力走到你的瑜伽墊上。
  • It's widely believed that being curious about the world is the greatest motivation in learning. 大家都認為,對世界感到好奇是學習的最大動力。
  • Student's motivation and passion for study has been stimulated as a result of educational reform. 由於教育改革,學生的學習動機和熱情得到了激發。
  • We discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for the firm. 我們發現,每個員工都有能力和動機為公司創造更多的收入。
  • At least, a high level of motivation and smart strategies make someone a dedicated and efficient learner. 極高的動力和聰明的策略至少會讓人成為一個專注和高效的學習者。
  • In my opinion, motivation, rather than intelligence, often decides how far a person can go in his career. 在我看來,決定一個人在事業上能走多遠的往往是動機,而不是智力。
  • Generally, students' inner motivation with high expectations from others is essential to their development. 通常來説,學生們的內在動力和他人的高期望都對他們的成長至關重要。 [1] 