


Neutral,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“中立的,不偏不倚的;中性的”等。 [1] 
釋    義
詞    性


英 [ˈnjuːtrəl] 美 [ˈnuːtrəl]
adj. 中立的,不偏不倚的;中性的,不帶感情色彩的;暗淡的,素淨的;(化學中)中性的,非酸非鹼的;不帶電的
n. (車輛排擋的)空擋;中立者,中立國;素淨色,中和色;不活動,停滯;不帶電的接觸點
[ 複數 neutrals 比較級 more neutral 最高級 most neutral ] [1] 


neutral point 中性點;中和點
neutral grounding 中性接地;中點接地
neutral salt 中性鹽;中式鹽
neutral position 空檔位置;中間位置;中性位置;空擋
neutral axis n. 中性軸
neutral detergent 中性洗滌劑,中性去污劑
neutral protease 中性蛋白酶
neutral red 中性紅
risk neutral 風險中性;風險中立
neutral line 中性線;中線
carbon neutral 碳中和;碳平衡
neutral plane [電]中和平面
neutral atmosphere 中性氣氛;中性大氣;中性蒙氣
neutral surface 中性面
neutral wire 中線;中性線
neutral current 中性流;中性線電流
neutral beam 中性束
neutral ground 中性點接地
neutral atom 中性原子 [1] 


  • Let's meet on neutral territory. 我們在中立地區會面吧。
  • Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7. 純淨水是中性的,PH值為7。
  • Switzerland was neutral during the war. 瑞士在戰爭期間保持了中立。
  • Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral. 新聞工作者在政治上應持中立態度。
  • You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour. 如果選擇中性顏色的帽子,戴的時間會更久一些。
  • They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord. 他們希望他能為國家的和諧而追求一種中立而平衡的政策。
  • Switzerland joined UN after having been neutral for decades. 保持中立數十年後,瑞士加入了聯合國。
  • At the core of the book is the idea that "technology is neutral." 這本書的核心思想是“技術本身是中立的。”
  • What's more, both boys and girls wore what were thought of as gender-neutral dresses. 更重要的是,男孩和女孩都穿被視為中性風的衣服。
  • Neutral colours like brown, cream and black are practical choices for this sort of bag. 棕色、奶油色和黑色等中性色是這種包的實用選擇。
  • Male economists point the opposite way: 80% say women are favored or the process is neutral. 男性經濟學家則持相反的觀點:80%的人認為女性更受歡迎,或者整個過程是中立的。
  • The picture of the world that would seem to emerge from this story is that it is a morally neutral place. 從這個故事看來,世界的景象是它在道德上是中立的。
  • Sometimes I'm drawn toward the neutral view; sometimes I'm drawn toward the thought that being alive per se is good. 有時我傾向於中立的觀點;有時候我覺得活着本身就有好處。
  • You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red, but do whatever you can to remain neutral in both your words and actions. 你可能會感到心跳加速或臉變紅,但無論在言語還是行動上都要儘量保持中立。
  • His response, if you asked him point-blank about her battle, was to giggle nervously, "I'm kind of a neutral bystander on that one, " he said. 如果你直截了當地問他關於她的戰鬥的看法,他的反應就是緊張地咯咯笑着説:“對那個事,我算是中立的旁觀者吧。”
  • Neutral and pale lip colors look washed out in photographs, so choose a lipstick that's one to two shades brighter than what you normally wear. 中性色和淡色的嘴唇在照片裏會顯得蒼白,所以應選擇一種比你平常塗的口紅亮一到兩個色度的口紅。
  • Researching this phenomenon, another team asked volunteers to watch boring, sad, or neutral films, during which they could self-administer electric shocks. 為了研究這一現象,另一個小組要求志願者觀看無聊、悲傷或感情中性的電影,在此期間他們可以對自己施以電擊。
  • We decided to meet on neutral ground. 我們決定在第三方領土上會晤。
  • 'So you told her?' he said in a neutral tone of voice. “那麼你告訴她了?”他平靜地説。
  • Graham put the van in neutral and jumped out into the road. 格雷厄姆把貨車掛到空擋,然後跳到路上。
  • The ground wire in the house is connected to the neutral wire. 這所房子裏的地線接在了零線上。
  • I didn't take my father's or my mother's side; I tried to remain neutral. 我既不支持父親也不袒護母親,盡力做到不偏不倚。
  • When you have two adversaries negotiating, you need to be on neutral territory. 在你讓敵對雙方談判時,你應該採取中間立場。
  • Isabel put her magazine down and said in a neutral voice, "You're very late, darling." 伊莎貝爾放下她的雜誌,以不動聲色的口吻説,“親愛的,你太晚了”。
  • Three in every five interviewed felt that the budget was neutral and they would be no better off. 每5個受訪者中有3個認為該預算不會帶來什麼變化,他們的境況也不會改善。
  • At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending with the sky. 在地平線上,大片陸地變成一片連綿而暗淡的淺灰色,幾乎與天空交融在一起。
  • You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions. 你可以通過種樹抵消温室氣體排放,這樣你的飛行就可以做到碳中和。
  • The participants watched videos of people with neutral expressions walking towards them. 參與者觀看了一些面帶中性表情的人向他們走來的視頻。
  • Being carbon neutral means taking away the same amount of CO2 from the air as you put into it. 碳中和意味着從空氣中吸收的二氧化碳量與向空氣中排放的二氧化碳量持平。
  • They showed threatening, pleasant and neutral expressions. 它們分別表現出了兇狠的、愉快的和不帶感情色彩的表情。 [1] 