


詞    性
英 [ɪˈklɪps] 美 [ɪˈklɪps]


annular eclipse 日環食 ; [天] 環食
eclipse blindness 日食盲 ; 隱蔽期盲
Eclipse Touchmouse 觸摸鼠標 [1] 


  • 1A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow.預計日全食會出現在明天的某個時候。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2An eclipse happens when the earth and moon are in line with the sun.地球和月亮與太陽處在一條直線上,日食就發生了。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Mo did not want to be ruled by anyone and it is notable that she never allowed the men in her life to eclipse her.莫不想被任何人管制,很顯然,她從不允許她生活中的男性使她黯然失色。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon.日[月]蝕是一個有趣的現象。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated.日食發生的時間可以推算出來。
  • 6The super blue moon also occurred during a total lunar eclipse.超級藍月亮也會發生在月全食期間。
  • 7One astronomer actually left Paris to go off and to observe an eclipse.一位天文學家離開巴黎,去觀看月食。
  • 8Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century.她的作品在20世紀大部分時間裏都湮沒無聞。《牛津詞典》
  • 9The election result marked the eclipse of the right wing.選舉結果標誌着右翼的失勢。《牛津詞典》
  • 10A little later, of course, she, this nouvelle, this Lolita, my Lolita, was to eclipse completely her prototype.當然,片刻之後,她,這個洛麗塔,我的洛麗塔,便要徹底遮蔽她的原型。
  • 11The moon takes a bite out of the sun Sunday over the seaside town of Valparaiso, Chile, during a partial solar eclipse.週日,在智利的瓦爾帕萊索,日偏食階段的太陽被月亮咬去了一塊。
  • 12The total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.這次月全食恰好發生在冬至日。
  • 13See annular eclipse pictures.詳見日環食圖片。
  • 14Eclipse user interface elements.Eclipse用户界面元素。
  • 15Remember to restart Eclipse.記住要重新啓動Eclipse。
  • 16Eclipse modeling framework project.Eclipse建模框架工程。
  • 17Sponsoring Eclipse community events.贊助eclipse社區活動。
  • 18Eclipse and service creation environments.Eclipse和服務創建環境。
  • 19The play now seems to eclipse the work.現在,娛樂看起來使得工作黯然失色。
  • 20Eclipse "Frown".日食“蹙眉”。
  • 21In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.在印度,日食被認為是凶兆。
  • 22Keep Eclipse or an Eclipse-based product clean.保持Eclipse或者基於Eclipse的產品是乾淨的。
  • 23Wednesday's total eclipse phase will last nearly an hour.週三的這次月全食將持續降臨一小時。
  • 24Hence the Aztec sacrifices, the ancient rites of the eclipse.因此才有了阿茲·特克人獻祭,這些古老的日蝕儀式。
  • 25In a lunar eclipse, Earth passes between the sun and the moon.在一次月蝕中,地球將從太陽和月球之間經過。
  • 26Themoon's shadow darkens part of Earth during a solar eclipse.在一次日食中,月亮的影子使地球的一部分黑下來。
  • 27Central to the Eclipse technology is the Eclipse platform.Eclipse技術的核心是Eclipse平台。
  • 28Type eclipse -clean at the command prompt to launch eclipse.在命令行鍵入eclipse - clean,以啓動eclipse。