

tame,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞動詞,主要意思為“馴服的,不怕人的;馴化,馴服”等。 [1] 
英 [teɪm] 美 [teɪm]
詞    性


英 [teɪm] 美 [teɪm]
adj. 馴服的,不怕人的;平淡無奇的,枯燥乏味的;聽使喚的,温順的;<美> (植物)經栽培的;(土地)經開墾的
v. 馴化,馴服;制服,控制;開墾,開闢;使變得平淡
【名】 (Tame)(捷)塔梅(人名)
[ 第三人稱單數 tames 現在分詞 taming 過去式 tamed 過去分詞 tamed 比較級 tamer或more tame 最高級 tamest或most tame ] [1] 


tame dogs 訓狗 ; 馴狗
tame me home 帶我回家
Tame cooked 直至馴熟 ; 轉為馴熟
tame distribution 緩增廣義函數 [1] 


  • They never became tame; they would run away if you approached them. 它們從沒有被馴服,如果你靠近,它們就跑開了。
  • These ideas may seem tame today, but they were inflammatory in his time. 這些想法今天看來也許是平淡乏味的,但在他那個時代卻是很有煽動性的。
  • They are quite easy to tame. 它們很容易馴養。
  • Tame your tummy. 馴服你的胃。
  • "My intended has told me so much good of you, my dear young lady," said the tame Raven. “我親愛的小姐,我的未婚夫對我説了許多關於你的好話。”那隻馴服了的烏鴉説。
  • The fox and the crow were with him again and this time, he had brought two tame squirrels. 狐狸和烏鴉又和他一起,這次,他帶來了兩隻馴服的松鼠。
  • The future numerous times they have to spend together, they have to tame the beast over-confident. 在將來他們必須生活在一起,他們不得不馴服自己心中過於自信的野獸。
  • The game ended in a tame 1-1 draw that probably would have slipped from the memory had it not been my first visit to the Monumental. 這場比賽以平淡的1-1打平結束,如果不是因為這是我第一次去紀念碑球場,我可能已經忘記了。
  • I hope I'm wrong and Clegg really will tame the Tories—but I'm braced for this movie turning into One Shotgun Wedding and A Bloody Long Funeral. 我希望我是錯的,克萊格真的能馴服保守黨——但我已經對這部電影會變成一場強制性的婚禮和一場血腥漫長的葬禮做好了準備。
  • Remember that Aquarius man in love is not overly different than he is as your friend. Do not try to tame him, give him free rein and just follow him. 記住,戀愛中的水瓶座和你的朋友並沒有太大的不同。不要試圖馴服他,給他自由,只是跟隨他。
  • She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger. 她竭力壓制心頭怒火。
  • The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild. 這隻鳥養得太温馴了,現在很難在野生環境中生存。
  • You'll find life here pretty tame after New York. 這裏的生活相當枯燥,與紐約形成對比。
  • The Amazons were believed to have been the first to tame horses. 亞馬遜人被認為是最早馴化了馬的人。
  • I have a tame doctor who'll always give me a sick note when I want a day off. 我的醫生對我有求必應。我想要休一天假時,他總會給我開病假條。
  • Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering. 馴化的鳥在人靠近時會伸長脖子,豎起脖子上的羽毛。
  • You must do well in school and tame your fears. 你必須在學校好好表現,並克服恐懼。
  • India's normally tame middle class is speaking up against social ills. 印度通常温馴的中產階級正在大聲疾呼,反對社會弊病。
  • Parliament has in fact already authorized the government to tame the tobacco trade. 事實上,議會已經授權政府來控制煙草貿易。
  • It is most of all pride that Hobbes wants to tame and of course the very title of his book, Leviathan. 霍布斯想要控制的是所有的驕傲,當然還有他的書《利維坦》的題目。
  • For the last decade, Hollywood and big music have spent time not innovating, but trying to get the U.S. Congress to help them tame the Internet. 在過去的十年裏,好萊塢和大唱片公司沒有把時間花在創新上,而是試圖讓美國國會幫助他們駕馭互聯網。
  • Inflation also remains tame. 通貨膨脹也保持馴服。
  • 'We'll tame the Yenisey river!' 我們將要征服葉尼塞河!
  • The squirrels are very tame. 松鼠是非常温馴的。
  • "Please — tame me!" he said. “請你馴服我吧!”他説。
  • Somehow they found a way to tame wild cattle. 也不知如何,他們尋找到了一種方法來馴服野牛。
  • It is not difficult to ride a tame horse. 騎一匹温馴的馬並不難。
  • For, sure as hell, we are too tame to try. 讓他們把他整出去!當然是地獄,我們姑且一試。 [1] 