


ROGUE,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞動詞,主要意思為“淘氣鬼;無賴,流氓;暴戾的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [rəʊɡ] 美 [roʊɡ]
n. 淘氣鬼,調皮鬼,搗蛋鬼;無賴,流氓;(尤指植物的)劣種
adj. 行為失常的,暴戾的;(野獸)離羣而危險的
v. 除去(劣種,雜種),為(田地)的作物去劣(或去雜);欺詐;遊手好閒,流浪
【名】 (Rogue)(法)羅格(人名)
[ 複數 rogues 第三人稱單數 rogues 現在分詞 roguing或rogueing 過去式 rogued 過去分詞 rogued ] [1] 


rogue red 胭脂紅 ; 脂粉紅 [1] 


  • Tell me, impudent little rogue, does your story end here? 告訴我,無禮的小淘氣,你的故事説完了嗎?
  • Washington insists its shield plan is not directed against Russia but threats from "rogue states" such as Iran. 華盛頓堅稱,其防禦計劃不是針對俄羅斯,但威脅來自“無賴國家”如伊朗。
  • Mr. Ward wasn't a rogue at all. 沃德先生根本不是個無賴。
  • He's a bit of a rogue, but very charming. 他好搗蛋,但卻很討人喜歡。
  • Their electronic navigation failed and a rogue wave swamped the boat. 他們的電子導航裝置失靈了,一個巨浪吞沒了那隻船。
  • Computer systems throughout the country are being affected by a series of mysterious rogue programs, known as viruses. 全國的計算機系統正受到一系列稱作病毒的神秘的異常程序的影響。
  • The wolf was very angry, and called Sultan "an old rogue", and swore he would have his revenge. 狼非常生氣,罵蘇丹是“老壞蛋”,發誓他要報仇。
  • He is an unscrupulous rogue. No one believes him. 他是一個刁滑之徒,沒有人相信他。
  • No way it is a rogue operation. 這絕不是流氓行動。
  • They defined him as a rogue. 他們確定他為騙子。
  • This brings us back to our rogue trader. 讓我們回到流氓交易員一事上來。
  • Identifying and capturing rogue users. 鑑別並捕捉非法用户。
  • This kind of services is called rogue service. 這類服務被稱為Rogue服務。
  • Little rogue biting its tail just by her left ear. 這個小淘氣就在她左耳邊咬住自己的尾巴。
  • This is not going to stop a dedicated rogue actor. 這要阻止一個蓄意而為的流氓是遠遠不夠的。
  • Finally, a rogue economist would throw in something free. 最後,無賴經濟學家會拋出一些贈品。
  • What if you need to shut down several rogue CGI processes? 如果您需要關閉幾個有問題的CGI進程,怎麼辦?
  • Such conditions are almost bound to produce rogue traders. 這樣的條件幾乎確定無疑地會滋生無賴交易者。
  • So dump your boyfriend and find a rogue. Date him for a year. 既然如此,就甩掉你的男友,另外找個花花公子交往一年看看。
  • This helps ensure that rogue queries do not take over a database. 這確保惡意的查詢不會佔用整個數據庫的資源。
  • Rogue waves are not tsunamis, which are set in motion by earthquakes. 超級巨浪並非是由地震活動引發的海嘯。
  • In this case, we are concerned with the danger of a rogue application. 在這種情況中,我們關心的是惡意應用程序的危害性。
  • Recently, some researchers even claimed to have detected such rogue planets. 最近,一些研究人員聲稱發現了這樣的流浪行星。
  • Once a rogue bear is on the prowl, it is not just foolish to provoke it. 只要一頭無所事事的灰熊在野地徘徊,而人們在這種情況下去惹惱此龐物就不僅是愚蠢了。
  • The plaques are globs of rogue protein in the spaces between nerve cells. 斑塊是位於神經細胞間的變態的蛋白質團。
  • The link inside the email maps to a rogue site that collects the information. 郵件內的鏈接映射到另一個蒐集信息的非法站點。
  • The tangles are made of a different rogue protein, and form inside nerve cells. 而陶蛋白纏結則是在細胞內由另一種變態的蛋白質形成的。
  • Will rogue scientists eventually learn how to use the same techniques for evil? 是否那些沒有公德心的科學家們最終會掌握這種技術,並用它作惡多端麼? [1] 