
Joseph Benjamin Askew

Joseph Askew 曾任牛津大學中國歷史講師寧波諾丁漢大學亞太研究所主任,現任寧波諾丁漢大學國際事務與國際關係學系現代歷史助理教授 [1] 
艾文皓 [12] 
博士 [2] 
職    稱

Joseph Benjamin Askew人物經歷

Joseph Benjamin Askew教育經歷

Joseph Benjamin Askew Joseph Benjamin Askew

Joseph Benjamin Askew工作履歷

2004年至2007年,在牛津大學擔任中國歷史的系講師。在牛津大學期間,發表論文Re-visiting new territory: The Terranova incident re-examined,載於Asian Studies Review的2004年第4期。 [3] 
2007年起在寧波諾丁漢大學工作,曾任寧波諾丁漢大學亞太研究所主任。 [1] 
現任寧波諾丁漢大學國際事務與國際關係學系現代歷史助理教授(Assistant Professor)。

Joseph Benjamin Askew研究教學

Joseph Benjamin Askew 接受採訪 Joseph Benjamin Askew 接受採訪
Askew 在寧波諾丁漢大學教授本科課程“中國與世界”、“亞洲與西方”和“資本主義的起源”,以及研究生課程“中國外交政策“。

Joseph Benjamin Askew人物作品

Joseph Benjamin Askew博士論文

Askew, J. B. (2002). The Status of Tibet in the Diplomacy of China, Britain, the United States and India, 1911-1959. The University of Adelaide. [4] 

Joseph Benjamin Askew書籍章節

Askew, J.B. (2022). Travelling Across Late Mediaeval Eurasia: Travel, Curiosity and Knowledge in the Mongol Period. In: Mueller, C., Salonia, M. (eds) Travel Writings on Asia. Palgrave Series in Asia and Pacific Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. [10] 

Joseph Benjamin Askew期刊

Askew, J. B.(2018).Power and Memory in the Han Dynasty: The Career Of Huo Guang Re-Considered.Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society China, 28(1), 228-250. [5-6] 
Askew, J. B. (2004). Re-visiting new territory: The Terranova incident re-examined.Asian Studies Review,28(4), 351-371. [3] 

Joseph Benjamin Askew書評

Askew, J. B. (2006). Collaboration: Japanese Agents and Local Elites in Wartime China.China Review International,13(1), 91-93. [7] 
Askew, J. B. (2005). Han-Mongol Encounters and Missionary Endeavors: A History of Scheut in Ordos (Hetao), 1874–1911.Itinerario,29(3), 154-156. [8] 
Askew, J. B. (2005). Modernization and Revolution in China: from the Opium Wars to World Power.Pacific Affairs,78(1), 133. [9] 

Joseph Benjamin Askew會議文章

"Discovering New Territory: The Terranova incident re-examined" at the Chinese Literature Conference held by the Division of Pacific and Asian History at the Australian National University.
"Another Look at Murder in China" at the "Mass Historia", National Post-Graduate Conference hosted by the University of Melbourne
"Murder in China" at the Workshop on Law, Identity and Code Switching at the University of Melbourne.
"War, Extortion and Kidnapping Across the Great Wall: The Career of Altan Khan Re-examined" at the Chinese Studies Association of Australia Conference hosted by the University of New South Wales.
“Road Building in Tibet: A new look at the 1943 border issue” at the Imperial and Commonwealth History Seminar in University College London.
“Murder, Torture and Orientalism in Canton” to the Institute for Chinese Studies,University of Oxford.
China History Matters panel at the Royal Historical Society, University College London. [2] 

Joseph Benjamin Askew人物評價

2022年,寧波諾丁漢大學國際事務與國際關係學畢業生、現任復旦大學歷史學系青年副研究員孫遇洲表示,是當代歷史助理教授Joseph Askew的課程讓她意識到歷史絕不僅僅是枯燥乏味的史料收集和文獻閲讀,它也可以很有趣,這也激發了她對史學研究的火種。 [11] 
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