


JOKER,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“愛開玩笑的人;百搭;伏筆”等。 [1] 
涵    義
近    義
詞    性


英 [ˈdʒəʊkə(r)] 美 [ˈdʒoʊkər]
n. 愛開玩笑的人;<非正式>傻瓜,笨蛋;(紙牌中的)百搭牌,王牌;<美>伏筆,曲筆
【名】 (Joker)(瑞典)約克(人名)
[ 複數 jokers ] [1] 


The Joker Is Wild 啼笑淚痕 ; 藝海奇人
little joker 小王 ; 小鬼 ; 紅鼻子 ; 大王
big joker 大王 ; 大鬼 ; 年夜王
Joker Game 代號 鬼牌遊戲
waist tag joker 腰牌 [1] 


  • 1He is, by nature, a joker, a witty man with a sense of fun.他天生是個愛開玩笑的人,是個有幽默感的風趣男人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2If you do it too often, you can transform in the eyes of others from a confident joker to a Chihuahua dog.但如果你頻繁這樣做,在別人的眼中,你就會從一個自信的小丑變成滑稽的吉娃娃狗。
  • 3Batman may win every hand, but equity investors should still fear the Joker.《蝙蝠俠》可能戰無不勝,但股權投資者仍應提防着《小丑》。
  • 4That would be the Joker, of course, a demonic creation and the three-ring circus of one wholly inhabited by Heath Ledger.當然,那將是小丑,一個惡魔般的三環馬戲團人物,被希斯·萊傑完全地發揮出來。
  • 5The Joker, who doesn't care for money and wants only the power to sow chaos, intimidates everyone, including the gangsters.不愛金錢只想要權利來製造混亂的小丑,恫嚇所有的人,包括匪徒。
  • 6The Joker: Do I look like Im joking?小丑傑克:我看上去像在開玩笑嗎?
  • 7Defeating Joker is just the beginning.擊敗小丑只是一個開始。
  • 8The Joker: Its all... part of the plan.小丑:這都是……打算中的一部分。
  • 9A joker in search of spiritual nourishment.喜歡開玩笑的精神食糧追尋者。
  • 10Are you a joker?你喜歡開玩笑嗎?
  • 11The Joker: You just couldn't let me go, could you?The Joker:你就是沒法放手讓我走,不是麼?
  • 12That was the black and white joker, the little joker.那是黑白王牌,就是小王(小貓)。
  • 13The joker was choked by a stroke of smoke for his undue provoking.説笑話的人因他的**被一陣煙梗住了。
  • 14The Joker: Haven t you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?小丑傑克:難道你沒聽説過笑聲的治療力量?
  • 15So the Joker taunts and giggles, and Batman can only extend his wings.因此,小丑不停地嘲弄和大笑,而蝙蝠俠只能落敗奔走。
  • 16The Joker: But, you cant make an omelette without breaking some eggs.小丑傑克:你不能要煎蛋但卻沒有雞蛋。
  • 17The Joker: I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you… stranger.小丑:我相信,不管用什麼方法殺死你,你也不過是一個……陌生人。
  • 18The Joker: I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.the Joker:我信——殺不死你的玩意只會讓你變得更……奇怪。
  • 19The big joker, or colored joker's location was a secret and he knew that secret.那張大王(大貓),即彩色王牌的位置是一個秘密,他知道這個秘密。
  • 20The star (*) after a character or a joker indicates that it can repeat indefinitely.字符或百搭後面的星號( * )表明它可以與多個任意字符相匹配。
  • 21The Joker: [holding a knife inside Gamble's mouth] Wanna know how I got these scars?The Joker:[將刀塞進Gamble的嘴裏]想知道我怎麼弄到這些疤嗎?
  • 22And there's even a talk about a posthumous Oscar for Heath Ledger, who plays the villain Joker.甚至還有關於扮演villain Joker的Heath Ledger評選奧斯卡獎的言論。
  • 23The joker in the pack is a southern plan for a new pipeline to Kenya, cutting out the north.南放計劃排除北方,新修一條輸油管道至肯尼亞。
  • 24"I choose chaos," says the Joker, and those words sum up what's at stake in the Dark Knight.“我選擇生活在混亂中,”“小丑”説,這句話總結了《黑暗騎士》中形勢究竟有多麼危急。
  • 25Heath Ledger won best supporting actor for his performance as the Joker in "the Dark Knight."希斯·萊傑因在《蝙蝠俠-黑夜之神》飾演小丑而贏得最佳男配角。
  • 26The Joker: I ve been dead once already; its very liberating. You might think of it as... therapy.小丑傑克:我已經死了,它實際上是真正的解放。你或許會認為這是……治療。
  • 27The Joker wants to disclose the truth beneath the mask, convinced that this will destroy the social order.小丑想要揭露面具下的真相,他深信這將毀滅社會次序。
  • 28I got hooked on magic at the store and never used the cards — I was more of a practical joker than a troublemaker.在那裏,我迷上了店裏的魔術,卻一次也沒用過那副牌---比起惹是生非,我更多隻是愛惡作劇。 [1] 