


cipher,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“密碼,暗號”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈsaɪfə(r)] 美 [ˈsaɪfər]
n. 密碼暗號(=cypher);以密碼書寫的東西;解碼;<舊>零,數字0;<正式>無足輕重的人,不重要的東西;(姓名首字母的)拼合字,花押;(管風琴音管因機械故障發出的)連響
v. 把(消息)寫成密碼;<古>做算術;(管風琴音管)連響
[ 複數 ciphers 第三人稱單數 ciphers 現在分詞 ciphering 過去式 ciphered 過去分詞 ciphered ] [1] 


block cipher 分組密碼
stream cipher 流密碼;密文流
cipher out v. 算出;(美)想出
cipher code 密碼 [1] 


  • All important plans were sent to the police in cipher. 所有重要計劃均以密碼送往警方。
  • The listener deciphers what you said according to his own reference of blueness and transmits it to you in his own cipher. 聽者根據他自己對藍色的理解來破解你的話,再用他自己的密碼傳達給你。
  • RC2 is a block cipher algorithm. RC 2是一個塊密碼算法。
  • The Caesar cipher is easy to break. 凱撒密碼很容易破解。
  • Sample application: Caesar cipher tool 示例應用程序:Caesar密碼工具
  • New directories also inherit the same cipher. 新的目錄同樣繼承相同的密碼。
  • She’s cool because she’s unknowable, a cipher. 她酷,因為她神秘莫測,因為她是個等待解答的密碼。
  • And how do you create the Cipher instance you need? 那麼如何創建你需要的Cipher實例?
  • Need to create an AES 256-bit Cipher to secure data? 需要創建一個AES 256位Cipher來保護數據?
  • I then re-initialize the cipher with the new iv object. 然後我用新的iv對象重新初始化這個密碼。
  • The cipher used to encrypt files is the inherited cipher. 用於加密文件的密碼是繼承而來的密碼。
  • The IV is then separated from the actual cipher byte array. 接着將IV與真正的密碼字節數組分離。
  • The cipher object will perform the actual DES-CBC operations. 這個cipher對象將執行實際的DES - CBC操作。
  • And the Engineer is no robotic cipher, but a very human enemy. 這個工程師不是機器密碼,而卻是人類的敵人。
  • Switch to the SSL tab view, and specify a cipher specification. 切換到SSL選項卡視圖,並指定密碼規範。
  • Very well, I begin to cipher out the German for that answer. 好吧,我開始搜腸刮肚嘗試用德語作答。
  • Caesar cipher is a very old and straightforward encryption algorithm. Caesar密碼是一種非常古老、簡單的加密算法。
  • A Cipher class object is created and initiated in the decryption mode. 這樣就用解密方式創建並初始化了cipher類對象。
  • And then compile it and run it to cipher the message in hello.txt. 然後,編譯這個程序並運行它來加密hello . txt中的消息。
  • Next I create a Cipher class object and initiate it in encryption mode. 接着創建cipher類對象,並以加密方式對它初始化。
  • The next step is to initiate the cipher object by calling its init method. 下一步是調用cipher對象的init方法初始化這個對象。
  • The cipher text string is then passed to the getCipherDataDoc private method. 接着該密碼文本字符串傳遞給getcipherdatadoc私有方法。
  • The mode of encryption is CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) with 8-byte block size. 加密方式是塊大小為 8 字節的CBC(CipherBlockChaining,密碼塊鏈接)。
  • Recall from my earlier discussion that CBC asks for cipher-block chaining. 回想在前面的討論中説過,CBC要求密文塊鏈接。
  • The article USES the Caesar cipher tool as sample program for later discussion. 在後面的討論中,以Caesar密碼工具作為示例程序。
  • If you don't specify this, the ripemd160 digest and aes-128 cipher will be used. 如果沒有進行這個指定,將使用ripemd160摘要和aes- 128密碼。
  • Key: Key is a means of converting a plain-text into cipher-text and vice versa. 密鑰:密鑰是一種在明文與密文之間相互轉換的方式。
  • Finally, Firefox sent out one last unencrypted message, a "Change Cipher Spec" record. 最後Firefox發出最後一條沒加密的消息,一個“ChangeCipherSpec”記錄。
  • I have provided support for the TripleDES block cipher algorithm only for demonstration. 我已經對tripledes塊密碼算法提供了支持,但只用於演示。
  • Or it could be a cipher, in which text is converted into other text using some algorithm. 或者可以是密碼的形式,通過某種算法將某種文本轉換為其他文本。 [1] 